Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

The clubhouse at the rear is now being used as a residential house

Over 100 years later, the house is still there, Oh Sorry, i meant to say the Clubhouse, and i'm standing on the 1st tee

Catrine, Sorn Castle.



Sorn Castle Golf Club.  Instituted 1910. A 9-hole course one on Sorn Hill, ten minutes from Catrine station. 

The club went into abeyance during WW1 and was reactivated in 1922.             

Last mention 1950.



Mr James Hamilton's subscription receipt for season 1912 - 1913. 

Kilmarnock Standard June 26th  1909


Formation Of Club


Golf Club :-  A long –felt want is about to be met by the formation of a golf club for the village and neighbourhood.  A meeting of those interested in this attractive game was held in the Wilson Hall on Thursday evening week Mr John Reid, C.C., occupied the chair and intimated that negotiations had been successfully carried through with Mr T.W. McIntyre, of Sorn, who had given on generous terms a stretch of ground on the higher part of Sorn Hill which will form an ideal course.  The arrangement come to was unanimously approved of and a club was inaugurated, the following office-bearers being appointed:-  Hon. President, Mr T.W. McIntyre; Captain, Mr John Reid; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr A.S. Davidson, and a committee consisting of Rev. H.C. Begg; Dr Sloan, Messrs John Monie, Robert Kelly, William Reid, Andrew Cook and J.W. Love.  A large membership has already been secured and the new institution has every prospect of a successful career.

Ardrossan and Saltcoates August 26th  1910


Sorn Castle Golf Club :-  The formal opening of the golf course on Sorn Hill, will take place on Saturday (to-morrow). When a silver cleek will be presented to Miss McIntyre at three o’clock, after which Messrs J. Robb and R. Andrew, Prestwick, the well known amateurs, will play an exhibition game.

From Left, Godon Lockhart, James Robb, R. Andrew and Thomson. 

Ayr Advertiser September 1st 1910.


The Opening


For a considerable time back the want of a golf course in Catrine district has been greatly felt, and quite recently a number of lovers of the game approached Mr T W McIntyre, of Sorn, for the use of Sornhill for this purpose. That gentleman readily complied on very favourable terms, and the course was laid out, the ground being excellently adapted for the purpose. The club, which in the interim had been formed, and which embraces a large number of members, has been named the Sorn Castle Golf Club, and under its auspices the ceremony in connection with the opening of the course was very successfully carried out on Saturday afternoon. 

Mr John Monie inaugurated the proceedings by proposing a hearty vote of thanks to Mr McIntyre, the respected and genial laird of Sorn, saying that it was through his kindness that they now found themselves in possession of a neat little course. When approached, Mr McIntyre gave every encouragement to proceed, and when the terms were finally arranged it was found that the conditions were exceedingly fair and just. He trusted that these conditions would be rigorously enforced, and no cause given to Mr McIntyre to regret having granted that privilege of which they were justly proud. He then introduced Mr John Reid who made a presentation of a silver-mounted cleek to Miss McIntyre who formally opened the new course by driving off the first ball, amidst loud cheering. Messrs R Andres and J Robb, the well-known and distinguished amateur golfers from Prestwick St Nicholas, played an exhibition match of eighteen holes, twice round the course, which Andrew won with 77 strokes to 78.” (AA1.9.1910 It is an ideal site, from which a splendid view of the valley and the beautiful scenery of the River Ayr can be obtained.  The course is one and a half miles and 63 yards long, with nine holes.  The distance between each hole is from 140 yards to 418 yards.” Membership 100.

Ardrossan and Saltcoates September 2nd 1910



For Opening Ceremony in connection with New golf Course, see page3.


Sorn Castle Golf Club ;-  The following are the office-bearers; Hon. President, Mr T.W. McIntyre, Sorn Castle; Captain; Mr John Reid; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Andrew S. Dawson; Committee  Messrs John Monie, John W. Love, James Allan, Wm Reid Andrew Cook, Dr David Sloan, and Rev. H.C. Begg.

Ardrossan and Saltcoates Herald September 2nd  1910  ( Page 3 )


Catrine's New Golf


Opening Ceremony

Exhibition game by Messrs

James Robb and Robert Andrews


The opening of the new golf course on the Sorn Hill, kindly granted by Mr T.W. McIntyre of Sorn, to the Sorn Castle Golf Club, took place on Saturday afternoon. The weather,although rainy during the forepart of the day,turned out favourable during the opening ceremony.  There was a large attendance of members and visitors.  Amongst those present were Mr T.W.McIntyre, Mrs McIntyre and party,Rev. H.C.Begg, Miss Begg, Rev.W. John, Mrs John, Rev.Eneas C. Gordon, Miss Gordon,Mr James B.B.Morton, Mrs Morton, Dr Sloan, Messrs John Monie, John Reid, Alex McMaster, John W. Love, James Allan, Mr and Mrs Archd. D.M. Cook, Mr and Mrs J.D. McMillan.


The “Pyet Ha” Golf Club was instituted in November 1891.  This first course was afterwards required for grazing and a portion of the second course was taken up by the Catrine Branch Railway in 1903. Since then the golfers here were without a course until Mr McIntyre granted the one on Sorn Hill, which is an ideal site, from which a splendid view of the valley and the beautiful scenery of the River Ayr can be obtained.  The course is one and a half miles and 63 yards long, with nine holes.  The distance between each hole is from 140 yards to 418 yards.

    Mr Monie inaugurated the proceedings by proposing a hearty vote of thanks to Mr McIntyre and in introducing Mr John Reid, captain of the club, who made the presentation of a silver mounted cleek to Miss McIntyre.  In a racy and reminiscent speech Mr Monie referred to the difficulties experienced in the past by local golfers in procuring a suitable course, the followers of the game being looked upon with suspicion both by landowners and the public generally.  New times however, brought new conditions and manners, and through the kindness of Mr McIntyre, the respected and genial laird of Sorn they now found themselves in possession of a nice little course.  When approached Mr McIntyre gave them every encouragement to proceed and when the terms were finally arranged it was found that the conditions were exceedingly fair and just.  He (Mr Monie) trusted these conditions would be rigorously enforced, and no cause given to Mr McIntyre to regret having granted that privilege of which they were so justly proud.  He concluded by expressing the hope that Mr McIntyre and family would be long spared to spend many happy days on the banks of the River Ayr.  The vote of thanks was enthusiastically responded to.

    Mr John Reid, in making the presentation,endorsed all that had been said by the previous speaker regarding the kindness of Mr McIntyre.  He had great pleasure in asking Miss McIntyre’s acceptance of the gift and in inviting her to drive the first ball.  He trusted she would be long spared to use it, and that it would serve to remind her of the prominent part she had played in the proceedings of that day.

    The silver-mounted cleek for the following inscription:-  “Presented to Miss McIntyre of Sorn Castle, on the occasion of the opening of Sorn Castle Golf Course, 27th August 1910”.

    Replying on behalf of his daughter, Mr McIntyre said he felt he did not deserve all the compliments he had received that day.  He believed in reasonable recreation and enjoyment and was not one of those who thought that work and work only, was the chief aim and object of life.  He highly eulogised the game of golf, remarking he knew of no other game which combined pleasure and healthy exercise in the same way.   He looked upon it as a privilege that he was able to assist in their scheme for promoting the good and the enjoyment of the people of Catrine; and on behalf of his daughter he heartily tendered thanks for the gift.

    Miss McIntyre then formally opened the course by driving off the first ball amidst loud cheering.

Exhibition Match


Messrs. R. Andrew and J.Robb from Prestwick, the well-known and distinguished amateur golfers, played an exhibition match over 18 holes, being twice round the course, which was followed with keen interest and enthusiasm.  Considering the weather conditions and the difficulties experienced in consequence of the newness of the course, the play was of a very high order, the score being Andrew, 77; Robb, 78.

    At the close of the game,the players, along with a number of the members of Committee and a few friends, partook of the hospitality of Mr McIntyre at the Castle.  The company thereafter adjourned to the Hillhead, where they sat down to an excellent tea purveyed by Mrs Foggo.  Justice having been done to the good things provided, Dr Sloan in a few appropriate sentiments, called for a hearty vote of thanks to the Messrs Andrew and Robb, who had so kindly given their services that day to the club and shown them so effectually how the game ought to be played.  The members of the club had no doubt learned a few valuable lessons, which would be of advantage to them in their efforts to acquire proficiency.

   The vote of thanks being heartily responded to, Mr Robb briefly replied on behalf of  himself and Mr Andrew.

   The following toasts were then given, viz.

  “ The Sorn Castle Golf Club” by Mr Howat and replied to by Mr J. Monie; “The Secretary and Treasurer” by the Chairman, responded to by Mr Dawson, “The Chairman”. By Mr Mathew Monie” and duly acknowledged.  The singing of “Auld Lang Syne” terminated the proceedings, which throughout the entire function had been characterised by the most pronounced success.

Sorn Castle, Home of Mr and Mrs McIntyre

Ardrossan and Saltcoates September 9th  1910



Sorn Castle Golf Club:-  The first monthly competition, for a medal, was played on Sorn Hill Golf Course on Saturday after noon last.  There was a large turnout of members and others, Mr John Reid, captain, stated at scratch and finished with 91; Mr George C. Reid (3) 92; Mr Mathew M. Monie (scr.) 93.


The Kilmarnock Standard December 23rd 1911





 Yesterday afternoon the Wilson Hall,Catrine was the venue in a very pretty bazaar which was opened by Miss Farquhar, Gilmilnacroft acting on behalf of her mother, the Hon.Lady Farquhar who was one of the principal patronesses of the bazaar and who to the great regret of all interested was unable to be present owing to the state of her health.  The bazaar is in aid of the funds of the Sorn Castle Golf Club the object being to raise sufficient money to erect a club-house on the course at Sorn Hill and very wide-spread interest has been manifested in it.  This was apparent yesterday at the hour of the opening ceremony, when the various stalls were seen to be laden with a profusion of fancy and useful goods and seasonable commodities.  The interior of the hall, although its capacity is taxed to the utmost, lends itself very readily to the purpose of decoration and under the management of Mr Thomas T. Gray, this has been carried out with extremely good taste.  Long streamers of coloured muslin radiate from the centre of the hall and festoons of the same material are arranged along the front of the stalls, the colours blending with fine harmony and artistic effect, so that the visitor on entering the hall receives a very pleasing impression.  There are five stalls, including three for the sale of fancy work, a refreshment stall and a well furnished produce stall each distinguished by its own particular colour, which has been made predominant in the scheme of decoration.  In addition there are the usual adjuncts of a bazaar an entertaining art exhibition and a shooting gallery, and various amusements and competitions.


The Kilmarnock Standard December 23rd  1911


Mrs T.W. McIntre

  Mr T.W.McIntyre, of Sorn, presided at the opening ceremony, at which there was a large and representative gathering.  Among those present were Mrs and Miss McIntyre, Miss Farquhar, Mrs Kerrnander, Genogan House, Sorn, Mrs Campbell, Cartine House, Rev. Wm John, Rev. A.C. Gordon and Miss Gordon, Rev. Alex Lawrie, Rev. H.C. Begg and Miss Begg, Dr and Mrs Sloan, Mr and Mrs J.B.B. Morton, Mr and Mrs  Beveridge, Mr and Mrs J. McMillan, Mauchline, Mr and Mrs John Reid, Mr and Mrs Monie, Mr McMaster, Mr and Mrs Wm. Crawford, Mr J.W. and Miss Love, &c.

  The Chairman said he was there to introduce to them one who was already intimately known to them and had been so for a long time.  Before asking Miss Farquhar to open the bazaar he would like to congratulate the ladies on the way in which they had got the hall decorated and had filled the stalls.  It showed the interest they were taking in a sport which he hoped would help to increase the happiness and pleasure of their community.  The way in which golf had caught on was one of the most extraordinary developments of recent times.  It was essentially a Scottish game, although he lived in Scotland for a quarter of a century before he saw the game played, but now one saw it everywhere.  It had spread over the border, and in England they were even keener than in Scotland, and he was sorry to say that Englishmen carried off the championship too often.  It was played in many countries, where a few years ago it was unknown.  It seemed especially suitable for all classes of the community, young and old, and it seemed to fill a wont of our modern times.  When Mr Reid first mentioned the subject of a golf course to him he was not quite sure whether they had a sufficient number of enthusiasts to make the venture a success, but the result showed that Mr Reid new the position better than he did.  Personally, he had been very willing to greet them Sorn Hill on any reasonable terms, though he had not realised at the time what a capital little course it was going to make,  (applause) He congratulated the people of the district on having what seemed to him the beginning of one of the nicest inland courses in the county. (Applause).  He trusted that as the result of that bazaar they would be enabled to erect a club-house which would be a great advantage in connection with the course and he asked Miss Farquhar, whose kindness in coming that day they much appreciated, to declare the bazaar open.  (Applause.)

  Miss Farquhar, who had a very cordial reception said that she would like to say how very sorry her mother was at not being able to be present that day.  She was always very happy with her friends in Catrine and she had complete sympathy with the object of the bazaar.  It was a real disappointment to her that she had to be away.  With regard to the occasion which had brought them together she thought if she had to summarise the position she should put it like this, that, if they did well at this bazaar they would get a nice house to keep their clubs in, if they did better they would get a better and more commodious house, and if they did best of all they would get one in which they might have a cup of tea to refresh them after their labours in going round the course and console them if their play had not been so good as they could have wished it to be, (Laughter and applause.)  She did not think there was any lady present who would not consider that a very laudable object for which to work.  She had great pleasure in declaring the bazaar open.  (Applause).

  Mr Monie said he thought he voiced the opinion of everyone in that hall when he said that the committee had been extremely fortunate in having Miss Farquhar there to open the bazaar.  She was deeply interested in all schemes and organisations throughout the parish having for their object the betterment of all her neighbours and friends and he asked them to accord to her a very hearty vote of thanks. (Applause.)

  On the motion of Mr Morton a similar compliment was paid to Mr McIntyre for presiding, and the  stall-holders thereafter proceeded to business.  The bazaar was well patronised throughout the afternoon and evening, and at the close it was found that the satisfactory sum of £150 had been raised.

  The bazaar will be re-opened this afternoon by Mrs McIntyre.

Scotsman October 21st, 1912


Opening Of Sorn Castle Golf Clubhouse


The ceremony took place on Saturday, Mr John Reid, Captain, presided, and presented in the name of the club, a silver key and casket to Mrs McIntyre, of Sorn Castle, who duly performed the ceremony of opening the clubhouse. The Rev. A.C. Gordon expressed the thanks of the club to Mr T.W. McIntyre for the generous support he had extended, without which they would have been quite unable to erect so handsome a structure. Mr McIntyre acknowledged the compliments paid him. An exhibition game was afterwards played over the course by T.R. Fernie, Turnberry, and Mr Gordon Lockhart. The clubhouse has a dwelling house attatched, ans was erected at a cost of between £400 and £500.  

Speeches by Mr McIntyre at the clubhouse opening.

Ayr Advertiser June 6th 1929


On Wednesday evening last week Sorn Castle engaged a team from Patna in a friendly match. Mr Bert Mitchell, Sorn Castle, in welcoming the visitors, remarked that this was the first time that a Patna team had visited the course, and he hoped the fixture would become an annual one. Mr H.D. Watson replied for the visitors, and made congratulatory remarks on the Sorn Castle course. The home team were victors in the match by 3 games to 2. – The final of the Presidents Prize was played last week, the contestants being James Paton and James Gibb. Mr Paton was successful by 4 and 3. 

Members at the Re-Opening of the course in 1922
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