Tweedside Golf Society. First mentioned 1820.
“On Saturday last, the Tweedside Golf Society held their annual competition on Wooden Ana, when the gold medal was gained, after a very keen contest, by Captain Drysdale. The meeting was honoured by the presence of a number of ladies, who were regaled with a cold collation, in the marquee pitched upon the ground for the occasion; after which they partook of an excellent dinner, and spent the evening with much harmony. George Dickson, Esq. Of Belchester, in the chair; Captain Drysdale, croupier.”
(CM 20.4.1820)
“On Saturday last, the gold medal given by the Tweedside Golf Society was played for on Wooden Ana, and won, after a very keen contest, by Mr Thomas Walker. The members of the club gave, as usual, a cold collation to the ladies who honoured them with their presence, and afterwards dined at Curry’s Inn, where they spent a very convivial evening.” (CM 19.4.1821)
“On Saturday last, the silver medal, given by the Tweedside Golf Society, was played for, according to annual custom, upon Wooden Ana, and, after a keen contest, was won by James Tait, Esq. Of Edenside.” (CM 22.4.1824)