Lenamhor Golf Club.
Instituted 1905. A 9 hole course at Kilmory. Membership 60. Requisitioned and ploughed up for Agriculture c 1939.
Lenamhor Golf Club ( Arran )
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald August 4th 1905.
Kilmory, Southend, Arran.
The formation of the club
A meeting was held in the school on Saturday to form a golf club for the district. A committee was appointed, ground was obtained, and the course will be immediately laid out. The secretary is Mr J.H. Duncan, Schoolhouse, Kilmory.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald April 20th, 1906
Opening of new Golf Course
South Arran
On Saturday last, this course of eighteen holes which is situated eight miles from Whiting Bay, was opened for play.
The President of the club ( Mr Crawford, Lenamhor ) gave a short account of the proceedings which led to the opening of the course. He then introduced the Rev, A.W. Kennedy, Parish Minister, Kilmory, who declared the links open. He thereafter struck off the first ball, and was joined by the President amidst applause. A siver mounted golf club was presented to the Rev. A.W. Kennedy. A competition for medals, open to all, was then engaged in. Twenty two players started. The result of the competition was as follows :- Scratch Medal, Alan Kerr, Whiting Bay, 77 ; first handicap medal, Robert McKelvie, Lamlash ( 3 ) 73 ; second handicap medal, John Crawford, Lamalsh ( 7 ) 73. Other scores. Duncan McLeod, Liverpool, ( 20 ) 77 ; R. McKelvie, Whiting Bay, ( 12 ) 80 ; M. Kerr, Whiting Bay ( 12 ) 83 ; D, Smith, Brodick, ( Scratch ) 84 ; D. McPherson, Shiskine ( Scratch ) 85 ; A. McBride, Shiskine ( Scratch ) 88 ; J. Gray, Whiting Bay ( Scratch ) 88 ; Alex. Currie, Shiskine ( 2 ) 89.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 13th 1906.
Lenamhor Club, South Arran, Visitors Section.
A mixed foursome competition was held on the course on Saturday with the following result : 1. Miss A. Park and Mr W.F. Dunlop, 2. Miss Crookston and Mr A.S. Dunlop. The competition for the Kerr Medals was played for on Saturday with the following result : 1. J.H. Duncan, 2. Peter Crawford, 3. John McDonald.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 27th 1906.
Lenamhor Club, Southend, Arran.
A mixed foursome competition was played on Tuesday with the following result : 1. Miss M. Crookston and Mr M. Dunlop : 2. Miss J. Crookston and Mr Haddo : 3. Miss Moir and Mr Monteith 4. Miss Smith and Mr J.H. Duncan. A competition ( Open ) was held on Saturday with the following result : 1. M.Dunlop 73 net, 2. F. Smith 82 net, 3. J.H. Duncan 83 net.
Ardrosan & Saltcoats Herald August 10th 1906.
Lenamhor Club, Southend, Arran.
On Saturday the winner of the Kennedy medal was John Findlay. The Kerr medals were played for when the following were successful : 1. Peter Crawford 2. A. Thomson. Also on Saturday last a visitors mixed foursomes competition was held when the following were the winners : 1. Miss A. Park and Mr Duncan 2 and 3 ( equal ) Mrs Stewartand Mr Buchanan, Miss Duncan and Mr Stewart.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald August 24th 1906.
Lenamhor Club, Southend, Arran.
Mixed foursome competition played during last week :- Semi Final – Miss K Park and J.R. Lee( 4 ) beat Miss Ottman and J.H. Duncan ( 6 ) by 2 up and 1 to play : Miss Thomson and D. Buchanan ( 8 ) beat Miss Moir and J. McKenzie ( Scratch ) by 3 up and 2 to play. Final, Miss Thomson and D. Buchananbeat Miss K. Park and J.R. Lee by 3up and 2 to play. On Saturday a mixed foursome stroke competition was engaged in when Miss K. Park and J.H. Duncan won with a score of 93. On Saturday the kennedy medal was played for, when the winner was Douglas Cook
Ardrossan &Saltcoats Herald November 9th 1906.
Lenamhor Club, Arran.
A number of the summer visitors to the south end of Arran gathered in the Charing Cross Halls in Glasgow, last Friday evening, when the secretary of the club, Mr J.H. Duncan, was presented with a barometer as a token of esteem and in appreciation of his efforts to make the visitors stay in the district enjoyable. Miss Duncan was presented with an umbrella. Mr J.A. McCallum made the presentation. Mr Duncan suitably replied on behalf of his sister and himself.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald March 1st 1907.
Lenamhor Club, Southend, Arran.
A competition was held on the course on Saturday with the following result : J. Crawford and D. Cook, equal – 85 ( 7 ), D Stewart ( 13 ) 88.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald March 8th 1907.
The “ Mitchell “ medal was played for on Saturday with the following result : J.H. Duncan ( 7 ) 81, James Crawford ( 5 ) 84, D Cook ( 5 ) 85.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald April 5th 1907.
Lenamhor Club, Southend ,Arran.
A competition for a prize and sweepstake was held on the course on Saturday with the following result ; J Crawford ( 4 ) 86, D Cook ( 4 ) 88, J Thomson ( 4 ) 90.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald April 12th 1907.
Lenamhor Club, Southend.
The “ Mitchell” Medal and the first round of the prize ( A writing Desk ) Presented by Mr James Picken Bennan, was played for on Saturday with the following result ; 1 and 2 equal J McBride ( 10 ) 84, and J.H. Duncan ( 4 ) 84, 3. D Cook ( 4 ) 85.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 19th 1907.
Lenamhor Club, Southend Arran.
On July 9th a competition was held with the following result ; 1st Master P. Thomson ( 18 ) 76, 2nd J.H. Duncan ( 8) 78, 3rd D Baird ( Plus 2 ) 80. On July 10th a mixed foursome competition was played Result ; 1st Miss Dunlop and Mr D Baird, 2nd Miss A.M. Ottman and Mr J.W. Findlay 3rd Miss Lietch and Rev. A.S. Dunlop. An extra prize was played for by a few ladies Result ; 1st Miss E.M Ferrier, 2nd Mrs Thomson.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 26th 1907.
Lenamhor Club, Southend ( Arran )
The annual competition open to visitors and natives for prizes presented by the club was played for on Saturday. Result 1. Malcolm Dunlop ( 10 ) 73, 2nd Robert McGregor ( 18 ) 74, 3rd D Baird ( 4 ) 75, 4TH M. Moir ( 10 ) 75, 5TH A Livingston ( 14 ) 77, 6th J.M. Justus ( 12 ) 77, Mr D Baird also won the scratch prize with a score of 75. After the competition mixed foursomes were engaged in for prizes presented by the gentlemen Result ; 1st Miss G Dallochy and J.H. Duncan ( 2 ) 44,
Lenamhor Club ( Arran )
A competition was held for gentlemen on Saturday and resulted as follows ; - Mr J Crawford ( 8 ) 78, Mr J.M. Moir ( 6 ) 80, Mr W Thomson Jun ( 7 ) 82.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald August 30th 1907.
A competition for ladies was held on Friday and resulted as follows : 1st Miss J. Thomson ( 8 ) 56, 2nd Miss A.G. Ottman ( 5 ) 58.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald February 12th 1909.
The competition for the McKelvie Cup resulted in 1. John Findlay 87 ( Winner ) Arch. Crossley 99, Jas Crawford 100.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald February 26th 1909.
The monthly competition for the Kennedy Medal took place on Satuday. Result : Archibald Crossley 93 ( Winner ) John Findlay 97, James Crawford 98.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald March 5th 1909.
The monthly competition for the club medal took place on Saturday. Result : Winner – Ralston Spiers with a score of ( 5 ) 89
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald March 26th 1909.
The Kennedy medal was played for on Saturday. Result : James Crawford ( 2 ) 89.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald April 2nd 1909.
The monthly club medal was played for on Saturday, and was won by James Crawford ( 2 ) 95.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald April 30th 1909.
The monthly medal was played for on Satuday. Result : J. Findlay ( 6 ) 90, W. McBride 93
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, June 25th, 1909
Another Golf Course
At the opening of the new Lenamhor golf course on Saturday last a match was played on the course between the Lenamhor club and the Corriecravie & Sliddery club. The latter won by one match.
Note : I have no idea where this second course was located. ( Help Please )
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 3rd 1909.
Last Saturday the annual July competition for gentlemen members of this club took place. Prizewinners : Mr F.B. Finlay ( 15 ) 79, Mr W. Macbride ( 4 ) 80, Mr W.F. Dunlop ( 14 ) 83. Scratch Prize : Mr W. Macbride 84, Mr J.M. Moir 93. In the evening a mixed foursome was played , with the following result : Miss K Moir and Mr C. Fidlay, Miss B. Walker and Mr Mr J. Crawford, Miss Park and Mr W. Macbride, and Miss C. Morrison and Mr F. Dunlop, Equal.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald August 13th 1909.
A mixed foursome competition was played on this course on Thursday evening of last week, the following being the chief prizewinners : 1. Miss J. Thomson and Mr William Macbride 95, 2. Miss Thomson and Mr Savey 101, 3. Miss Barrowman and Mr Barrowman 104.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald August 27th 1909.
The first round of the Huril Cup was played on Saturday, also the McKelvie Cup. Result : J. McDonald 86, James Crawford 89, J. Findlay 92.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald September 3rd 1909.
A mixed foursome was played on Friday with the following result ; 1. Miss A. Barrowman and Mr J. Duncan 89, 2. Miss Thomson and Rev. Mr Lindsay 92, 3. Miss Barrowman and W. McBride. On Saturday Archibald Crossley won the Huril Cup. An open handicap sweepstake was played in the afternoon. Reesult : 1. Archie Crossley ( 14 ) 72, 2. John Findlay ( 14 ) 79.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald July 22nd 1910.
On fair Satuday the annual handicap competition took place and resulted as follows : 1. James Reid, Kilbride, 2. John M Ventors, Port Glasgow, 3. James Crawford, Lenamhor. McKelvie Cup is held for month by James Crawford.