Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Motherwell Golf Club - 1.  Instituted 1894.“A 9-hole course on Riccart Johnstone farm,15 minutes walk from the station, and somewhat difficult for beginners”. 


Course Number 1


   "A large and representative meeting of Motherwell gentlemen was held in the Royal Hotel on Friday evening 26th ult, to consider the advisability of forming a golf club for Motherwell.

   A small committee which had been appointed at a preliminary meeting reported that suitable ground could be secured for a course in the neighbourhood.

After some discussion it was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Mr J. McGeachan, Clydesdale Bank, seconded by Dr Robertson to form a golf club, and the following office bearers were appointed:- Hon President, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon Vice Presidents, The Hon Gavin G. Hamilton, A Colville Esq, J.P; D Colville Esq of Jerviston House; James Neilson Esq of Carfin Hall ; Charles Thomson Esq of Carfin House; President, Dr Jac ; Captain, Mr David Hardie, Dalzell; Hon Secretary, Mr Alex L Wright, Clyde Street; Hon Treasurer, Mr J McGeachan, Clydesdale Bank; Committee , Dr Robertson and Messrs A Angus, G T Brough, A W Dunlop, Jas Gray, A.C. King, T Legat, D T McMillan and Jas Reid.

   The annual subscription was fixed for the first year at 10s 6d, and it was remitted to the committee to have rules drawn up and submitted to a future meeting for approval.

   The proposed course is situated on the farm of Riccart Johnstone, and is about fifteen minutes walk from Motherwell Station."     (Motherwell Times 3.11.1894)

   "The new course of the Motherwell golf club was opened on Saturday afternoon. The weather was unfavourable and the course was in a soft condition, making good scoring difficult. A scratch competition took place for prizes presented by the President ( Mr Jack )the first prize being won by Mr McGeachan, Clydesdale Bank, with a score of 56, and the second by Mr Brough, Schoolmaster, Craigneuk, with a score of 62.

   The new course, which consists of nine holes, is situated on the farm of Riccart Johnstone, about 20 minutes walk from Motherwell Station, and somewhat difficult for beginners”

(Motherwell Times 22.12.1894)

Difficult for beginners !!, It was like a hayfield. I bet there's still a few gutta percha's lying in this course, and i don't think its been ploughed, Whoopee, I'm off.

   "On Saturday afternoon the course of the Motherwell Golf Club was formally opened. Mr D. Colville Jnr, of Jerviston drove the first ball, and was presented with a driving cleek, with an inscription and a gold key for the course and club-house. Thereafter a foursome match was played between the Rev Mr Gillon and Mr Cameron, Hamilton, and Messrs Legatt and A. King, Motherwell, the former winning by five up and four to play, the bye being halved.

   In a match between teams selected by the President, Dr Jack and Captain Hardie, the latters team won by eight holes. The course, which is a nine hole one, is picturesquely situated in the valley of Calder, and has natural formations which afford many opportunities for a scientific exposition of the art of golf. The club has already over 150 members, and the game is likely to become very popular in the district."  

(Glasgow Evening Times 27.5.1895)

Course Number 2


   "The new course of the Motherwell golf club was formally opened on Saturday afternoon last by Mr David Colville, Jnr, of Jerviston. The weather, though showery, was not unfavourable, and there was a large turnout of Ladies and Gentlemen from Motherwell and surrounding district. 

   Dr Jack, the President of the club, introduced Mr Colville, and in the course of a few remarks said the club since it’s formation had been increasing rapidly in membership, and that the course, notwithstanding the severe weather, was in a very good condition. He then, on behalf of the members, presented Mr Colville with a gold key to the course and a handsome driving cleek bearing a suitable inscription.

   The course was then declared open, and Mr Colville drove off the first ball amidst cheering.

   Thereafter a number of matches were played. Rev Mr Gillon and Mr Cameron, of the Hamilton club played a match with Messrs Leggate and A. King, Motherwell, which resulted in a win for the former by five up and one to play. A match was also played between teams chosen by the Captain ( Mr Hardie ) and the President ( Dr Jack ), a pleasant game ending in a win for the Captain’s team by eight holes.

   The afternoon was enjoyably spent, the weather breaking up beautifully. Refreshments were served to the company in the course of the afternoon.

   The course, which is a nine holed one, is situated on Braidhurst Estate, at about an equal distance between Motherwell and Mossend. The membership, which includes ladies and gentlemen from Hoyltown, Mossend, Bellshill, Hamilton and Motherwell, now numbers close on 150, of whom about 30 are ladies."  

(Motherwell Times 31.5.1895)

   "A match is to be played to-night on the Motherwell course between teams representing the local club and Carluke. This is the Motherwell club’s first match."                (Motherwell Times 18.6.1895)

   "On Saturday afternoon the members of the Motherwell Golf Club held the second competition Captain Hardies prize. The weather was beautiful, and the greens being in splendid condition a capital game was enjoyed. At the close, Mr McGeachan, Banker was found to be the winner this time with a score of 195."  

(Motherwell Times 13.9.1895)

   "The annual meeting of the Motherwell golf club was held on Wednesday evening in the U.P. Church Hall, Brandon Street. Satisfactory reports were submitted, after which the election of office bearers for the ensuing year was proceeded with as follows :- Patron, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon. Presidents, The Hon. Gavin Hamilton of Dalzell, David Colville Esq, The Moorings; President, Mr David Hardie; Captain, Mr T. Legat; Secretary, Mr William Millar; Treasurer, Mr McGeachan, Clydedale Bank. The members of committee were re-elected.

   It was reported that during the season the course had been greatly improved, and that steps would be taken shortly to have it made still better.

   An entry fee was fixed, and the annual subscription was raised from 10s 6d to 12s 6d."

  (Motherwell Times 1.11.1895)

 Seven pairs representing the Motherwell and Hamilton clubs played a match on the Motherwell course on Saturday afternoon in good weather. Result :-


                                   Motherwell                                         Hamilton


Mr Legat  ……………………..  0             Mr Gillon  ………………………  9

Mr Brough  …………………… 0             Mr Moffat  ……………………..  4

Mr McLellan  ………………… 0             Mr Reid  ………………………..  9

Mr McMillan …………………. 0             Mr Mitchell …………………….13

Mr McGeachan ……………….7             Mr Robin ……………………….  0

Mr King ……………………….   0              Mr E.B. Souttar  ………………9

Mr Millar  …………………….   0             Mr Cameron …………………… 0


                                               7                                                          44

Majority for Hamilton 37.

(Motherwell Times 15.11.1895)

   "A match was played on Saturday last between Motherwell and Calder which resulted as follows :-


                                   Motherwell                                            Calder


Mr Legat  …………………………      2                Mr Baxter  …………………   0

Mr Reid  ………………………….      0                Mr Tennant …………………. 6

Mr T. Ferguson …………………..   0                Mr Legat ……………………   3

Mr McLellan …………………….     0                Mr Noble …………………..    3

Mr A.C. King  …………………….    1                 Mr Gavin  …………………..   0

Mr McMillan  …………………….    5                Mr Johnstone  ……………….0

Mr Miller  ………………………..     12                Mr Ramsay  …………………  0

Mr Aitken  ………………………..    10                Mr Glen  ……………………    0

Mr Campbell ( Mos’nd ) ………….5               Mr Sloss  ……………………     0


                                                     35                                                           12


(Motherwell Times 1.5.1896)

   "Motherwell v Carluke. – Six pairs representing the Motherwell and Carluke clubs played a match on Saturday afternoon over the Motherwell course, and after a pleasant game Motherwell won by a majority of five holes. Scores :-


                                Motherwell                                               Carluke


Mr Legat  ………………………..  6           Mr Barr …………………………  0

Mr McGeachan …………………0           Mr Jack  ………………………..  8

Mr Reid …………………………    0          Mr Kelly  ……………………….   2

Mr Brough ………………………  7           J. Martin  ………………………. 0

Mr Ferguson  …………………… 2           A. Murray  …………………….   0

Mr Aitken  ………………………   0           T.D. Martin  …………………… 0


                                                15                                                         10

(MT 22.5.1896)

   "On Friday evening last a match was played over the Motherwell course between representatives of the Motherwell and Hamiltpn clubs, a pleasant game resulting in a win for Hamilton by a single hole only. Scores :-


                                   Hamilton                                           Motherwell


Rev M. Gillon  ……………………..  2        A. Legat  ………………………..  0

Elliot Souttar ……………………….  5        T. Brough ………………………  0

D.J. Kemp  ………………………….   0       T. Ferguson  …………………… 0

A. Forgie  …………………………..    3        D. Aitken  ………………………  0

A. Mitenill  …………………………    5        J. Reid …………………………    0

D. Gunn ……………………………     0        J. McLelland  …………………..7

W. Cameron  ………………………   0        W. King …………………………   4

Ballie McHale ……………………..   0        W. Millar  ………………………   1

J. McHale  ………………………..     0        Capt. Campbell …………………4

C.M.S. Grant  ……………………..   5         M.G. Mackenzie  ……………….0


                                                    20                                                       19


Mr Elliot Souttar playing against Mr Brough, made a record for Motherwell course doing the nine holes in 39. Mr Brough equalled the previous record with 42.

   At the close of the game, when the scores were announced, Rev. Mr Gillon replying to the toast of the Hamilton club, said that he believed that the Motherwell course was the most sporting course in the known world, and he was sure he expressed the minds of all the players when he said how thoroughly they enjoyed their game. He said it was just a year ago when he had the honour of playing at the opening of the Motherwell course and it said a great deal for the Motherwell club that in that short time they were able to prove themselves players of such merit as to escape defeat with such a narrow majority from a club which fancied itself to the extent that the Hamilton club did.

   He asked the players to give three hearty cheers for the Motherwell club, which was heartily responded to. "   (Motherwell Times 29.5.1896)

   "A return match between the Carluke and Motherwell clubs was played on the course at Carluke on Friday evening last, and resulted in a win for the Carluke club by 28 holes. The following are the scores as reported from Carluke :-


                                  Carluke                                       Motherwell


Mr Fraser  …………………………     0         Mr Leggat  ……………………    3

Mr J. Barr Jnr  …………………….. 9          Mr Brough  …………………..   0

Mr M. Ballsille  ……………………  10         Mr Ferguson  …………………   0

Mr A. Jack  ………………………..    2          Mr Aitken  ……………………    0   

Mr D. Chalmers  …………………..  7         Mr McLellan ………………….   0

Mr J. Kelly  ………………………..    0          Mr McGeachan ………………. 0

Mr A. Murray ……………………..   0          Mr Duncan …………………..    0

Mr G.R. Dick ……………………..    1          Mr McMillan …………………    0

Mr J. Martin  ……………………….  0         Mr King ………………………      3

Mr C. Eason ……………………….   2          Mr Reid ………………………      0


                                                   34                                                          6

(Motherwell Times 26.1.1896)

   "On Saturday afternoon last, in favourable weather, the lady members of the Motherwell golf club had their first competition for the handsome silver cup presented by Mr David Colville, Jnr, of Jerviston House. A goodly number of competitors came forward, and the competition proved a very interesting and enjoyable one.

   The conditions were once round the ladies course, and at the close Miss McNeil, of Mossend was declared the winner of the cup with a score of 64 strokes. The competitors next in order were, Miss Lang, Motherwell 70 ; Miss Gordon, Motherwell, 72."  

(MT 14.8.1896)

   "The championship competition for Lord Hamilton’s prize took place last Saturday, the winner being Mr A. Baxter, whose score was 98. The next best scores were :- Mr Jas Reid 99, Mr Leggat 100, Mr D. Ballie ( Calder Vice ) 103, Mr D. Ferguson 105, Mr J.H. Campbell 107, Mr W. Neil 107. The day was not favourable for good play, the ground being sodden and heavy from rain."   (Motherwell Times 8.10.1896) 

   "The annual general meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club was held in the U.P. Church Hall on Friday evening of last week. Mr D. Hardie occupied the chair, and there was affair attendance of members.

   The reports submitted by the secretary and the treasurer showed that the club was maintaining it’s position and continuing to be successful. The membership is now over 100.

   The office bearers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows:- President, Mr Thomas Legat; Captain, Mr J. McGeachan; Secretary, Mr W. Paton, Clydesdale Ban ; Treasurer, Mr J. McGeachan; and a committee of nine members of the club.

   In keeping with the previous understanding, the members subscription was raised from 12s 6d to 15s per annum.

   The retiring President, Mr Hardie, intimated that it was his intention to give a prize for competition among the members, the arrangements being left in the hands of the committee."                    (Motherwell Times 6.11.1896)

   "The first stage of the stroke competition for the Captains prize was played over the Motherwell club’s course on Saturday. The conditions are two rounds of the course, played on the last Saturday of each month up till October, the best four to count. The following are the best scores handed in :- J. Campbell 108 less 15 = 93 ; D. Ballie 100 less 3 = 97 ; T. Leggat, scratch 98 ; D. Aitken, scratch 99 ; A. King, scratch 101 ; J. McLellan, scratch 101."                (Motherwell Times 30.4.1897)

   "Motherwell V Hamilton – A return match was played over the Motherwell course on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a win for Motherwell by three holes. Mr E. Souttar, Hamilton, made a new record for the course, doing the two rounds in 75. The details were as follows :-


                            Motherwell                                       Hamilton


T. Legat ………………………..   0         Rev. J.H. Gillan ……………………  1

A. Baxter ………………………   0         E. Souttar ………………………….   11

J. McLellan ……………………  0         Geo. Reid ………………………….    0

D. Aitken ……………………..     0        G.M.S. Grant ………………………   2

J. McGeachan ………………… 0        W.M. Dunlop ……………………..    2

A. Legat ……………………….    5         M. Blair  …………………………        0

J.H. Campbell ………………… 6         Wm. R. Ramsay  …………………..  0

T. Ferguson ……………………  0         C.M.S. Grant ………………………    2

D. McNeil …………………….    6          P.R. Patrick  ………………………    0

J. Reid ……………………….      4          Wm. Hamilton  ……………………  0         

                                              20                                                             18

(Motherwell Times 7.5.1897)

   "On Saturday last the third competition for the Captains prize was played on the course. There was a fair turnout of competitors, and the best scores were :- Wm King, 92 ( Less 3 ) 89 ; T. Legat, Scr. 91 ; Jos Graham 95 ( 3 ) 92 ; D. Ferguson, 100 ( 6 ) 94 ; J.R. Cross, 112 ( 18 ) 94 ; D. McNeil, Scr 98"   (Motherwell Times 2.7.1897).


   "The last of the monthly competitions for the gold medal presented by the Captain ( Mr McGeachan ) for the lowest four scores took place on Satuday. At the finish it was found that Dr Fotheringham had won the gold medal with a total score of 352."  

(Motherwell Times 23.7.1897)

   "The annual meeting of the Motherwell Golf Club was held last week in the U.P. Church Lesser Hall, when Mr McGeachan, President, occupied the chair.

   There was affair turnout of the members, and the reports of the Treasurer and Secretary were considered very satisfactory.

   The office bearers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:- Hon. President, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon. Vice Presidents, Hon. Gavin Hamilton, Mr Archibald Colville, Mr David Colville, Mr James Nelson; President, Mr A.C. King; Captain, Mr James H. Campbell; Treasurer, Mr John McGeachan; Secretary, Mr Charles R. Tevendale, Windmillhill; Committee of management, Dr Fotheringham, Messrs T. Legat, W. King, J. Graham, A. Bryden, D. Cameron, W.R. Barbour, D.T. McMillan, and John McLellan."

  (Motherwell Times 4.11.1898)

   "On Saturday last, Mr Salmond, the newly appointed golf course keeper, accompanied by his father, was introduced to the members of the club present, with whom they afterwards had the pleasure of playing in a foursomes game. Mr William King and the greenkeeper played Mr John McLellan and Mr Salmond Snr. After a particularly good exposition of play, messrs King and Salmond finished the two rounds with four holes up. A victory over two such experienced players adds an extra qualification to the abilities of Mr Salmond, who will, when required, be an acquisition to the playing power of the club, and doubtless he enters his duties with every good wish for a pleasant and successful career in his new sphere of activity from the members of the Motherwell Golf Club."            (Motherwell Times 17.3.1899)

   "The first match of the season was played on Saturday afternoon last, when teams of twelve men a side, representing the Coatbridge and Motherwell clubs, engaged in a friendly encounter on the Gartsherrie course. An evenly contested game resulted in a win for home team by eleven holes. The scores were as follows :-


                                   Coatbridge                                    Motherwell


R. Park ……………………………    7         W. Salmond ……………………   0

C.W. Walker  …………………….  5         W. King ………………………..     0

Dr Bett ……………………………    2          J. Legat  ………………………      0

J.T.T. Morrison ………………….. 2         J. McLellan …………………….   0

G.W.T. McGowan ………………. 0         J. McGeachan ………………….  2

James Millar ……………………… 8         D. Aitken ……………………….    0

C.B. Noble ………………………..   0         J. Graham ………………………  10

J.H. Gemmel ……………………..  1          J.H. Campbell …………………   0

James Russell ……………………. 0          C.R. Tevendale ………………..  2

M.M. Andrew ……………………  4           D.T. McMillan ………………..   0

J. Bruce ………………………….    0           D. McNeil ……………………      4

A.W. Gibson  …………………….  0           A. Bryden ……………………      0


                                                 29                                                         18

(Motherwell Times 24.3.1899)

   "A return match between the Motherwell and Coatbridge clubs was played on the Motherwell course, and resulted in a win for the visitors by the narrow majority of four holes. The scores were as follows :-


                         Motherwell                                            Coatbridge


T. Leggat  ……………………….    0       R. Park  …………………………     6

D. Aitken ………………………..    3       J. Morrison  …………………….   0

W. King …………………………     0       Dr Bett  …………………………    12

J. McGeachin  …………………..  3       G.W.S. McGowan ……………..  0

J. McLellan ……………………..   0       J.H. Gemmell  …………………    3

J. Graham ………………………    5       J. Millar  ……………………….      0

J.H. Campbell …………………..  0       J. Russell ……………………….     0

C.R. Tevendale …………………   3       A.W. Gibson …………………..     0

D.T. MacMillan ………………     0       G. Bruce ………………………..     1

A. Bryden  ……………………..     4        C.B. Noble ……………………..    0


                                                 18                                                       22

(Motherwell Times 12.8.1899)

   "A match between teams of ten men a side representing the Motherweel and Strathaven clubs was played on the Motherwell course on Saturday last, and a pleasant game resulted in a win for the visitors by 15 holes, the scores being :- Strathaven. 26 Holes ; Motherwell, 11 Holes."  


   "The first of the usual home and home matches between the Motherwell and Wishaw clubs was played on the Motherwell course on Wednesday evening, each team being represented by twelve players. The home team proved to be winners of an enjoyable game by 24 holes, scoring 34 holes against 10 holes by Wishaw."

(Motherwell Times 16.6.1899)

   "The annual general meeting of the above club was held on the evening of Thursday of last week. Mr Leggat presided and there was a fair turnout of members.

   The official reports showed the club to be in a prosperous condition, the secretary intimating the total membership after deducting resignations to be over ninety, while the treasurer’s report showed a credit balance of over £21 on the years actual working.

   The office bearers for the season 1899-1900 were then elected as follows:- Hon President, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; Hon.Vice Presidents, Hon Gavin Hamilton, Archibald Colville Esq, David Colville Esq, and James Neilson Esq; President, Mr J.H. Campbell; Captain, Mr Wm. King; Hon. Treasurer, Mr J. McGeachan, Clydesdale Bank; Hon. Secretary, Mr C.R. Tavendale, Windmillhill; Members of management committee, Messrs W.R. Barbour, A. Bryden, D. Cameron, B. Gilmour, J. Graham, J. Gray, T. Leggat, D.T. MacMillan, and J. McLellan."   (Motherwell Times 3.11.1899)

   "The Motherwell golf club formally opened their course on Saturday afternoon when a competition took place under “ Bogey” rules (Handicap) for prizes presented by members of the club. There was a large turnout of members, and the greens were in good condition. The competitions were divided into two classes. In the 1st class Dr Fotheringham handed in the best card, being one down to “ Bogey” while Mr A. Bryden and Mr D.T. McMillan tied for second place. In the 2nd class, Mr A. Donaldson and Mr J. Gray tied for 1st and 2nd prizes."   (Motherwell Times 4.5.1900)

   "Motherwell  beat Wishaw at Motherwell on Saturday afternoon by 45 holes to 6."

(Motherwell Times 25.5.1900)

   "A match between the Motherwell and Hamilton clubs took place on the Motherwell course last Friday night. Both clubs were well represented, and after a close game Hamilton proved winners by 4 holes. "   (Motherwell Times 15.6.1900)


   "A boy’s competition was palyed off on the evening of Friday last for prizes presented by the ex-president, Mr J.H. Campbell, with the following result :-


1st Prize,    Oswald Campbell,      59 less 12 =   47

2nd “          David Barbour            59 less 9   =   50

3rd “           Jack Graham,            55 scratch =  55"   (Motherwell Times 3.5.1901)

   "A match between representatives of the Motherwell and Wishaw golf clubs was played on the Motherwell Course on Saturday last. Thirteen men a side took part in the game which resulted in a victory for the home club by 30 holes."  

(Motherwell Times 17.5.1901)

   "On Saturday afternoon last the members of the Motherwell Golf Club held a handicap stroke competition for a handsome golf bag presented by Mr William Orr, Shoemaker, Brandon Street.

Scores :- Joseph Graham, 7, 81 ; Alex Bryden, 10 and William Miller 12, a tie with a score of 83 ; John McClelland 7, 88 ; J.W. Kay, 7, and Chas Falconer 7 with a score of 92 each."                (Motherwell Times 24.5.1901)

   "On Tuesday night the Motherwell golf club had a sweepstake competition over 12 holes under handicap rules, when the following best cards were handed in from a large number of players :- J. Graham 56 less 3 = 53 ; Dr Fotheringham 57 less 4 = 53 ; G. Blackstock 58 less 4 = 54 ; C. Falconer 64 less 6 = 58.

   At the close of the competition the members assembled in the pavilion, the ocassion being a presentation to Mr C. Tevendale, the secretary of the club, on the ocassion of his marriage. Mr Barbour, the President, occupied the chair, and in a happy speech in which he highly eulogised Mr Tevendale, and the lady of his choice, handed over to Mr Tevendale, as a marriage gift from the members of the club, a siver lamp of chaste design. Mr Tevendale replied thanking the members of the club for their gift, and after some remarks by Mr King ( Captain ) and Mr J. Graham, the proceedings, which were both enjoyable and successful terminated."          (Motherwell Times 7.6.1901)

   "On Tuesday night the members of the Motherwell golf club journeyed to Coatbridge and engaged in a match with Coatbridge club over their new course within Drumpellier polices. Both clubs were well represented, and the greens in splendid condition. Motherwell club again proved the stronger team by 16 holes."  

(Motherwell Times 28.6.1901)

   "On the afternoon of Saturday last, the monthly competition for balls presented by James Gray Esq was played for under the most favourable auspices in regard to weather conditions. At some parts of the course, however, the grass, which has been an abundant crop this season, is still profuse in growth and somewhat hinders players from making extra good scores. The following were the winners :- 8 balls, 1, Joseph Graham 89 less 7 = 82 ; 4 balls, 2, Wm King 92 less 7 = 85. The Colville Cup, which has been played for in a series of monthly competitions was concluded on Saturday, and won by Mr Graham.    During the afternoon a promiscuous foursome game was played by Mr A. Park, Glasgow and Mr G. Aitken, Motherwell versus Messrs Johnstone and Bain, Motherwell, which resulted in favour of the latter by one hole.

   At the close expressed himself as highly pleased with the course and it’s surroundings, and wished it were nearer Glasgow."               (Motherwell Times 13.9.1901)

   :The final for the Lord Hamilton Cup and charm  Scratch Competition) in which Mr A. Bryden and Dr Fotheringham previously tied, was replayed on Saturday. Dr Fotheringham won by two holes.

   A bogey competition which was in progress during the afternoon was stopped by the unfortunate burning to the ground of the club-house."   (MT 11.10.1901)

   "The first competition of the season took place on Saturday last when a match under bogey rules was played for prizes presented by Dr Fotheringham. A large number took part in the game, fourteen cards in all being handed in. Mr G. Bennet took first prize with a score of four down to bogey, and for second place equal scores were returned by Messrs J. McLellan , Wm Miller and C.R. Tevendale, each being 9 down to bogey. A replay has been arranged to decide the winner of the second place.

   The new season promises to be a most successful one and numerous competitions have been arranged. In addition to the usual monthly competitions and home matches with neighbouring clubs, two special week night stroke handicaps are on the fixture list for evenings in June. The Lord Hamilton cup for scratch competition and the Colville Cup for handicap competition will be played for as in former years and a special handicap hole competition has been arranged for the Captains prize, a silver ball presented by Mr J. Graham.

   The next fixture is a match on the home course with the Lanark club on Saturday next the 26th, and match playing members are requested to be on the tee at three o’clock when the match will be commenced."           (Motherwell Times 18.4.1902)

Amalgamation With Hamilton Club


   "The amalgamation of Motherwell golf club has now been arranged and by the new arrangements all present members of the Motherwell Golf Club will be considered to by members of the Hamilton Golf Club until now and the end of the present year without charge, but on 1st January the annual subscription to the Hamilton Golf Club becomes payable. To inaugurate the amalgamation, a special friendly foursomes match has been arranged to take place between Hamilton and Motherwell members on Saturday 24th October."                  (Motherwell Times 16.10.1903)

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