East Linton Golf Club. Instituted 1897. The club had two courses, at opposite sides of the village, and then in 1902 was invited to make use of the Hedderwick Links course in Dunbar. The members now play over the Dunbar course, but must also be members of the Dunbar club.
Haddington Courier January 29th 1897
"A meeting of Gentlemen was held in the coffee-house last Thursday evening for the purpose of seeing if it was possible to form a golf club in the burgh. Provost Storie occupied the chair. The club was instituted and a deputation appointed to wait upon the tenant of the ground where the proposed course lies. Nothing definite regarding office bearers &c, was decided upon."
Haddington Courier Jukly 2nd 1897
"It is understood the golf course here is about to become a reality. Quite a formidable list of members has already been drawn up.""
First Course
Haddington Courier July 30th 1897
“The first general meeting of this recently formed and now flourishing club was held in Mr Smellie’s hall on Tuesday evening. There was a fair attendance of members. Mr R. Noble (Captain) presided. Mr Wm. Barrie, secretary of the club, read the minutes of the proceedings since the first meeting. These gave an outline of the club’s history, and were adopted. The secretary was instructed to communicate with several of the local gentlemen asking them to accept the honorary offices of the club. The election of Mr Noble (Captain Vice Captain, Mr R. Rodger; Tresurer, Mr Smellie, and secretary, Mr Wm. Barrie and the following members of council was confirmed :- Rev. T.S. Marjoribanks and Messrs J. Hall, J.W, Greenfield, Mr Sandie, H.F. McFarlane, and C.J. Fraser. A list of rules submitted by the council for the purpose of the members was adopted by the meeting. The club has already a membership of close upon 70, and has been fortunate in renting from Mr Lee, Markle, ground well adapted for golf in the “ Langstone” field on Pencraig. Here a nine hole course has been laid out. The club has received every assistance and kindness from Mr Lee in the cutting of the grass and in otherwise making the ground fit for play. Rev. T.S. Marjoribanks has kindly presented the club with a handsome lawnmower for use on the putting greens.” (HC 30.7.1897)
Haddington Courier October 1st 1897
“On Saturday the golf course here was highly patronised by visiting players. Mr Slason, Dunbar, and Mr Clarke, clubmaker, Dunbar, played a round of the course, when the latter established a record of 38. The following were the details of the score 4,4,4,3,5,4,4,5,5.”
Haddington Courier October 29th 1897
“On the afternoon’s of Wednesday and Saturday Langstane Park was fairly besieged by young and enthusiastic golfers. This was the occasion of the first competition held under the auspices of the young and flourishing club in East Linton, and the keenest interest was manifested by the meeting by members in and out of the locality. The thanks of all are due to Captain Noble, for the handsome medal which he kindly presented to the club for competition, with the conditions attached that it be competed for monthly up to May, and that it becomes the property of the competitor winning it most times during that period. The competition was carried out under very favourable circumstances. The weather on both afternoons was all that could be desired, and the course was pronounced to be in excellent order. All arrangements for the event were in the capable hands of the zealous secretary of the club, Mr William Barrie. Scoring on the whole appeared to very high, the best card being returned by Mr Short on the first afternoon of the competition. Appended are the best scores :-
W.M. Short …………………………………………………….. 104 0 104
W.S. Malcolm …………………………………………………. 116 9 107
J.W. Greenfield ………………………………………………. 117 9 108
Rev. Dr. Robertson ………………………………………….. 109 0 109
H.F. McFarlane ………………………………………………. 118 9 109
A. Malcolm …………………………………………………….. 111 0 111
C.H. Mackie ……………………………………………………. 114 0 114
E.H. Smith ………………………………………………………. 124 9 115
J. Malcolm ……………………………………………………… 118 0 118
Rev. T.S. Marjoribanks …………………………………….. 138 20 118
A. Howden ………………………………………………………. 129 9 120
A. McCallum ……………………………………………………. 136 15 121
A. Milne ………………………………………………………….. 134 9 125
P.T. Anderson …………………………………………………. 146 20 120
J. Pettigrew …………………………………………………….. 145 15 130
J. Cameron ……………………………………………………… 150 20 130
H.N. Ross ……………………………………………………….. 156 20 136
Haddington Advertiser November 26th 1897
"The monthly competition in connection with the local club for Captain Noble’s medal was held on Saturday afternoon in fine weather. There was a good turnout of competitors. The medal was won by Captain Noble. Appended are the principal scores :-
Act All. Tot.
R. Noble ( Winner Of Medal ) 104 12 92
Angus McCallum ………………………………………. 121 25 96
J.W. Greenfield ……………………………………….. 110 12 98
Oswald Lumsden ……………………………………… 116 15 101
James Pettigrew ……………………………………….. 126 25 101
A. Howden ……………………………………………. 120 18 102
A. Malcolm ………………………………………… 112 4 108
John Malcolm ………………………………………… 115 6 109
W. Malcolm ……………………………………………. 122 12 110
Rev. Dr. Robertson …………………………………….. 112 2 110
H.F. McFarlane ………………………………………… 129 12 117
A. Milne ……………………………………………….. 135 15 120
H.N. Ross ………………………………………………. 147 25 122
P.T. Anderson ………………………………………….. 150 25 125
Haddington Courier December 31st 1897
"The monthly competition of this club for the medal given by Mr Noble, Captain, was held on Wednesday and Saturday last, when Mr John Malcolm, Dunbar, was the winner with a score of 108 less 8 for 18 holes."
Second Course
Edinburgh Evening News October 5th 1898
“At a meeting of the East Linton Golf Club, held last night, a letter was read from Mr W.S. Bell of East Fortune, expressing his willingness to give the club a five year lease of his fields, embracing 43 acres at the Common, near East Linton for a golf course at a rent of £15 per annum.
On the motion of the Rev. T.S. Marjorybanks, it was unanimously agreed to accept Mr Bells offer, and Captain Noble was instructed to lay out the course immediately."
Haddington Courier October 7th 1898
Another Change
“A general meeting of the club was held in Mr Smellie’s hall on Tuesday evening. Mr R. Noble, Captain, presided over a moderate attendance of members. The club, having lost their course on Markle Farm, had placed themselves in communication with Mr Bell of East Fortune in the hope of coming to terms for a course on his estate at a place known as the Common Fields. The secretary, Mr W.Barrie, intimated that he had met Mr Bell on the proposed course, and found him anxious in every way to further the interests of the club. A letter was read stating the terms of letting the course. After a good deal of discussion it was resolved to take the course at Mr Bell’s terms viz, a lease for five years at £15 per year, but stipulating that, in the event of any unforeseen circumstance arising, a break could be made on suitable warning. Mr Noble was requested to lay out the course, and kindly consented to do so. A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the meeting.”
Haddington Advertiser October 7th 1898
“A meeting of this club was in Smellie’s hall on Tuesday evening. Mr R. Noble, A.R.S.A., Captain of the club, presided over a moderate attendance. The meeting took into consideration a letter from Mr W.S. Bell, East Fortune, in reply to the secretary’s letter applying for the use of the Common fields near East Linton for a golf course. Mr Bell expressed his willingness to grant a five years lease at an annual rental of £15. He also forwarded the following conditions for the club’s approbation:- (1), the golf club to be entitled to the use of the ground as a golf course, the proprietor to be entitled to use it for grazing: (2) the club to be responsible for any live stock and otherwise: (3) the club to bind themselves to prevent any trespass or damage to surrounding ground: (4) the club to see that no unnecessary disturbance to the stock took place, and that no dogs were allowed: and (5) the club to be at all expense.
Mr Bell further stated that he had made arrangements with the present tenant, Mr Bathgate, to let the club have immediate entry. The chairman thought the letter a very favourable and considerate one. In his opinion the ground was quite suitable for a golf course, the grass being fine and short. The rent, compared with that paid for their former course, was quite reasonable, notwithstanding that the acreage was nearly double at the Common. It was not so easily got at, but that was a disadvantage they would have to put up with. The expense for keeping it in order would be a good deal less, and this was worth their consideration. Rev. A. Watt thought it would be advisable, before fixing upon the ground definitely, to get a guarantee from the members. It was quite possible that the club might not meet with the same support as last year. If the secretary could give a guarantee that the membership would be as good then he was prepared to move that they take the fields. The secretary replied that he was not in a position to give such a guarantee, but he was confident that the club would be as heartily supported as ever. Rev. T.S. Marjoribanks said, his inclination would be to take the place. So long as the club is in want of a course they could not expect anyone to manifest an interest in it. If they took the ground he was of the opinion that they would have little difficulty in securing a sufficient number of members. Mr J. Hall, in supporting Mr Marjoribanks motion, said he did not see any necessity for delay. They received every encouragement last year and he hoped they would not only maintain but increase last years membership. One of the advantages of the course was that there was a probability of getting some shelter, and it was possible that arrangements could be made to leave clubs with the tenant. It was unanimously agreed to accept Mr Bells offer. After briefly discussing the stipulations it was decided to remit them to the council. The laying out of the course was left in the hands of Captain Noble. On the motion of Mr Watt a vote of thanks was awarded to the chairman.”
Haddington Advertiser November 18th 1898
"The course recently acquired by the East Linton Golf Club, and situated at the Common, has now been laid out by the Captain and the Secretary, and those who have played over it express their high approval. The turf is pronounced to be very good. Quite a bright prospect still seems to lie before this young club, despite their many early difficulties."
Haddington Courier April 28th 1899
“The first competition for the Vice Captain’s medal took place on Wednesday and Saturday. No completed scores were handed in, darkness having set in rather quicker than was anticipated.”
Haddington Courier
“The East Linton golf course at the Common on Monday presented quite an animated appearance, as many as thirty players going the round. A sweepstake was arranged on the ground, and caused a deal of interest. The winners of the sweepstake were:- John Pettigrew, W. Sinclair, J. Whitelaw, Edinburgh : A. Howden, Lawhead. Several good foursomes were played in the afternoon. It was very gratifying that the course should turn out so well and be so largely patronised.” (HC 6.1.1899)
“The monthly competition of the golf club has been won by Mr James Sanderson, with a score of 120 less 12 = 108. Last month’s competition was won by Mr W.S. Malcolm with 117 less 9 = 108. (HC 28.4.1899)
“The monthly competition played, over the course here, has been won by Mr W.S. Malcolm. The following are the three best scores: - W.S. Malcom 112 less 6, H.N. Ross 120 less 10, J. Sanderson 122 less 0.” (HC 19.5.1899)
Haddington Courier June 9th 1899
“A hole match between the Captain and the Vice Captain of the club took place on the course here on Wednesday evening. Appended are the scores :-
Captain Vice Captain
R. Noble 0 A. Malcolm 9
W. Logan 1 W. Barrie 0
W.S. Malcolm 10 J. Sanderson 0
E. Wishart 0 J. Barlas 6
J. Heath 12 A. Logan 0
D. Lumsden 3 A. Howden 0
W. Clapperton 2 J. Pettigrew 0
C. Haldine 0 A. McAllum 4
28 15
“The return half of the match between the Captain and Vice Captain was played here on Wednesday, when the former won by 16 holes.” (HC 14.7.1899)
Haddington Courier March 23rd 1900
Golf Club
The annual business meeting of the above club was held in the coffee house on Friday evening. Captain, R. Noble presided over a good attendance of members. The treasurer presented his annual financial statement, which showed the funds of the club to be in a very flourishing condition. The statement was adopted unanimously. The election of office bearers for the ensuing season was proceeded with. Mr R. Noble retired from the Captainship, the Rev. R. Rodger being appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr W. Barrie also resigned his office as secretary, Mr Oswald Lumsden was elected as his successor. The other appointments were :- Vice – Captain, Mr W.S. Malcolm, Treasurer, Mr G. Smellie ( Re- Elected ) : council, Messrs C.J. Fraser, J. Heath, J. Pettigrew, A. McAllum, H.N. Ross, and W. Barrie. It was unanimously agreed to record in the minutes the club’s appreciation of the splendid services rendered by the late Captain and Secretary, and regret at their retirement. It was arranged to play off the two remaining competitions for Mr Rodgers medal and Mr Halls prize as soon as weather will permit, after which, the clubs and balls presented to the club by Mr J. Fairgreive, Leith, will be played for. It is gratifying to note that the club is still making satisfactory progress, and information is given us that the club intends to arrange friendly matches this season with the neighbouring clubs. This should be the means of arousing interest locally in the ancient game.
Haddington Courier April 13th 1900
Golf Competition
The local golf club held a competition for Rev. Mr Rodgers medal at the Common course on Wednesday afternoon. There was a good turnout of competitors. Unfortunately the boisterous state of the weather spoiled the play a good deal. The medal was won by Mr Jas. Sanderson with a score of 103 less 4 = 99. Mr A. Howden was the runner up with a score of 117 less 15 = 102. This is the third time during the twelve months that Mr Sanderson has won the medal. Mr W.S. Malcolm has also the same number of wins. Another competition remains to be played.
Haddington Courier April 27th 1900
Golf Notes
The last competiton inconnection with the local golf club for Rev. Mr Rodgers medal was held last Wednesday and Saturday at the Common in favourable weather. Mr James Sanderson was the winner with a score of 110, while Mr Hugh Ross was second with 111. Mr Sanderson having won the medal four times during the year secures it as his own, and Mr W. S. Malcolm, who has won it three times obtains a handsome book prize, given by Mr Jonathan Hall. A meeting of the council of the club was held in the coffee house on Monday night, when Captain Rev. R.G. Rodger presided over a fair attendance of members. It was arranged that the clubs kindly presented to the club by Mr James Fairgrieve, Beith, should be played for in May. Arrangements were made about foursomes competitions and the handicaps were also revised. Rev. R.G. Rodger has again generously presented a medal to the club to be played for monthly.
Haddington Courier May 18th 1900
Golf Club
A team match between the Captain ( Rev. R.G. Rodger ) and Vice Captain ( Mr W.S. Malcolm ) was played over the Common course on Wednesday evening. The weather was all that could be desired, and a large number of members took part in the match. The scoring was exceptionally good – Messrs W. Broadley and W.S. Malcolm doing the nine holes in 43 and 44 respectively. The previous record for the course was 46. The match which was pleasantly contested, resulted in a victory for the Captain by 5 holes.
Haddington Courier July 20th 1900
Golf Club
This club held a competition at the Common course on Wednesday for a club and balls, presented by Mr Robert Noble, A.R.S.A. A large number of members took part in the competition. The following were the prize winners :- A. Logan 42, A. McDonald 43, John Storie 46.
Haddington Courier October 5th 1900
The competition for the monthly medal was played for on Wednesday last and Saturday. The lowest scores were :- Mr A. McDonald 120 less 18 = 102, Mr R. Noble 111 less 2 = 109, Mr J. Sanderson 110 scratch.
Haddington Courier October 26th 1900
Golf Club
The fifth monthly competition for the Rodger medal was held over the Common course on Wedneday and Saturday ; in which a fair number of members took part. Owing to the recent wet weather, the course was in rather a bad condition, which made low scoring very difficult. Mr A. Howden was the lowest scorer with 113 less 12. The next best scores were Mr W. Broadley 102 ( Scratch ), Mr James Pettigrew 118 less 15.
Haddington Courier November 9th 1900
Golf Club
The competition for the monthly medal in connection with the local club was held at the Common course on Wednesday and Saturday in rather disagreeable weather. Mr T. Anderson proved the winner with a score of 119 less 30. The next scores in order were :- Mr W. Broadley 90 ( Scratch ), Mr R. Noble 101 less 2. Mr Broadley played a fine game and established a record of 90, the following are the details of his score :- First Round 6,6,4,7,3,4,5,3,4 = 42 : Second Round 4,5,5,6,4,7,5,5,7 = 48 = 90.
Haddington Courier January 4th 1901
Golf Competition
A competition for prizes presented by various friends of the local golf club was played over Hedderwick Private course, kindly lent by Mr St Clair Cunningham, on new years day, when a large number of members took part. The weather conditions were most favourable, and the course was in capital order. Some interesting play was witnessed, and several young members of the club found their way into the prize list. The principal prize winners were :-
Score Less Total
Mr O. Coyne …. 110 25 85
Mr Jas. Pettigrew …… 100 15 85
Mr T. Anderson ……. 107 20 87
Mr C. Hally ….. 114 27 87
Mr H.N. Ross ……… 110 20 90
Mr J. Storie …. 115 20 95
Mr W. Clapperton ……. 104 9 95
Mr A. Howden …… 108 12 96
Mr Jas Sanderson …… 97 0 97
The members met in Mr Heath’s Hotel in that evening. Mr W. Barrie presided, and presented the prizes to the successful competitors. Mr R. Noble A.R.S.A., has kindly presented an oil painting, in aid of the club’s funds, which is to be raffled for early in February. The painting is at present on view in Mr A. Malcolm’s shop window.
Haddington Courier March 15th 1901
Golf Club
The annual business meeting of this club was held in the coffee-house on Thursday evening. The following office bearers were elected for the year :- Captain, Rev. R.G. Rodger ; Vice Captain, Mr R. Noble ; Secretary, Mr John Storie Junior ; Treasurer, Mr W.S. Malcolm ; Council, Messrs James Pettigrew, W. Barrie, C. Hally, M. Gray, A.S. Stewart, and H.N. Ross.
Haddington Courier April 12th 1901
Golf Club
The monthly competition in connection with this club for the Rodger medal was played over the Common course on Saturday and Wednesday. Unfortunately the weather was wet and disagreeable both days. A large number of the members took part in the competition. The following were the lowest scores :- J. Storie Jnr., 108 less 17 – 91 ; C. Hally Jnr., 114 less 20 – 94 ; A. McLean, 128 less 30 – 98 ; H.N. Ross, 118 less 20 – 98 ; W.S. Malcolm 100 ( Scratch ) ; A. McDonald, 116 less 13 – 103 ; J. Sanderson, 108 ( Scratch ) ; W. Denholm, 120 less 10 – 110.
Haddington Courier May 24th 1901
Golf Competition
The golf club held a medal competition at the Common course on Wednesday. The weather was favourable, and there was a fair turnout of competitors. Appended were the principal scores :- R. Noble 102 less 4 – 98 ; W. Broadley, 96 plus 4 – 100 ; W.S. Malcolm, 103 ( Scratch ) ; W. Denholm, 116 less 13 – 103 ; H.N. Ross, 121 less 18 – 103 ; W. Clapperton 109 less 6 – 103 ; J. Sanderson 106 ( Scratch ) ; A. McDonald, 117 less 13 – 104 ; C. Hally, 122 less 18 – 104.
Haddington Courier June 7th 1901
Golf Competition
The monthly medal competition with the local golf club was played over the Common course on Saturday in delightful weather. There was a good turnout of competitors. Appended were the principal scores :- J. Sanderson ( Scratch ) 102 ; R. Noble 107 less 4 – 103 ; W. Clapperton, 111 less 6 – 105. The following is the result of the second round of the hole and hole competition :- W. Clapperton ( 3) beat J. Sanderson ( Scratch ). A. McDonald ( 6 ) beat W.S. Malcolm ( Scratch ) . R. Noble ( 2 ) beat W. Denholm ( 6 ). W. Broadley, walk over.
Haddington Courier December 27th 1901
The Golf Club Defunct.
A meeting of members of the local golf club was held in the public coffee house on Monday evening, Mr Wm. Barrie occupied the chair. A letter was read from Mr Bell, Farmer, East Fortune, expressing his willingness to quit the club of it’s lease of the fields at the Common, which were used by the club as a golf course. The Treasurer reported a credit balance of a few pounds, and it was decided to transmit that sum, along with a letter of thanks to Mr Bell. It was resolved that the club should cease to exist.
Haddington Courier January 3rd 1902.
Golf – A generous offer.
A number of ex-members and friends of the now defunct club held a competition for prizes over the Hedderwick Course on new years day, where they enjoyed a splendid game, the course being in grand order. After Lunch, Mr St. Clair Cunningham met the players and intimated the great pleasure it would afford him to allow the members of the late club, the privilege of using his green as their home green. Mr Barrie, on behalf of those present, thanked Mr St. Clair Cunningham for his generous offer.
Haddington Courier March 28th 1902
On Wednesday afternoon the members of the newly formed golf club held their opening match between teams chosen by the Captain ( Rev. R.G. Rodgers ) and Vice Captain ( Mr R. Noble ) on Hedderwick course, which has been kindly opened to the club by Mr St Clair Cunningham. The weather was delightful and there was an encouraging turnout of members. The course was in excellent order and a most enjoyable and closely contested game resulted as follows :- Captain 21 holes ; Vice Captain 33 holes.The Rev. R.G. Rodger has kindly presented a medal to be played for by members of the club.
The East Linton Club were now firmly established at Hedderwick Hill Golf Course. ( Their new home ).
Haddington Courier September 26th 1902
The local golf club held a competition over Hedderwick links course on Wednesday afternoon for the Captains medal and other prizes. The weather was delightful and there was a good turnout of competitors. In the semi final tie Mr W. Broadley ( Owes 3 ) beat Mr W.S. Malcolm and Mr Ferguson beat Mr James Sanderson after a tie. In the final, Mr Broadley, who was playing in his best form, beat Mr Ferguson.
Haddington Courier December 12th 1902
A Gift To The Golf Club
Mr J. Lumsden, East Linton, has presented a handsome gold medal to the local golf club in memory of his late son, Mr Oswald Lumsden, who was secretary of the club. The trophy will be known as the Lumsden Medal.
Haddington Advertiser August 1st 1913
Golf Club
The annual hole and hole competition has been concluded with the following result :- Mr T. Noble beat Mr W.B. Denholm in the final. The semi finalists, Mr J. Aim and Mr T. McDonald received special prizes, kindly given by the Rev. D Blair and Mr W. Clark. This is the second year in succession Mr T. Noble has taken first place in this competition.
Haddington Advertiser June 5th 1914
East Linton V Haddington
A match between these clubs, played over Hedderwick links on Wednesday night, resulted in a win for Haddington by 10 to 5, 2 matches being halved. Details :-
East Linton Haddington
G. Cossar ( Capt ) ……………….. 1 J. Aim ( Capt ) …………………… 0
J.C. Rose ………………………… 0 J. Moncreiff ………………………. 1
W.B.A. Scroggie ………………… 1 W. Ferguson ………………………. 0
P.D. Whitelaw …………………… 0 T. Noble ………………………….. 1
R. Whitelaw Junr ………………… 0 J. Hunter …………………………. 1
J. Robertson ……………………….0 J. Hutchison ……………………… 0
W. Burnet ………………………. 1 R. Dalgleish …………………….. 0
Alex. Smith ……………………. 1 J.C. Hally ……………………….. 0
J. Sterling ……………………….. 1 R. Noble ………………………… 0
F. Burnet ………………………… 1 A. McCallum ……………………. 0
Dr Caverhill ……………………… 0 J. Storie …………………………… 0
G. Husband ……………………… 0 W. Crosbie ………………………. 1
Dr Buchanan ……………………. 1 W. Clark …………………………. 0
T. Callen ………………………… 1 W. Wallace ………………………. 0
O. Beattie ……………………… 0 A.H. Coltart ……………………… 1
D.A. Calder …………………….. 1 J. Brown ……………………….. 0
R. Williamson ………………….. 1 J. Kirkwood …………………….. 0
10 5
Haddington Advertiser June 12th 1914
East Linton Club
The third quarterly competition of the East Linton club for the Oswald Lumsden medal was held over Hedderwick course on Wednesday evening, when there was a good turnout of competitors. Result :- T. Noble ( Medalist ), 73 plus 3 – 76 ; J. Storie Jnr, 85 less 8 – 77 ; R. Noble, 85 less 6 – 79 ; A.H. Coltart, 89 less 10 – 79 ; J. Aim, 82 less 2 – 80.
Haddington Courier August 24th 1928
A special competition in connection with the East Linton golf club for the President’s and the Vice President’s prizes was played over the Hedderwickhill course. Although the weather was unfavourable, intermittent showers of rain being experienced, there was a fair turnout of members. Results :- President’s Prize – W.B. Denholm, 89 ( 12 ), 77 ; Vice President’s Prize, R.A. Paterson, 93 ( 13 ) 80.