A section of the old Brucehaven course as it is today.
Dunfermline Saturday Press August 28th 1897
Golf Match
Last week, a handicap match was played on the Brucehaven Golf Course. There were 18 entries, and after a splendid contest, the first prize fell to Mr Irvine, Dunfermline, and the second to Mr Urquhart, Limekilns. The course is now getting into better order, and our Dunfermline friends might enjoy an outing to our popular village, with a game of golf, at a very reasonable rate.
Dunfermline Saturday Press November 18th 1897
Brucehaven Club
The following are the results of a competition just completed on the Brucehaven Golf Club’s course at Limekilns :-
First Round
Mr Shaw ………………… Plus 2 beat Mr Melville ………………… less 2
Mr James Allater … scr beat Mr Irvine ………………….. scr
Mr W. Crawford …. 6 beat Mr Aitken …………………… 4
Mr J. Crawford ……. 2 beat Mr Addison ………………….. scr
Captain Wilson …….. 5 beat Captain Stenhouse …………….. 4
Mr Urquhart ( 6 ) scratched to Captain Munroe ……………… scr
Second Round
Mr Shaw ………………………….. beat ……………………. Captain Wilson
Mr J. Crawford ……………………. Beat ……………………. Mr J. Allater
Captain Munroe …………………… beat …………………….. Mr W. Crawford
Semi Final
Mr Shaw ……………………………. Beat …………………… Captain Munroe
Mr J. Crawford, a bye
Mr Shaw ………………………….. beat …………………….. Mr J. Crawford
Dunfermline Saturday Press August 12th 1899
Golf club
The boy members of this club have recently received, anonymously, a handsome silver medal to be played for monthly. Considerable interest was taken in the first competition, as the committee had arranged that the gentlemens medal be played for conjointly. The gentlemen having each their boy partner, foursomes were formed, and play commenced on Saturday, continuing until the semi finals were played off. In these, Captain Wilson and master Reg. Urquhart beat Mr James Allister and master George Urquhart ; Mr Urquhart and master James Purvis beat Mr John Addison and master A. Stenhouse. The final was played on Monday evening resulting in an almost walk over for Captain Wilson and master Reg Urquhart. The course is in very good condition at present, the greens especially being in fine order. The committee are pleased to see that a great number of the visitors are taking the opportunity of playing over the course. The club is in a very prosperous condition generally. The energetic secretary ( Mr R. Blair ) reports that the funds are in a satisfactory state.
Dunfermline Saturday Press April 27th 1907
Brucehaven Golf Club – Great interest in the game of golf has lately revived in the Limekilns district, and a valiant attempt is being made to restore the Brucehaven club to something of the pre-eminent position which it once occupied. The course is splendidly situated commanding as it does an excellent view of the Forth, and only requires a little attention paid to the greens to enable it to rank high among courses of its size. A large number of new members is expected this season and special terms are being offered to summer visitors. The opening match of the season, a mixed foursome competition, was played on Saturday last, in which the winners were Miss Boyne and Mr W. Smith, the runners up being Miss Dougall and Mr W.G. Fraser. Tea was afterwards provided by the lady members. A meeting was held subsequently at which a committee was formed, and the following office bearers were appointed :- President, Rev. J.F. Henderson B.D., vice President, Mr J.P. Morton ; Captain, Mr J. Crawford ; Treasurer, Mr A. Cumming ; Secretary, Mr A. Stenhouse, The Esplanade, Limekilns. A stroke competition is to be held today.
Dunfermline Journal June 12th 1920
Opening of Brucehaven Golf Course
After an interville of about twelve years, the Brucehaven Golf Club, Limekilns, has been resuscitated. The first meeting of the club was held in Limekilns School on Monday 24th May, when the following officials were elected for the year – President Mr Mitchell : Vice President, The Rev. J McBride Brown : Captain, Mr Yule : Secretary, Miss Finlay : Treasurer Mr J M Thomson : Council – Mrs Woodward, Misses Bayne and Allister, Messrs Black, Gardner, and Simpson. On Saturday, fifth curt, Lieut. Col., the Hon. D. Bruce formerly opened the course, and hoisted the Club Flag. Mrs Bruce drove the first ball, using a driver and ball presented by the club. The ball was returned, to be mounted as a club trophy. As the weather was ideal, tea was provided by the lady members and served on the course. A mix foursome match of sides representing the president and vice president was played and resulted in a win for the vice president by 13 to 7.
Dunfermline Press October 9th 1920
Brucehaven Club
Undeterred by the most discouraging weather on Saturday, thirty two members of Brucehaven Golf Club turned out in the early afternoon for the mixed foursome match, which was to celebrate the formal opening of the clubhouse.
Their keenness was rewarded, for the rain had stopped before the first foursome played off, and the match, which proved most enjoyable, proceeded in bright sunshine. After the game, the gentlemen entertained the ladies to tea , during which gifts of golf bags or balls were presented to the members who had assisted in the erection of the hut. In the absence of the President, the Rev. J MacBride Brown (vice president) formally declared the clubhouse open. A match then ensued between teams representing the president and vice president which resulted in a draw 8 holes each.
Dunfermline Press March 7th 1925
Brucehaven Golf Club
The committee of above arranged a most successful fancy dress ball in the Queens Hall, Charlestown, on Friday evening last week. A company of approximately 45 couples spent a most enjoyable evening. The hall was beautifully decorated and along with the dancers in fancy dress, presented a brilliant spectacle. Excellent music was provided by the R.B.Dance Band, and the duties of M.C. were admirably carried through by Mr Barns. Mr Ramage, Limekilns, catered in his usual efficient manner.
Dunfermline Press May 28th 1927
Pitreavie V Brucehaven
A match between Pitreavie and Brucehaven was played over Pitreavie course on Tuesday evening between the above mentioned clubs. Resulted in a win for Pitreavie 8 to 0.
Dunfermline Journal June 8th 1929
The monthly medals of the Brucehaven golf course for May were won by C.H. Robertson ( Junior ), Mr H. May ( Senior Gentlemen ), Miss Mercer ( Ladies ).
Dunfermline Journal July 6th 1929
The Brucehaven team visit Tulliallan on Monday night to play in singles. On Wednesday the Brucehaven team will have as visitors a team from Dunfermline Co-Operative Society.
Visit of Tulliallan Golfers.
On Wednesday evening the Tullialllan team played their return match with Brucehaven on the latters course.
The game, Mixed Foursomes, was easily won by the visitors, under Captain Machattic, the result being 8 – 2. The first couple of each team were well matched, the score being in favour of the winners by 77 and 78. Mr Drysdale, Midlands Champion, and Miss Gibb, Clackmannan Champion, the visitors first couple, were matched against Mr J. Fraser and Miss M. Mercer. Mr Drysdale was third in the Dollar Championship last Saturday, while to-day ( Saturday ) he takes part in the “ Silver Tassie” at Gleneagles.
Dunfermline Journal July 13th 1929
Brucehaven V Tulliallan
On Monday evening Brucehaven golfers suffered another defeat at the hands of Tulliallan on the latter’s course. The match was a four ball foursome in which the Tulliallan players, Captained by Mr Studdar, defeated the visitors, under Mr J. Moffat, 5 – 0.
Brucehaven V Dunfermline Co-operative
On Wednesday evening under miserable weather conditions, Brucehaven golfers had as their visitors a team from the Dunfermline Co-operative, over whom, they showed supreme mastership by winning every match.
Brucehaven play a return game with Tulliallan at home on 24th August.
Dunfermline Journal September 21st 1929
A team from Brucehaven golf club visited Saline last Saturday and engaged a team from the local club. The match was one of mixed foursomes, and the Saline representatives won by three matches to two, one game being halved.
Dunfermline Press April 24th 1937
Brucehaven Club
The season opened on Wednesday with a mixed foursomes competition. Sixteen couples took part, and prize winners were Miss M. Thomson and Mr C.H. Robertson. Officials for the year are :- President, Mr J. Cant ; Vice President, Mr J. Thomson ; Secretary, Me W. Reid ; Treasurer, Mr A. Wilson ; Captain, Mr H. Mitchell.
Dunfermline Press May 1st 1937
Brucehaven Club
Miss J. Horne and Mr C.H. Robertson were the winners of a mixed foursome competition held on Wednesday.
Dunfermline Press May 22nd 1937
Brucehaven V Canmore
A mixed foursome match was played at Brucehaven, 10 couples a side. Resulted in a win for Canmore 7 to 1.
Dunfermline Press May 29th 1937
Brucehaven V Saline
A mixed foursomes match played at Brucehaven on Wednesday resulted in a win for Brucehaven 5 matches to 3
Dunfermline Press May 20th 1939
Brucehaven V Saline
Gentlemans foursome played at Brucehaven on Wednesday. Brucehaven 6 Saline 0.
Dunfermline Press July 3rd 1937
Brucehaven V Saline
Gents foursome match played at Limekilns on Wednesday. Brucehaven 4 Saline 3
Brucehaven Club
An open gymkhana attracted a large number of golfers to the course on Saturday and the clubhouse fund was considerably augmented as a result.
Dunfermline Press September 11th 1937
Brucehaven Club
In the final of the club championship competition H. Robertson beat J. Mitchell 5 and 4. The winners of the August monthly medals were :- Ladies – Miss M. Strang ; Gentlemen – tie between J. Mitchell and A. Black ; Juveniles – H. Schlote.
Dunfermline Press March 5th 1938
At the annual general meeting of Brucehaven club, it was decided to take a five years lease of the bungalow, Caperuam, Limekilns, and to carry through alterations so it can be used as a clubhouse. The building, which is owned by the Earl Of Elgin, was formerly a dwelling house. The following officials have been appointed :- President, Mr J. Cant ; Vice President, Mr J. Thomson ; Secretary, Mr W. Reid ; Treasurer, Mr A. Wilson ; Captain, Mr C.H. Robertson ; Vice Captain, Mr J. Spence ; Coucil, Misses K. Addison, C. Addison, C. Berwick, A. Dunn, L. Nisbet, M. Mercer, H. Hamilton, B. Cant, and C. Ritchie and Messrs J.G. Robertson, J. Mitchell, J. Wilson, A. Lothian, M. Lindsay, J. Macpherson, W. Wilson, J.L. Clark and - Westwood.
Dunfermline Press June 11th 1938
Brucehaven V Saline
Mens four ball foursomes played at Saline on Wednesday. Brucehaven 3 Saline 4.
Dunfermline Press August 6th 1938
Brucehaven Club
Competitions of Brucehaven club have been completed with the following results :- July Monthly medals – Miss C. Berwick and the Rev. E.R. Marr ‘Junior medal – H. Kerr ; Ladies shield – Miss A. Dunn ; runner-up, Miss K. Addison ; Graham Cup – Mr C.H. Robertson ; Runner-up, Mr A. Lothian ; Thomson Cup – Mr Neil Livingston ; Runner-up, Mr Thomas McDonald.
Dunfermline Press April 15th 1939
Brucehaven Club
The funds of Brucehaven club will benefit to the extent of about £15 as the result of the cake, candy, and Jumble Sale held in the queens hall, Charlestown on Saturday afternoon. The sale was opened by Major Threlfall. He was introduced by Mr J. Cant, President, and accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the call of the secretary, Mr Thomson. The stall convenors were :- Cake and Candy, Miss M. Mercer ; Jumbles, Miss A. Dunn ; Teas, Miss Cathy Ritchie. The male members were in charge of games. A dance was held in the evening. Music was supplied by Rankins band and Messrs J. Robertson and R. Alexander were M.C.s.
The course has been greatly improved by the constuction of several additional bunkers and the re-sowing of some of the greens. It will be in fine condition for the opening competition on Wednesday evening.
Dunfermline Press April 22nd 1939
Brucehaven Club
There was a good turnout of members at the opening game of the season on Wednesday evening. The winners were Miss K. Addison and Mr A. Black. Tea in the club-house was followed by a sing song.
Dunfermline Press May 21st 1939
Brucehaven Club
Miss Annie Dunn won the ladies monthly medal competition on Tuesday evening.
Dunfermline Press May 27th 1939
Brucehaven V Kelty
Mixed foursomes match at Brucehaven. Brucehaven 4 Kelty 3.
Dunfermline Press June 10th 1939
Brucehaven V Kelty
Gentlemens foursomes match played at Brucehaven on Saturday. Brucehaven 2 Kelty 4.
J. Mitchell and Miss M. Mercer won a mixed foursome competition held on Wednesday evening, with a net score of 79.
Dunfermline Press June 24th 1939
Saline V Brucehaven
Mixed foursome match played at Saline on Wednesday evening. Saline 3 Brucehaven 4.
A gymkhana was held on the course on Saturday.
Dunfermline Press July 1st 1939
Kelty V Limekilns
A gentlemens foursomes played on Saturday. Kelty 6 Limekilns 0
A mixed foursomes played at Kelty on Wednesday. Kelty 4 Limekilns 4
Dunfermline Press September 2nd 1939
Brucehaven Club
W. Gray won the mens monthly medal competitions for July and August. H. Robertson and W. Gray meet in the final for the club championship to-day.
Dunfermline Press September 16th 1939
At a meeting of the council of Brucehaven club on Sunday, the question as to whether or not the club will be able to carry on under present conditions was fully discussed, and it was decided to have a meeting of the members to-morrow. It was considered that many of the members being liable for military service would not play next season.
Dunfermline Press September 23rd 1939
When the members of Brucehaven club discussed whether or not the club should continue in existence at a meeting in the club-house on Sunday evening, the opinion was generally expressed that an effort should be made to continue. Accordingly, it was decided that members be asked whether or not they would be agreeable to guarantee their subscriptions for next season and in view of the possibility of a reduction in income, it was further decided to increase the membership fee by five shillings. If it were found that due to the international situation, the course could not be kept in a playable condition. Members who guaranteed their subscription would only be required to pay sufficient to meet rent and rates, which amount to approximately £45 annually. A special meeting will be held to consider the matter further. The Earl Of Elgin has made a generous offer to forego six months rent for the club-house.
Dunfermline Press November 25th 1939
Limekilns & Charlestown
Fifty couples attended a dance, held by Brucehaven golf club, in the Queens Hall, Charlestown, on Saturday evening. Wells Band, from Rosyth supplied the music, and Messrs J. Cant and J.G. Robertson were M.C.s. Misses M. Mercer, F. Addison and A. Dunn were in charge of the refreshments.
Dunfermline Press April 6th 1940
Golf Course
Prior to the greenkeeper taking over at the end of this month, the mail members of Brucehaven Golf Club have undertaken to keep the course in condition. On Monday activities commenced on greens and fairways.
Dunfermline Press May 4th 1940
Brucehaven Golf Club
A whist drive in aid of funds, was held in the Club House last Friday evening. Their were 48 present, Mrs Kennedy, Blackhall Farm, presented prizes to the following :- Ladies – 1 Mrs Alex Black, 2 Miss Reedie, consolation, Mrs G. Black. Gentlemen – 1 Mr Baxter. 2 Mr Kennedy (after a tie with Mr N Livingston) : Consolation Miss H Mercer (playing as gentlemen). Hidden prizes – Miss H Mercer and Mrs Hurrell. Mr J Thomson was cardmaster. Votes of thanks were recorded to Major Threlfall for the gift of prizes, and to the ladies for providing tea.
Dunfermline Press June 8th 1940
Brucehaven Club
Mr Anderson, Beechgrove Terrace, Limekilns, has been appointed greenkeeper of Brucehaven golf course.
Dunfermline Press August 3rd 1940
Brucehaven Golf Club
The golf course is now in excellent condition and last week end games were played by a fairly large number of visitors. The club tournaments for the Bruce Cup, Thomson Cup, and Graham Cup have been postponed. The monthly medal tournaments are also off. A meeting of the club council is to be held on Monday evening to review the position of the club.
Dunfermline Press August 17th 1940
Brucehaven Golf Club
The secretary of the Brucehaven golf club states that a special general meeting of the club has been called to consider the recommendation of the council to close down the course, probably for the duration of the war. The proposed closure is occasioned by the development of work on a sandpit, and the probability of losing a large part of the lower portion of the course.
Dunfermline Press August 24th 1940
Course Closed For Duration Of War
At an extraordinary general meeting of the Brucehaven Golf Club in the club-house on Monday evening – Mr John Cant presiding – it was decided unanimously to close the course for the duration of the war. It was explained that, owing to the war, the membership of the club had decreased and this had affected the financial position. Another factor which had to be considered was the possibility of about three acres of the lower part of the course being taken over for use as a sand pit.
Still to search post war years etc.