Motherwell Golf Club – 2. Instituted 1913. A 9-hole course, laid out by David Adams, the well-known Glasgow professional, in the Dalzell Policies.
Note: This club is not to be confused with the Motherwell club which started in 1894 and amalgamated with Hamilton in 1903/1904.
The New Golf Club
"Those interested in the formation of the new Motherwell Golf Club are losing no time. They have arranged for a well-known West Of Scotland professional to go over the site in the Dalzell Polices and to give his opinion if it is suited for a golf course, and if so, to suggest how it should be laid out. We understand he is to do this at once. A number of local golfers were over Broomside in the beginning of the week, and all expressed themselves that the site would make an ideal golf course.
A public meeting will be called within the next ten days, when all information concerning the course will be given, and at which steps will be taken to form a club and appoint office bearers. Later on, of course, one of our leading Scottish professionals will be asked to lay out the golf course. Within the last few years the idea has been steadily growing that Motherwell should have a golf club of its own, as it has been felt that the town could easily support one, and thus save local golfers the trouble of having to go to Hamilton, Wishaw, and Bellshill to enjoy a game. The promoters deserve thanks for their enterprize, and we hope there will be a large turnout at the meeting."
(Motherwell Times 29.11.1912)
The new Golf Course in Dalzell polices
Will be open early in 1913.
The course is centrally situated, and about
12 minutes walk from Motherwell Cross.
Gentlemen ………. £1. 5s per annum
Ladies ………….. 12s 6d per annum
No entry fee will be charged those joining
Before 31st March, 1913.
Applications for membership are invited,
And may be made to the Hon. Secy. J.R. Burns,
18 Clyde Street, Motherwell, or the Hon.
Treasurer, Gavin Cowper, Norwood, Catherine
Street, Motherwell, either of whom will supply
Any further information desired, or to W.
Bell, Stationer, 17 Muir St. Motherwell.
(Motherwell Times 10.1.1913)
New Clubhouse
"The membership of the Motherwell club having rapidly increased beyond expectations the question of erecting a clubhouse has been forced upon the committee. At a special meeting held last week it was resolved to proceed with the erection of the building and already the committee have fixed the contracts.
The plans, which have been prepared by Mr William Buchanan, Architect, show a commodious house, the estimated cost of which is about £600. In due course it is expected that the regular competitions will be set afoot and thus furnish additional interest to the members." (Motherwell Times 29.5.1913)
"The adjourned annual general meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club was held on Monday evening in the Young Mens Institute – Ballie Coughtrie presiding. There was a large and representative attendance, upwards of 100 members being present.
The principal business before the meeting was the appointment of office bearers for the ensuing year and the approval of the constitution and rules of the club. The election of office bearers were as follows:- Hon. President, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon. Vice Presidents, Mr David Colville, Jerviston House, Provost Park, Dr Jack, and Messrs A.C. King and Wm. Smit ; President, Ballie Thomas Coughtrie; Vice President, Mr W. Bell; Captain, Mr Ramage; Vice Captain, Mr Wallace; Hon. Secretary, Mr J. Rattray, Clyde Street; Treasurer, Mr Gavin Cowper. Committee of management, Messrs A.G. Marr, Alan Black, William Nelson, J. Thorburn, Joseph Tait, John S. Bain, William Hunter, J. Downie, and J. Smith. Auditor, Mr W.M. Marshall, Solicitor.
The draft constitution and rules of the club were submitted and discussed in detail, and after numerous alterations had been made they were formally adopted."
(Motherwell Times 5.6.1913)
"A special meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club was held in the Young Men’s Institute on Monday evening. There was a good attendance, presided over by Ballie Coughtrie, President.
The meeting was called for the purpose of adopting the constitution and rules of the club, and copies of these having been sent to the members, these were discussed and after some minor alterations were approved of.
The meeting then proceeded to the election of office bearers in terms of the constitution. These were elected as follows:- Hon. President, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon. Vice Presidents, D. Colville esq; Provost Park, Dr Jack, A.C. King esq, and Wm. Smith Esq; President, Ballie Coughtrie; Vice President, Wm. Bell Esq; Captain, Mr W. Ramage; Vice Captain, Mr J. Wallace; Hon. Secretary, Mr J.R. Burns; Hon. Treasurer, Mr Gavin Cowper; Auditors, Mr W.M. Marshall and T.C. Grewar. Committee, Messrs A.G. Marr, W. Hunter, Alan Black, J. Thorburn, J.S. Bain, Wm. Neilson, J. Tait, J. Downie, and J. Smith.
The statement submitted by the Treasurer showed that there was a total membership of the of 522 comprising 313 gentlemen members, 183 lady members, and 26 juniors.
This meant an income for the current year of £519. 17s 6d. Up to date four gentlemen and four ladies had paid the entrance fee. The grazing rental amounted to £102. 10s so that they could count on an income for the first year of £622. The expenses to date were £102. 4s 1d. Wages accounted for £68. 10d, health insurance 13s, while it had cost them £20.9s 6d for cutting the grass. They had paid Mr Adams the sum of £6 for designing the course. Rollers, Hole Cutters, Pins etc, were responsible for other small sums. They had a balance in the bank of £77. 11s 1d, with £215 on deposit receipt. This was considered satisfactory, and after some further discussion, the meeting terminated.
Within the next week or so the committee are arranging to take the members handicaps. Every member, of course, will start on level terms, play over the course, and hand in their scores to the green-keeper when finished. The committee thereafter will go over the cards and decide each members handicap.
In this connection, we learn that Ballie Coughtrie, President, has kindly offered two monthly medals to be played for in the monthly competitions. One of these medals will be for the lady members and the other for gentlemen. The Captain, Mr Ramage, has also announced his intention of presenting three golf clubs to the three gentlemen members who return the the best scores when playing for their handicap. Mr Wm Neilson, the green convenor has kindly given three clubs for competition among the lady members. Other prizes will also be presented when the handicaps are fixed.
In connection with the erection of the club-house, the offers for the work have been accepted, and operations are now commenced. The plans, we may say, passed the County Dean of Guild Court this week, and the work is being hurried on to give members the benefit of a club-house at the earliest possible moment. Boxes will be balloted for of course, and members are advised to make early application."
(Motherwell Times 6.6.1913)
The course was on the clear ground at the top left hand side of the map
"The first match on the Motherwell Golf Course took place on Saturday last in delightful weather when eleven balloted couples representing the Captain and Vice Captain played a round of the course. The summer greens were made use of for the first time that day. A very enjoyable match ended in favour of the Captains side by a narrow majority. Good progress is being made on the erection of a clubhouse and it is expected that it will be ready for opening in August."
(Motherwell Times 19.6.1913)
"The Motherwell golf club seems now to have got over the initial difficulties incidental to the formation of a new club and the laying out of a new course. The present season, as everybody knows, has been an abnormal one for growth, but with the additional new mower in working order, the course is now getting into fine condition and playing is now a pleasure in comparison to what it was a month or so ago.
The new club-house is rapidly nearing completion, and the members are looking forward eagerly to the opening, which is expected to take place some time next month. The club-house will be a great convenience to the members, and with the lockers in use, members will be saved the trouble of carrying their clubs to and from the course, and generally the club-house will make for the comfort of the golfers.
The committee of the club, too, are now getting under weigh with the various competitions. The competition for the Captains prize, which consists of three clubs, is being played on Wednesday and Saturday of this week, and Wednesday of next week. It is a stroke competition ( Handicap ) and confined to one round of the course. Partners are balloted for up till 4.30pm on each day, when there are sufficient players forward to warrant a ballot. This arrangement is meant to suit the convenience of the members as to time of play.
A monthly medal is also to be given by the club. This medal will be played for every month in the year, and the twelve monthly winners will play off for the medal at the end of the year, when the medal will become the property of the winner. The date for the playing of the monthly medal competitions, are the first Saturday in each month, and the Wednesday preceding that Saturday. The conditions are one round of the course – stroke competition ( Handicap ). It might also be mentioned that the players can have their choice of playing on Wednesday’s or Saturday’s, but having made their choice must abide by either of these days for playing.
The competition for the Presidents prize will be played for from the 10th to 27th September, these dates including three Wednesdays and three Saturdays. The conditions will be two rounds of the course, which must be played within 14 days. The ballot for partners in this competition will be similar to those obtaining in the competition for the Captains prize, and players drawn against each other will play together during both rounds.
The course is quite busy these fine afternoons and evenings, and it looks as if the formation of the club has supplied a much felt want in the community. Lord Hamilton of Dalzell, who is at present in Dalzell House, is now a regular player over the course, and his lordship has evinced a great interest in the progress of the club.
n All things considered, the club has started under auspicious circumstances, and with gradual improvements on the course, the club and the course should in due time become as popular as any in the country." (Motherwell Times 29.8.1913)
"Judging from the progress being made it should not be long now till the club-house is to be opened at the Motherwell course. This week the contract for the grates and the electric lighting have been fixed. When the formal opening takes place it is proposed to have an exhibition game by two prominent golfers.
A proposal has been made to raise the necessary loan for the club-house from the members. The club-house is estimated to cost about £600 and members are being given the opportunity of giving loans in sums of £1 and upwards on which an interest of 5 per cent will be paid. As there are over 500 members in the club, a loan of £1 from each would almost meet the demand, and the revenue from the lockers ( Of which there are 312 at 2s 6d each ) will be more than sufficient to meet the interest.
The statement of estimated income and expenditure for the first year of the club, shows the club to be in a good financial position. The committee are to spare no effort to put the course into the best of condition, for the success of the club depends on thid more than anything else. The feeling of the members is that while the course is greatly improved, it will require constant attention to to keep it in condition. The members, in fact, wonder why the two mowers in the club’s possession should not be kept at work, and the committee might take this hint.
There was quite a good entry for the Captains prize, and some good games resulted. The result of the competition has not yet come to hand. Play for the Presidents prize commences on the 10th , for particulars please see advert. At the committee meeting on Wednesday it was decided to hold a special general meeting of the members of the club to consider as to whether a professional should be appointed to look after the course, and if so, when. It is to be hoped that there will be a full attendance of the members, so that this question may be settled satisfactorily in the interests of the club." (Motherwell Times 5.9.1913)
" The results for the handicap competition for Captain Ramage’s prize of three golf clubs is as follows :- 1st D. Duthie, ( 14 ) 80 ; 2nd Thos. Nicholls Senr, ( 13 ) 81 ; 3rd J.G. Wallace ( 8 ) 81.
The monthly medal competiton took place last Saturday and resulted as follows :- J. Johnstone ( 20 ) 79, Winner ; Thomas Harkes ( 13 ) 80 ; J.G. Wallace ( 8 ) 81.
A special meeting of the club was held on Wedneday evening for the purpose of considering the advisability of appointing a professional for the club. A general discussion took place on the question, but as the committee seemed divided on the matter, and had no recommendation to lay before the club it was considered inadvisable to come to a decision at the present stage until some definite information as to cost and the method of working on other courses had been obtained.
The whole question, was therefore, remitted back to the committee to collect information and submit a report to a meeting to be held at a later date. With reference to the loans for the pavilion, on which subject circulars have been issued to the members, it is requested that members should reply at once intimating the extent of the loan they are prepared to give. The lease of the course was submitted to the meeting, and a resolution passed authorising it’s signature.
It was intimated to the club that objections had been raised as the Clyde Bridge Gate being used as an entrance to the golf course, and this privilege is now withdrawn. A new entrance is to be substituted at Airbles, beside the Dalzell Poorhouse, and a gate and notice board are to be erected at once.
The course is still being well patronised these fine afternoons, but as the days are now creeping in, the evening players are not now able to completed the round before darkness sets in." (Motherwell Times 12.9.1913)
Opening of New Pavilion
"The opening ceremony in connection with the Motherwell Golf Club’s new Pavilion was performed by Lord and Lady Hamilton on Saturday afternoon last under favourable weather conditions. With a view to adding interest to the proceedings an exhibition game of golf was arranged between two prominent professionals, viz, Mr Walker of the Hamilton club and Mr Adams of the Douglas Park club. There was a large gathering of Ladies and Gentlemen, and Ballie Coughtrie, the President of the club, presided.
The President in the course of his introductory remarks gave a short resume of the circumstances which led up to the foundation of the club. About eleven months ago, he said, a number of gentlemen thought that a town like Motherwell was worthy of a golf club, and after first meeting they were kindly received by Mr Fraser, factor on Dalzell Estate, and the committee after that could not see any other way but to go on. During these eleven months things had developed wonderfully. The course, as they were all aware, had been laid out by a professional to the satisfaction of everybody. They had been able to pay for the laying out of the course and the other expenditure attatched to it amounted to £560 over and above which there had been an extraordinary expenditure of £140, making £700. They had also built a club-house, costing something like £600 making, in all, an expenditure of £1300 up to date. The income from the ordinary members had been close on £530, and they had from Lord Hamilton of Dalzell a gift of £15 per annum, and that week they had had from Mr David Colville a gift of £60, and from Mr Archibald Colville £30, and several life members at 10 guineas each.
The President did not wish them to think that he was there begging money, but he wished to say, on behalf of the committee that there were several present who might become life members of the club, and some who could not see their way to become life members might assist them by giving a small loan on the club-house, for which loan the club were prepared to pay 5 per cent.
Ballie Coughtrie then took the opportunity of thanking Lord and Lady Hamilton for the great interest they had taken in the club since it’s formation, and he had great pleasure in calling upon her Ladyship to open the club-house.
Lady Hamilton, in a few words, expressed the hope that the club would be a source of amusement and recreation for all it’s members and she had great pleasure in declaring the club-house open.
Mr William Bell, on behalf of the club, said it had devolved upon him to present to Lord and Lady Hamilton a momento of the occasion, which had atken the shape of a pair of silver mounted putters, suitably inscribed. In handing over the gifts, Mr Bell said it was quite unnecessary for him to make a speech, further than to say that the members appreciated to the full the kindness Lord and Lady Hamilton had shown towards them in the formation of the club, particularly for their presence there that day at the opening of the club-house. He concluded by asking the recipients not to value the clubs so much for their worth as for the spontaneous manner in which it had been decided to present them as a token of esteem, and he felt sure they would be fully appreciated on that account.
Lord Hamilton in replying, said he thanked the members of the Motherwell Golf Club very heartily on behalf of himself and Lady Hamilton for the handsome presents they had received that day. He had no idea when he came there that afternoon that they were to be the recipients of any such gifts. He did not know that he knew enough of golf to be worthy of such a handsome putter. When he looked back to the occasion on which he had been presented by the Motherwell Cricket Club, with a cricket bat, he remembered that that bat had never made him a good cricketer.
Proceeding, His lordship said that he was very glad indeed when he heard from Mr Fraser, when abroad, last winter, of the project to form a golf club here, and he was glad because he thought it would be a very good thing for the town of Motherwell to have such an institution. Golf was agame in which we Scotchmen ought to be proud. We taught it to the rest of the world, and so far as he could see the rest of the world were proving very apt pupils. ( Laughter ). Anyway, he was glad the people of Motherwell had now a golf course, and he himself was glad indeed to have such an excellent golf course at his own door, where he could step out and play a game. That was a great convenience and a great luxury that very few people had, and from a selfish point of view he need hardly say he was delighted. The golf course was new, and Rome was not built in a day, and a golf course is not made in a few months, but he thought the course was in good condition considering the luxuriant growth of the grass, which he believed, had not been mown for half-a –century, and he thought it reflected well on those in charge of the course.
He did not wish to detain them any more, but he would like to say one thing on his own behalf. One other reason that made him pleased to have a golf course here was in view of what had happened the previous night, and the invitation he had received. That might result in his being brought into even closer relationship with the town of Motherwell than has hitherto been the case. If that should turn out the way he hoped it would, he would be able to spend his time here and take his recreation on the golf course ( Applause )
On behalf of Lady Hamilton and himself he again thanked the members of the club ( Applause. )
On the motion of Mr Burns, Town Clerk, votes of thanks were given to Lord and Lady Hamilton, and to Ballie Coughtrie for presiding.
Thereafter the company were photographed by Mr C. Reid of Wishaw.
The club-house is a neat and commodious building, as will be seen from the photograph above, and has been erected from plans prepared by Mr W. Buchanan, architect, Motherwell. It is built of brick, and rough cast, with red tiles, and should be a great convenience to the golfers. The accommodation consists of Ladies and Gentlemens rooms, and the central hall is reserved as a tea room and meeting place. There is also a kitchen with up to date lavatory accommodation and the whole is lighted by electricity. There are also between three and four hundred lockers to be let to members. The whole arrangements reflect great credit on the ability and taste of the architect. From the club-house the party then proceeded to the first tee where Lord Hamilton drove the first ball with a club presented by Mr Ramage, the Captain. His Lordship had quite a good drive, which was greeted with applause.
Mr Walker and Mr Adams then started the exhibition game, and they were followed through the whole game by a large and interested company of spectators. The match was very close throughout, and resultedin a win for Mr Adams by two strokes.
After the ceremony tea was served in the club-house under the excellent supervision of Mr and Mrs Marr." (Motherwell Times 17.10.1913)
:The first annual meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club was held in the town hall on Saturday evening. Ballie Coughtrie presided.
Statements submittede showed a membership of over 500, and an income during the year of £845. Ordinary expenditure having been met there remained a credit balance of £37. The approximate cost of the new club-house was given at £639 of which £251 was paid off.
Lord Hamilton of Dalzell was re-appointed Hon. President and the following office bearers were elected:- President, Mr William Ball; Vice President, Mr Wm. Chambers; Captain, Mr J.G. Wallace ; Vice Captain, Mr D. Duthie; Secretary, Mr R.T. Ballantyne, Solicitor; Treasurer, Mr Gavin Cowper." (Glasgow Evening Times 16.2.1914)
"The Monthly Medal competition was played off on Saturday in good golfing weather and some low scoring was the result – 1, Wm Orr Jnr ( 12 ) 74 and Andrew Lennox (14 ) 74 ( Equal ) The next best score was Adam Dickson ( 5 ) 75."
Professional Wanted
The committee of the Motherwell golf club are evidently taking steps to put the course under the care of a professional golfer, judging from the following advertisement which has appeared in the daily papers during the past week:-
Professional Golfer Wanted by Motherwell golf club ( 500 members ) ; must be capable clubmaker and have a thorough knowledge of the upkeep of course – Apply, stating wages expected and experience, by Tueday, 11th August, to W. Hunter, Secretary, 97 Brandon Street, Motherwell ;envelope to be marked applicant.
It is understood that the committee have had a report submitted to them by a sub-committee, showing that other courses, including the payment of a professional, are run at a cheaper rate per week than is the Motherwell course – the neighbouring club of Hamilton being cited as an example where the up-keep is less than Motherwell. It is to be hoped that the committee will be fortunate in their choice and secure a professional who will put the course into first class condition.
The monthly competition was played on Saturday 1st August, and Wednesday 5th August. The following are the lowest scores :- W. Hunter ( 10 ) 74, A. King ( 24 ) 74, S. Thomson ( 16 ) 75, R. Wardrop ( 17 ) 75, A. Lennox ( 10 ) 76, J. Kerr ( 20 ) 78, J. Cullen ( 12 ) 79, and G. Wotherspoon ( 13 ) 79." (Motherwell Times 7.8.1914)
"With the opening of the summer greens which took place last Saturday the season may be said to have begun in earnest. True, there has been a great deal of gutta smacking during the early months of the season but it was only by the enthusiasts – those weather hard mortals who would face anything in pursuit of the elusive rubber.
Now that the longer days have arrived bringing with them a little warmth and dispelling some of the arctic cold there has been a considerable increase in the numbers using the course and for the next three months the much belaboured turf and daises will have little place. Already the course is playing remarkably well and although the greens are a little stiff there are prospects that it will show great improvements on previous years. This is due in great measure to Mr Harry Spence, the new club professional who already has shown that he has a right good grip of the methods of knocking a course into shape. In addition to laying off a number of new greens he has planted and made several bunkers. The first, third, seventeenth and eighteenth holes have benefited greatly from these alterations." (Motherwell Times 13.5.1915)
To Be Wound Up
"A special meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club in the young mens institute on Friday evening to consider the proposal of the District Agricultural Committee to have the Haugh ploughed, and to consider what action the club should take in the circumstances. An attendance of over sixty members were present, and Mr J. Cramond Logan, President of the club, occupied the chair.
The respective letters from the District Agricultural Committee and Mr George Fraser, Factor, Dalziel Estates, were submitted, and after a full discussion the meeting felt that they must submit to the proposal to plough the Haugh. They therefor resolved not to appeal against the proposal, and to give up the small part of the braes that would be left to them and wind up the club.
General regret was expressed that the club could not be continued, but there was an expectation of a large reduction in membership, while the expenditure would not be reduced proportionately.
Looking to the present heavy indebtedness, and the uncertainty of the future of the course, the feeling of the meeting was that they could not face the prospect of additional debt.
The clubs indebtedness is considerable, but it was gradually being reduced. It was felt that there would be so little of the course left after losing the Haugh, that with the prospect of a big reduction in membership, and not proportionate reduction of expenditure, it would be better to wind up the club.
It was agreed unanimously to levy £3 on each member, except lady and junior members, to meet the club’s obligations. It was stated that when the assets are realised, this levy might not all be required." (Motherwell Tmes 30.11.1917)
Motherwell Golf Club
Members including ladies and juniors are requested
To remove their clubs, clothes, &c from the
Clubhouse, not later than Saturday 8th December
And hand in their locker keys. The
Clubhouse will be open for this purpose on Saturday
1st, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 3rd,4th, and 5th,
And Saturday 8th December from 10 am to 4 pm.
(Hamilton Advertiser 1.12.1917)
Motherwell golf club
L.S. Smellie & sons ltd, Auctioneers, Hamilton
Are instructed by William Millar, esq, Solicitor, Motherwell,
Acting on behalf of the members of Motherwell golf club,
To sell by auction
At Clubhouse,
Motherwell golf course
On Thursday 28th March, 1918
At One p.m.
Superior Building 39 ½ ft by 30 ½ ft by 10 ½ ft. Brick built and rough cast – forming
Clubhouse and containing public room, ladies and gent’s rooms, and Kitchen ; also
Excellent lavatory and other accommodation – the whole in first class order, having
Only been erected a year or two ago.
Implements, Tools, etc – one horse Albion reaper, almost new ; 2 one horse 36 inch lawn mowers by Ransomes, Sims & Jeffries Ltd ; Three 18 inch lawn mowers ; 25 ½ heavy double cylinder iron lawn roller ; Two 42 inch double cylinder and 2 single cylinder iron lawn rollers ; five 22 inch cement lawn rollers ; 100 wooden posts, 5ft by 6in ; About 5400 yards plain fencing and barbed wire ; 12 dozen iron fencing posts ; Wheelbarrow ; Turfcutter ; Spades ; shovels ; grapes ; hoes ; rakes ; scythes ; pales ; nets ; brushes ; poles ; 18 sand boxes, 2 dozen flag and bamboo poles, etc Also
Railway passenger carriage 27 ½ ft by 8 ft by 6 ½ ft in two compartments and containing heating stove and chimney – would make capital store or poultry house.
Furnishings, 334 wooden lockers ; two 8ft backed seats with perforated bottoms ; one 6 ½ ft and eight four foot forms with backs ; Table, 8ft by 3 ½ft ; 2 tables, 4ft by 3 ½ ft ; 2 door glass case, 44 inch ; Brush mats, door scrapers, notice board, steps ; 4 galvanised wire window screens, ash bin, etc, also
3 dozen tea knives, bread knife ; 2 dozen tea spoons ; tea urn, kettles ; teapots ; jugs ; 108 piece tea ware ; 16 bread plates ; 27 tumblers ; 14 table covers ; lot towels and usual other kitchen and cooking utensils.
House Fixtures, 3 oxidised copper interior grates with tiled hearths ; 3 curbs ; dover cooking stove, almost new ; 3 stalled enamel urinals ; 3 W.Cs, complete with tanks and fittings – all by Shanks & co ; enam kitchen sink on 2 enamelled pedestals ; 4 Enam wash hand basins, with cranes and fittings by Shanks.
On view from 11 am sale morning.
Entrance by club gate, off Old Camp Road, Airbles Road, Motherwell.
(Hamilton Advertiser 16.3.1918)
Motherwell Golf Club
A quantity of boots, clothing, and clubs
Were left unclaimed when the clubhouse
was sold last week. These so far as not identified must now be sold,
if not claimed by owners or friends from Mr Cowper,
Hon. Treasurer, Norwood, Catherine Street.
by end of next week.
(Hamilton Advertiser 6.4.1918)
The End.
Colville Park was opened in Motherwell in 1923.