As the Honourable Company, who played at Leith links and Musselburgh is very much still alive and now playing at Muirfield, and therefore, not a defunct club, then this section will concentrate less on the Honourable Company, and more on the other clubs who once played on the famous Leith Links, however, a brief introduction to early golf, will, we hope, set the scene. Not only is Leith Links our oldest defunct golf course, it is also the birthplace of world golf, and as such, merits our special attention on this site.
The Royal Decree and the Ban
In Scotland
There have been many claimants over the years as to the actual origins of the game of golf as we know it. The earliest known reference to Scotlands national sport is from April 1457, a Royal decree in the Scottish Parliament by James 11 to ban both the games of football and golf. James along with his advisors persued this edict on the basis that both sports were a threat to archery practice for military purposes and the defence of the realm against our old enemies, the English. Fortunately, for the future of golf, very few paid much interest to the ban, so much so that it was re-issued again in 1471 and 1491, with golf being described as an unprofitable sport. The public still basically ignored the ban and it was eventually lifted by King James 1V in 1502.
Early Golf At Leith
Early golf at Leith can be traced back as early as 1552 when an argument between the Cordiners or Cobblers of the Cannongate and the Gouf ball makers of North Leith ensued about who had the rights to make golf balls.
David Hamilton, in his book, Early Golf at Edinburgh and Leith, describes an incident on 10th December 1571, a period when Scotland was racked by civil unrest and armed militia roamed the land. Nine Burgesses, prominent citizens of Edinburgh took themselves to Leith and were playing at golf, when armed horsemen appeared and attacked the golfers, slaying three of them.
From The Golfing Annual 1889.
The date of the institution of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers (incorporated by a charter from the magistrates of Edinburgh in 1800) is lost in antiquity, but the first of a regular series of minutes, signed by President Forbes, of Culloden, bears date 1744. In March of the same year the magistrates of Edinburgh, having been from time to time applied to,' authorised their ' treasurer to cause make a silver club, not exceeding the value of fifteen pounds sterling, to be played for annually, and, with the exception of the years 1746-7 and 1832-5, the silver club has been regularly played for down to the present time (1875).
On referring to the poem of 'The Goff,' Club Directory. 199 published in 1743, it will be found that the heroes of the poem, Forbes (Lord President of the Court of Session), Macdonald, Dalrymple, Eattray, &c., were a'l members of the club. Until the year 1768,
when the Golf House at the south-west corner of the links at Leith was built, the Club used to meet in a tavern called Luckie Clephan's, but from 1768 downwards the business and social meetings were held at the Golf House. In 1831, some alterations having been made on the links, and the green ceasing to be attractive, it was deemed advisable to dispose of the Club House and furniture, and it is much to be regretted that various pictures of old Members, painted expressly for the Club, and forming part of its history, were not reserved. The pictures were sold for trifling sums to parties unconnected with the Club, but there is a probability that some of them may again become the Club's property. After an interregnum of five years, the Club was revived at Musselburgh in 1836, through the influence of some of the old members, and continued to increase to such an extent as to render quite inadequate the accommodation provided at the Grand Stand.
By Harry
Although then a separate burgh from Edinburgh, Leith was close enough to attract golfers from its much larger neighbour. While the High Kirk in Edinburgh was railing against golf on the Sabbath, Leith was much more relaxed and, indeed, records show that Edinburgh Burgh Council was perturbed by the number of its citizens going to Leith to play golf on Sundays. But this was not without its dangers. David Hamilton, in his book, Early Golf at Edinburgh and Leith, describes an incident on 10th December 1571, a period when Scotland was racked by civil unrest and armed militia roamed the land. Nine Burgesses, prominent citizens of Edinburgh took themselves to Leith and were playing at golf, when armed horsemen appeared and attacked the golfers, slaying three of them. Then in 1575 golfers on the Links were attacked but managed to repel their assailants
Nevertheless, notable golfers continued to play on Leith Links. The Earl of Galloway is reputed to have played there in 1619; King Charles is also reputed to have been playing on the Links in 1641when he received news of the Irish Rebellion, although neither story has been verified. But Sir John Foulis of Ravelston recorded playing in 1672, and a few years later Thomas Kincaid, who wrote the first instruction book on how to play golf, was a frequent visitor.
A notable event occurred when the Duke of York and John Paterstone ( Representing Scotland ) accepted the challenge of a match by two English nobles, the Duke and his unlikely partner won the day, which was in essence the first ‘international‘ match.
However, the most significant event took place in 1774 when the City of Edinburgh presented a silver club to be played for in competition and the Gentleman Golfers of Edinburgh – later to become The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers – came into being. A committee of the club drafted the first rules, 13 in all, under which the competition was first played on 2nd April 1744.
One of the problems of playing on the Links, as was to become the case with most inner city courses, was that the open space it provided within an urban area was frequently used by the populace for a wide variety of purposes. In addition to other sports being practiced, the public used it as a thoroughfare, and a ground for other leisure activities, These inevitably impinged on both playing golf, keeping the course in good condition, which in the end, would prove insurmountable. The Honourable Company along with other clubs, were active at Leith until the 1830s, when, because the course had deteriorated so much, the clubs ran into financial difficulties. Most of the assets of the Honourable Company, including the clubhouse, were sold, consequently no golf was played by its members until 1836 when it reformed at Musselburgh. Leith and Edinburgh newspapers were assiduous in recording the activities of all the local golf clubs. It is strange, therefore, that virtually nothing of the like appears after 1831 for almost thirty years, nor have any records been found to explain why this should be or precisely what occurred. It appears that the deterioration of the course affected all the other clubs playing on the Links and they, like the Gentleman Golfers of Edinburgh, also went into abeyance about the same time. This is confirmed by reports of the resuscitation of both the Leith Golf Club and Leith Thistle Golf Club in 1863 and 1866 respectively.. It would be reasonable to assume that the condition of Leith Links was so bad that no golf was played there until 1863. However, while there is no record of the first meeting of Portobello Golf Club,, it’s first competition was held in 1856 on Leith Links. A cup was presented by a Leith lawyer and accountant, Mr John Smellie. As was the tradition in those days the winner of the cup had to entertain all the competitors in the Royal Hotel, Portobello, and present a cup for the next year’s competition. The winner of the Smellie Cup, David Craig, presented a silver medal for half yearly competition in 1857 which was played twice a year until 1870 on Leith Links, after which all the clubs activities stopped. There is no record of the reason; perhaps a significant number of the members joined other clubs and moved to Musselburgh as the quality of the greens in Leith Links and Brighton Place declined. But the presence of Portobello playing on the Links six years before the Leith clubs returned indicates that the state of the course had recovered from its bad period and was beginning to improve. Why the Leith clubs were slow to reform is not known..
For some reason, again unrecorded, the condition of the Links appear to have improved sufficiently that in 1863 the clubs returned and resumed playing their normal golfing activities. These continued for nearly thirty years, towards the turn of the century, when the old pressures arose yet again.
“(Leith Links) as a golfing green has an ancient history, and at one time was regularly frequented by the best golfers of the day. The course some time ago suffered considerably from the introduction of football, but this game having been prohibited by the Municipal Authorities' recent Provisional Order, and the links having been greatly given up to golfers for eight months in the year, a pleasant enough game can still be enjoyed. On Saturday, however, there is always overcrowding.” (GA 1888-89)
‘they (the links) have long since lost their charm as a golf course. Play is restricted to certain hours, and is barred altogether in the months of June, July, August, and September.” (GA 1899-1900) In 1891 golf was prohibited on the Links before 9am during the four Summer months of June until September. This was later extended to a complete ban in these months because of the Cricket season, and to enable local children to play on the links in safety.
Following its founding in 1891, Lochend Golf Club.combined with Seafield Golf Club, shared in the upkeep of their course on Leith Links, an arrangement which was to continue without great change until September of 1900, when Mr James Welsh was elected Captain of the club and found that one of his first duties was to attend to what was the beginning of a period of strife with Leith Town Council.
Obstructions, unfortunately of obscure dimensions, were being constructed on Leith Links and the two clubs were eventually forced to write to the town Council, putting forward the complaints of all golfers using the Links. The Council was depositing dirt swept from the Streets on the East end of the Links with a view to levelling the area but only succeeded in giving the Links the appearance of a particularly large and unsavoury bunker. Lawyers for Lochend and Seafield duly made representation to the Council.
Further trouble arose in 1902 when the two clubs jointly petitioned against the Leith Provisional Order which entailed closing the Links completely. ”Subscription Sales” were organised to assist financing the clubs’ resistance which was, in the end, to cost £30. All this activity was partly successful in that the closure of the Links was postponed for a time
Such a running battle obviously hit hard the finances of both clubs and discussions between them resulted in Lochend taking over completely the running of the golf course. Seafield accounts for 1902 showed that the total annual sum was £24.5.6d. A Special General meeting of the Lochend Club decided to take on responsibility for the expense until April 1903, provided Seafield contribute £7.10 towards the costs, and that the greenkeeper’s wages should not exceed 10/- per week. Since any of the general public could play golf on the Links without charge, it was decided to erect a box into which non-members were asked to deposit fees which would go towards the upkeep of the course
Throughout this time Leith Links had been closed for golf during June, July and August, a measure brought on by the growth of Leith and the number of people who now used the Links as a short cut to work and as a place to picnic. The non-golfers of Leith eventually won the day when, in July 1904, the Act prohibiting golf on Leith Links was finally passed.
“The Leith Burgh Order Confirmation Act, 1904 contained the following clause:
12. From and after the commencement of this Order it shall not be lawful to play football or golf or to kick hit or strike or propel as in either of these games any ball or other similar thing in or over Leith Links.”
This Act came into force on 22 July 1904” (Leith Burgh Records)
And so ended nearly 400 years. of golfing history.
A succession of clubs have played over Leith Links, and are detailed as follows :
Leith Golf Club. First mention 1785. From Caledonian Mercury
By particular desire of the Leith Golf Club,
On Friday, June 17th, at half past Six in the evening.
Will be given by
Part I. Part of Thomson’s panegyric on Great Britain – Pathetic story of the Siege of Calais – Birth of Falstaff, with his Encomiums on the back
Part II. Pathetic scene between Cardinal Wolsey and Cromwell – Cato’s soliloquy on the Soul’s Immortality – Prologue to the Apprentice, with Dick’s Soliloquy.
Part III. Jerningham’s admired Story of the Deserter – Extract from Goldsmith’s Deserted Village – Donald MacGregor’s Oration on Oratory.
Part IV. Macbeth’s Soliloquy before the murder of Duncan – Humorous Dialogue between Falstaff and Bardolph – Falstaff’s Soliloquy on Honour.
Concluding Piece. Collin’s celebrated Ode on the Passions
Admission Two Shillings
Tickets may be had at Mr Coke’s, Bookseller in Leith, and at Mr Scott’s Trunk Close, Edinburgh.
(CM 15.6.1785)
The above advert would suggest an earlier starting date than I anticipated, however, the opening line of the advert is very clear ( Leith Golf Club ). The only other club in existence at Leith at this time was the Honourable Company, who were sometimes reffered to with other name or titles, but never as the Leith Golf Club, Therefore, we must accept that the Leith Golf Club did in fact exist at this time. 1785. I have no information as to the club's actual formation. If particular attention is given to the following text articles you will see various references to the club being recusitated in 1863, which makes the earlier date in the advert above ( 1785 ) a possibility of the founding of the club.
The Scotsman March 19th 1863
Golf Match
The members of the Leith golf club met on Leith Links on Tuesday 17th instant to play for prize clubs. The first prize was gained by Mr Alex Doig, Leith ; The second by Mr David Geddis, Newhaven.
Leith Burgh’s Pilot October 1st 1864
Leith Golf Club
The autumn meeting of this club was held at Musselburgh on Thursday last. The weather being propitious, and the links in good condition, the muster of players was large, and the various matches played were contested in the most keen and exciting manner. The first match was played by the members of the club for prize clubs, &c, of which the winners were – 1st, Mr Robert McIntosh, Leith ; 2nd, Mr J.G. Wallace, Leith ; 3rd, Mr Geo. Martin, Leith ; 4th, Mr Jas Doig, Leith ; 5th, a tie between Messrs D. McLaren, Leith and Geo. Smith, Portobello. Other matches of considerable interest were played in the course of the day among the members and other Professional players present. The club afterwards dined together in the Musselburgh Arms Hotel, and spent a very harmonious evening.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 9th 1866
Golf On Leith Links
To the editor of the Leith Burghs Pilot
Sir, - This exceedingly dangerous game is now becoming far too common, and so the sooner it is put a stop to the better. No one is in safety in passing through the links for fear of being hit by one of the balls. It was just the other evening that a friend and myself were taking a stroll through the links, when a golf ball came whizzing past, right over my head, and had the ball just been a little lower, it would have been sure to have marked me for life. I write this letter, not out of any ill feeling to the golfers, but for the safety of the public ; so by inserting it in your Saturday’s Pilot, you will oblige your faithfully,
North Leith, 2nd June 1866 R.B.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 11th 1867
The members of the Leith club met on the links on Thursday to compete or prizes. The weather was very favourable, and the links in excellent order for play. No less that fifteen pairs started, some of whom made small scores. After a keen contest, the prizes were won in the following order, viz :- 1, Mr John Mill 2, Mr Robert Naismith 3, Mr James Philpot 4, Mr Daniel McLaren 5, Mr William Grosset 6, Mr M Mackenzie 7, Mr Richard Gravett. The Captain ( Mr Robert McIntosh Esq ) presented the prizes to their respective winners. Thereafter the members spent a very pleasant evening in the golf-house.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 26th 1868
Leith Golf Club - Dinner and Presentation
To Mr M. MacKenzie
The lovers of golf in this district will be glad to learn that Col. Sergeant Murdoch Mackenzie – who is well known not only as one of the keenest of our local players in this favourite sport, but as one of the most efficient and pains-taking office bearers in connection with several of the clubs both in Edinburgh and Leith – has been presented by the Leith Golf Club with a handsome testimonial.
It consists of a silver salver and a purse of sovereigns. The salver bears the following inscription :- “ Presented to Mr Murdoch Mackenzie, with a purse of sovereigns, by a number of the members of the Leith Golf Club, as a mark of their esteem and appreciation of his services as their secretary. April 1868.”
The presentation, which took place in the Hotel at Seafield – where Mr Mackenzie was entertained at dinner – was made by Mr R. Mackintosh, Captain of the club. In doing so, he spoke in kind and complimentary terms of the services rendered to the club by Mr Mackenzie during the past year, referring in particular to the obligation under which he had laid its members by having accepted the office of interim secretary when the gentleman elected secretary declined to undertake the duties. He expressed a warm hope that Mr Mackenzie’s services might be long continued to the club, and that they might enjoy not only the benefit of his zealous labours, but the additional pleasure of his genial friendship.
Mr Mackenzie, in returning the thanks for the gift, acknowledged the kindly manner in which the club had indicated their appreciation of his efforts, as shown by the handsome testimonial with which he had been presented, and assured the members that, so long as they considered his services worthy of the slightest recognition, they would be continued by him with unqualified pleasure. After the presentation, the toast of Mr Mackenzie’s health was given by the chairman and received with enthusiasm : and then there followed a number of other toasts appropriate to the occasion.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 24th 1868
Leith Golf Club
On several occasions during the past season, many members of the Leven golf club expressed their willingness to come over to Leith and play a few friendly foursomes and singles with their friends of the Leith golf club. Both parties being agreeable, Tuesday was fixed upon for this interesting event. Accordingly, at eleven o’clock. Nine members of the Leven golf club and as many of the Leith golf club met on Leith Links, and agreed to play a few friendly matches in foursome and singles.
The weather was exceedingly favourable and the green in capital condition, the heavy rain that fell during the preceeding night only rendering the putting greens better than when too dry. After spending a most agreeable days golfing, the players repaired to the Guildford Hotel, Edinburgh, and dined together, Captain McIntosh, Leith golf club, in the chair.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 27th 1869
Leith Golf Club
The annual meeting of the Leith golf club was held in their club-house, Duke St, Leith, on Thursday last week. After a report on the financial affairs of the club, and other matters for the past yearhad been read and approved of, the following members were elected office bearers for the ensuing year, viz :- Mr John Johnstone, Captain : Mr Robert Naismith Jnr, Treasurer : Mr Murdoch Mackenzie, Secretary. Council, Messrs Robert McIntosh, James Philpot, Daniel McLaren and Alexander Fairley. Immediately thereafter about twenty couples repaired to the green to compete for the club medal and other prizes. The weather was everything that could be desired, and the green consequently was in splendid condition for play. The game, which commenced about half past one o’clock, was witnessed by a large number of spectators, many of them god and keen golfers, all of whom appeared to take much interest in the progree of the match.
After playing the usual two rounds, it was found that Mr Alex Doig came in the winner with a fine score of 69 strokes, thus entitling him to the Honourable position of “ Champion” for the year. The second prize was gained by Mr John Mill. The other prizes having been tied for, had to be played off on Friday and Saturday, with the following result :-
Strokes Odds Result
1. Mr Alex Doig … …. …… 69 Scratch 69
2. Mr John Mill ………. … ……… … 79 8 71
3. Mr James Doig …….. … ……… … 74 2 72
4. Mr William Abderson …….. … …….. … 76 4 72
5. Mr John Johnstone …….. … …… .. 78 4 74
6. Mr Alex Forbes ……… ……. …… …. 72 Scratch 72
7. Being ball, was divided between Messrs J. McLean, M. Thomson, C.J. Thomson, and A. Fairley. At six o’clock the members and friends dined together in Aitkens Hotel, Seafield.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 30th 1870
The Leith Golf Club
On Thursday, the members of the Leith golf club competed over Leith Links for a copy of the “ Book Of Days,” Presented by Mr Robert Chambers Jnr, and sweepstakes by the competitors. After finishing the two rounds, it was found that Messrs R. Kay and Alex Doig tied for the prize, having holed the fourteen holes in sixty seven strokes.
On playing off the tie, Mr Kay won by one hole. The first sweepstakes prize fell to Mr Doig, and the second and third to Messrs A. Portoeous and M. Combe, in sixty eight and sixty nine strokes respectively, less odds.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 31st 1870
Leith Golf Club
A large number of the members of this club turned out on Tueday week to compete for Christmas prizes, which had been subscribed for.
The day was fine, with a slight breeze from the West, and the green in good order. The competitors entered into the game with great guste, each determined to do his best to secure the first place on the list of winners. A large number of scratch players being present, great interest was manifested by the crowd round the last two holes to see the result of their play. The game took nearly four hours, and on comparing cards, it was found that the winners stood as follows :-
1. Mr J. Baillie ……………. …. …. 69 2 67
2. Mr Smart ……… ………. …….. 70 2 68
3. Mr C.J. Thomson …………. ……. 69 Scratch 69
4. Mr R. Murray ……….. … ………. 71 2 69
5. Mr D. Geddes …………. ….. …… 80 10 70
6. Mr R. Naysmith …….. … ………….. 72 2 70
7. Mr H. Harcus ………… …….. …… 71 Scratch 71
8. Mr J.G. Cownie ……… ………….. 81 10 71
9. Mr R. Johnstone …………….. ….. 77 6 71
10. Mr J. Doig …………… …… ….. 73 2 71
11. Mr E. Fairley …………. .. ……… 77 6 71
12. Mr A. Doig …………. …… …… 72 Scratch 72
13. Mr M. Mackenzie …….. ………. .. 72 Scratch 72
14. Mr D. McLaren ……….. .. …….. . 73 Scratch 73
15. Mr W. Macgregor ……… …. …. 76 2 74
16. Mr J. Wotherspoon …….. ….. ….. 76 2 74
17. Mr W. Gray ……….. …. ………. 80 6 74
18. Mr R. Gravatt …….. ……… ….. 77 2 75
19. Mr M. Comb ……….. ……… .. 82 6 76
20. Mr D. Macgregor ………. ……… 80 4 76
Scotsman February 17th 1871
The Leith Golf Club
Yesterday, the annual meeting of the Leith Golf Club was held in their club-house, Duke Street, Leith. After the reading of a statement showing the progree made by the club since its resuscitation in 1863, and its present prosperity, numbering amongst its members some of the best amateur golfers on the South side of the Forth, the following gentlemen were elected office bearers for the ensuing year :-
Captain, Mr George F. Blaikie : Treasurer, Mr John Bruce : Secretary, Mr M. Mackenzie. Council – Mr J. Johnstone, C.J. Thomson, James Murray and D. McLaren. At half past one o’clock, about twenty couples started to compete for the club medal and several excellent handicap prizes. The weather could not have been more favourable for golfing : and the green being in splendid condition, a very keen and exciting contest ensued, resulting, after the usual two rounds had been played, in the undermentioned being declared the winners :-
Strokes Odds Results
1. Mr M. Mackenzie ………………. …… 66 0 66
2. Mr J.C. Tod …………………………… 72 6 66
3. Mr M. Combe ……………………. …… 77 8 69
4. Mr C.J. Thomson ……………………….. 70 0 70
5. Mr J. Bruce ……………………………… 82 12 70
6. Mr D. McLaren …………………………. 71 0 71
7. Mr M. Thomson ……………………….. 71 0 71
8. Mr G. Smith …………………………….. 80 8 72
9. Mr J. Murray …………………………… 72 0 72
10. Mr R. Naismith Snr …………………….. 74 2 72
11. Mr H. Harcus …………………………… 72 0 72
12. Mr G. Murray ………………………….. 80 8 72
Messrs Gray, Wetherstone, and Little came in 73 less odds.
Mr Mackenzie’s score was particularly admired, his rounds having been holed in 32 and 34 strokes – the lowest scores made in the club for a scratch medal. The other prizes were ultimately arranged in the order above named. At half-past six o’clock, a large number of members and friends dined together in the Ship Hotel, East Register Street, Edinburgh. Mr G.F. Blaikie, Captain of the club, occupied the chair, and the duties of croupier were discharged by the Treasurer. After the usual loyal toasts had been proposed and duly responded to, the Captain, in a neat speech, invested the victor with the medal, who by winning it, had constituted himself champion for the next year. Mr Mackenzie briefly returned thanks. The other prizes were also presented, and a few appropriate remarks addressed to each winner.
Leith Burgh Pilot July 26th 1879
Thistle Golf Club, Edinburgh V The Leith Golf Club
The first half of a home and home match at golf came off on Saturday over Bruntsfiled Links, 12 players a side, 3 rounds of the green, or 18 holes. Great interest was taken in the play and many spectators were present. The Leith Golf Club was only instituted in April last, and this was their first match with another club. Play began at half past 5 o’clock with W. Niven for the Thistle and J. Gow for Leith. Niven stood one up on the first round but Gow brought him all square on the second. Niven again turned on the last round and won three holes for the Thistle. Ramsay Hunter, and Daniel Duff came next, when Duff came away with a brilliant game of two 27s and a 28 and 6 holes to his credit for Leith. The following is the result of the play :-
Thistle Club Leith Club
W. Niven …………………… ….. 3 James Gow …………………….. … 0
Ramsey Hunter ……………….. …. 0 Daniel Duff ……………. …… … 6
Wm. Steel ………………………….. 3 Charles Gibson ………………… … 0
John Ball ………………………………. 0 John McRuvin ……………… …… 7
Fred Steel ……………………….. …. 0 Robert Thom ………………. ……. 1
Wm. Hunter …………. …………….. 3 Andrew Rutherford ……………….. 0
James Gowins …………………………. 0 John Walker ………….. ….. …… 7
James S. Young ……………… …… .. 0 John Paterson …………. …….. .. 1
James S. Williamson ……………… .. 2 Peter Walker ………………. …. 0
Geo. Masterton ……………. ………. 11 John Darnie …………… …….. 0
Walter Small …………… ………….. 0 Wm. Archibald ………………… 1
John Ormiston …………….. ………. 0 Alexander Rodgers ……………… 10
22 33
Majority for Leith 11 holes.
Note : The above line ( The Leith Golf club was only instituted in April last ) suggests that the club had wound up again sometime between 1871 and April 1878, however, as yet i have found no information on the club being resucitated in April 1878.
Leith Herald September 27th 1879
Leith golf club V Thistle golf club, Edinburgh
The return between the above clubs was played over Leith Links on Saturday afternoon, two rounds of the green or 18 holes, and resulted in a victory for the Leith club by 3 holes, which makes on the double match a majority for Leith of 14 holes. The following is the result of the competition :-
Leith Golf Club Thistle Golf Club
John Walker ………………………….. 5 Wm. Niven ………………………… 0
Daniel Duff ……………………….. 0 Ramsay Hunter …………………… 3
Chas. Gibson ……………………… 3 William Steel …………………… . 0
Alex. Rodger ………………. ……….. 6 Fred Steel ……………. ………….. 0
Jas Gow ………………………….. 0 John Bell ………….. . … ……… 0
A. Rutherford …………… ……….. 0 Wm. Hunter ………………………. 7
John Durney …………… ………… 0 Jas Gowans ………….. …….. ….. 4
R. Harvey ………………………….. 3 Thos. Brown ………………………. 0
J. Paterson …………….. … ………. 5 J.S. Young …………. ….. ………. 0
P. Walker …………………………. 0 J.S. Williamson …………….. …….. 0
J. Ruvie …………………………….. 4 Geo. Masterton …………………….. 0
Wm. Archibald ……………………. 0 Walter Small ………….. …………. 9
_____ ______
Total 26 Total 23
Majority for Leith 3 holes.
Leith Herald October 11th 1879
The Leith Golf Club
The second competition of this club for prizes took place over Leith links on Saturday afternoon, when ten couples started.
Two rounds of the green, or eighteen holes. The following are the lowest scores on the cards handed in, and the first five secure prizes :-
1. Mr John Paterson ………….. 89 off 5 84
2. Mr Wm. Thomson …………. 87 ( Scratch ) 87
3. Mr Daniel Duff ……………. 89 off 2 87 tie
4. Mr Robert Hutchison ……… 91 ( Scratch ) 91
5. Mr Alexander Rodgers ……… 98 off 5 93
Mr R. Morris ….. 96 off 2 94
Mr C. Gibson ………… … 98 off 4 94
Mr W. Hutchison ………….. 99 off 5 94
Mr J. Ruvie ……………. … 97 off 2 95
Mr A. Rutherford ………….. 104 off 8 96
Mr R. Harvey ……………… 99 off 2 97
Mr Peter Walker ……………..107 off 8 99
Leith Burgh Pilot April 10th 1880
Leith Golf Club
The medal and other prizes were competed for on Saturday last. The course was in good condition and the round short, and with these advantages the medal was secured by Mr John Walker with an excellent score of seventy strokes for the two rounds of eighteen holes ( Thirty Five each ) Twelve couples started.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 5th 1884
The Leith golf club played for prizes over Musselburgh Links on Saturday the 29th ult and resulted as follows :-
W.F. Thallon, 48 – 47 – 95 off 20 total 75 : John Dick 57 – 45 – 102 off 22 total 80 : Robert Dunn 48 + 47 = 95 off 14 = 81 : John Damney 50 + 48 = 98 off 15 total 83 : J. Harvey Jnr 50 + 49 = 99 off 16 total 83 : R. Hutchison 42 + 46 = 88 off 4 total 84 : J. Paterson 45 + 43 = 88 off 4 total 84 : R. Robinson 44 + 48 = 92 off 8 total 84, tie : R. Harvey 43 + 46 = 89 off 4 total 85 : C. Gibson 45 + 48 = 93 off 6 total 87 : J. Doig 50 + 47 = 97 off 8 total 89 : D. Williams 51 + 53 = 104 off 15 total 89, tie : H. Swan 45 + 59 = 104 off 14 total 90 : T.R. Smart 56 + 50 = 106 off 16 total 90, tie : W. Smart 57 + 53 = 110 off 16 total 94 : A.J. Wilson 55 +58 = 113 off 18 total 95 : J. Murdoch 56 + 53 = 109 off 10 total 99 : D. Doig 53 + 56 = 109 off 6 total 103.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 12th 1887
The members of the Leith Golf Club played over Leith links last Saturday afternoon for the scratch and handicap medals. After two rounds of the green the scratch medal was won by R. Hutchison with a score of 34 and 32 – 66 ; while W. Dowie won the handicap medal with a score of 39 and 38 less 14 – 63.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 12th 1887
Leith Golf Club
On Saturday the club held the monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals over Leith links, when the former was won by W.M. Archibald, with 34, 30 = 64, and the latter by W. Dowie, with 36, 38 = 74 less 14 = 60.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 26th 1887
The Leith club’s scratch and handicap medals were played for over the links last Saturday, and both were won by David Coutts with 35 – 35 – 70 for the scratch and 7 off, 63 for the handicap medal.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 9th 1887
Leith Golf Club
On Saturday this club played over Leith links for scratch and handicap medals, when the former was won by W.M. Archibald with the score of 33,32 – 65, and the latter by R. Smith, with 42, 39 – 81 less 22 – 59.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 7th 1887
Leith Golf Club
The scratch and handicap medals were competed for over Leith Links last Saturday. The former was gained by A. McPherson, with the score of 30, 32 – 62 ; the latter, by A.J. Wilson, with a score of 32, 33 – 65 off 14 – 51.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 4th 1887
Leith Golf Club
The final competition of the season for scratch and handicap medals was on Saturday played over Leith Links when the former was won by D. Coutts with the score of 31, 36 – 67 and the latter by R. Smith with 36, 39 – 75 less 17 – 58.
Leith Burgh Pilot September 3rd 1887
Leith Golf Club
The club on Saturday held their annual prize competition over Musselburgh links. The greens were extremely hard and keen. In consequence of this the putting rendered the scoring high. The following are the prize takers in their order :-
P. Smith ………… 100 less 16 – 84
J. Paterson ……… Scratch 87
A. McPherson ….. 93 less 4 -- 89
J.R. Watson ……. 101 less 12 – 89
Leith Burgh Pilot October 29th 1887
Leith Golf Club
The green having been reopened for the season ( having been closed for the four months ending 30th ult, in terms of the recently adopted bye-laws for regulating games, &c, on the links ), the grass cut, and generally in very fair playing condition, the monthly competition for the scratch and handicap medals took place on Saturday. There was a good turnout of members. Owing to the extraordinary number of golfers attached to other clubs and outsiders enjoying a game on the home green, darkness set in before play was completed. Some excellent scores were registered for an opening meeting and the following was the result, viz :- Mr George Paterson, 35 and 31 – 66, scratch medal ; Mr J.R. Watson, 36 and 33 – 69 – 8 = 61, handicap medal ; Mr A.J. Wilson, 38 and 33 = 71 – 8 = 63 ; Mr D. Coutts, 35 and 32 = 67 – 3 = 64 ; Mr R. Hutchison, 35 and 32 = 67 – 0 = 67 ; Mr A. McPherson, 39 and 31 = 70 – 2 = 68 ; Mr W.L. Waugh, 36 and 37 = 73 – 4 = 69.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 10th 1887
Leith Golf Club
The monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals took place last Saturday afternoon. The wind was blowing very strong, and the scores were consequently higher than usual. Both medals were gained by Mr D. Coutts, with the creditable total of 63. The following are the best cards returned :-
1. Mr David Coutts …………….. 32 and 31 = 63 – 3 = 60
2. Mr A. McPherson …………….. 33 and 34 = 67 – 2 = 65
3. Mr R. Hutchison ……………… 34 and 35 = 69 – 0 = 69
4. Mr W. Archibald …………….. 35 and 34 = 69 - 0 = 69
Leith Burgh Pilot February 11th 1888
Leith Club
The monthly competition for scratch and handicap medal took place on Saturday – two rounds, or 14 holes. Six couples started, and the following shows the best cards returned :- J.R. Watson, ( Handicap medal ) 35 and 36 – 71 off 8 – 63 ; A. Macpherson, ( Scratch Medal ), 34 and 32 – 66 off 2 – 64 ; R. Dunn 38 and 38 – 76 off 10 – 66 ; D. Coutts, 32 and 36 – 68 off 2 – 66 ; G. Paterson, 33 and 35 – 68 scratch 68 ; R. Hutchison, 32 and 36 – 68, scratch 68.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 14th 1888
Leith Club
The adjourned new years day competition of this club took place last Saturday over Leith Links. The weather was all that could be desired, but the course was somewhat lengthened, and the putting difficult, consequently the scores were higher than usual. The following members secured prizes :-
1. Mr J.R. Watson ………….. 34 and 37 – 71, off 8 – 63
2. Mr J. McLean …………… 39 and 39 - 78 – off 14 – 64
3. Mr John Flynn …………… 40 and 39 - 79 – off 13 - 65
Tie { 4. Mr Robert Dunn …………… 42 and 35 - 77 - off 10 - 67
{ 5. Mr Geo. Paterson …………. 32 and 35 – 67 ( Scr ) - 67
Tie { 6. Mr David Coutts ………….. 36 and 36 – 71 off 2 - 69
{ 7. Mr William Lawson ……….. 41 and 42 – 83 0ff 14 - 69
{ 8. Mr J. Bell …………………. 35 and 38 - 73 off 4 - 69
9. Mr R. Hutchison ………….. 36 and 34 – 70 ( Scr ) – 70
The scratch and handicap medals were played for at the same time, Mr George Paterson landing the former with his score of 67, and the latter gained by Mr Watson at 63.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 7th 1888
Leith Club
On Saturday afternoon the monthly scratch and handicap medals were competed for with the following result, viz :- Mr David Coutts, 32 and 34 – 66 off 2 – 64, Scratch Medal ; Mr W. Dowie, 37 and 35 – 72 off 8 – 64, handicap medal ( tie ) ; Mr W. MacKinlay, 32 and 35 – 67, scratch 67 ; Mr Robert Hutchison, 34 and 34 – 68, scratch 68 ; Mr Peter Smith, 42 and 36 – 78 off 10 – 68 ; Mr John Mauchline, 44 and 39 – 83 off 14 – 69 ; Mr A. Macpherson, 37 and 34 – 71 off 2, 69 ; Mr Wm Lawson, 43 and 42 – 85 off 14 – 71.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 28th 1888
Leith Club
The spring competition of this club took place on Thursday over the Leven course in splendid weather, and the green was in magnificent condition. The result was as follows :- Prizewinners – 1st J. McLean 100 less 20 – 80 ; 2nd J. Darney, 102 less 12 – 90 ; 3rd Wm Archibald, 91 scratch – 91 ; and 4th A.J. Wilson, 103 less 12 – 91 ( tie ). 5th P. Smith, 106 less 14 – 92 ; 6th J. Paterson 93 scratch – 93 ; 7th W. Dowie, 106 less 12 – 94 ; 8th R. Dunn, 114 less 12 – 102 ; 9th D. Bruce, 127 less 24 – 103 ; and 10th R. Smith, 123 less 20 – 103 ; 11th J.R. Watson, 115 less 9 – 106 ; 12th G. Nicholson, 132 less 24 – 106 ; and 13th J. Sim, 128 less 20 – 108 ( tie ) ; 14th W. Lawson,128 less 18 – 110.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 5th 1888
Leith Club
The monthly scratch and handicap medals were competed for last Saturday afrternoon. Quite a gale was blowing from the west. The following is the result :-
Wm Lawson ………… 37 and 37 = 74 – 14 net 60 hcp. Mdl
A.J. Wilson ……………. 35 and 36 = 71 - 8 .. 63
D. Coutts ……………… 36 and 30 = 66 – 2 64
G. Paterson ……………. 33 and 33 = 66 – scratch 66
W. Archibald ……………. 34 and 32 = 66 – scratch 66
E. Dunn ………………….42 and 35 – 77 – 8 69
J. Mauchline …………… 44 and 39 = 83 – 14 69
J.R. Watson …………… 38 and 38 = 76 – 6 70
G. Nicholson ……………. 48 and 44 = 92 – 20 72
W. Dowie ………………. 40 and 41 = 81 – 8 73
A. Macpherson …………. 38 and 38 = 76 – 2 74
Coutts, Paterson, and Archibald all tied for dcratch medal with 66.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 12th 1888
Leith V Kinghorn
A match between these clubs was decided at Kinghorn last Saturday, and resulted in a win for the Kinghorn side by three holes. Scores :- Kinghorn 26 Leith 23.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 19th 1888
Leith Club
Played last Saturday afternoon for scratch and handicap medals, Mr David Coutts was successful in gaining both, for the second time in succession, by the scores of 34 and 28 – 62 scratch, and 2 off handicap = 60.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 26th 1888
Thistle ( Edinburgh ) V Leith
A match between teams of fourteen a side of above clubs took place last Saturday over the Leith green, resulting in a win for the home club by 18 holes.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 2nd 1888
Leith Club
The Twelfth or last of the competitions for the year for the monthly scratch and handicap medals and a special prize took place last Saturday, with the following result, viz :- J. Mauchline, 73 less 14 – 59 ( special prize and handicap medal ) : A.J. Wilson, 69 less 8 – 61 ; P. Smith, 72 less 10 – 62 ; George Paterson, 63 ( scratch medal ) : D. Coutts, 64 less 2 – 62 ; R. Dunn, 71 less 8 – 63 ; W. Mackay, 69 less 6 – 63 ; J. Bell, 68 less 4 – 64 ; W. Dowie, 73 less 8 – 65 ; J. Paterson, 65 ( scarcth ) ; J.R. Watson, 71 less 6 – 65 ; G. Nicholson, 88 less 20 – 68 ; W. Hay, 84 less 16 – 68 ; W.K. Smith, 84 less 14 – 70 : Robert Smith, 85 less 14 – 71.
Leith Burgh Pilot September 1st 1888
Leith Club
The annual competition over Musselburgh green for club prizes took place last Saturday afternoon. The links were somewhat heavy with the thunder plump shortly before play commenced, but this made the putting true, and otherwise the day was favourable for scoring. The following are the prizewinners :-
A. Macpherson …………. 84 less 2 – 82
J. Paterson ……………. 84 ( scr ) – 84
R. Hutchison ………….. 84 ( scr ) – 84
D. Williamson ………….. 93 less 9 – 84
J.R. Watson …………….. 92 off 7 - 85
D. Coutts ………………… 88 ( scr ) - 88
A.J. Wilson ……………… 97 off 9 – 89
C. Gibson ……………….. 90 ( scr ) – 90
Leith Burgh Pilot September 29th 1888
Leith Club
The half yearly competition took place over Gullane links on Thursday. The green was in splendid order. The prizewinners were as follows :- 1. H. Nicholson 91 off 14 – 77 ; 2. J. Paterson ( Scratch ) 80 ; 3. R.C. Bain 96 off 14 – 82 ; 4. W.M. Archibald ( Scratch ) 85 ; 5. R. Huthcison ( Scratch ) 85 ; 6. R. Dunn 99 off 14 – 85.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 27th 1888
The first monthly medal competition took place last Saturday over Leith links with the following result : - Scratch Medal – John Paterson 70 ; Handicap Medal – J. Mauchline 76 off 12 – 64.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 8th 1888
The monthly competition was played on Leith links on Saturday, when Mr John Paterson won both scratch and handicap medals with the good score of 66.
Leith Burgh Pilot January 5th 1889
New Yaers Day Competition
The annual competition took place on Tuesday over Leith Links in very frosty weather. The following are the prize winners :- 1. J. Walker 71 – 10 –61 ; 2. R. Dunn 73 – 10 – 63 ; Henry Nicholson 70 – 6 – 64 ; A. McPherson 68 – 2 – 66 ; J. Darsay 75 – 8 – 67 ; A.J. Wilson 74 – 6 – 68 ; J. Mauchline 80 – 12 – 68 ; W. Frier 76 – 8 – 68 ; P. Smith 80 – 10 – 70 ; J. Paterson 70 scratch ; J.R. Watson 77 – 6 – 71 ;
Leith Burgh Pilot March 30th 1889
Leith V Thistle
Three rounds of Leith Links were played by teams representing the Leith club and The Edinburgh Thistle last Saturday, the Leith team winning easily by 15 holes. Scores :-
Leith Club Thistle
Mr J. Duncan …………………………. 0 Mr D. Leitch ………………………. 3
Mr G. Walker …………………………. 0 Mr J. McRuvie ……………………. 4
Mr W.M. Archibald ………………….. 7 Mr J. Denham ……………………… 0
Mr J. Paterson ………………………… 0 Mr A. King ……………………….. 0
Mr R. Hutchison Snr …………………. 7 Mr R. Harvey ……………………. 0
Mr D. Coutts …………………………. 2 Mr W. Stewart …………………… 0
Mr J. Rolland …………………………. 0 Mr D. Lynn ………………………. 1
Mr J. Bell …………………………….. 0 Mr W. Hunter …………………….. 0
Mr A. McPherson ……………………. 1 Mr J. Bell …………………………. 0
Mr G. Paterson ……………………….. 5 Mr W. Small ………………………. 0
Mr C. Gibson ………………………… 5 Mr G. Masterton …………………. 0
Mr A. Rutherford …………………….. 0 Mr J. Turnbull ……………………. 2
Mr J.R. Watson ……………………….. 0 Mr P. Brown …………………….. 0
Mr A.J. Wilson ……………………….. 0 Mr F. Hastie ……………………… 3
Mr D. Mackay ………………………… 0 Mr W. Frier ……………………… 3
Mr J. Darney ………………………….. 4 Mr D. Grant ……………………… 0
Leith Burgh Pilot April 20th 1889
Leith Club
The scratch and handicap medals were played for over the links last Saturday. Result :- Scratch D. Duncan 66 ; Handicap J. Mauchline 77 less 12 – 65.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 4th 1889
Leith Club
Over the links last Saturday, the monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals for this club were played, with the following result – two rounds of 14 holes :- Mr John Machline, ( Handicap Medal ) 71 less 12 – 59 ; Mr John Duncan ( Scratch ) 61 ; Mr John Paterson, 63 ; Mr W. Archibald, 65 ; Mr P. Smith 76 less 10 – 66 ; Mr George Paterson 69 less 2 – 67 ; Mr A. Strath 68 ; Mr R. Dunn 78 less 10 – 68.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 1st 1889
Leith Club
The monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals took place last Saturday, when the foirmer was won by Mr John Paterson and the latter by Mr Robert Dunn, the respective scores being 75, and 77 less 10 – 67.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 8th 1889
Leith Golf Club V Edinburgh Thistle
The return of a home and home match took place over Bruntsfield links last Saturday, the former being 15 holes up in the first match. On this occasion the Thistle were victorious by 6 holes, leaving the former 9 holes up in the match. Total result :- Leith 35 ; Thistle 41.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 28th 1891
Leith Club
The competition for scratch and handicap medals took place on Saturday afternoon in favourable weather. The scratch medal was won by Mr W.M. Archiblad, with 38 and 32 – 70 ; and the handicap medal tied for by Mr R. Hutchison Snr 39 and 32 – 71 less 4 – 67 ; and Mr T. Kirk, 40 and 35 – 75 less 8 – 67.
Leith Golf Club
Leith V Edinburgh Thistle
Fife Herald May 16th 1891
These clubs met on Saturday on the links to play their annual match, when 14 holes were played, with 24 men a-side in foursomes. The game was well contested, the finish being very close, which resulted in the defeat of the Leith club by five holes. Scores :-
Leith Edinburgh Thistle
G. Walker and A. McPherson ……… 0 J. Ross and R. Harvey …………… 0
C. Gibson and W. Dowie …………… 0 D. Lynn and R. Walker …………. 7
G. Paterson and J. Birkett …………… 0 J. Nelson and T. Smith ………….. 0
W.M. Archibald and J. Mauchlane ….. 0 J. Bell and W. Stewart ………….. 6
R. Hutchison Snr and A. Rutherford .. 4 A. Lowntain and F. Hastie ……… 0
J. Darnie and A. Carstairs ………….. 0 G. Masterton and D. Plenderlieth ... 1
A. Strath and D. Mackay …………… 5 D. Grant and J. Williamson …….. 0
J. Keddie and T. Kirk ………………. 3 H.S. Thomson and J.S. Young …….0
J. McRuvie and W. Mackie ………… 0 J. Hutchison and W. Smail ………. 5
D. Coutts and Dan Leitch …………… 3 W.N. Firth and E. Harvey ………... 0
P. Smith and R. Dunn ……………….. 0 W. Cunningham and J. Grant ……. 1
D. Hutchison and J. Rolland ………… 0 J. Turnbull and C. Struthers ………. 0
___ ___
Total 15 Total 20
Scotsman December 14th 1891
Leith Golf Club
The annual competition between Captain and Vice Captain’s tems was played over Leith Links on Saturday. The result was win for the Vice Captain’s team by eight holes. The teams afterwards adjourned to the club-house, when the scratch and handicap charms were presented to the successful competitors – scratch medal, J. Duncan : Handicap, R. Hutchison.
The Archibald cup and charm were presented by Captain Dunn to Mr Wm. M. Archibald.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 23rd 1892
The Leith Club
The Leith club, last Saturday held their annual prize meeting over the links, with the result :- P. Smith, 76 less 14 – 62 ; G. Mauchline, 78 less 14 – 64 ; A.J. Wilson, 72 less 8 – 64 ; J. Keddie, Scratch 65 ; J. Machan, 77 less 12 – 65 ; A. Carstairs, 73 less 8 – 65 ; R. Dunn, 80 less 14 – 66 ; A. Rutherford, 73 less 6 – 67.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 4th 1892
All Clubs
Golfing on the links, The golfing season on the links was closed on Tuesday. The green will re-open for play on 1st October.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 7th 1893
Opening of the links
The close time of four months expired on Monday, when many players, both ladies and gentlemen, indulged in the game over the common. The Seafield club, headed by Captain Wm. Dougall, was strongly represented. The ranger of the links, Councillor Gibson, has had the grass over the course and putting greens cut, and the green at the present time is in a better condition than ever it was.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 16th 1895
Leith Club
A match was arranged and took place last Wednesday over Leith Links between John D. Keddie and Charles Lumsden – Keddie conceding eighteen strokes to his opponent. The match proved a good thing for Keddie, for he played a strong game throughout, doing the first round in 43 strokes, and the second round in 36 strokes, made up as follows :- 5,4,3,3,4,4,6,3,4 – 36 The latter being the lowest score made in the green for the season.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 12th 1898
Leith Club
The final of the monthly medal competitions was played over Leith Links last Saturday. Results :- Mr James Melville, 95 less 20 – 75 ; Dr Sneddon, 88 less 10 – 78 ; Rev H. Caldwell, 92 less 13 – 79 ; Mr W. Stewart, 96 less 16 – 80 ; Dr Stewart, 89 less 8 – 81 ; Mr J. Foster, 91 less 9 – 82 ; Mr T. Dunlop. 109 less 24 – 85 ; Mr J. Rankin, 100 less 15 – 85 ; Mr W. Smith, 110 less 20 – 90.
Note : We think this match might constitute the Leith clubs last match or game etc.
Leith Thistle Golf Club
Formed 1815
Folded 1830
And Now
Resucitation Of The Leith Thistle Golf Club
The Edinburgh Evening Courant April 10th 1866.
The Thistle Golf Club was established at Leith on March 11th 1815, and started with a list of forty five members many of whom were of no mean skill.
The club continued to flourish till within late years, when, partly owing to many of the members having died, and partly to fact of Leith having fallen into desuetude as a golfing ground, the club at length ceased to have an active practical existence.
Having risen once more in estimation as a golfing ground the play at Leith is now probably greater than ever, and as a natural consequence several flourishing clubs have been recently organised, and one Resucitated – the Thistle Club itself. On Friday last, the still existing members of the old club admitted into their society between forty and fifty younger brethren, and at the same time formally handed over their long unused gold medal and records. The medal, which had lain dormant for thirty years, was competed for by several first class players, and was won by Mr Daniel Smith, with an excellent score of 111 strokes to the 21 holes played. The event was celebrated by a dinner given to the original members ( Mr Thomas Hay in the chair ) when an opportunity was taken by that gentleman of congratulating the society upon the admission into it’s body of so many excellent and keen golfers, and of the probability of the Thistle Club attaining that eminence in the golfing world which it held in a past generation. The chairman also took the opportunity of complementing the winner of the medal upon his excellent play, and of adorning him with the much coveted trophy.
Among other toasts, that of Mr Bennet, the indefatigable secretary, was proposed, and warmly responded to – a compliment due not less to his exertions on behalf of the club than to the courtesy and urbanity he has invariably displayed towards every member. With toast and song alternating, and a tribute of thanks to Mr Hay, Mr Cundell, and the other original members for the handsome manner in which the entire inaugural business had been conducted, the evening drew to a close ; and so ended the first meeting of the resuscitated Thistle Golf Club.
The same article appeared in the Leith Burgh Pilot of April 14th 1866 but with the added information about the office bearers for the season.
The following were appointed office bearers for the current year :- Thomas Hay esq, Captain ; Messrs Joseph Cundell, N.M. Mackie, Robert Chambers Junr, Samuel Halket, and William L. Wood, Council, Mr Thomas Robertson, Secretary, and Mr Thomas Shiels, Treasurer.
The Sotsman April 11th 1866. The Scotsman ran with the same article as above.
Caledonian Mercury May 1815
Leith Thistle golf club
The gold medal given by the Thistle golf club, was played for over Leith Links on Friday last, May 5th, and was gained by Archibald Ogilvie Dalgliesh, Esq, of Scotscraig, Captain to the club, at sixty-five strokes. The two rounds have been done at forty-nine strokes, but this is a rare case.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 1867
On Saturday a match was played over Leith links between the Thistle golf club Leith V The Bruntsfield Club ; 10 players on each side, and two rounds of 14 holes. The play of the Thistle was very good, no less than nine of their number being victors.
The numbers stood thus :-
Thistle, Leith Bruntsfield, Edinburgh
J. Williamson …………………. 70 R. Chambers …………………… 77
D. Smith …………………….. 73 W. Lees ………………………... 72
W.L. Wood ………………….. 72 J. Bryson ………………………. 78
James Hardie ………………… 74 J. McCaug ……………………… 76
John Hardie …………………. 71 D. McCaug …………………….. 76
J. Prentice ……………………. 73 Jas Robertson …………………. 76
Thos Hay ( Captain ) …………. 76 J. Greenhill …………………….. 80
John Scott …………………….. 78 J. Chalmers …………………….. 83
N.M. Mackie ………………….. 77 A. Usher ………………………… 85
Wm Menzies ……………………81 D. Croal …………………………. 83
Total 745 Total 789
Majority for the Thistle 44
The match created considerable interest, and it was witnessed by a large number of spectators, bringing to remembrance what took place on Leith Links 50 years ago. The lovers of the noble game will be glad to learn from our advertising columns that a tournament for “ Professionals” is being arranged for the middle of May.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 20th 1867
Thistle Golf Club.
The annual meeting of this club was held on Friday, when Mr T. Hay was unanimously re-elected Captain. Present Council – Messrs Joseph Cundell, Samuel Halket, N.M. Mackie, James Williamson, James Pringle and John Hardie ; Thos Shiels, Treasurer ; D. Smith, Recorder, John Scott, Secretary. The golf medal was thereafter competed for over Leith Links and gained by Mr Robert Chambers Jnr who holed the two rounds of fourteen holes in seventy strokes. The members afterwards dined in the New Ship Hotel. We understand that a match for a handsome piece of plate will be played for on Leith Links on Saturday between ten of the Edinburgh Bruntsfield and a like number of the Thistle Club.
Edinburgh Evening Courant Saturday May 18th 1867.
Golf Tournament On Leith Links
Early in April last year the Thistsle Golf Club ( Leith ) which was originally established in 1815, but had been in abeyance from 1830, was resuscitated by a few of it’s old members, headed by it’s present Captain Mr Thomas Hay, a gentleman who donned the golfers jacket as a member of this club as long ago as 1824. The movement was crowned with success, and the “ Thistle” has now a membership of eighty one, including some of the finest players in the district. At the last annual meeting of the club, the idea of holding a grand golfing competition among professional players on Leith links was proposed by the Captain, and being heartily agreed to by all the members, it was resolved that such a meeting should be held yesterday, and that the sum of £25 taken from the club’s funds, should be offered as prizes. Twenty-two “ Professionals” resident in the great golfing “ Centres” of Scotland, and including nearly all of any note, accepted the invitation, and many of them have been engaged during the past week in practising the “ Leith Ground.”
The rules of the “Thistle” were accepted as those of the tournament – which is the first of the kind that has ever taken place on Leith Links – and it’s general council were appointed “ Scorers,” “ Umpires,” &c. The play was 28 holes – ( determined by strokes ) – or four times round from the “ tee” which is situate at the Claremont Park ( South East ) corner of the links. The ground yesterday, though wet, was very “ true” to the player.
The 22 players who took part in the match. Little did they know that they would be immortalised in golf history.
Left to right, Kneeling, T. Hunter, J. Hutchison, Wm Park, D. Park ( Partly Hidden ), R. Ferguson ( Eventual Winner ) Bob Kirk, Geo. Paterson ( Partly Hidden ), Wm. Dunn, Jas. Campbell, Tom Morris Jnr, T. Brown, Jas. Anderson, Geo. Morris, W. Dow, A. Greig, Bob Andrews, A. Strath, Alex Brown, Wm McDonald, TomMorris, ( Addressing The Ball ), Rob. Dow, Jamie Dunn ( Sitting )
The following is the order in which the players started, and as they had been “ Paired” on the previous evening:
1. David Park, Musselburgh, and J. Anderson, St Andrews.
2. Tom Morris, St Andrews, and William Park, Musselburgh.
3. Wm. Dunn, Leith, and Wm. Dow, Musselburgh.
4. George Morris, Leith, and Robt. Dow, Montrose.
5. Walter Macdonald, Perth, and Thos. Hunter, Musselburgh.
6. Robert Kirk, St Andrews, and Tom Morris Jun., St Andrews.
7. Thomas Brown, Musselburgh, and Geo. Paterson, Musselburgh.
8. Alexander Brown, Musselburgh, and John Campbell, Musselburgh.
9. Robert Fergusson, Musselburgh, and James Hutchinson, Musselburgh.
10. Jas. Dunn, Leith, and Alex Greig, Leith
11 Robert Andrews, Perth, and A. Strath, Prestwick, Ayrshire.
As might have been expected, the greatest interest was taken by the large concourse of spectators in the play of the two champions – Morris Sen, and Park – who were followed from “ hole” to “ hole” by crowds. The best “ led off “ stroke however, was Kirk’s, whose play as well as that of his “ partner,” Morris, Jnr, was very much admired – both being fine straight “ hitters.” One or two of the competitors came “ to grief” through their first stroke landing their “ balls” in water, from which, as might be supposed, it required an extra “ hit” to lift them. The play as a whole, might be generally characterised as inferior, all the prize takers, with the single exception of Andrews, Perth, being hitherto almost unknown as “Crack Professionals,”
On gaining the “ tee” for the fourth time, it was found that the successful competitors were as follows :-
Total Score
R. Fergusson, Musselburgh …………………………………………… 131
T. Hunter, Musselburgh ………………………………………………. 132
J. Anderson, St Andrews ……………………………………………… 133
R. Andrews, Perth …………………………………………………….. 133
W. Park, Musselburgh …………………………………………………. 144
After the tie between Anderson and Andrews had been played off in a single round, in which they made 31 and 33 strokes respectively, the prizes of £10, £6, £4, £3, and £2 were awarded to the competitors as their names are recorded in the above list.
A. Strath, W. Park, Bob Kirk, Jas. Anderson, W. Dow, Jas Dunn, Alex Greig, Tom Morris, Tom Morris Jnr, Geo. Morris
Edinburgh Evening Courant Monday May 20th 1867
The “ foursome “ between William Dunn, Leith and W. Park, Musselburgh against Tom Morris, St Andrews and W. Dow, Musselburgh, was played on Leith Links on Saturday, notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather. As might have been expected, the attendance of spectators was rather limited, though the play of all the competitors was much better than the average of the previous day. The match was won by the first couple by two holes – one of the rounds being played by Dunn and Park in 28 strokes – two less than any player during the tournament of Friday.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 12th 1867
Thistle Golf Club
The club played for their silver medal over Leith Links yesterday week. There was a large turnout of members, and after a keen competition the medal was gained by Mr W.L. Wood with a fine score of 66 upon the two rounds of 14 holes.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 11th 1868
The Thistle Golf Club
On the afternoon of Friday week the members of the Thistle Golf Club assembled on Leith Links to compete for the gold medal which was presented to the club in the year 1815, and which is held yearly by the successful competition. The weather proved highly favourable, and the play was spirited. At two o’clock the following couples started :- J. Menzies and M. Stuart. W. Menzies and D. Croall. T. Sheils and S. Sheils. Andrew Rankin and R. Hardie. W. Wood and T.J. Hardie. T. Hardie and C. McCuig. B. Rusell and Charles Prentice. R.A. Peacock and W.S. McDonald.
Note : the rest of this article is of poor quality and I will have to return and take further details at a later date.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 3rd 1872
Golf – Thistle Club
On Saturday last the members of this club competed for the challenge medals. The day was fine and the green in good order. The following is the result : - Mr Arnott scored 98 without odds, and won the first medal. Mr Murray, 97 with odds, and won the second medal. The next highest were Mr Mackenzie , 99 with odds and Mr Proudfoot, 101 without odds.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 13th 1878
Thistle Golf Club
The annual general meeting of this club was held on Thursday in the clubhouse, Vanburgh Place. After the conclusion of the ordinary business twenty couples started to compete for the club golfd medal and other prizes. The weathet was almost all that could be desired and as the green also was in good condition, it was to be expected that some fine play woul;d be exhibited. This expectation was relalised in the winning card of Mr Daniel Smith, who finished in 63, one of the lowest scores ever recorded in connection with the club. The rest of the cracks, however, did not distinguish themselves, and – with the exception of Mr E. Wilson and Jas. Williamson, whose respective totals were 67 and 68 – the play was respectable but not brilliant. The following are the leading scores :-
1st Daniel Smith ( Gold Medal ) ………… 63 – 0 – 63
2nd R. Wilson …. ………….. ………….. 67 - 2 – 65
3rd Wm. Menzies ………… ……. ………. 69 - 2 - 67
4th Ed. Wishart …………… …………….. 75 - 8 - 68
In the evening the members dined together in the London Hotel, Edinburgh.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 5th 1878
Leith Thistle Golf Club
The autumn meeting of the Thistle golf club was held on Leith Links on Thursday. There was a large muster of players, but only twelve couples started in the competition for the club silver medal. The weather was very favourable, but the green being rather heavy and the course much longer than usual the scores were correspondingly high. The following were the winning cards, viz. – William Menzies, 81 less 2, 79, and G. Weir Cathcart, 81 less 2, 79 – tie : Robert Hardie ( Scratch ) 80 : Sidey Sheils, 83 less 2, 81 : Wm Ferguson, 88 less 2, 86 : Jas McKinlay, 93 less 7, 86.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 3rd 1879
Thistle Golf Club
The annual competition for a silver cup jug, presented by Mr W.L. Wood, took place on Thursday on Leith Links. The weather was favourable, and the greens were in capital condition. At the close of the competition it was found that Mr Shiells and Mr Wishart had tied at 76. Mr Wishart played 84 strokes, but as the handicap allowed him 6, Mr Shiells natural score of 76 was thus equalled. It was agreed to play off the tie on another day.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 14th 1888
Leith Thistle Golf Club
The scratch competition for the gold medal of this club took place on Leith links on Thursday afternoon. There was a fairly large turnout of members, and some good play resulted. The conditions were two rounds of seven holes, the round having been extended since the improvements of the links. At the close of play it was seen that the Captain, Mr John Hardie, was the winner of the medal with a score of 63 followed by Mr W.T. Armour with 65, and Mr Sider Shiels with 71.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 9th 1889
The Thistle Golf Club
The competition for the Sydney medal was held on Thursday. Two rounds of the freen were played, and the medal was won by Mr Peter Couper with the creditable score of 72 – 4 – 68. The Captain, Mr John Hardie, was second with a scratch score of 69.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 16th 1889
Seafield V Thistle
This match was played at Leith last Saturday in fine weather and after playing three rounds of the links, with fourteen men-a-side, it was found that Thistle had won by 7 holes. Scores :-
Seafield Thistle
Mr Buchan ……………………….. 0 Mr Harvey ………………………….. 0
Mr Robinson ……………………… 0 Mr Denham …………………………. 3
Mr J. Henderson ………………….. 0 Mr McRuvie ………………………….4
Mr Fraser …………………………. 0 Mr Lynn ……………………………. 0
Mr Doig …………………………. 0 Mr Stewart ………………………….. 4
Mr Rogers ……………………….. 0 Mr Hunter ………………………….. 1
Mr R.J. Henderson ………………. 7 Mr Bell ……………………………… 0
Mr Brown ……………………….. 2 Mr Masterton ……………………….. 0
Mr Adamson ……………………. 0 Mr Small ……………………………. 4
Mr Duncan ……………………….. 0 Mr Brown …………………………… 1
Mr Fairgrieve …………………….. 0 Mr Hastie …………………………… 0
Mr Cochrane ……………………. 2 Mr Firth ……………………………… 0
Mr Anderson ……………………. 0 Mr Grant …………………………….. 3
Mr Gibson ……………………….. 2 Mr Williamson ………………………. 0
13 20
Leith Burgh Pilot March 30th 1889
Leith V Thistle
Three rounds of Leith Links were played by teams representing the Leith club and The Edinburgh Thistle last Saturday, the Leith team winning easily by 15 holes. Scores :-
Leith Club Thistle
Mr J. Duncan …………………………. 0 Mr D. Leitch ………………………. 3
Mr G. Walker …………………………. 0 Mr J. McRuvie ……………………. 4
Mr W.M. Archibald ………………….. 7 Mr J. Denham ……………………… 0
Mr J. Paterson ………………………… 0 Mr A. King ……………………….. 0
Mr R. Hutchison Snr …………………. 7 Mr R. Harvey ……………………. 0
Mr D. Coutts …………………………. 2 Mr W. Stewart …………………… 0
Mr J. Rolland …………………………. 0 Mr D. Lynn ………………………. 1
Mr J. Bell …………………………….. 0 Mr W. Hunter …………………….. 0
Mr A. McPherson ……………………. 1 Mr J. Bell …………………………. 0
Mr G. Paterson ……………………….. 5 Mr W. Small ………………………. 0
Mr C. Gibson ………………………… 5 Mr G. Masterton …………………. 0
Mr A. Rutherford …………………….. 0 Mr J. Turnbull ……………………. 2
Mr J.R. Watson ……………………….. 0 Mr P. Brown …………………….. 0
Mr A.J. Wilson ……………………….. 0 Mr F. Hastie ……………………… 3
Mr D. Mackay ………………………… 0 Mr W. Frier ……………………… 3
Mr J. Darney ………………………….. 4 Mr D. Grant ……………………… 0
37 22
Leith Burgh Pilot June 4th 1892
All Clubs
Golfing on the links, The golfing season on the links was closed on Tuesday. The green will re-open for play on 1st October.
Leith Albyn Golf Club
Caledonian Mercury April 1827
The Leith Albyn Golf Club played over Leith Links for their medal on Saturday, the 7th instant, which was gained by Mr A. Cassels, Leith.
Very little is known about this club.
Seafield Golf Club
The Leith Herald November 9th 1878
Seafield Golf Club
The First Competition
The members of this Newly-Formed golf club held their first competition over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday. The weather being good, there was a large turnout of members, and considering the roughness of the links some fair scores were returned. The following is a list of the winners of the ten prizes :-
1. Alex Brown ( Captain ) …. … … 96 Scratch – 96
2. J. Cockburn .. … .. … .. 105 – 7 - 98
3. J. Provan … … … … .. 117 - 16 - 101
4. James Adamson … … … .. 116 - 14 - 102
5. John Adamson .. … … … 117 – 14 -- 103
6. D. Kelly .. … … .. … … 127 - 22 - 105
7. A.G. Yorston .. … …. … …. 125 – 16 -- 106
8. R.D. Monteith … … … … .. 123 – 14 -- 106
9. W. Brown … … … …. … 128 – 18 -- 110
10. W. Donaldson .. … …. …. 136 – 26 -- 110
Note : This makes the formation date of Seafield prior to the above.
The Edinburgh Evening News Saturday December 27th 1879
Golf Tournament At Leith
A golf tournament, open to all professionals, is being played over Leith Links today. The prize amount to £20, and the tournament has been got up by the Seafield Golf Club, and will doubtless have the effect of making this game more popular in Leith. Considerable interest was manifested in the event. The wind was blowing strongly across the course, and the ground at some of the putting greens was rather soft, which rendered good playing difficult. Twelve couples started from the top hole, a number of people following the players. The interest was principally centered in some of the local players and Bob Ferguson, Muselburgh, and Jamie Anderson, Champion, St Andrews. All the players got away with good swipes, with the exception of Martin, of St Andrews. Ferguson topped his first drive, but Anderson drove well away. The playing in the first round was very good, though the wind sometimes blew the balls considerably out of line with the holes, Sanderson’s and Ferguson’s handling of the iron was very efficient, but at some of the putting greens, and especially at the Seafield hole their play received but scant justice, owing to the softness of the ground. At the end of the first round the scores were - for Anderson, 40 ; Ferguson, 39 ; Cosgrove 38. The veterans, Tom Morris, St Andrew, and Willie Park, Musselburgh, were coupled together, and the first named had 42 for the first round, and the latter 43. Bob Martin, St Andrews, played well, and in the second round scored 36.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 10th 1887
A match for prizes in connection with this club was played over Leith Links on Saturday afternoon. The green was in fair condition, and twenty four members took part in the competition. The prize winners were :- Messrs Rodger, Adamson, Munroe ( Junior ), Wilson and Macpherson.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 28th 1888
Seafield Club
A competition for club medal was played last Saturday. The result was a tie between Mr Thomas Macfarlane 73 less 1 – 72 ; Mr James Adamson ( e ) 90 less 18 – 72. Few members turned out owing to the bad weather.
Leith Burgh Pilot May 8th 1888
Seafield Club
Last Saturday the gold medallion presented to the winner of the club medal, was gained by Mr R.G. Duthie with a net score of 75.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 1st 1888
Seafield Club
A competition for the club medal and other prizes was held on Friday and Saturday over Leith links under rather unfavourable conditions for low scoring. The winners were :- 1. Club medal and 1st prize, Mr J.B. Adamson 76 – 4 – 72, 2. John Doig, 75 – 2 – 73.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 22nd 1888
Seafield Club
The final competition for the possession of the cup presented by the Captain ( Mr A. Foster ) was played off over Leith Links last Saturday, between Messrs J. Fairgrieve, R. Robinson, and T.G. Buchan, who were respectively the winners in the three competitions for this prize. After a very even game, Mr Buchan was declared the winner, with a scratch score of 74 ; Mr Fairgrieve ( who had 5 of a handicap ) and Mr Robinson ( Scratch ) tying with 75 for second place.
Leith Burgh Pilot January 26th 1889
Seafield Club
A competition for club prizes was played on Friday and Saturday, 15 couples taking part in it. The prize winners were :- J. Henderson 77 ( Scratch ) ; R. Duthie 89 less 10 – 79 ; J. Doig 80 less 1 – 79 ; J.B. Adamson 82 less 2 – 80.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 16th 1889
Seafield V Thistle
This match was played at Leith last Saturday in fine weather and after playing three rounds of the links, with fourteen men-a-side, it was found that Thistle had won by 7 holes. Scores :-
Seafield Thistle
Mr Buchan ……………………….. 0 Mr Harvey ………………………….. 0
Mr Robinson ……………………… 0 Mr Denham …………………………. 3
Mr J. Henderson ………………….. 0 Mr McRuvie ………………………….4
Mr Fraser …………………………. 0 Mr Lynn ……………………………. 0
Mr Doig …………………………. 0 Mr Stewart ………………………….. 4
Mr Rogers ……………………….. 0 Mr Hunter ………………………….. 1
Mr R.J. Henderson ………………. 7 Mr Bell ……………………………… 0
Mr Brown ……………………….. 2 Mr Masterton ……………………….. 0
Mr Adamson ……………………. 0 Mr Small ……………………………. 4
Mr Duncan ……………………….. 0 Mr Brown …………………………… 1
Mr Fairgrieve …………………….. 0 Mr Hastie …………………………… 0
Mr Cochrane ……………………. 2 Mr Firth ……………………………… 0
Mr Anderson ……………………. 0 Mr Grant …………………………….. 3
Mr Gibson ……………………….. 2 Mr Williamson ………………………. 0
13 20
Leith Burgh Pilot April 6th 1889
Seafield Club
A competition for club prizes was held over the links last Friday and Saturday and resulted as follows:- Hector Koerber, 81 less 17 – 64 ; Robert Robinson, 64 plus 1 – 65 ; J. Wilson 73 less 8 – 65 ; J. Grosert, 77 less 12 – 65, tie ; J. Cochrane, 77 less 11 – 66.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 13th 1889
Seafield V Kinghorn
Representative teams of these clubs had a match over Kinghorn links last Saturday. As will be seen from the scores, the game was pretty close :-
Seafield Kinghorn
J. Henderson …………………….. 0 A. McPherson …………………… 11
W.G. Munroe Jnr ………………… 0 A. Wilson ……………………….. 2
R.G. Henderson …………………. 0 J. Robertson ………………………. 1
J. Fairgrieve ………………………. 0 T. smith …………………………… 9
A. Foster …………………………. 6 J. Darney ………………………… 0
J. Clader ………………………….. 7 G. Oswald ……………………….. 0
R. Gibson …………………………. 0 T. Storrar …………………………. 1
J. Duncan …………………………. 11 R. Smith ………………………… 0
R. Duthie …………………………. 0 W. Mann ………………………. 2
W.G. Munroe Senr ………………. 4 J. Mercer ………………………… 0
28 24
Leith Burgh Pilot April 20th 1889
Seafield Club
A competition for club medal and other prizes was played over the links last Friday and Saturday, resulting as follows :- 1. Wm Adamson 68 less 6 – 62 ; 2. R.J. Henderson 65 less 1 – 64 ; 3. J.B. Adamson 68 less 2 – 66 ; 4. D.H. Leitch 62 plus 5 – 67.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 27th 1889
Seafield V Stockbridge
A match between representatives of these clubs took place over the links last Saturday afternoon – eleven men from each, and three rounds of the green. The strangers were successful, beating the home team by 7 holes. Subjoined are the teams and results :-
Seafield Holes Stockbridge Holes
D.H. Leitch ……………….. 3 G. Millar …………………….. 0
J. Henderson ……………… 0 D.M. Jackson ………………… 4
R.J. Henderson …………….. 5 G.G. Munroe Jnr …………….. 0
A. Rodger ………………….. 0 A.S. Muir ……………………. 6
J. Fairgrieve ……………….. 0 J.C. Johnston ………………… 1
A. Foster ……………………. 3 J. Mackie …………………….. 0
William Adamson ………….. 0 J. Cheshire …………………… 8
T. Anderson ……………….. 0 W.G. Munroe ………………… 3
J. Calder ……………………. 3 J. Cowper …………………… 0
J. Duncan ………………….. 4 A.G. Tawse ………………….. 0
R. Gibson ………………….. 0 P. McLaren …………………..
18 25
Leith Burgh Pilot May 18th 1889
Seafield Club
A competition for prizes presented by members was played over the links last Friday and Saturday and resulted as follows :- 1. R. McIntyre 74 less 11 – 63 ; R. Duthie 74 less 8 – 66 ; J. Grosert 77 less 10 – 67.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 4th 1892
All Clubs
Golfing on the links, The golfing season on the links was closed on Tuesday. The green will re-open for play on 1st October.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 7th 1893
Opening of the links
The close time of four months expired on Monday, when many players, both ladies and gentlemen, indulged in the game over the common. The Seafield club, headed by Captain Wm. Dougall, was strongly represented. The ranger of the links, Councillor Gibson, has had the grass over the course and putting greens cut, and the green at the present time is in a better condition than ever it was.
Leith Burgh Pilot January 6th 1894
Seafield Club
On new years day the members held a sweepstake competition over the links which resulted :- John Gardner, 71 less 3 – 68 ; Peter Gardner, 77 less 8 – 69 ; James Adamson, 86 less 16 – 70.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 16th 1895
Seafield Club
The competition for the monthly medal and presented prizes took place over the links last Friday and Saturday, and resulted : - Mr R. Robinson 80 plus 1 – 81 ; Mr James Provan, 101 less 18 – 83 ; Captain Dougal, 98 less 15 – 83 ; Mr George H. Ridley, 96 less 13 – 83 ; Mr Andrew Fraser, 87 less 4 – 83 – the last four tieing for second, third and fourth places.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 2nd 1895
Seafield V “ Scotsman”
A match between these clubs took place last Saturday over the links, with the following result :-
Seafield “ Scotsman”
T.T. Thomas and H. Muirjead ……….. 3 R. Melrose and J. Robb ………… 0
W.M. Archibald and S.F. Norman …… 5 H. Arnott and A. Hamilton ……….0
A. Wilson and R.J. Henderson …………2 D. Blair and J. Lawrie ………….. 0
R. Robinson and A. Fraser ……………. 0 D. Coutts and R. Stewart ……….. 0
G. Sinclair and F.P. Cochrane ………… 3 R. Thom and J. Mercer …………. 0
J. Carstairs and T. Mason …………….. 0 J. Murdoch and D.L. Wood ……… 2
J. Calder and R. McIntyre …………….. 1 T. Young Jnr and G. Aitken ……. 0
W. Hutchison and W. Rutherford ……. 5 J. Lees and D. Robb …………… 0
R. Duthie and A. Prestwick …………... 1 W. Lawrie and J. McIntyre …… 0
W. Morris and W. Morrison …………. 0 J. Pearson ans W. Brotherston ….. 3
____ ____
20 5
Majority for Seafield 15 holes
Leith Burgh Pilot April 6th 1895
Seafield Club
The half yearly competition for the scratch and handicap medals and prizes took place over the links last Friday and Saturday, with the following result :- Winner of the scratch medal, Mr R. Robinson, 82. Handicap medal and prizes – 1 and 2 ( tie ) Mr J. Fairgrieve, 89 less 10 – 79, and Mr J.G. Farquahar, 93 less 14 – 79 ; 3, Mr D. Blair 85 less 3 – 82 ; 4 and 5 ( tie ) Mr Arthur Stoker, 90 less 7 – 83, and Mr J.W. Stewart, 100 less 17 – 83 ; 6 ( tie ) Mr W. Morrison 95 less 11 – 84, and Mr M. Golder 96 less 12 – 84.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 13th 1895
Seafield V “ Scotsman”
The return match between these clubs took place over the Braids on Wednesday. The game was played in foursomes, twenty players a side. The match finished :
Seafield “ Scotsman”
T.T. Gray and H.H. Muirhead …….. 0 R. Melrose and J. Robb ………… 4
W. McKinlay and D. Blair ………… 0 R. Stewart and A. Hamilton …….. 2
J. Prestwick and A. Stoker …………0 H. Arnott and H. Neilson ………… 8
T. Anderson and R. McIntyre ……... 0 J. Lawrie and A. Geoghegan …….. 8
F.P. Cochrane and J. Fairgrieve …… 0 R. Thom and W. Lawrie …………. 8
T. Mason and A. Fraser …………… 5 D. Pringle and J. Mercer ………… 0
G.H. Ridley and W. Morrison …….. 2 J. Murdoch and G. Aitken ……… 0
A. Rodger and A. Clark …………… 0 A. Aitken and J.D. Izett …………. 11
R. Duthie and W. Grey …………… 0 J. Chumley and T. Young Jnr …… 0
J. Munro and J. Adamson …………. 0 D.L. Wood and J.P. Lees …………. 3
___ ___
7 44
The “ Scotsman” were thus 37 holes up on the match, and deducting the 15 holes won by the Seafield in the first match over Leith Links, they are the winners of the double match by 22 holes.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 20th 1895
Seafield Club
The Seafield’s April competition for the monthly medal and prizes was held over the links on Friday and Saturday, when 43 members competed, with the following result :- 1, Mr R. Duthie 90 less 13 – 77 ; 2, Mr R. Gibson 87 less 8 – 79 ; 3, Mr James Fairgrieve 88 less 8 – 80 ; 4, Mr S.F. Notman scratch 80.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 1st 1895
Seafield Club
The queens birthday competition of this club, played over Dunbar’s green, resulted :- 1. A. Foster Snr 93 less 14 – 79 ; 2 and 3 ( tie ) R.G. Boak 93 less 10 – 83 ; Thomas Mason 91 nless 8 – 83.
Leith Burgh Pilot September 21st 1895
At the annual general meeting of this club the following gentlemen were elected office bearers for the ensuing year :- Captain, Mr John Doig ; Vice Captain, Mr G.H. Ridley ; Treasurer, Mr D. Leitch ; Secretary, Mr A. Fraser. Committee, Messrs Jas Adamson, R. Gibson, R. Robinson, W.M. Archibald, and D.R. Thomson.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 16th 1895
Seafield Club
The Saefields monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals took place over Leith links last Friday and Saturday. Results :- Scratch Medal, W.M. Archibald 86 plus 1 – 87 ; Monthly Medal and first prize, J. Fairgrieve Snr 92 less 1 – 81 ; 2. R.G. Duthie 95 less 13 – 82 ; 3. A. Rutherford 92 les 9 – 83 4. A. Prestwich 93 less 9 – 84 ; 5 and 6 ( tie ) A. Clark 99 less 13 – 86 ; and M. Golder 98 less 12 – 86.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 30th 1895
Seafield Club
A large number of members competed for the club medal and prizes, played over the links last week. The competition resulted :- Medal and 1st prize, J. Wilson 96 less 14 – 82 ; 2. R. Robinson 82 plus 1 – 83 ; 3. A. Wilson 83 plus 1 – 84 ; 4. D. Blair 88 less 3 – 85 ; 5. A. Prestwick 95 less 8 – 87.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 21st 1895
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was held over Leith links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Scratch Medal, R. Robinson 43 ; Monthly medal and 1st prize T. Mason 45 less 4 – 41 ; 2nd F.P. Cochrane 45 less 3 ½ - 41 ½ ; 3rd and 4th, A. Stoker 46 less 4 – 42 and R. Gibson 46 less 4 –42.
Leith Burgh Pilot January 18th 1896
Seafield Club
The Seafield’s scratch and monthly medals competition was played over the links last Friday and Saturday, and resulted :- Scracth medal W.M Archibald 87. Monthly medal and 1. H.M. Wallace 88 less 9 – 79 ; 2 and 3 ( tie ) A. Clark 98 less13 – 85 and A.M. Johnston 89 less 4 – 85 ; 4. J. Munroe 104 less 18 – 86.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 15th 1896
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes took place on the links last Friday and Saturday, and resulted as follows :- Scratch medal R. Robinson 84 ; Monthly medal J. Munro 93 less 18 – 75 ; A. Clark 88 less 12 – 76 ; H,M Wallace 89 less 7 – 82 ; J. Grant 89 less 6 – 83 ; H. Neilson 88 less 4- 84 ; R. Robinson 84 plus 1 – 85, and J.S. Fraser 89 less 4 – 85 ( tie ).
Leith Burgh Pilot February 29th 1896
Seafield Club
Seafield V Scotsman
These clubs met at the links on Saturday last in a foursome match. The result was a rather easy win for the home club. Scores :-
Seafield “ Scotsman”
J. Doig and A. Prestwich ……….. 2 A. Hamilton and D. Blair ………… 0
T. Thomson and A. Fairgieve Snr .. 0 J. Lawrie and J. Robb …………….. 1
W.M. Archibald and H.M. Wallace 6 H. Arnot and A. Geoghegan ………. 0
S.F. Notman and A. Rutherford …. 0 R. Melrose and D. Coutts ……….. 2
A. Wilson and T. Mason ………… 5 W. Lawrie and T. Young Jnr ……. 0
J.S. Fraser and W. Morrison ……… 1 D. Pringle and R. Thom …………… 0
H. Neilson and J. Grant ………….. 0 W. Watt and J. Mercer ………….. 3
J. Gardner and W. Grey …………. 7 G. Aitken and J. Pearson …………. 0
H.H. Muirhead and A.M. Johnston .. 8 D. Wood abd D. Robb …………… 0
R. Robinson and A. Fraser ……… 2 - 31 G. Ridley and R.G. Duthie ……….. 0 – 6
Leith Burgh Pilot March 14th 1896
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes among the members of the Seafiled golf club took place over the links last Friday and Saturday. There was a good turnout of competitors. Scores : Scracth and Monthly medal and 1. A. Wilson 79 plus 1 – 80 ; 2, A. Rogers 91 less 8 – 83 ; 3,4,and5 ( tie ) W. Hutchison 92 less 8 – 84 ; R.G. Duthie 95 less 11 – 84 ; W. Morrison 93 less 9 – 84 ; 6 ( tie ) G.H. Ridley 97 less 12 – 85 ; R. Gibson 92 less 7 – 85 ; W. Irvine 96 less 11 – 85 ; R. Robinson 84 plus 1 – 85.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 28th 1896
Seafield ( Leith ) V Edinburgh St Andrew
A match between representing the above clubs was played, in foursomes over Leith Links last Saturday, the result being a win for St Andrew by 21 holes to 3 holes.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 18th 1896
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Scratch Medal – A.M. Johnston 88 ; Monthly medal and 1st A. Foster Snr 93 less 11 – 82 ; 2,3,4,and 5, George T. Davis 90 less 6 – 84 ; M. Golden 93 less 9 – 84 ; J.R. Burden 102 less 18 – 84 ; and W. Hutchison 91 less 7 – 84.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 6th 1896
Seafield Club
The competition for the medallions over Musselburgh this week, with the following result :- Scratch medallion, R. Robinson ; Monthly, J. Munro ; Half Yearly do., W. Morris.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 7th 1896
Seafield Club
Match At Leith
Ben Sayers on Tuesday played two rounds of Leith links against Mr T.T. Gray and Mr J. Doig, of the Seafield Club. The game resulted in favour of the latter by four up and two to play.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 14th 1896
Seafield Club
At a meeting of the Seafield golf club last Saturday, Councillor Macgregor formally handed over a handsome silver cup presented by him to the club for competition. Captain Doig, on behalf of the club, accepted the cup, which is to be played for twice a year. The first competition for the trophy, along with that for the half yearly medal, was played over the links on Saturday, and resulted :- 1 and 2, A. Foster Snr, 95 less 11 – 84 ; W. Morison 92 less 8 – 84 ; 3 and 4, A. Wilson 81 plus 4 – 85 ; J. Douglas 99 less 14 – 85 ; 5, A. Fraser, 95 less 8 – 87 ; 6 and 7, W. Wood, 98 less 10 – 88 ; J. Fairgrieve Jnr, 104 less 16 – 88 ; 8, W.M. Archibald 88 plus 1 – 89.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 28th 1896
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over the links last Friday and Saturday, and resulted as follows :- Scratch medal, R. Robinson 41 ; Monthly medal and 1, H. Koerber 49 less 9 – 40 ; 2, A. Foster Snr, 46 less 4 ½ - 41 ½ ; 3, J. Grossart, 46 less 4 – 42 ; 4, W. Grey, 46 less 3 ½ - 42 ½ ; 5, J. Douglas, 49 less 6 ½ - 42 ½ ; 6, M. Golder, 47 less 4 ½ - 42 ½ ; and R. Robinson, 41 plus 1 ½ - 42 ½ ( tie ).
Leith Burgh Pilot January 16th 1897
Seafield Club
The monthly compitition for the for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over Leith Links last Friday and Saturday in stormy weather, and resulted as follows :- Scratch medal, W. Gey 45 ; Monthly medal and 1st prize, A. Clark 56 less 4 – 42 ; Second Prize, W. Grey 45 less 2 ½ - 42 ½ ; Third Prize, J. Drummond Jnr, 48 less 5 – 43.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 13th 1897
Seafield Club
A large number of the members took part in the monthly competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes played over the links last Friday and Saturday. Result :- Scratch Medal, Captain Doig, 83 ; Monthly medal, 1 and 2 ( tie ) J. Munro 84 less 8 – 76 ; and W. Wood 86 less 10 – 76 ; 3, A. Stoker, 86 less 8 – 78 ; 4, J. Fairgrieve Jnr, 95 less 16 – 79 ; 5, W. Hutchison, 87 less 7 – 80 ; 6, J. Fairgrieve Snr 91 less 10 – 81.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 3rd 1897
Seafield Club
The competition for the half yearly medal and prizes was played over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Half Yearly Medal and 1, J. Douglas, 89 less 12 – 77 ; 2, J. Fairgrieve Snr, 90 less 10 – 80 ; 3 and 4 ( tie ) O. McLusky 93 less 12 – 81 ; D. Henderson, 93 less 12 – 81; 5, J. Fairgrieve Jnr 98 less 15 – 83 ; 6, ( tie ) C. Spinks 100 less 15 – 85 ; A.M. Johnston, 88 less 3 85 ; J.S. Frasre, 89 less 4 – 85 ; and A. Wilson 81 plus 4 – 85. The Macgregor cup kindly presented by Councillor Macgregoe, Leith, was won by Mr J. Douglas, with an aggregate score of 162 for two rounds of eighteen holes each.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 17th 1897
Seafield Club
The monthly competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Scratch Medal, A. Wilson 81 ; Monthly medal, James Scott 95 less 18 – 77 ; 2, M. Calder 88 less 8 – 80 ; 3,4,and 5 ( tie ) O. McLusky 92 less 11 – 81 ; F.P. Cochrane, 889 less 8 = 81 ; and A.M. Johnston, 84 less 3 -81.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 24th 1897
Seafield Club
The winners for the scratch monthly and half yearly medals played off for medallions on the links on Friday and Saturday last. Results ; Scratch, R. Robinson, 81 ; Monthly, A. Clark, 96 less 3 – 93 and H. Koerber, 104 less 11 – 93 – tie ; Half Yearly, A. Foster Snr, 94.
Leith Burgh Pilot September 25th 1897
Seafield Club
The annual general meeting of the Seafield golf club was held on Wednesday evening, Mr Ridley, Vice Captain in the chair. The secretary submitted his report, and also read the statement of the late Treasurer, Mr D. Leitch. These were considered highly satisfactory. The office bearers were then appointed for next year :- President, Provost Bennet ; Captain, John Doig ; Secretary, A. Fraser ; Treasurer, WM. Morris ; Ranger, Frank P. Cochrane. Members of committee, T. Mason, R. Porter, Jas. Kay and Geo. Mackay. The greens it may be mentioned, are in first class order this year, and will be opened on Saturday next.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 23rd 1897
Seafield Club
The first competition of the season for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Scratch Medal, O. McLusky 84 and R. Robinson 84, ( tie ) ; Monthly medal and 1 O. McLusky 84 less 10 – 74 ; 2, J. Fairgrieve Snr, 89 less 10 – 79 ; 3, A. Fraser 92 less 10 – 82 ; 4 and 5, J. Douglas 94 less 8 – 86 ; and C. Spinks, 101 less 15 – 86 – tie ; 6, J.G. Farquhar, 97 less 9 – 88.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 13th 1897
Seafield Cl;ub
The competition for the half yearly medal and prizes was played over the links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Half yearly medal and 1, J. Fairgrieve Jnr 92 less 14 – 78 ; 2, F. Mason 87 less 6 81 ; 3, R. Porter, 88 less 7 – 81 ;
Leith Burgh Pilot November 27th 1897
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals and prizes was played over Leith links on Friday and Saturday last, and resulted as follows :- Scratch Medal, John Doig, Captain ; Monthly medal, J. Doig.
Leith Burgh Pilot February 12th 1898
Seafield Club
The competition for the scratch and monthly medals was finished last Saturday over Leith Links and resulted :- 1 and 2, P. Methvin 92 less 12 – 80 and R. Porter, 86 less 6 – 80 – tie ; 3, J. Fairgreive Junr, 91 less 10 – 81 ; 4 and 5, A.M. Johnstone, 86 less 3 – 83and D. MacKay, 95 less 12 – 83 – tie ; 6, H. Muirhead, 96 less 12 – 84 ; Scratch Medal won by A. Wilson, with 83.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 12th 1898
Seafield Club
The monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals and prizes was played last Friday and Saturday over Leith Links, and resulted :- Monthly Medal – A. Fraser 91 less 9 – 82 ; 2 and 3 ( tie ) J. Fairgrieve Junr, 91 less 8 – 83 and M. Johnstone, 85 less 2 – 83 ; 4,5 and 6 ( tie ) W. Morris 97 less 13 – 84 ; D. Blair 88 less 4 – 84, and R. Robinson 80 plus 4 – 84. R. Robinson won the scratch medal with the score of 80.
Leith Burgh Pilot June 11th 1898
Seafield Club
The club prizes and medallions competed for by members of the Seafield club during the season just closed, were presented to the winners by Captain Doig at a meeting of club members the other evening. The following is a list of the recipients with the competitions : Tournament – 1. Mr A.M. Johnson, Captain’s prize ; 2, Mr W. Woods. Mr A. Prestwich’s ( Vice Captain ) prize. 3, Mr D. Martin. Mr W. Wood’s prize ; 4, Mr J. Fairgrieve Jnr, Mr J.S. Fraser’s prize ; 5, Mr G. MacKay. Provost Bennet’s prize ; 6, Mr A. Rodgers. Mr J. Fairgrieve Junr’s prize ; 7, Mr A. Prestwich. Mr C. Simpson’s prize. Queens Birthday – 1, Mr A. Rodgers, Mr J. Fairgrieve Jnr’s prize ; 2, Mr G. Sommerville. Club’s prize ; 3, Mr F. Mason, Mr W. Morris’s prize ; 4, Mr G. MacKay, Mr D. Martin’s prize ; 5, Mr A. Foster Junr, Club’s prize ; 6, Mr A. Foster Snr, Mr G. MacKay’s prize ; 7, Mr W. Wood and Mr R. Robinson, Club’s prize. Mr A. Wilson won the scratch medallion. Mr J. Fairgrieve Jnr. The half yearly, and Mr George MacKay the monthly.
Leith Burgh Pilot September 24th 1898
Seafield Club
The Annual general meeting of the club was held in the club-house on Wednesday night, when office bearers were elected as follows :- Captain, Mr Andrew Fraser ; Vice Captain, A. Prestwich ; Hon Secretary, J. Fairgrieve Jnr ; Hon Treasurer, W. Morris ; Committee, Ex Captain J. Doig, T. McNab, George MacKay, R. Porter and R. Robinson.
Leith Burgh Pilot October 22nd 1898
Seafield Club
The members of this club played their scratch and monthly medals and prizes competition over the links last Saturday, with the following result :- 1, Captain Mackay 96 less 11 – 85 ; 2, A.M Johnston 86 plus 1 – 87 ; 3,and 4 ( tie ) J. Fairgrieve Jnr, 93 less 4 – 89 ; and P. Methven, 98 less 9 – 89 ; 5,6,and 7 ( tie ) A. Prestwick, 93 less 3 -90 ; A. Rutherford, 98 less 8 – 90 ; and W. Rutherford, 102 less 12 – 90. A.M. Johnston wins the scratch medal.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 12th 1898
Seafield Club
The half yearly medal and prizes of this club were played for over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, a big turnout of members taking part. The winners were :- 1, G. Ridley 95 less 12 – 83 ; 2,3,and 4 ( tie ) John Dougals 94 less 8 – 86 ; R. Porter 89 less 3 -86 ; and R. Robinson 83 plus 3 – 86 ; 5, A.B. Prestwick, 90 less 2 – 88 ; 6, T. Mason 94 less 5 – 89 ; 7, G. Sommerville, 93 less 2 – 91.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 17th 1898
Seafield Club
The scratch monthly medal and prizes competition of the above club was held on Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, with the following result :- Scratch and Monthly medals and first : G. Sommerville 45 less 1 – 44 ; 2, D. Blair, 46 less 1 ½ - 44 ½ ; 3, P. Methven, 46 less 1 ½ - 44 ½ ( tie ).
Leith Burgh Pilot February 11th 1899
Seafield Club
The monthly competition for the scratch and handicap medals and prizes took place over Leith Links last Friday and Saturday, with the following result :- 1, C. Simpson 101 less 24 – 77 ; 2, and 3 ( tie ) A. Rogers 90 less 11 – 79 ; James Scott 91 less 12 – 79 ; 4, A. Fraser 84 less 3 – 81 ; 5, and 6 ( tie ) J. Wilson 108 less 24 – 84 ; R. Robinson, 81 plus 3 – 84. R. Robinson won the scratch medal.
Leith Burgh Pilot March 11th 1899
Seafield Club
The competition for scratch and monthly medals and prizes of this club was played over Leith links last Friday and Saturdaywith the following result :-1, R. Porter 83 less 2 – 81 ; 2, G. Sommerville, 81 plus 1 – 82 ; 3, A.M. Johnston 80 plus 3 – 83 ; 4, and 5 ( tie ) T. McNab 92 less 9 – 83 ; J. Wilson, 107 less 24 – 83 ; 6, R. Robinson 84 plus 3 – 87. A.M. Johnston won the crath medal with 80.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 1st 1899
Seafield Club
The half yearly medal and prizes of this club was played for over Leith links on Friday last, when the following came out on top :- 1, J. Wilson, 94 less 24 – 70 ; 2, R.G. Duthie, 89 less 12 – 77 ; 3, and 4 ( tie ) A. Fraser 82 less 3 – 79 ; and D. Blair, 80 less 1 – 79 ; 5, W. Morris, 94 less 14 – 80 ; 6, J. Scott, 91 less 10 – 81.
Leith Burgh Pilot April 15th 1899
Seafield Club
The monthly competition of this club for scratch and handicap medals and prizes was played over Leith links on Friday and Saturday last, with the following result :- 1, and 2 ( tie ) J.G. Sutherland, 94 less 11 – 83, and R.G. Duthie 93 less 10 – 83 ; 3, R. Robinson, 82 plus 3 – 85 ; 4, J.G. Farquhar, 93 less 7 – 86.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 11th 1899
Seafield Club
This club held a competition over the links last Saturday for the half yearly medal and prizes, with the following result :-
Half Yearly medal and 1st prize, George Sommerville, 82 plus 3 – 85 ; 2, George Chambers, 90 less 2 – 88 ; 3, J.G. Farquhar, 96 less 7 – 89 ; 4, and 5 ( tie ) A.M. Johnston, 87 plus 3 – 90 and J.R. Burden, 110 less 20 – 90 ; 6 ( tie ) Thomas Meikle 97 less 6 – 91 and D. Martin, 111 less 20 – 91.
Leith Burgh Pilot November 25th 1899
Seafield Club
This club held a nine hole competition over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday last, when a large number of members competed. The result was as follows :- Monthly medal and 1st prize. G. Chambers, ( scratch ) 42 ; 2nd and 3rd prizes ( tie ) John Douglas, 44 less 1 ½ - 42 ½ and A. Stoker, 46 less 3 ½ - 42 ½ ; 4th prize, R. Robinson, 42 plus 1 ½ - 43 ½ . Scratch medal tied for between G. Chambers, A.M. Johnston, and R. Robinson, with 42 strokes each.
Leith Burgh Pilot December 15th 1899
Seafield Club
The club held a nine hole competition on Friday and Saturday, when a large number of competitors turned out. Result :- Monthly medal and first and second prizes ( tie ) J. Grossert 44 less 4 – 40 and J.G. Sutherland 45 less 5 – 40 ; third and fourth prizes ( tie ) D. Blair, 43 less 1 – 42 and J. Anderson 52 less 10 – 42. Winner of scratch medal, D. Blair 43.
Leith Burgh Pilot January 19th 1900
Seafield Club
Thirty four members of this club took part in the January monthly medal competition over the links on Friday and Saturday last. The successful scores handed in were :- 1, James Anderson, 46 less 9 – 37 ; 2, Andrew Fraser, 42 less 3 – 39 ; 3, and 4 ( tie ) H. Wallace, 45 less 5 ½ - 39 ½ ; and James Anderson, 48 less 8 ½ - 39 ½. A special general meeting of the members was held on Wednesday evening when among other business, it was intimated that the club was numerically and financially stronger than ever.
Edinburgh Evening News September 20th 1901
A movement is on foot in Leith to acquire a golf course from the town. Golfers cannot be induced to regard the links with favour, and on this in any case the game can only be played for a few months of the year, with the result that players must go far afield to enjoy their favourite pastime. The Seafield Golf Club have accordingly taken the matter in hand, and on Wedn4esday evening appointed a committee to look after a nine hole course which will be readily accessible. It is stated that the committee are provisionally negotiating for a suitable place which is conveniently placed from the town by votaries of the game of golf.
An effort is to be made to obtain influential support.
Scotsman February 9th 1903
Seafield Club
The monthly competition for scratch and handicap medals was played over Leith Links on Friday and Saturday in very stormy weather. The scratch medal was won by Mr John Dougise with a score of 90, and the handicap medal by Mr John Laing with a score of 95 less 10 = 85.
Club dissolved in 1904.