"Knowenoble Golf Club. The circular issued recently by the committee in connection with the proposedformation of this club has met with only a half hearted response, and unless a much greater number notify their intention to become members the project will have to be dropped. A meeting of intending members has been called for Tuesday next, when it will be decided whether it is advisable to proceed further. Surely the sportsmen of Cleland and district will rise to the occasion." (WFP 12.1.1912)
"A meeting of those interested in the formation of a golf club took place in the public school on Tuesday evening – Mr John Loudon, Willowbank, presiding over a large and enthusiastic attendance. It was decided to go on with the formation of the club, and arrangements were made for overcoming the financial difficulties" (WFP 19.1.1912).
"Under the auspices of the recently formed Knowenoble Golf Club, a whist drive and dance was held in the public school last Friday evening. The hall was beautifully and tastefully decorated, and there was a large gathering. Proceedings opened with a progressive whist drive, the winners in which were, Miss Leask, Shotts, Mr D.L.Stobie, Newarthill,, Mrs T Smith, Newmains, and Mr R.O.Hunter, Cleland.
A most enjoyable dance followed, at which the Hodge family supplied the music, while Mr James Smith acted as M.C. The arrangements for the refreshments were capably superintended by the ladies. All over, the function was a great success financially and otherwise and reflected much credit on the committee." (WFP 23.2,1912)
"A general meeting of the members of the newly formed club was held in the public school on Tuesday evening – Rev. Duncan Cameron residing.
Office bearers for the ensuing year were appointed as follows: - President, Rev Duncan Cameron, Captain, Mr J.L.Louden, Vice Captain, Mr Dymock, Treasurer, Mr William M.Gibb, Secretary, Mr William Hamilton, Committee, Rev. P.Murray, Messrs D Greig, G.Bows, A.M.Hutton, James Smith, Ladies Section – Captain, Mrs Cameron, Secretary, Miss Forsyth, Committee, Misses Angus Scobbie, N.Jack and Isa Smith.
Arrangements are being made for the erection of a clubhouse to cost about £70 or £80.
The formal opening of the new course was fixed for Saturday 27th April.
It was intimated that the greenkeeper will begin duty on monday first, and that the course will be open for play soon thereafter.
A concert in aid of the club, for which an excellent company of artists has been secured, is to take place in the school next Friday evening. A large number of members have joined and a successful career for the club is confidently looked forward to."
(WFP 1.3.1912)
"Work has been commenced in the laying out of the new nine hole course at Cleland from plans made by Mr David Adams. The ground is situated between Cleland and Newarthill and extends over a large Knowe, which has given it’s name to the new club. The Knowenoble G.C." (WP 16.2.1912)
There are plenty of hazards in the shape of burns, hedges and whins, and several of the holes are of a good sporting character, particularly the second and the third.
Although the central holes are parallel, their varied character becomes apparent when one has played over them. The lenghs of the various holes are as follows :
1. 290 yards, 2. 350 yards, 3. 400 yards, 4. 350 yards. 5, 300 yards, 6. 200 yards. 7. 80 yards. 8. 190 yards. 9. 230 yards. Total 2390 yards. William McIwraith, second man at Hillfoot, has been appointed greenkeeper." (WP 16.2.1912)
"A concert in aid of the funds of Knowenoble Golf Club will be held in Cleland public school to-night. A splendid programme has been arranged, and it is to be hoped, that the concert, although taking place at a bad time, will prove successful."
(WP 8.3.1912)
"At a committee meeting of the Knowenoble Golf Club held recently, the tenders for the erection of a clubhouse were opened. The contract was given to Mr Wm Loudon who was the lowest offer. The work of erection will commence immediately, it is expected that the green will be open for practice tomorrow. The following gentlemen have agreed to become patrons , Col Stewart, Murdostoun, , Convenor of the County, James Paterson Esq, of Knowenoble, and J McSkimming Esq, of the steel co. of Scotland.
The formal opening of the course takes place on the last Saturday in April."
(WP 9.5.1912)
Opening of the new course
"The formal opening of the Knowenoble Golf Club’s new nine hole course at Cleland took place last Saturday afternoon. The function was favoured with fine weather and there was an attendance of fully two hundred. The Rev. Duncan Cameron presided, and Colonel Stewart of Murdestoun, convenor of the county, performed the opening ceremony. These gentlemen were supported by Mr James Paterson,of Knowenoble, Rev. Father Murray, Mr J.D.Wingate and others. There was a large number of ladies present and the scene in front of the pavilion during the ceremony was a pleasing and animated one. The committee must feel gratified at the manner in which the public turned out to give the club a good send off. Mr David Colville, Cleland House, sent a telagram apoligising for absence and wishing the club every success.
The Rev. Mr Cameron, in his introductory remarks, said he had much pleasure in presiding over the gathering that day. He thought he might say it was red-letter day for a considerable portion, and he hoped an increasing portion of the communities of cleland and newarthill.
I t was now a good many years since a number of them had first set their hearts on having a golf course in the vicinity, but they had met with such difficulties that they had to abandon the idea. It had been said , however, that everything comes to him who waits, and that was true in their case. They had never lost sight of this prospect, and ultimately, Mr Paterson the Laird of Knowenoble on whose ground their course is situated, came to their aid, and that day they were met to inaugurate the successful carrying out of the project.
He believed that in the early history of golf, it was almost entirely the recreation of Kings and courtiers, and right down to even a comparatively few years ago only the well to do classes engaged in the pastime. In later years, however, the popularity of golf had taken hold upon all classes that now every village of any note had it’s golf course. It was merely a coincidence, but the previous Saturday, he had observed in the evening news, that a new institution had been established. The first week in May was now to be known as “ Health week “ and he had gathered that the purpose of the promoters was the futherence of health culture. It appeared that one of their main aims was to iduce people anf especially women , to spend as much time as possiblein the open air. He did not know whether the county council of Lanark, of which Colonel Stewart was the distinguished and worthy head, had taken up the matter, but if so they might claim to have gone a good way in meeting their requirements , and he was curious to know if any grant was attatched to the movement. He was sure that they would all be glad to learn that they were likely to have a splendid course.
Mr Adams the Glasgow Professional and expert, under whose direction their course had been laid out, had given a most favourable report on it’s possibilities, and he would ask those of them who had been accustomed to play on courses which had grown into first class condition to exercise a little reasonablr patience. He could assure them that the committee would do everything in their power to hasten on the improvement of the course and have it in the pink – or he should say the green – of condition. To those who had not been in the habit of playing, he might say that the course in it’s present condition presented abundant and splendid opportunities for practice, and he extended a cordial and hearty invitation to all classes to become members of the club. They would heartily welcome everyone without distinction who was prepared to observe the laws of the club and play the game. In conclusion he thanked Colonel Stewart for his presence there that day, and presented him with a cleek with which to drive the first ball and as a momento of the interesting occasion.
Colonel Srewart, after thanking the members of the club for their gift, and also for the honour they had done him in asking him to declare the course open, said he was delighted to see Cleland was not lagging behind other places in the country in having such a useful facility for amusement and pleasure and profit as well. As Mr Cameron had said, golf in the old days was the sport of kings but if they had seen some of the clubs and balls that were used for playing with a century and a half ago, he thought they would agree that it was a very poor sport even for kings. The clubs then were of a tremendous weight , and if the ball was sent twenty or twenty five yards it was considered a very good stroke.
Golf had now become very popular, and there were courses to be found all over the world. They would be proud to think that Scotland was the home of golf, and that they had given the world such a very good game to play. In the old days,and even until a few years ago, people used to rather look down on inland courses. They declared that you could not play unless you were on some of the courses near the sea, but now, with some of the improved clubs and balls, they could get a great deal of enjoyment out of the inland courses. He was sure that their club would succeed. They had a great many enthusiastic members, and judging from the attendance there that day it would not be a case of the club not succeeding, but a case of having to draw every Saturday morning to see who would be able to play. He hoped in the near future to be able to come and get some useful lessons in golf on their course. It was a game which required a certain amount of strengh, judgment and a good eye, and also he might add, a good temper.
He wished the club all success and prosperity and hoped that the members would spend many happy hours on the course. Colonel Stewart then drove off the first ball amid considerable enthusiasm.
Thereafter, Messrs Waddell and McGlashin, Glasgow, finalists in last years “ Evening Times “ Trophy and Dr Scroggie, Scottish internationalist, and Mr P.E.Soutter, Hamilton, played an exhibition four ball match.
Tea was served in the new clubhouse during the afternoon, and all over the function was a decided success." (WP 17.5.1912)
The prospects of the Knowenoble Golf Club are undoubtably bright. The Royal and Ancient game is now locally claiming an increasing number of devotees. From early morn till dewy eve the course is being fully taken advantage off by the enthusiastic members. While in the evening the course may almost said to be crowded – Cricket on the other hand is evidently in a perlous condition. There are a few ready and willing to do all in their power to establish the Cleland C.C. on a sound basis, but while not lacking in enthusiasm, they are deficient in numbers.What is required is a general rally of the young men to their support. A good going cricket club would be a decided aquisition to the respective life of the community." (WP 24.5.1912)
"The sae of work in aid of the funds of this club was held in the public school last Saturday, Mr Jas Sommerville J.P. Shotts, presided.
The chairman in his opening remarks spoke of his long association with the game and it’s many pleasures he had derived from it. He was strongly of opinion that no place of any consequence was up to date or complete without a golf course, and urged the people of the neighbourhood to give their heartiest support to the club, as there was no doubt about the elevating qualities of the game.
He then introduced Mrs Stewart, Murdostoun Castle, who with a few well chosen remarks wished the club every success in their efforts, and hoped that the sale would realise the amount aimed at.
Mr Cameron, President, on behalf of the club, proposed votes of thanks to Mrs Stewart and the chairman , which were heartily accorded.
The sale was a marked success, over £190 being realised, which results in most gratifying and reflects great credit on the promoters." (WP 1.11.1912)
"The final of the monthly competition for season 1912-13 for Mr G.C.Sloan's prize took place on the local course on Saturday. About a score of competitors took part and play was against bogey. The winner was Thomas Russell ( 7 ) one up. The next best scores were – D.M.Clark ( 8 ) Square, J.Davidson ( 18 ) three down.
Not the least interesting fixture of the local golf season is on the card for to-morrow, when representatives of the Married and Single Members play to decide which is the superior lot.
A match (11 players a side) took place last sturday afternoon between Harthill and Knowenoble Golf Clubs. The game, which was played on the Harthill Course, ende in a win for Knowenoble club by 6 matches to 5 Scores : -
Knowenoble Harthill
W.N.Gibb --------------------- 0 W.Brown --------------------1
George Paterson ------------ 1 G Watson........................... 0
T.Dymock -------------------- 0 A Stewart ------------------ 1
W Hamilton ------------------ 1 A White -------------------- 0
J.L.Loudon ------------------- 1 A Smart -------------------- 0
Cumming Gibb ------------- 0 J Fleming ------------------ 1
A.M.Hutton ----------------- 1 D.A.Kitson ---------------- 0
Tom Gibb ------------------- 0 T White -------------------- 1
J.G.Smith ------------------- 0 R White ---------------------1
A Smith --------------------- 1 A weir --------------------- 0
A Baxter --------------------- 1 R Browne -------------------0
6 5
(WP 30.5.1913)
"The annual general meeting of this club was held last Thursday in cleland school. There was a large turnout of members. Rev. D Cameron occupied the chair. The treasurers statement showed that the club was in a flourishing state financially .
The chief business was the elction of the office bearers for the coming year. Mr Cameron and Mr J.Loudon were unanimously selected President and Captain respectively, and Mr J. Gibb Smith was elected Vice Captain in place of Mr Dymock, resigned. Mr James Adam, Roslyn, was appointed secretary and the financial department was put into the capable hands of Mr Tom Hunter, Bethshean. Messrs Vallely and R.Nimmo were elected to vacant places in the committee.
A special committee was appointed to make arrangements for the annual dance."
(WP 7.11.1913)
"A match between Wishaw golf club and Knowenoble was played at Cleland on Wednesday and resulted in a win for the visitors by 8 matches to 4" (WP 12.6.1914).
Last recorded 1940.