Ullapool appears to have had two golf clubs, The frst was, apparently, active aroiund 1899, although no information other tha its being has been found. The second club was formed in 2929.
Ullapool Golf Club – 1.. First mention 1899.
“A team from Ullapool Golf Club played a match away to Gairloch Golf Club”
(Gairloch Club History).
Ullapool Golf Club – 2. First reference found 1929. Although the first reference shown is dated 1929, the map,from the OS 1” Popular Edition dated 1921-1920, is an extract is from the 3rd revision carried out in 1927. Since the golf course is marked, it can be assumed that the club was formed in or before 1927.
"To mark the opening of the golf course for the season, the Ullapool golf club held a match on Saturday between two teams captained by the President and Secretary respectively. After an enjoyable match which was keenly contested, the players were welcomed at Morefield House by Mr T.W. Stewart and Mr K. Cameron, proprietor and factor respectively of the estate on which the course is so picturesquely situated.
The hospitality extended to them by their genial laird at the “19th Hole” was gratefully appreciated by the thirsty teams. Mr Stewart congratulated the President. Mr Charles M. Rose, of Rhidarroch, on the fine condition of the course, and announced that he had decided to reduce the rent of the course to £1 per annum.
The President, on behalf of the club thanked Mr Stewart for his felicitations, and for his splendid gesture of support to the club, confidently predicting a very successful and frofitable season for the club. The members of the club, ( And indirectly the whole village of Ullapool ) are greatly indebted to the generosity of their worthy President, Mr Rose, and also of their proprietor and patron, Mr Stewart of Morefield, who, by their handsome donations and their keen interest in the club, have enabled the green committee to effect such a marked improvement to the course generally.
The details and order of play in the match are as follows :-
President Seretary
H. Mackintosh ……………………..0 S.K. Fraser ……………. 0
Geo. Ross ………………………… 0 C.M. Rose Junr ……….. 0
C.M. Rose, President ……………..1 D.S. Ross, Sect ……….. 0
D.C. Mackenzie ………………….. 0 M.A. Maclean ………… 1
A. Wallace ……………………….. 1 A. Cargill ……………... 0
K. Campbell ……………………… 0 D. Macleod …………… 0
K. Mackenzie ……………………. 0 K. Mackay ……………. 1
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2 2
(RJ 24.5.1929)
"Ullapool is every year becoming more popular as a summer resort and is already well filled with summer visitors. Several fine yachts anchored in the bay during the week. The golf course has been greatly improved and is well patronised." (RJ 14.6.1929)
"A friendly golf match arranged by Mr Burgess, secretary of Gairloch golf club and Mr Ross, Secretary of Ullapool golf club took place on Gairloch golf course last week, with eight players a side. The weather, says a correspondent, was surreptitiously fine, and a number of spectators turned out to witness the game. Both sides played well, and, for a time, it seemed that the visitors were going to win, but Gairloch, however, won by 2 games. In the club-house refreshments were dispensed by Mr Urquhart and after the contest the victors entertained the vanquished to tea in the Gairloch Hotel. The return match will be played in Ullapool in the near future and it is darkly hinted that Gairloch may not, on that occasion be the victor." (RJ 26.7.1929)
First Round – Kenneth Campbell, C.M. Rose Jr ; Alan D. Wallace, George T. Ross, S.K. Fraser, M.A. Maclean, Kenneth Mackenzie and D.S. Ross.
Second Round – C.M. Rose Jnr ; George T. Ross, S.K. Fraser, and Kenneth Mackenzie
Semi-Final – George T. Ross and S.K. Fraser.
Final – George T. Ross..
"The Ullapool and Gairloch golf teams engaged in a friendly contest on the Ullapool links the other day. There was good play on both sides, but Ullapool won by 2 games. The Gairloch men, accustomed to playing on their own unrivalled course, found the Ullapool links a rather startling proposition, but they were not pessimistic.
Light refreshments were served in the club-house and later the conquerors entertained their victims to a high tea in the Caledonian Hotel. After tea Mr Rose, president of the Ullapool club, addressed the company and Mr Burgess thought that the young players should make themselves more proficient and not put the onus of winning on the older men. Dr Wallace then made an exceedingly facetious oration, and the Rev. Mr McInnes followed with a few remarks hardly less witty. Throughout the day the weather was fine."
(RJ 16.8.1929)
"A return golf match between the Gairloch and Ullapool clubs took place on the Ullapool course. The weather was favourable and a number of spectators witnessed the play which was very even. The home team finally winning by 2 games.Refreshments during the game at the clubhouse was kindly provided by Mr Charles M. Rose of Rhidarroch, who, after the match entertained the teams in the Caledonian Hotel. The result of the play was as follows :-
A. Mackenzie ……………. 0 C.M. Rose …………….. 1
A.W. Burgess ……………. 1 Capt. H. Macleod …….. 0
W. Maclean ……………… 0 Capt. S.K. Fraser ……… 1
A. Mackay ………………. 0 A. Matheson ………….. 1
K. Mackenzie …………… 1 M.A. Maclean ………… 0
R. Mackenzie ……………. 1 Rev. D. Macinnes …….. 0
A. Macpherson ………….. 0 Nan …………………… 1
H. Mackay ………………. 1 H. Allen ………………. 0
D. Mackenzie …………… 0 T. Maciver ……………. 1
N. Mackenzie ……………. 0 A. Wallace ……………. 1
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4 6
(RJ 23.8.1929)
“The Ullapool golf club held their annual business meeting when C M Rose of Rhidarroch, president, occupied the chair. The secretary, Mr D R Ross, had a satisfactory financial report to submit. The office-bearers were re-elected, and it was agreed to open the course in the middle of May. Last year the course was well patronised by summer visitors.” (RJ 24.4.1931)
Play on the old course at Morefield was discontinued in 1933 owing to differences of opinion between Ullapool Golf Club and Mr Robertson, who was then proprietor of the estate
"Ullapool has decided to accept the offer of a splendid nine-hole golf course at Morefield made to the village by Mr Clare Vyner, proprietor of the estate of Morefield. Arrangements are being made for the opening of the new course next month. The village has been without a course. since 1933.
The new course has been constructed entirely at his own expense by Mr Vyner, and the terms of his offer, considered at a public meeting at Ullapool, were unanimously accepted as the most reasonable and favourable. The members of the former club were appointed on bloc to manage the new course, and the finances of the club are being guaranteed pro rata by local hotelkeepers, boardinghouse proprietors and business people.
Mr D S Ross, Ullapool, has been elected a life member of the club in recognition of many years’ valued service as honorary secretary, and Mr Vyner is being invited to open the course.” (AWJ 13.4.1939)
The club never appeared in the Golfers Hndbook, and it is presumed that it closed with the onset of WW2.