Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

Gordon Temperance Hotel, Dalry

 Gordon Temperance Hotel Golf Course. First mentioned 1900. 

   "A mixed foursome competition took place over the Gordon Temperance Hotel Course at Dalry on Tuesday. Th weather was excellent, and the game proved very interesting. The following were the prizewinners : - 1, Miss Ramsay and John Craig, 103 less 21 = 82; 2, Miss May Ramsay and W.W. Anderson, 87 Scratch; 3, Miss Parkyn and Dr McWatt Green, 134, less 30 = 104." (KA 14.9.1900)


    "Another mixed foursomes competition took place over the Gordon Temperance Hotel Course on Saturday afternoon last, and resulted as follows ; 1, Miss Ramsay and Mr W.W. Anderson, 91 ; 2, Miss Florence Craig and Captain Craig, 93 ; 3, Miss May Ramsay and Dr McWatt Green, 98. The foregoing were net scores, the competition being a handicap one. Later in the afternoon the young men of the village were again invited t. o take part in a scratch competition over the same course. There was a large turnout, and the competition was keenly contested, and resulted as follows :- 1, W. McCulloch ; 2, A. McLellan ; 3, W. Anderson. The next best scores were handed in by John McGill and Joseph Cowan. Miss May Ramsay presented the prizes to the successful competitors." (KA 28.9.1900)

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