Brockley Golf Club. Instituted 1919. A 9-hole course, on the lands of Greenridge Farm.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, May 9th, 1919
“On Friday evening last, a meeting was held in the Memorial Hall to consider the formation of a golf club. Mr Andrew Boyd, M.A. presided. It was unanimously agreed to go take the necessary steps, and a committee was appointed to look out for suitable ground and furnish necessary details. The committee consists of Misses Kerr and Murray, and Messrs Thorburn, Higgins, James Henderson, R. Craig and the chairman.” (ASH 9.5.1919
“A Mixed foursome will be held on Saturday 14th inst, at 2.30 pm. No Handicaps Club Prizes.
A large turnout is required.
A Boyd. Secy.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, June 13th, 1919
The newly formed golf club has a mixed foursome competition to open their course to-morrow afternoon, as will be seen from advertisement. It is to be a true test of merit, as there are no handicaps given, and the club is offering prizes.” (AS 13.6.1919)
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, June 27th, 1919.
In the opening competition of Brockley golf club there was a fair turnout, and a pleasant and enjoyable afternoon was spent going over the course. It was a mixed foursome, and the winners were: 1st, Miss Boyd and Mr Goldie; 2nd, Miss Shaw and Mr Thorburn; 3rd, Miss Whiteright and Mr Gibson Jnr. The interest is not to be allowed to wane, and the committee have arranged for a monthly medal competition for to-morrow (Saturday ).” (ASH 27.6.1919)
Closed 1921.