. “It is understood that a Glasgow Club – the St Mungo – have their eye on the links situated between Gailes camping ground and Barassie. The character of the turf is similar to that of the Gailes Club, but does not, as it stands, naturally present such a variety of surface. Golf links south of Gailes would have the advantage of being within easy distance of either the new railway station at Gailes or the present station at Barassie. The ground is on the Fullarton estate, and belongs to the Duke of Portland.”
(Glasgow Herald 16.5.1894)
This never materialised and St Mungo continued to look for a home, including sharing the Gailes course with Glasgow Golf Club, until 1895 when it entered into an arrangement with Irvine Golf Club to share their course at Bogside. “The St Mungo Club has acquired the right to use the Irvine golf course and club-house at Bogside, the playing days being Tuesdays and Thursdays. Arrangements have been made with the railway company to stop trains on these days at Bogside Station, which is close to the clubhouse.”
St Mungo still plays over Irvine Bogside.