Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

Douglas 1,2,and 3.

Douglas Golf Club. Instituted 1889. From 1889-1897 a 9-hole course on Braidley Holm and Scrogton, 4 minutes from the station.

   From 1897-1906 the course was on Weston Farm.

   In 1906, the late Lord Home having laid out a golf course in the Douglas Castle Policies, very generously extended the privilege of playing upon it to the Douglas club.

   The golf ceased with the onset of WW1 and for the duration of the war the course was allowed to assume it's natural state.

   The club and course re-opened in 1921

   "It is very probable, as the young men - at least, many of them - have to leave the place in quest of employment, there being nothing for them to do in Douglas.

     The only pastime engaged in  is an exerting and very pleasing one viz ; Golf.

Weather permitting, bands of golfers are to be seen engaged in it every lawful day on the links of Douglas Water." (Hamilton Adveriser 26.1.1889) (within article "Notes")

   "A few weeks ago notice was taken in these columns of the enthusiastic Douglas golfers. It is interesting to note that they have now formed themselves into the Douglas golf club, with the following office bearers; John Pringle esq. Castlemains, Presi­dent; William Amos esq. Broadlees, Captain; Dr Allison, secre­tary & treasurer."   (Hamilton Advertiser 9.3.1889)

   "On Good Friday, the members of Douglas Water golf club travelled to Crawford on the invitation of the worthy mini­ster of that parish (Mr McKune) to enjoy a game at the healthy and exhilarating exercise which it's members had become so much imbued with. The weather was delightful, and quite free from the showers that are proverbial to this month, and which we have diurally experienced with this exception.

   The green, which was pronounced by the veteran golfer and greenkeeper, Tom Morris, as being the best inland golf course in Scotland, was in splendid order for the true enjoyment of the game. Besides the party from Douglas, there were detachments from Moffat, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Peebles &c. numbering in all about fifty persons.

   In the forenoon the company arranged themselves into foursomes principally, and many a stiff and exciting game was participated in. The great event of the day was  the holing of the first hole in one stroke by the Captain of the Douglas club. It was assertained that the detachment from Moffat consisted of the same number as that from Douglas, and it was resolved to pitch the one team against the other in friendly contest to test their powers and skill at the Royal game, for the honour of their respective clubs. Mr McKune intimated that two gentlemen had given a couple of golf clubs to be awarded to the lowest scorer of the respective teams.

   This inducement imparted an interest and impetus to the game which was maintained throughout with geniality and good feeling. On compar­ing cards at the finish it was found that the game was a draw, each side scoring ten holes.  For the possession of the golf clubs, Dr Allison, of Douglas was lowest scorer in his team at 100 strokes ; and Mr Duncan sen. lowest on the Moffat side at 103 strokes.

   It is expected that another trial of skill will be indulged in ere long between Douglas and Moffat at Crawford.:  


(Hamilton Advertiser 27,4,1889)

The Douglas Golfers At Westoun 1889

   "The competition for the Gold charm presented to the club sometime ago by the popular captain Mr Amos,was held over the clubs course on Saturday. The day was all that could be desired and the greens and course were in fairly good order. 

   This being the first occa­sion on which the charm had been played for,there was a large turnout of members and several good scores were recorded.the charm fell to mr.T.Moore with a very credible score of 99 less 20 being a good second with 100 less 15=85 and Messrs.Grierson,Wilson and Dr.Paterson tying for third place on 88 as follows.Mr.Grierson 98 less 10 = 88 Mr.Wilson 108 less 20 = 88,Dr.Paterson 98 less 10 = 88. a number of prizes were also given by Mr.Douglas and fell to the second,third,fourth and fifth players:but owing to the heavy fall of snow the tie has not yet been played off.

   The course is one of 18 holes, and although the scores were not so low as might have been looked for, still the play was pretty near the average.the charm so kindly presented by the captain is to be the property of the club,and will be played for several times during the season as may be arranged.the winner retaining it until won by another player."   

 (Hamilton Advertiser 20.5.1892) 

   "The annual meeting of the Douglas Golf Club was held on the evening of Wednesday 26th inst.when the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing season:patron, The Earl of Home: Honorary Presiden: Lord Douglas; President,John Pringle Esq, Castlemains. Captain: Mr W Amos. Members of committee:Messrs T.Groerson, C.C.Riach and W.Gillespie: hon.secretary and treasur­er, MR.Jas Henderson, Millbank. 

   The first match of the season takes place today,when the members compete for a medal presented to the club by Dr Patterson."           (Hamilton Advertiser 12.11.1892)

  "On Saturday last, Dr Paterson's medal was competed for. The day was fine, but the attendance of members was small. When cards were handed in it was found that Mr Wm Hamilton had won the trophy with the score of 84 (109-25). R.Dow, the former holder of the medal and Mr Wm Gillespie were the runners up. It has been arranged that the captain's charm will be played for on Sat. 11th February."             (Hamilton Advertiser 28.1.1893)

   " The comp' for Dr Paterson's monthly medal took place on Saturday afternoon. The weather was all that could be desired and there was a good turnout of members. The scoring throughout was good. When cards were examined it was found that T.Grierson and G.Draffan tied with the scores of 80, (87-7) & (90-10). To decide the winner, they agreed to play six holes, Mr Draffan beating his opponent by two strokes, thus winning the trophy and the driver presented by Mr A.Proven, held over from last competi­tion."                           (Hamilton Advertiser 4.3.1893)

   "The monthly comp' for Dr Paterson's medal took place on Saturday last in ideal golfing weather. The turnout of members was not so good as usual. Mr Wm Hamilton, for the second time this season, won the trophy with the score of 96 - 20 = 76. Mr Robert Wood was runner-up with 99 - 20 = 79. Mr G.Draffan was the former holder."     

(Hamilton Advertiser 1.4.1893)

   "Douglas golf club ; On Saturday afternoon, the comp' for the captain's charm and prizes kindly presented by Mr A.Provan, took place. The ground was very heavy, and a strong wind was blowing, which made low scoring difficult, but notwithstanding these drawbacks some fair scores were made. Mr A.Provan won the trophy with the score of 108-26 = 82. The following players were winners of prizes ; G.Draffan 97-10 =87, D.H.French 107-20 = 87, T.W.Moore  *** and Dr Paterson ***. 

   Dr Paterson's monthly medal will be played for on Saturday 25th inst. (Rev D.H.French ?)"  

  (Hamilton Advertiser 6.4.1893)

   "Favoured with beautiful weather, the members of this club competed  on Saturday for the Captain's charm for the third time during the season, and for Dr Paterson's monthly medal, also for prizes presented by the club and Mr Wm Brown, Lanark.

   The captains prize was played for in the forenoon, when fifteen players started, and when scores were handed in it was found that Mr Wm Wood had won the trophy with 72 (90 - 18). R.Wood and C.C.Riach being prize winners with the following scores ; Mr Wood, 98 - 18 = 80, Mr Riach 89 - 8 = 81. Mr R.Dow, however, tied with the net score of 81, and on playing off the tie of nine holes, they again tied with 44, but Mr Riach having four strokes to spare ?!*. won third prize

.    In the afternoon fourteen couples started for the doctor's medal, which was secured by Mr Wm Gille­spie with the low score of 70 (93 - 23) C.C.Riach and W.Wood tied with the following scores ; Mr Riach 85 - 8 = 77, W.Wood 95 - 18 = 77. Mr Wood was successful in securing 2nd prize  in playing off the tie, his score for the nine holes being 36 (45 - 9), against Mr Riach's score of 44. Mr James Kerr was a good fourth with 80 (100 - 20).

   At the close, the captain, in a few well chosen words, presented the medals to the successful competitors. On the evening of Monday last, a match was played between six members of the club - three right, and three left handed players, and was won by the left handed players by 16 strokes as underno­ted ;

Left handed, W.Hamilton 98, Dr Paterson 90, C.C.Riach 74 = 262. Right handed, G.Draffan 99,  T.Grierson 99,  R.Dow 80     =  278.

Mr Riach's score of 74 is the lowest ever made by any member on the course."

(Hamilton Advertiser 29.4.1893)

   "The annual meeting of the golf club was held on 25th ult., when the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year; Patron, the Right Hon, the Earl of Home; hon. president, the Right Hon. Lord Douglas; president, John Pringle; captain, Wm Amos; committee, G.Draffan, T.Grierson, T.W.Moore, C.C.Riach, and R.Wood; hon. secy & treas', George Henderson;

   A handicapping committee was also appointed, viz., W.Douglas, R.Gow, and G.Draffan.

   It was again agreed that ladies be admitted to the membership of the club, and any ladies desirous of joining the club should communicate with the secretary.

  The first match of the season was played on Saturday, when Dr Paterson's monthly medal was competed for. The day was fine. Four couples started, and on cards being compared it was found that Mr G.Draffan had won the trophy with the score of 92 (101 - 9)."  

 (Hamilton Advertiser 11.11.1893)

"Captain's Charm result ; 1st R.Dow.              87

                                            2nd C.C.Riach        91

                                            3rd G.Henderson  91"    (HA 10.3.1894)


"Dr Paterson's medal result ; 1st W.Davidson 77 (87-10)

                                                   2nd R.Dow         85

                                    3rd J.Cairney     85"  

(Hamilton Advertiser 17.3.1894)


"Captain's Charm result ; 1st Thomas Draffan  76 (96-20)

                                              2nd Jas Kerr              84 (109-25)    (Hamilton Advertiser 14.4.1894)


"James Kerr won Dr Paterson's medal."  

(Hamilton Advertiser 21.4.1894)

   "The annual general meeting of the club was held in the Douglas Arms hotel, on the evening of Wednesday, 11th inst. when the following office bearers were elected for the coming season; Patron, The Earl of Home; hon.president, Lord Douglas; president, John Pringle; captain, Wm Amos; committee: G.Draf­fan, J.Grierson, W.Hamilton, A.Proven, and R.Wood; handicapping committee: W.Douglas, R.Gow, and G.Draffan; hon. sec & treas' George Henderson.

   A surprise awaited the captain. After the business of the meeting was disposed of, the president, in a few well chosen remarks, proposed the health of Mr Amos, and, on behalf of the club, presented him with a carriage clock as a mark of the high esteem and respect in which he is held by all the members and as a small acknowledgement of the great interest he has always taken in the club since it's formation.

   Mr Amos, who was not a little taken aback, feelingly replied.

   Toast and song made up the remainder of a most enjoyable evening."  

(Hamilton Advertiser 20.10.1894)

   On Saturday last, the members of the Abington club journeyed to Douglas and played the return match with the Douglas club. Ten couples started and after a keen game resulted in a win for the visitors by 12 holes,the score being: 

Abington 31,Douglas 19. 

   After the game the players,with a few friends had tea in the Douglas Arms Hotel, under the presidency of the Douglas captain. A most enjoyable evening was spent enlivened with song and senti­ment."  

 (Hamilton Advertiser 27.4.1895)

   Second Course


“An event of no little importance in the history of this club took place on Saturday last, when a new course was opened for play at Weston. For some considerable time, the committee have had under consideration the desirability of opening a new green, and about two months ago, through the kindness of Mr John Inglis, arrangements were made for the acquisition of ground, and the privilege granted to the club of playing over the same throughout the year.

   At the time appointed, the members of the club ,who mustered in great force, accompanied by their friends, met on the course for the opening ceremony. Mr Pringle, The President of the club, in the course of his remarks, referred to the ancient game and congratulated the club on the ground they had managed to acquire, and calling upon Mrs Hamilton to drive the first ball, which she did in a graceful yet business-like manner, the green was, amidst great applause, declared open.

   Members and friends thereafter enjoyed pleasant games, and during the afternoon the lady members competed for prizes presented by Mr W Brown, Lanark, and Mr A Provan, Glespin - Misses J.Murray and M A Moore proving the successful competitors.

   During the afternoon tea was supplied by the ladies, which was much appreciated by all present. On the call of Mr Grierson, in the unavoidable absence of the captain, Mrs Hamilton and Mr Pringle were thanked for the part they played in the opening ceremony, and the ladies were thanked for their presence and hospitality on the call of Mr Riach. The weather was all that could be desired, and the whole proceedings which were marked with much enthusiasm, passed off without a hitch, reflecting much credit on the committee in charge of the arrangements.

   The new course, it may be mentioned, is distant from the village exactly one mile. It has been well laid off thanks to a popular member of the club. The greens are good and with a little play will become very keen. There are plenty of natural hazards and altogether the course is a fairly sporting one. At first sight it might be thought that in bidding goodbye to the old course at Braidley Holm historical associations had been parted with. This is not so. From the heights on the course good views can be had of the castle, and in close proximity to the course the old house of the doughty Dickson is in evidence, while at the extreme east end of the ground flows the Arensybloch of Cameronian fame.   No sound of busy industry is heard: but when on the holmes, the ripple of the Douglas water or the cry of a startled lapwing or curlew may fall upon the ear, making one feel in this part of Douglasdale that he is indeed ‘far from the madding crowd.’”    

 (Hamilton Advertiser 12.6.1897).

   " The annual general meeting of the golf club was held in the Douglas Arms Hotel on the evening of Friday 22nd inst,when the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year: patron, Eerl of Home, hon.president: Lord Douglas, president: JohnPringle, vice president: John Patterson, captain: Wm Amos, members of committee: Messrs.W.Davidson,R.Dow, G.Draffan, 

G.Grierson, W.Hamilton, J.Steedman, and R.Wood.

Handicapping committee: J.Cairney, G.Draffan, J.Steedman, W.Wood,

and the secretary: hon.secty and trasurer: Geo Henderson.

   It was arranged to play for the captains charm this afternoon."  

(Hamilton Aadvertiser 30,10.1897)  

Hamilton Advbertiser April 30th, 1921


 “Golf, which has been in abeyance since August, 1914, has suddenly burst into vigour under the newly constituted club ; The Right Hon. the Earl of Home, patron : Mr J.McLaren, Castlemains, Capt: Mr W.Wood, Ardmore, vice-captain : Mr A.McMillan, superintendant of the course : Mr C.C.Riach, hon. secy. & treas.  A managing committee of 12 and a membership of 100 ladies and gentlemen.

      The course, consisting of 9 holes and situated in the picturesque and historic grounds of Douglas Castle, was formally opened on the afternoon of Thursday of last week with a photo graph of the event, a game of mixed foursomes and an excellent tea. It is interesting to note that golf, which was begun in Douglas in 1888, was played for 9 years on Braidley Holm and Scrogton. For the following 9 years the course was on Weston Farm.. Lord Home, the patron of the club, who takes a great interest in the welfare of the Douglas community, is delighted to know that the club has been again formed. His lordship has not only given the course but has offered to contribute towards the initial expense and to give a subscription each year. Under the able superintendance of Mr McMillan, the course has in the past two months undergone a pleasing transformation, and it is very gratifying that the Douglas Public have shown their appreciation of Lord Home's generosity by joining in their numbers.” (HA 30.4.1921)  

      In the winter months the course is not playable (WWG). 

   "A mixed foursome competition was played over the course on Wed­nesday evening,16th august,when a large turnout was present. Miss Annka Telfer And Mr James Gray, as partners being successful in winning the chocolates and cigarettes with a scratch score of 96.

   A great improvement in play all round was shown,the course being in lovely order. A lack of interest having been shown of late,it might be found more advisable if the committee catered for more of the above. At the same time,it is but right, that those who accepted responsibility of being on the committee should turn out to all meetings and fullfill the promise given to the club. As of late the numbers have been too small at committee meetings and makes it quite impossible for any business to be done. 

   The month­ly medals were played for on thursday evening 17th august,the Gold medal being won by Mr James Gray 83  (9) and the Silver medal by Mr W Wood 85 (9)."    (HA 26.8.1922)

At the Polices Course



LADIES TROPHY. 1922 - 36. (Winners)



1922. Miss S.Shaw.                1930. No Name

1923. Miss A.Telfer.              1931.  Miss M.R.Smith.

1924. Miss Isa P.Barr.           1932.  Miss Janet Wilson.

1925. Miss J.Jackson.            1933.  Miss Isa Steel.

1926. Miss Isa A.Steel.          1934.  Miss A.Telfer.

1927. Miss Isa A.Steel.           1935.  Miss M.P.Steel.

1928. Mrs H.Hamilton.         1936.  Miss M.R.Smith.

1929. Miss M.P.Steel.


      Course closed in 1938 due to subsidence from the workings of the Rankine mine.

 (Coalburn Chronicles). 

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