Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Lochgilphead Golf Club.  Instituted 1891.  A 9-hole course on what is now the Caravan Site on the lochside.

This course scarcely calls for special note.  Some of the holes are very sporting, and a very pleasant round may be had. (Golfers guide to the game and greens of Scotland 1894)

Oban Times June 11th, 1892



Golf Competition.- Great interest has been taken in a golf competition which has taken place on the Lochgilphead course during the past week for a set of golf clubs presented by Dr Fraser, Falkirk.  Some weeks ago, on account of the club and course having been recently formed, an opening competition took place among the members, in order to enable the committee to fix the handicaps, which ranged from scratch to 25 points.  About a dozen of the members played Saturday for Dr Fraser’s prize, and a similar number on Thursday evening, both days being wet and stormy- indeed, so much rain has fallen of late that the putting greens were very soft, and almost unfit for play.  Mr C. D. MacKenzie was scratch, and was quite unable to play against the handicaps allowed.  The clubs were won by Mr A. MacBrayne with a score of 89 for the 18 holes, after deducting the 21 points which had been allowed him.  It has been intimated that gold and silver medals will be competed for at the end of the summer.

Oban Times August 6th, 1892

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf Competition.- The second of six monthly competitions for a silver medal, presented by Mr D MacCubbin, was played on the Lochgilphead course on Saturday afternoon, in suitable weather.  Dr James Hunter, who took the first position last month, again secured the same position on Saturday with the total score for the 18 holes of 100 ; Mr A. MacBrayne coming second with 110,  On Saturday only nine players turned out, and it is likely even this number will decrease as it becomes more evident who the winner is to be.

1892 Nov oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club


The annual general meeting of the Lochgilphead golf Club was held in the Argyll Hotel on Friday night, when the Rev. A.C. Robertson presided, and there was a good attendance.  The reports of the secretary and treasurer (Dr J. Hunter and Mr Wm. Stewart) which were considered very satisfactory, showed that the club has a membership of 42, and that after paying all expenses in connection with the formation of the course and working of the club there was a balance on hand of £3  11s  11d.  The following office-bearers were elected-  President, Mr Alex. Campbell of Auchindarroch;  vice-president, Mr E. D. Hargreaves, Auchnasgiach, Ardrishaig; secretary, Dr Hunter; treasurer, Mr William Stewart, banker.  A committee was also appointed, and it was decided to have a competition for the captaincy.  Mr E. D. Hargreaves intimated that he had ordered a silver challenge cup to be competed for by the members, and Mr C.D. Mackenzie, who was also present, handed to the secretary a handsome gold medal for competition, both gentlemen being warmly thanked by the meeting for their kindness.   The treasurer intimated that he had deposited in bank a guarantee fund of £21 subscribed by the members to secure the rent of the course for a few years to come.

1893 February 25th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf.-  Of all the competitions which have taken place on the local course since its formation, the one played on Saturday last between Messrs R. MacDougall and J.Gourlay for the gold medal, presented by Mr D.A. Hunter, Glasgow, was undoubtedly the most interesting and the most keenly and closely contested.  A large number of members and others followed the players round the course, but although the game afforded them pleasure, we are not so sure that their company was appreciated by the players, or that their presence improved the play.  Mr Gourlay had 13 points from his opponent, but as Mr MacDougall is a superior player, the two found themselves equal at the ninth hole and again at the eighteenth, so that a third round had to be played to decide the tie, which resulted in favour of the former by 3 holes up and 2 to play.   Mr Stewart, banker, in name of the club presented Mr Gourlay with the gold medal, which was a handsome one, and Mr MacDougall with a golf club as a second prize.

1893 Jan 28th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf-  On Saturday last about twenty of the local Golf Club proceeded in brakes to Inverneill, and played over Captain Campbell’s links.  The weather was good, and great interest was taken in the competition, which was for a silver medal presented by Captain Campbell. During the day Captain and Mrs Campbell showed every possible attention to the visitors, and lunch and tea were provided in Inverneill House in first-class style.  At the close of the match, which was twice round a course of nine holes, Mrs Campbell presented the medal to Mr A. MacBrayne and made a few remarks.  On the motion of Dr Cameron, Asylum, a vote of thanks was awarded Inverneill for his kindness,and after a few complimentary remarks by ex Provost Menzies three hearty cheers were given for the laird and his lady.  Captain Campbell made a neat and suitable reply, and again invited the club to Inverneill.  The following were some of the best scores:


MacBrayne,    scratch  105     105                                                                                            Dr  Hunter          “        107     107

J Mitchell           15        123      108

Capt. Fraser       18       128     110                                                                

Wm. Jack           9        122      113

A. MacNab        10      123      113                                                                                   

R MacDougall    4       117      113

1893 March 11th oban times



Golf.- Last Saturday a match was played over the local course between teams representing the married and single men of the Club, and a great deal of interest was displayed in the event. The teams comprised ten men a-side, the married men’s team being selected by Mr C.D. MacKenzie, and the other by Mr A. MacBrayne. The following were the total scores;- Married men, 1103;  single men, 1174.

1893 March 25th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


We cannot refrain from again saying that the Lochgilphead Golf Club is a highly-popular and favoured institution.  For about a year past there has scarsely been any period during which the members had not some trophy on hand to compete for, and as rapidly as they are being carried off others are presented to take their places.  Last Saturday the gold medal won by the team of married men was secured by Mr. A.Gillies.

1893 April 8th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf-  The March competition for Mr C.D. MacKenzie’s gold medal was concluded on Friday last, when Messrs D. MacNicol and A.C. Fraser tied for the first place with a net score for the 18 holes of 81- the former having 9 points and the latter 22 points from scratch.  The tie was played off on Saturday when Mr Fraser won the medal for the month.

1893 April 22nd oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


As a golf match on Saturday for three prizes presented by Captain Campbell of Inverneill, the following were the winners:- Mr A.J. Fraser,102, less 22-80;  C.D. MacKenzie, 91 less 7 –84;  Wm. Stewart, 107, less 22-85.  During the game rain fell heavily, and, to use a common expression, all the competitors “were soaked to the skin.”

1893 May 27th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Last Saturday a golf competition took place on the local course for a challenge putter, presented to the club by Major Campbell of Inverneill, only those members with twelve or fewer of a handicap, being allowed to compete.  A”Colonel Bogey” score was made up, all scratch, played to beat the “Colonel.” “Colonel Bogey’s” score was 80 for the 18 holes, and the best score made was 6 above that number.  The match, however, was a “hole” one, and Mr Arch. MacBrayne won the putter,being fourth down as against the “Colonel,” with a total score of 90.  Dr Hunter took the second place with a score of 86, but six holes down.

1893 June 17th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf.- Owing to the great heat experienced of late, and the long grass on portions of the local course, the interest in golf has diminished very much.  Last week, however, Mr William Black played a match with Mr A. MacBrayne for the “challenge” putter presented to the Club by captain Campbell of Inverneill, and which was won by the latter at the first competition for it a few weeks ago.  At the match on Friday last, however, Mr Jack beat his opponent by three holes up and two to play, so that he will retain it until some member challenges and wins it from him.

1893 July 8th oban times



Golf- Mr M. Sinclair is the winner of Mr C.D.MacKenzie’s gold medal for June, but as he and Mr A.C.Fraser have tied for the final possession of the trophy another match will require to take place.  On Tuesday night a number of lady members of the club played a match for two prizes of golf balls, Miss Macnab taking the first and Miss Lawrie the second place.

1893 August 5th oban times

Lochgilphead Notes


Golf.- For a month or two past there has been an apparent want of enthusiasm which characterised the local golfers since the opening of the course, but this may be accounted for in various ways. Shopkeepers and others have been busy with visitors  the grass on the course was so long that it was difficult to find the balls, and there have been few competitions to bring the members out.  Last week, however, a good deal of the apathy disappeared, and it is not unlikely that the new zest will be maintained as considerable interest is being taken in a competition for the club medal, which becomes the property of the most frequent winner in six monthly competitions.  For July the medal has been won by Mr Wm.Jack with a score of 91 for 18 holes.

1893 November 4th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


The interest in golf is being revived, and there have been a good number of competitors in several matches which have taken place recently.  Mr Menzies, teacher, is the winner of the club-medal for October, with a score of 89 less 2-87 for the 18 holes.

1893 November 11th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf- Messrs Wm.Jack and A. MacBrayne played a match over the local golf course on Saturday for the possession of the “Invernaill Challenge Putter” and the latter won by four holes up and three to play.  Mr Jack has held the trophy for several months past.

1893 November 18th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig notes


A golf match between the married and single men of the local club was played over the course on Saturday, and resulted in a victory for the former by four holes, the score being-married men,21 holes; single men, 17 holes.  This is the second time the single men has been defeated.

1893 December 2nd oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


A good deal of interest is maintained in the game of golf in this district, and some interesting competitions take place on the Lochgilphead  course.  Last Saturday a sweepstake match was played, when Mr Malcolm Sinclair succeeded in breaking the record for the eighteen holes, his score being 79, and, of course, he won the first prize, Bailie MacNicol taking the second with 86 less 3-83.  Prior to last Saturday  Dr Hunter, the genial secretary of the club, held the record for the course with 83

1894 January 13th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


The committee of the local Golf Club, who find themselves with surplus cash on hand from last year have decided to expend a few pounds on further improving the course, On the invitation of Captain Campbell of Inverneill, the local club intend visiting Inverneill on Saturday first and playing over his private course for a silver medal presented for competition by him.

1894 January 27th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf. – Last Saturday the tie between Mr. MalcolmSinclair and Mr Donald Menzies for the club medal was played in the presence of a number of spectators, the latter winning by 2 points.  The scores were – Menzies (scratch), 93, Sinclair, 94 (plus 1 ) 95. Next Saturday Hargreaves Cup and club, and sweepstakes will be played for.

1894 February 10th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf – On Saturday last the Inverneill challenge putter, which has for some time past been in the hands of Mr A. MacBrayne, was won by Baillie MacNicol, who finished with five holes up and four to play.


1894 March 31st oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


A Golf Competition took place on the local course on Tuesday between Bailie MacNicol and Mr D. Menzies for the Inverneill challenge putter,which has been held by the Bailie for some months past.  At the end of the first round Mr Menzies was four holes up, and Bailie MacNicol, realising that his chance of retaining it was gone, handed over the trophy.  Mr Menzies score for the nine holes was 38, the record for the course being 37.

1894 April 7th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf.- The excellent weather of the past few weeks has been fully taken advantage of by the golfers here, and splendid scores have been recorded. On Wednesday last the record for the course was reduced from thirty-seven to thirty-four by Mr Donald Menzies, teacher.  On Saturday the monthly sweepstake competition was played at which the best scores were made by Messrs W. Jack (90 less 4 86), D. MacBrayne (96 less 9-87), who  were the first and second prizes while Messrs D. Menzies (89 plus l.90), and William Robertson 99 less 9  90) tied for the third prize.

Oban Times, April 28th, 1894 


Despite the arduous journeys, matches were held regularly with Oban and Rothesay. “A golf match in which considerable interest was taken was played over the local course on Tuesday by teams of eight a-side representing Lochgilphead and Oban, the latter being driven from Crinan and back in order to give them time to play the usual eighteen holes and make the return journey to Oban by the Chevalier.  Unless the players considered the heat rather great, the weather was excellent, and as the sky was overcast with clouds while the match was in progress the balls were easily followed, although a number were lost in the long grass.  It was originally intended to play 10 men a-side, but only eight of the visitors put in an appearance.  From the start it was clear that the local players would win over all, but one or two of the pairs were well matched, and with them the excitement was maintained till the end  At the close of the match Dr Hunter intimated the result-a victory for Lochgilphead by 23 holes-and Captain Campbell made a few remarks thanking the Oban players for coming there to meet them.  Mr A. Campbell, captain of the Oban team, replied, and said that while they had been beaten on this occasion there was no saying what might happen if they met on the Oban course.” 

1894 May 19th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


A golf match was played on Monday between Messrs D.Menzies and M.Sinclair for the Inverneill Challenge putter,which was in the possession of the former.  After a keen and well played game, Mr Sinclair won the trophy by one hole. 



1894 June 2nd oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf-  If there has been a slight falling off in the number of gentlemen members in the local club this year, it is pleasing to note that the lady members are more numerous and some of  them seem to be making good progress.  The first competition for the ladies is to take place on Saturday, for a prize presented by Mr Wm.C.Harvey.



1894 July 7th oban times


Golf Match-  On Friday last a ten a-side golf match was placed on the Rothesay course between teams representing Rothesay and Lochgilphead.  The home team had the best of the play over all, only Mr Jack and Bailie MacNicol, Lochgilphead, beating their opponents.Rothesay won 27 holes and Lochgilphead 6, so that the former had a victory of 21 holes.  Some of the local players think that if a match could be arranged for the Lochgilphead course the team would give a better account of themselves, as there is a vast difference between the two links.





1894 July 28th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Lochgilphead v Oban-  A golf match in which considerable interest was taken was played over the local course on Tuesday by teams of eight a-side representing Lochgilphead and Oban, the latter being driven from Crinan and back in order to give them time to play the usual eighteen holes and make the return journey to Oban by the Chevalier.  Unless the players considered the heat rather great, the weather was excellent, and as the sky was overcast with clouds while the match was in progress the balls were easily followed, although a number were lost in the long grass.  It was originally intended to play 10 men a-side, but only eight of the visitors put in an appearance.  From the start it was evident that the local players would win over all, but one or two of the pairs were well matched, and with them the excitement was maintained till the end.  As will be seen by the scores Mr C. Rankin and Mr W.J.Menzies tied with their opponents, but Mr A. Campbell alone succeeded in beating his man Mr M. Sinclair- who ranks as the second best Player in the Lochgilphead Club.  All the others suffered defeat at the hands of the home players.  At the close of the match Dr Hunter intimated the result-a victory for Lochgilphead by 23 holes-and Capt. Campbell made a few remarks thanking the Oban players for coming there to meet them.  Mr A. Campbell, captain of the Oban team, replied, and said that while they had been beaten on this occasion there was no saying what might happen if they met on the Oban course.  The following are the scores;- 


Lochgilphead                                      Oban

M.Sinclair                  -                    A.Campbell,          3

Dr.Hunter                   -                   C.Rankin               -

A.MacBrayne             1                    J.Anderson            -

                                  Baillie McNicol          1                    H.Birrell                -

W.Jack                      6                    W.Rankin              -

Capt Campbell            -                    W.J.Menzies          -


1894 August 4th oban times


Golf.- Lochgilphead v Oban-  With reference to last week’s report of this match, it is but fair to the Oban Club to state that there were only four scratch players in their team, and that these more than held their own against four of their opponents’ best players.  The Oban team freely acknowledged that the Lochgilphead  team was over all a strong one, and the return Match, which is expected to take place shortly,on the Oban Links, is sure to be close and interesting, as all the players are likely to be pretty evenly matched.-  The monthly competiton was held on Thursday, 12th ult; the following being the lowest scores:- C.A.Rankin,88-88; John MacKay, 99-9=90;  James Anderson,91-91; Duncan Campbell,94-94; W. Gardner, 94-94; John MacColl, 96-96.


1894 October 6th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf


A competition for prizes presented by MrFollet, Inveryne, took place on the local course on Saturday in excellent weather. The following were the winners – 1st, Duncan Campbell with a score of 88 minus 8 = 80 ; 2nd, Malcolm Sinclair, 83plus 2 = 85. The competition for the Hargreave Challenge Cup takes place on Saturdat first.


1894 November 10th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf


Owing to the boisterous weather experienced of late the local golf course has quite a deserted appearance. Arrangements have been made for a match on the Inverary course on Saturday first, between five members of the Lochgilphead club and a similar number from the Inverary players.


1894 November 17th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf A.G.M.


The annual general meeting of the local club was held in the Argyll Hotel on Friday night, when there was a good attendance, and the vice president, Mr E.D.Hargreaves occupied the chair. The reports of the secretary and treasurer showed that there was 70 members , and 11 who paid the half yearly subscription, while the course was more largely taken advantage of by visitors than hitherto. The income for the year amonted to £30,16s,9d and the expenditure to £28,18s7d leaving a balance in the treasurers hands of £12 10s 8d . The office bearers were all re-elected, and a committee of five was appointed. The secretary, Dr Hunter, intimated receipt of a cheque from the president ( Mr A Campbell of Auchindarroch ) for £3 towards the prize fund of the club, and it was decided to devide this sum for three competitions.The meeting also resolved to present two medals for competition


1894 December 1st oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Dr.James Hunter. The energetic secretary of the Golf Club, was the winner of the first prize in the monthly sweepstake competition on Saturday last, with a score of 87 plus 1.  The doctor is an excellent player, but has always been so carefully handicapped that he is the winner of comparatively few prizes.


1894 December 8th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Besides giving the local Golf Club a handsome donation for prizes,Mr Campbell of Auchindarroch has provided all the stobs necessary for fencing the putting greens gratis, while the misses Campbell have given a silver pen rest, which will be played for on Christmas.  Mr D.Menzies was the winner of the November competition for the club medal, and as he has now won it four times it becomes his property.


1895 March 16th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Football and Golf.-  The weather of 2nd inst. Was of the choicest description, when the golfers and footballers played off matches.  Thirteen members of the Golf Club took part in the second monthly competition for the club medal and sweepstake prizes, and the following were the winners of the first, second, and third prizes respectively – D.Menzies, 82 plus 3=85; Baillie MacNicol, 89 minus 2=87; and John Mitchell,97 minus 9=88.  A good gathering assembled to see a football match on the same afternoon in Mrs MacBrayne’s field, between teams representative of the local club and the fishermen,but, as the spectators put it, the former ran through the latter and won by seven goals to nil.


1895 April 6th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf.- The local course is at present in excellent condition for play, and with good weather the member are taking full advantage of it.  On Saturday last the third monthly competition took place for the cup medal, Mr.A.MacBrayne being the winner with 87 less 3-84


1895 May 4th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf;- The members of the local club, to the number of 18, had an excellent days’ outing at Inverneill last Saturday-Captain Campbell,who is captain of the club, having invited them to play for a handsome medal over his own course.  Favoured with splendid weather the match was thoroughly enjoyed, and as the scores were close, unusual interest was taken in the event.   Messrs D.Campbell, yr. of Inverneill, and A.MacBrayne tied for the medal with a net total for the 18 holes of 86, and other six holes were played by them to decide,Mr MacBrayne finishing in 30 and Mr Campbell in 31.  as the latter had 2 points from his opponent he became the winner.  Before leaving Inverneill the company had tea together in Inverneill House, after which capt. Campbell received a vote of thanks, on the motion of Mr W.C.Harvey.


1895 July 13th oban times



Golf-  The last of the six monthly medal competitions took place on Saturday week, the winner being Mr M. Sinclair, with a score of 80  scratch.


1895 September 7th oban times


Golf-  The Lochgilphead golfers had a busy time of it last week, and they were fortunate in the weather for their various contests.  On Wednesday a ten a side match was played on the local course between teams captained respectively by Mr D. Menzies and Mr M.Sinclair, the losing team providing a ball for each of their opponents. At the close of a keenly contested game it was found that Mr Menzies team had 17 holes to their credit against 7 for their opponents. A twelve a side match took place on the Rothesay course on Friday an unusual interest was taken in the event as the Lochgilphead players were determined to wipe out the defeat they received from Rothesay last year.  Both Clubs were strongly represented, and this time Lochgilphead was victorious by 5 holes, the victors having 25 holes to their credit, against 20 for Rothesay. On Saturday the monthly competition for the Club medal was played, the winner being Mr Donald MacBrayne with a net score of 81, Dr Hunter and Mr. D.Campbell, yr. of Inverneill, being second with 84 each.


1895 October 12th oban times

Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig Notes


Golf-  There was a tie for the Hargreaves Cup the competition on Saturday last the successful competitors being Messrs. R.Jack and D.Campbell with scores of 86.  The tie was played off the same evening and the trophy fell to Mr Jack, who beat his opponent by 4 points.


1895 November 9th oban times

Lochgilphead  Oban Times


Ladies Golf Competition

During the month of October the ladies of the local club were in competition for two prizes provided by the president and the play taken as a whole , has been creditable. The prize winners are miss Eliz Jamieson ( 80 Scratch ) And Mrs Graham Campbell of Shirvan ( 81 scratch ).



1895 November 23rd oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club  Oban Times


The annual meeting of the golf club was held in the Argyll hotel last week – Mr E.D.Hargreaves , Vice President, in the chair. The treasurers report showed that the income for the year had been £27-18s-1d and the expenditure £23-17s-3d leaving a balnce in favour of the club of 34-0s-10d This with £12-10s-8d on hand at the beginning of the year and £20 of a guarantee fund, leaves the club with a credit balance of over 336. The office bearers and committee were re-elected, the only change being the substituion of Mr E MacCallum on the committee for Mr D.Menzies who has left the district. An informal discussion took place regarding the advisability of the club renting the whole course from the superior and sub letting to grazing tenants, so that they might make improvements, including the erection of a clubhouse and the formation of hazards as they see fit. The meeting agreed that something should be done for the improvements of the course, and it was remitted to the committee to consider the question.

1896 January 18th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club


The weather of the past week or two has been of the finest description for playing golf, and large numbers of players have gone over the course daily. On Saturday last, the last of the six monthly medal  competitions took place, the winner being Mr Robert Jack with 87 le 4 = 83. Unusual interest is being taken in a match between teams of twelve a side which comes off on Saturday first.


1896 January 25th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club


An eleven a side golf match was played on the local course on Saturday, the teams being selected by Baillie MacNicol and M.Wm. Jack, respectively. The weather was boisterous and rain fell during the progress of the game but some good scores were made. The match However was a one sided affair, as Mr Jack;s team finished with 30 holes to their credit, against 9.


1896 February 1st oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club


Mr R Jack was the winner of the Hargreaves cup at a competition on the local course on Saturday, in which about 18 members took part. This is the second time he has won the trophy in succession and it becomes his own property, should he win it a third time. Sweepstake prizes were also won by Dr Hunter and Mr Wm Jack.


1896 February 15th oban times

Lochgilphead Golf Club, Ladies Golf Match


Although only half a dozen of the lady members of the club entered the competition on Saturday for the handsome brooch presented by Mrs Hargreaves, Achnasgiach, great interest was taken in the event and most of the competitors succeeded in making their record scores. Miss Gillies and Miss Sinclair tied tied for the trophy with a net score of 71, and on a third round being played the former won by two strokes.


1896 Saturday February 15th oban times


Golf:-   No fewer than eighteen golfers went over the local course on Saturday week in the competition for the club medal, but although the weather conditions were excellent,and the ground was in good order, the play over all was very poor indeed – the medal being won for the month by Mr T Robertson  with a score of 105 less 16 = 89. Sweepstaake prizes were won by Messrs Robertson, Lambert, McNab and DR Hunter.


1896 March 14th oban times


Golf.-  The monthly medal and sweepstake competition on Saturday last was taken part in by about twenty members of the Club, and the weather being delightful the game was thoroughly enjoyed.  Mr. M. Sinclair was medallist for the month with a net score of 81, and he also got the first sweepstake prize.  The other prizes were won by Mr A. MacKechnie(87),Dr Hunter(88), and Mr Wm.Robertson (90).



1896 April 11th oban times


Golf Notes:-  Dr Hunter was the winner at the third monthly competition for the club medal last week with a scratch score of 82. Messrs M. Sinclair and R. Jack divided the second and third sweepstake prizes being equal with a nett score of 84 and the fourth sweepstake was won by A.MacKechnie with a nett score 86.  At a meeting of the committee on Monday night it was resolved to erect a club-house on the course at a cost of £30 and Mr D. Campbell joiner was instructed to proceed with the work.  As a complaint has been made of late that the members with the small handicaps have been carrying off most of the prizes, the handicaps were readjusted in favour of those with the larger number of points.


1896 May 16th oban times


Local golfers are at present having a busy time of it and the club seems to be prospering.  During the past week a club house has been erected in the Bank Park at a cost of about £32. On Wednesday last week the first of three ,monthly competitions for a ladies club medal took place the winner being Miss MacEwan with a nett score of 61 for a 12 hole course.  On Saturday the gentlemen played off their monthly medal competition the winner being Mr William Pomphrey with a nett score of 83.  Mr Donald MacBrayne won the Hargreaves cup with a nett score of 85.  This cup must be won three times in succession before becoming the property of any member.  On Saturday first the members pay their annual visit to Inverneill when a medal and other prizes presented by Captain Campbell will be competed for.


1896 May 23rd oban times


Golf:-  On the invitation of Captain Campbell of Inverneill who provided a medal and other prizes about twenty of Lochgilphead golfers visited Inverneill on Saturday and engaged in a competition over the private course there.  The weather was delightful and the outing was thoroughly enjoyed the pleasure being considerably increased by the hospitality of Mrs Campbell who assisted by her daughters and servants, served excellent refreshments at the close of the match.  Mr. A. MacKechnie was the winner of the medal with 93 less 12-81; and Dr Hunter and Messrs R. Jack and D.MacKechnie, each received a couple of balls for the lowest scratch scores in the three rounds of the six hole course.  Before returning home, hearty thanks were awarded to the Captain and Mrs Campbell on the motion of Mr Wm. C. Harvey.


1896 May 30th oban news


Golf match between Lochgilphead and Inveraray.-  On Wednesday of last week what proved a most enjoyable competition took place on the Lochgilphead course between teams of 8 a side representing the Inverarey and local clubs.  The weather was delightfully fine.  The match of course, was a hole one and Lochgilphead won by 20


1896 June 6th oban times


Golf:- Miss Eliza M. Jamieson was the winner in the ladies monthly medal competition on Friday with a scratch score of 65.  In the gentlemen’s monthly competition on Saturday Mr. Donaldson was the winner with 100 less 18- 82.


1896 July 4th oban times


The last of the six monthly competitions for golf club medal took place on the local course on Saturday, the winner being Mr.A.MacKechnie with a score of 89 less9-80.  The following six winners will now play a final tie for possession of the trophy: T.Robertson. M.Sinclair, Dr. Hunter, Wm.Pomphrey, H. Donaldson and A. MacKechnie.


1896 July 18th oban times


Ladies Golf Match.-  In the final tie for the gold medal presented by the club for competition Miss Jamieson was an easy winner, with a score of 72 for the twelve holes.


1896 August 15th oban news


Golf.- Mr Bell Scott, Bishopton, one of the visitors in the district at present, was the winner of the first of the six monthly competitions for the club medal, which took place on Saturday last week, with a scratch score of 82.  Mr M.Sinclair was second with 85 plus 1-86.


1896 August 29th oban times


Golf- The local golf course has this season been more largely patronised by visitors that formerly, and is undoubtedly proving one of the most important attractions of the town.  On Friday of last week a match took place between 8 a-side teams representative of the Edinburgh visitors and the club members, but as it turned out the game was very one-sided affair, the visitors losing by no fewer than 47 holes, the scores being;-


Edinburgh                       Lochgilphead

H.Bell Scott  2              M.Sinclair         0

D.Menzies    3              D.Mackechnie   0

C.M.King      0              Dr,.Hunter        6

James Allan  0              Wm.Jack          12

G.Forbes         0               J.Mitchell         10

D.Stewart     0              A.Mackechnie   11

W.Sinclair     0              E.MacCallum       6

D.Hyslop       0              D.Campbell         7

------                                  ------

5                                        52



1896 September 5th oban times


Golf.-  Mr E. MacCallum was the winner of the monthly medal competition on Saturday afternoon with a score of 91 minus 10-81.  there were 13 competitors.  On Saturday first a match takes place on the course between teams representing the parishes of South Knapdale and Glassery.


1896 October 10th oban times


Golf- Mr D. MacBrayne was the winner of the Hargeaves cup in the competition on Saturday last, with a score of 89 minus5=84.  the cup, which is a valuable one, must be won three times in succession before becoming the property of the winner, and this is the second time Mr McBrayne has won it in succession.


1896 November 7th oban times


Golf:-  the monthly competition for the Club Medal took place on Saturday last, and the weather being excellent, and the course in firstrate order, there was a good attendance of members and the scoring was unusually low, Mr T.Robertson being the winner with 88 minus 9=79; and Mr A. MacKechnie, second with 88-6=82.


Oban Times November 21st 1896.


At the annual meeting of the Lochgilphead golf club in the Argyll hotel on Monday night. Mr E.D. Hargreaves, Vice President, occupied the chair. The treasurer ( Ballie MacNicol ) reported that during the year there were 58 ordinary members, and 7 family ticket holders, and that considerably more visitors took advantage of the course than formerly. The finances were also in a satisfactory state, the total income being £54 15s 6d and the expenditure ( Including £25 11s 9d paid towards the cost of the clubhouse ) £51 16s 11d leaving a credit balance of £2 17s 6d. The following office bearers were elected :- President, Mr Alexander Campbell of Auchindarroch ; Vice President, Mr E.D. Hargreaves, Auchnasgiach ; Captain, Captain Campbell of Inverneill ; Vice Captain, Mr C.R.Wilsone, Inneryne ; Secretary, Mr T. Robertson ; and treasurer, Ballie Macnicol. A committee of five was also appointed. The secretary intimated receipt of a handsome cup from an anonymous donor, for competition. The club also decided to provide three medals for the male members, and a prize for the ladies, and the chairman also offered a prize for the latter, all to be played for next year.

Oban Times, December 16th, 1896      


A Clubhouse was erected in 1896, and Ladies’ competitions began. “At the annual meeting of the Lochgilphead golf Club in the Argyll Hotel on Monday night, Mr.E.D.Hargreaves, vice-president, occupied the chair. The treasurer (Bailie MacNicol) re-ported that during the year there were 58 ordinary members, and 7 family ticket holders, and that, considerably more visitors took advantage of the course than formerly.  The finances were also in a satisfactory state, the total income being £54 15 6d and the expenditure (including £25 11 9d paid towards the cost of the club-house) £51 16 11d leaving a credit balance of £2 17 7d  the following office-bearers were elected: President, Mr Alexander Campbell of Auchindarroch; vice-president, Mr E.D. Hargreaves.  Auchnasgiach; captain, Captain Campbell of Inverneill; vice-captain, Mr.C.R.Wilson, Inncryne; secretary, Mr T.Robertson; and treasurer, Bailie MacNicol.  A committee of five was also appointed.  The secretary intimated receipt of a handsome cup from an anonymous donor, for competition.  The club also decided to provide three medals for the male members, and a prize for the ladies, and the chairman also offered a prize for the latter, all to be played for during next year.” 

1896 December oban times


At the annual meeting of the Lochgilphead golf Club in the Argyll Hotel on Monday night,Mr.E.D.Hargreaves, vice-president, occupied the chair. The treasurer (Bailie MacNicol) re-ported that during the year there were 58 ordinary members, and 7 family ticket holders,and that, considerably more visitors took advantage of the course than formerly.  The finances were also in a satisfactory state, the total income being £54 15 6d and the expenditure (including £25 11 9d paid towards the cost of the club-house) £51 16 11d leaving a credit balance of £2 17 7d  the following office-bearers were elected: President, Mr Alexander Campbell of Auchindarroch; vice-president, Mr E.D. Hargreaves.  Auchnasgiach; captain, Captain Campbell of Inverneill; vice-captain, Mr.C.R.Wilson, Inncryne; secretary, Mr T.Robertsonp; and treasurer, Bailie MacNicol.  A committee of five was also appointed.  The secretary intimated receipt of a handsome cup from an anonymous donor, for competition.  The club also decided to provide three medals for the male members, and a prize for the ladies, and the chairman also offered a prize for the latter, all to be played for during next year.

1897 January 30th oban times


Golf.- Mr Lambert, who won the Corran cup on New Year;s Day, was again the winner of the Hargreaves cup on Saturday 16th inst; with a score of 99 less17=82. Sweepstake prizes were won also by Messrs W.Jack and Duncan Campbell, yr. of Inverneill.


1897 April 3rd oban times


Golf:-  The final time between the six monthly winners of the club medal was played off on Saturday, the 20th ult; and was won by Mr F. Robertson with 92 minus 6-86.  Mr M. Sinclair was second with 89 plus 2-91.


1899 December 16th  Oban Times


Golf:-  The final competition for the Lochgilphead Club gold medal took place on Saturday last when the trophy was easily won by Mr A. MacBrayne with a score of 95, minus 10-85.

April 18th  1908 Oban Times


Golf-  On Saturday afternoon the second match for the Auchendarroch Jug took place, when the best scores handed in were;- D.Campbell,12,77; D.Macnicol, 16,82; J. Graham Campbell. 5, 84.

The course is 2250 yards round, the longest hole being 320 yards and the shortest 100 yards. The greens are fairly small, but fairly good for an inland course. Hazards consist of wire fences, hedges, ditches, sandpits, walls, a river, and an artificial wooden bunker. There is a small clubhouse.” (Golfers guide annual 1898)


Length of Course,  1942 yards - Bogey  37


Hole No                       1         2       3         4         5         6       7         8        9

Length in yards     290    185    83     182    276    410    98     185    233

Bogey                           4        4       3         4         5         6       3         4        4


During both world wars the land was used for agricultural purposes and was not reinstated after WW2. Membership peaked at 110.

       Work on a new course in the grounds of the hospital started in 1960 at the instigation of Dr I MacCammond, R & A, and the current club opened in 1962.

Caravans now adorn the ground to the right of the burn where the course was loctated.

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