Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Blackford Golf Club.  Founded 1905.  A 9-hole course half a mile from the station. 

New Course At Blackford ( Perthshire )


   "Some time ago a golf club was formed at Blackford and at a meeting held the other night it was arranged with Mr G.H. Sharp, tenant of the Cow Park, to secure the use of that ground for the purpose of laying out a golf course, the work of which will be proceeded with immediately. It is the intention of the club to lease the park after this year. 

  The following office bearers were appointed :- Hon. President, Captain W.H. Drummond Moray of Abercairney ; Captain, Mr J. Scott Dove, Secretary and Treasurer, Mr D. Bain."   (Scotsman 14.4.1905)

The course is 2086 yards over undulating ground, with many natural hazards.  As most of the holes are played uphill it gives the good pitcher a chance with the long drive (NGH 1914). 

Membership 40-60 in 1924


Last mention 1948.

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