Dingwall had two golf clubs. The first was founded in 1894 in Jubilee Park. Little is known of its activities between 1896 and 1912, but closed during WW1. The second club was formed after the war in 1922, with a course at Tulloch.
Dingwall Golf Club 1. Instituted 1894.
John O' Groats Journal June 28th, 1894
“Under the auspices of several local gentlemen, a meeting was held in the National Hotel, Dingwall last week for the purpose of inaugurating a golf club for the town and district. The following gentlemen were elected office-bearers: President, Mr A Roberts, National Hotel; Vice-President and Captain, Mr Duncan, Solicitor; Mr Ross, burgh assessor, secretary and treasurer. The appointment of a committee of management was deferred until the formal opening of the golf course.
On Friday, the course, in Jubilee Park, was formally opened in presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen, when Provost Macleay by special request played off the first ball, and declared the course duly opened. In a few well-chosen remarks, the Provost expressed the hope that the club would have a prosperous career, and that many more gentlemen would see their way to becoming members.
Thereafter a foursome game was played off between Provost Macleay and Mr Robertson, and Mr Duncan and Mr Henderson, the game at the close being equal.”
Rosshire Journal, June 29th, 1894
" The new golf course in the Jubilee Park, Dingwall, was opened on Friday evening when the first ball was driven by Provost Macleay, who, in a few remarks, wished the new Club every success in their endeavours to promote so healthful an enjoyment. A pleasant game was then engaged in by several members of the Club."
"At the weekly medal and sweepstake competition on Saturday, the scores were :-
Gross Handicap Nett
Dr Duncan,Medal 96 18 78
Capt. Ellice,sweepstakes 102 18 81
Mr Bruce 104 18 86
Dr Besant 104 20 84
Mr Manson 96 10 86
Mr Mortimer 95 8 87
Mr Humphrys 105 18 87
Mr Dean 87 scratch 87
G. Simpson 101 14 87
W.F.Gunn 95 10 85
E.J. Gunn 105 18 87
L.M. Munro 117 18 99
J. Watt 116 20 96
D.Ross 117 14 103
W.R.Middleton 102 14 88
(Rosshire Journal, 10.8.1894)
“A match was played on Saturday over the Balblair course, Invergordon, between teams representing the Invergordon and Dingwall golf clubs."
(Rosshire Journal, 3.4.1896)
“On Thursday afternoon a team of fourteen golfers from Dingwall golf club visited Alness to play a friendly match against the local club.”
(Rosshire Journal, 28.6.1912)
Given the gap between this and the next reference, it can safely be assumed that the club closed as a result of WW1’
"Golfers at Dingwall have decided to form a Limited Liability Company with the view to setting up a golf course adjacent to the burgh.
A capital of about £500 is aimed at, and £400 has been subscribed. A committee is exploring the district, and will report soon on possible sites. There is a considerable area of grazing ground in the vicinity of the town, and some of these parks, might, it is felt, be available at a reasonable rent, to modify the cost of which it is suggested that grazing for sheepbe entertained." (Aberdeen Journal, 8.11.1921)
Dundee Courier June 16th 1922
Dingwall golf course
"Dingwall golf course was opened to the public yesterday afternoon, the first ball being driven by Mrs Davidson of Tulloch, who was introduced by Provost Crawford.
The course is splendidly situated on Tulloch Hill, behind the houses in Craig Road, with a magnificent view of Cromarty Firth. A nine hole course, it is not heavy.
Natural hazards is provided by hedges and trees, and pulling and slicing carry considerable punishment with them. The greens have been formed with expert car.
Dingwall Advertiser June 20th, 1922
'The first hole has a distance of 234 yards...Far and Sure long drivers would carry the green. Put it at par 4 and you give Colonel Bogey a chance to show his metal; perhaps the Colonel will be allowed 5. The second tee is lower down the field and the hole, 121 yards, if short, is tricky. Slightly uphill, the line is broken by a rich hedgerow, meantime a mass of blossom and tall trees. It is a good carry, but tricky because the hedge is nearer the hole than makes for simplicity. A par 3, 4 for Colonel Bogey perhaps. The second hole runs from the lower corner of the filed to the second line of hedge. It is 306 yards, the third longest on the course. If 5 is too liberal, it is not too generous for the Colonel. Craig is an ever-present menace for the sliced ball; the familiar hedge and line of trees guarding the green is a testing trap. The fourth hugs the Craig Wood and the hole is in the extreme corner of the further end of the course. A par 4, it is 285 yards, and the Colonel needs not less than a 5. Turning uphill, the fifth is 144 yards, just a nice mashie or mid-iron shot. A par 3, the Colonel need not complain if he is not allowed 4. The direct homeward journey is started from a tee in the upper corner of the park close to the high road. The grass here is less heavy and the going downhill. Still there is nor run on any ball there or elsewhere, and the 298 yards will ne a good par 4, and a fair test for the Colonel at 5. The green slopes pleasantly and like several others - all of them in wonderful condition - is undulating. The seventh is the shortest, just a nice pitch of 110 yards. Still there is the inevitable hedge between tee and hole. A ar 3 for all. The last two holes are long. The eighth is the longest of all, 365 yards. Starting from the extreme high corner of the second field - there are three lines of fields, each intersected by a hedge on the course - the line is down toward Kinnairdie farm house with the hedge a trap for the second shot. It is a clear par 5 and the Colonel deserved half a dozen. The home hole is dog-legged. It is 311 yards long and Kinnairdie farm house make a straight line impossible. A good drive however carries to a point which makes a direct second possible. Many people will often labour to make the corner with their third. The last green is sloping and a low-ridge bunker punishes the too-bold approach. Par value is no less than 5; perhaps if in generous mood the Committee may give the Colonel one more. The total length of the course is 2174 yards, The ground is well laid out, and since it is to be grazed by sheep, it is satisfactory to note that abundant space is left available for stock well out of the line of play. The greens formed are all of them natural turf, their relaying, where that was necessary, has been done with expert care and knowledge."
"The first of the annual inter club home and away competition between Dingwall and Strathpeffer Spa golf clubs was played at Dingwall. The trophy is a silver cup presented by Colonel Sir George Hastings.
Fifteen players a side took part, and Dingwall won 14 matches and drew one match. The return match at Strathpeffer on 23rd August should be less decisive, Strathpeffer will be supported by visitors" (Scotsman, August 1st, 1930).
Rosshire Journal May 1st, 1931
“The Dingwall Golf Club was opened for the season on Thursday last. The weather was ideal, and a large number of members of the club turned out for a mixed foursomes.
M Kelly told the company that, at the suggestion of Mr Douglas Vickers, of Tulloch Castle, a new green at the 6th hole was in the course of construction, the cost being born by Mr Vickers, who is taking a kindly and practical interest in the golf course.
Alluding to the recent successful cake and candy sale, held to assist in the upkeep of the course. Mr Kelly assured the company that the officials were anxious to avoid these sales, but it was impossible to carry on without them. He therefore appealed to the present members and friends and indeed to the Dingwall residents interested in golf, to do their utmost to increase the membership and thus to place the club in a self-paying basis. The golf course is an asset to the town and is well worthy of support.”
Club winds up
Aberdeen Journal May 7th, 1937
"Dingwall golf club has unanimously decided to go out of existence. The club was formed in 1921 with a capital of £500. In its first year there were 280 members. Since then the membership has gradually decreased until last year there were only 80.
This it is contended, does not justify the club continuing a nine hole course. Many older people engaged in play over it, and the decision to disband has been received with mixed feelings." (AJ 7.5.1937)