St Bryde’s Golf Course. First Mentioned 1904.
“Willie Fernie, who laid out the new course of St Bryde’s, on the estate of Semple Castle, expresses himself as being immensely pleased with the turf and the possibilities of the course.
As it is at present laid off, it is rather long – considerably over 6000 yards, but that is easily rectified by taking 20 or 30 yards off each hole. The Laird of Castle Semple, Mr Shand Harvey, is undergoing all the initial expenses of laying out the course, but I understand he is open to receive offers from any bona-fide club for the taking over of the course. The course is an immensely fine one, and as, when the new Johnstone to Dalry line is opened next year, it will be within twenty minutes journey from Glasgow, there will be no spot more suitable for acquiral by a club that is looking afield for a golf course.
One great advantage it has is that there will be no interference either by the proprietor or the grazer to the laying out of proper bunkers. This is a very important matter, and one which means a good lot to a good golfer”
(SG 18.11.1904).