Salen Golf Club. Instituted 1908. . There were four courses in Salen. The first, a 9-hole course at Pennygown. Secondly, a 6-hole course at Aros which was very short-lived, and which has not been precisely located. After WW1 the third was a 5-hole course opened by the Salen Hotel, and finally, a 9-hole course near to the ruined Aros Castle.
Salen Golf Club. First course. Founded 1908. "A few months ago some of those interested in golf set about finding a suitable piece of ground to be laid out for the game. Through the kindness of Colonel Gardyne, a very fine tract of land at Pennygown was placed at their disposal on most favourable terms. A Club was formed, and the work of getting the course fit for play at once began.
On Friday last week, Mrs Melles of Gruline formally opened the course in the presence of a large number of spectators and players. Play was carried on for some hours, and the general opinion of those who followed the game pronounced the course excellent, and likely to be one of the most attractive in the West Highlands. It is a nine hole course and advantage has been taken off the natural features of the ground to provide the player with both long and short holes well placed." (OT 1.8.1908)
"The annual general meeting of the Salen golf club was held in the school on Monday. Mr McRae, of the Hotel, was chairman, and presided over a fairly well attended muster of the members. The Treasurer, Mr D. Mackay read a statement of the financial condition of the club, which,was considered very satisfactory, the club being in it’s infancy. It was decided to proceed at once with the necessary improvements to put the course in good playing order for the coming season. As Salen, Mull, is now becoming a favourite resort for summer visitors, the new course should prove an added attraction to this beautiful corner of the island." (OT 24.4.1909)
Second Course, A 6-hole course at Aros, half a mile from Salen pier. A small course with holes from 60 to 190 yards, but with lots of punishment for erratic play. It is hilly and situated beside the sea.
Declared defunct (GM April 1911.)
Third Course. "Golfing enthusiasm in Salen, which lay dormant during the years of the war, was revived last year when, owing to the kindness of Mr MacPhee, a five hole course was laid out on the Hotel Grounds. The club was re-established, and the course became exceedingly popular, affording pleasure to summer visitors as well as to the large number of local members. Matches, played on the Tobermory, Glengorm, and Torosay courses, greatly stimulated interest in the game and made the need for a suitable course at Salen more keenly felt.
Fourth Course. "To the kindness of Mr W.W. Campbell of Aros the club is now deeply indebted for the fulfilment of these desires. The new ground is about one and a half miles from the village and extends over 77 acres. Situated near the picturesque ruins of Aros Castle, of ancient historic fame, on undulating pasture lands, the views obtained from the higher ground are magnificent. The whole of the sound can be seen and most of the principal hills of Mull as well as many of the great peaks of the mainland. A nine hole course has been laid out on fine dry ground, the holes varying in length from 90 to 460 yards. Although some of the greens and tees are at present temporary, excellent golf can be enjoyed, and when fully completed, the Salen club should have a course as fine as any of it’s size in Scotland.
On May 24th, Empire Day, a large number of Mull golfers and their friends assembled at the first tee to witness the opening of the new course. Mrs Melles, called upon by the President, Mr Campbell, referred with regret to the absence of Mrs Campbell, who was to have performed the ceremony. She expressed appreciation of Mr Campbells kindness in granting the ground for such beautiful links, wished the course a great future and, driving off the first ball, declared it open."
"Matches were then played between teams representing Salen and Tobermory clubs. The results were as follows :-
Mens Singles.
R.S. Docker ………………. 1 N. Campbell ………………… 0
D.P. Ferguson …………….1 J.M. Menzies ……………… 0
R.N. Macdonald ………… ½ D. MacKenzie ………………½
A. Whyte …………………. 1 L.G. Langton ………………. 0
J. Macdonald …………….. 1 P. Macnab …………………… 0
A. MacFarlane …………… 1 D.S. Cameron ………………. 0
W. MacKay ………………. 0 D.N. Low ……………………. 1
W. Mellos ……………….. 1 G. Grant ……………………. 0
R.S. Pettigrew ……………. ½ A. Simpson ………………… ½
J. McCallum ……………. 1 D. Wilson …………………... 0
A. MacLachan ………….. 0 H.R. Claxton ………………. 1
Total 8 Total 3
Ladies Singles
Miss Campbell ………………1 Miss Fleming ………………… 0
Miss Mackay ……………… 1 Miss Maclean ……………….. 0
Miss MacPhail ………………1 Mrs Campbell ……………….. 0
Miss Macdougall ………… 1 Mrs Langton ………………… 0
Miss Hodge ………………… 1 Mrs Fleming ………………… 0
Mrs Ferguson ……………… 1 Mrs Cattenach ………………. 0
Miss Maclean ……………… 1 Miss Nicholson …………….. 0
Miss Ross ………………………1 Mrs Brown …………………. 0
Totaal 8 Total 0
Mixed Foursomes
R.S. Docker abd Miss Ross ……………………………………………… 0
D.P. Ferguson and Miss Macdougall ……………………………………….. 0
R.N. Macdonald and Miss Campbell ……………………………………… 1
A. Whyte and Miss Mackay ……………………………………………….. 1
J. Macdonald and Mrs Ferguson ……………………………………………. 0
W. Mackay and Miss MacPhail ……………………………………………. ½
J. MacCallum and Miss Hodge …………………………………………….. 1
A. MacLachlan and Miss E. Campbell …………………………………….. 0
A. Maclean and Miss Maclean …………………………………………….. ½
Total 4
N. Campbell and Miss Fleming …………………………………………… 1
J.M. Menzies and Miss Maclean ………………………………………….. 1
A. Simpson and Mrs Cattenach …………………………………………… 0
L.G. Langton and Mrs Campbell ………………………………………….. 0
P. Macnab and Mrs Langton ……………………………………………… 1
D.N. Low and Miss Nicolson …………………………………………… ½
D. Wilson and Mrs Brown ……………………………………………….. 0
H.R. Claxton and Mrs Fleming …………………………………………… 1
G. Grant and Miss T. Fleming ……………………………………………. ½
Total 5
The day was beautifully sunny and warm, and during the afternoon and evening all those present were entertained to tea on the course by the Misses Campbell assisted by the Whitehouse Staff. Tables and Chairs were arranged on the concrete floor of a large open hay shed situated in a field adjoining the course. This formed an excellent pavilion for the day and was immensely popular with players and spectators.
Mr D.N. Low, Captain of the visiting team, warmly thanked the Salen players for the hearty welcome extended to the Tobermory Teams and for the splendid way they had been entertained. The games had been thoroughly appreciated by all, and it was a great pleasure to congratulate Salen on winning the honourse of the day. They hoped to have many fine games on the beautiful Aros Course, and he realised how fortunate was the Salen club in having as President so public-spirited a man as Mr Campbell. To the Misses Campbell also and the Whiehouse Staff they wished to express most grateful appreciation of the beautifully served refreshments, which had so greatly contributed to their enjoyment of the day." (OT 10.6.1922)
"Following on the recent golf match teams representative of Salen and Torosay, in which the former team defeated the latter by 2 matches, a return game was played over the Torosay course by kind permission of Mrs Murray Guthrie. The course was in perfect order, and the tournament was thoroughly enjoyable. The result was a win for Torosay as follows :-
Torosay Salen
Mrs A. James ………………….. 1 Mrs A.C. Whyte ……………… 0
Mrs F.B. de Klee ………………. 1 Dr Flora Macdonald ………….. 0
Major de Klee …………………. ½ Mr Penman …………………… ½
Mr P.S. Guthrie ……………… 0 Mr A.C. Whyte ………………. 1
Mr Arch. MacCall …………….. 1 Mr John Macdonald ………….0
Mr Duncan Campbell …………. 1 Rev. Mr Macrae ………………. 0
Mr Duncan McIntyre ………….. 1 Mr J.M. MacCallum ………….. 0
Mr Dugald McGregor …………. ½ Dr R.N. Macdonald …………...½
Mr Kenneth Dow ……………… 0 Mr Ian MacLaren ……………... 1
------- --------
Total 6 Total 3
(OT 27.7.1929)