Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Bonnyrigg Golf Club .  Instituted 1899.  A 9-hole course, laid out by Willie Park Jnr, on what are known as the Myredale fields with the start and finish close to Bonnyrigg station (NB. The course is about 2150yds long, with holes varying in length from 120 to 325 yards, with a par of 33 (EED 1.2.1899).


It is unlikely to have survived over-long as Broomieknowe GC, with an 18-hole course close-by, was formed in 1905,

   “A meeting of gentlemen of Bonnyrigg and district, favourable to the formation of a golf course for Bonnyrigg was held in the Waverly Hotel, Bonnyrigg, last night – Mr A.W. Kitchen, S.S.C., Presiding over a good attendance. A committee was appointed to arrange with an expert to go over the proposed ground, which lies South from Bonnyrigg Railway Sation, which it is thought, would be very suitable for a nine hole course."  

(EEN 16.12.1898) 

   "A committee lately appointed to inquire into the suitability of ground in the neighbourhood of Bonnyrigg for the purpose of a golf course, convened a public meeting of the inhabitants of Bonnyrigg and district on Monday night. Provost Ketchen presided.

   A report was submitted from Mr W.Park Jun. Stating that he had examined ground proposed for a 9 hole course, and he had found it very suitable. It would extend altogether to 2155 yards, the longest hole being 325 yards. The as at present was good, and with a little labour could be put into a playing condition. It was resolved by the meeting to approach Sir R. Dundas, who owns the land, as to terms."   (S 1.2.1899)

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