Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Portsoy girl killed by ball


Aberdeen Journal, May 2nd. 1785: -


Girl Killed By Golf Ball – On Saturday, the 23rd instant, as some young men were playing golf on the Links at Portsoy, the ball unfortunately struck a young girl on the head and fractured the skull, of which she died next morning.

Portsoy  Golf Club. Instituted 1896. A 9-hole course on the Muir of Arnbath, about a mile from the town. 

Aberdeen Journal December 26th 1895

Part of Article


Portsoy, as a coast town, attracts a large number of summer visitors, and last year the demand for accommodation was at times exceedingly brisk. The inhabitants, however, fully realise that provisions must be made for the comfort of their visitors, and a public committee, under the chairmanship of Provost Grant, has been appointed during the year to have seats erected at suitable places, and to improve the bathing stations near the town. It may be mentioned that a very successful series of entertainments given by the Literary Society this season has been the means of contributing largely to the funds of the Improvement Committee. Next year a bazaar is to be held to provide a lawn tennis court, a bowling green, and a golf course, and there will doubtless offer further attractions for holiday hunters.

Scotsman July 23rd, 1896


Yesterday  Portsoy  golf course was formally opened in changeable weather in presence of over 700 people. 

The course has been formed by public subscription as part of an improvement scheme to attract visitors.  It is one of nine holes, situated at Arnbath Hill, a mile from town. Mrs Gibson, the Manse, Portsoy, struck off the first ball, and was presented with the club used. A competition took place, for which nineteen entered.  The local gold medal went to Mr Clark with 58 strokes.  Best scores in open competition:- W. Duffus, Cullen,49; J. Simpson, Cullen, 50; W. Macdonald, Buckie, 54.”    

Opening Of Portsoy Golf Course


Aberdeen Journal July 23rd, 1896


   “Portsoy was en fete yesterday on the occasion of the opening of the new golf course on the Muir Of Arnbath, which is situated about a mile from the town. The golf course, it will be remembered, has been provided through the exertions of the improvements committee, presided over by Provost Grant, as an inducement for visitors to take up their residence in Portsoy during the summer months.

   The course, which has nine holes, has been laid out by a well known professional, and, although there may be some difficulty in the future in checking the growth of the “ Whins” upon it, which have this season been bent close to the ground, it will be a pleasant one to play over. Being situated on high ground, and not far removed from the sea, the air is bracing, and a magnificent view of the Moray Firth, with the Caithness Hills in the distance, is obtainable.

   The opening ceremony took place in the afternoon, when a procession of inhabitants, old and young, was marshalled in the square, and to the strains of the town brass band, under the leadership of their bandmaster, Sergt – Major Russell, marched to the Hill Of Arnbath, where a number of people had already gathered. The morning had been somewhat showery, and it was feared that the afternoon would not be at all fine. However, the weather cleared, and the march out was enjoyed by all who took part in it. On arriving at the course, the opening ceremony was performed by Mrs Gibson (wife of Rev. A. Gibson) driving off the first ball.

   Among those present at the ceremony were:- Provost Grant, Portsoy; Ex Provost Clark, Portsoy; Rev. A.M. Gibson and Mrs Gibson; Mr W. McLean, the Schoolhouse, Porstsoy; Mr J. McLean; Mr James Young, Solicitor; Mr James Macdonald, Enginee ; Rev. J.W. Street, F.C. Manse; Rev. W. Simmers, U.P. Manse; Rev. G. Sutherland, The Parsonage; Rev. Mr Wood, Buckie; Mr G. Seivright, Cullen; Dr Stewart, Portsoy; Mr and Mrs Gillan, Mountpleasant; Mr J. Peterkin, Mr J. McDonald, Solicitor, Buckie; Mr G. Innes, Schoolhouse, Fordyce; Captain Jack, Portsoy; Mr A. Ballie, Supervisor; Mr J. Guthrie, Portsoy; Mr James Smith, Grain Merchant; Mr R. Milne, Portsoy; and Mr and Mrs McRobbie, Portsoy.

   Provost Grant in asking Mrs Gibson to perform the ceremony, said that they had now completed the first item in their improvement programme of three events. Having referred to the fine bracing situation of the course, he went on to say that there were those present who knew already whether that was a good course or not.

   The reasons why Mrs Gibson had been asked to perform the ceremony were, first, because she had been convenor of the ladies committee at the recent bazaar, where she had done so much ; and, secondly, because she was the wife of one of their secretaries, Rev. Mr Gibson. (Applause)

   Mrs Gibson, then, amid loud and continued applause, drove off the first ball.

Provost Grant again stepped forward and asked her to accept of a ladies golf driver, as a memento of the ceremony which she had just performed.

Mrs Gibson gracefully accepted the club, and bowed her acknowledgement of the gift.

   A number of golfers residing in Portsoy then entered a competition for a gold medal, while a number of outsiders took part in a tournament. The wind and weather were favourable, and the players had an enjoyable afternoon, although, as already mentioned, it was found that the course would require a good deal of playing over before the turf would be sufficiently hardened. At the conclusion it was found that the medallist was Mr Clark, Portsoy, with a score of 58, while the second was Mr McLean with 66 ; and the third, Provost Grant with 74.

   For the outsiders tournament, Mr W. Duffus, Cullen, was first with a score of 49, and Mr Simpson, Cullen, second with a score of 50, while Mr Macdonald, Buckie, was third with 54, and Mr Wood and Dr Duffus, tied (Fourth) with 55.

   During the afternoon athletic sports took place in a field adjoining the course, and about five o’clock, an excellent tea was served. Music was supplied by the string band of Mr Pirie, Hilton. At the conclusion of the picnic, the gold medal won by Mr Clark, was presented to him by Provost Grant.

   It is estimated that no fewer than 700 persons were present during the afternoon.”

Portsoy Improvement Scheme


Banff Reporter, Sept 23rd, 1896


A meeting of the Improvement Scheme Committee was held in the Christian Institute Hall on Friday evening— Provost Grant, convener, in the chair. There was submitted from an Aberdeen gentleman plans of the proposed bowling green and tennis court, which were estimated to cost £200. The cost of cementing one of the courts for curling was put at £75 ; club house, £50 The scheme was considered to be too expensive ; and while adopting its principal features, it was agreed to submit the matter to the sub-committee with the view of considering the advisability of making certain modifications. It was intimated that a sum of fully £7O had been spent on the golf course ; and it was agreed to spend additional £lO in order to bring the ground into better shape. It was resolved to take steps to have a golf club formed. It was stated that the funds presently in hand amounted to £339 7s 2d. The sub-committee reported that they had had an interview with Mr Adam Ingram in regard to his terms for the use of Arnbath Hill as a golf course. Mr Ingram generously consented to give the use of the ground rent free, the only responsibility resting on those who may take advantage of the game being that they make good whatever damage may happen to be done to the crops.


Note : The intended club were obviously finalising their agreement with the tenant farmer as the course had already been opened.

Formation Of Club


Note : This club was formed after the opening of the golf course


Aberdeen Journal October 3rd 1896


   "At a public meeting held on Thursday night in Portsoy it was resolved to form a golf club.

   The following office bearers were appointed:- Captain, Provost Grant; Treasurer, Mr George G. McRobie, Merchan ; Secretary, John Rattie, Accountant; Committee – Messrs William Ewing, James Young, W.D. Murray, James Angus, Rev. A.M. Gibson And Dr Stewart.

   It was resolved to improve the course during the winter months. 


Aberdeen Journal June 4th 1902

Our Summer Resorts



This small item was taken from a much larger article with the above heading.

Chief among the attractions by way of sport in the town are the three rink bowling green, and tennis court, laid out at great expense by an expert ; the use of these may be procured by applying for a ticket to the secretary. A pretty pavilion and clubhouse are close by, and every convenience is provided for players.


Golf may be engaged in but at a short distance from Portsoy – at Glassaugh, where there is the nicest little six-hole course it was ever anyone’s good fortune to play upon.


The course was located in the grounds of Glassaugh House.

Note : It appears, according to the golfing annual, that Portsoy club were playing or about to play at Cullen in 1905.

   “The course, of nine holes, varying in length from 200 to 300 yards, is about one and a quarter miles from Portsoy station.”    (Golfing Annual 1899-1900).

Banff Reporter Sept 4th, 1907


Golf Course For Portsoy

Public Meeting


A public meeting of ratepayers and others interested in the formation of a golf course for the burgh of Portsoy was held in the Institute Hall on Friday night. There was a large attendance, thoroughly representative of town and district, including the ladies. On the motion of Rev. A. M. Gibson, Provost Burgess was called on to preside. Provost Burgess, after returning thanks for the honour done him, said he considered it was his duty to explain why the meeting bad been called in his name. A number of gentlemen who were interested in the game of golf and in the prosperity of the town had talked the matter over and were convinced that the formation of a golf course would be a good thing for the burgh. Accordingly, two of their number, the Rev. Mr Perry and Mr Scrimgeour, called upon him, and what they said so much impressed him that he thought it was his duty to call a meeting. (Applause). Although he did not indulge in the game himself, having plenty of outdoor exercise, he considered golf was one of the most popular pastimes of the present day. (Applause). Although some of them had plenty of outdoor exercise, and did not require such recreation, there were others who were employed indoors during the greater part of the day, and to them a golf would be of great benefit. Apart from that, to those towns wishing to cater for visitors a golf course is a means of bringing success to the community. (Applause). It was not intended that the movement should be carried out under the auspices of the Town Council. It might be done under the Town Council Act, but he would not be in favour of that. It was not a matter for the rates. It must be done outside of that. (Applause). He suggested that the meeting should only deal with the general question ; they might otherwise injure the cause. They were met in the public interest, and it was very desirable that they should be enthusiastic regarding the matter, and talk it over in a friendly manner. (Applause). At this stage, on the suggestion of Provost Burgess, it was agreed to appoint a secretary, and Mr George A. Scrimgeour, solicitor, was unanimously elected to the post. Provost Burgess —We must have some expression of opinion. It does not do for one or two to represent the whole. Let there be a free and full expression of opinion. (Applause). Rev. Mr Perry said he had been asked to propose the following resolution :—" That it is necessary, in the interests of the town and district, that a golf course be secured." In supporting his motion, Mr Perry said golf is with us, and has come to stay. That is the main fact that interests us. It is a national game, and it ought to be supported because it is ' a national game. It is more than a game ; it is an accomplishment - part of our national education. It is a game that has done much to form the character and strengthen the stability of our countrymen. And it is an old game—three centuries old — and he did not see how it can ' be improved. • It belongs to us as Scotchmen ; is really a splendid heritage, and ought to be encouraged in every way. (Applause). It is a ' game that appeals to all classes—to the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong. In golf all men are equal, and the winner receives the warm congratulations of his fellows. Continuing, Mr Perry said golf is a moral game, and a good game for physical development; and, combined with the exhilerating breezes of the Moray firth, which prove a great attraction to our little town. (Applause). He could speak with authority of Portsoy as a health resort. When he came to the town he could only take a short walk. Now he can in a feeble way play golf ; and since beginning the game he can play two rounds of 18 holes Those who know will say that is very good. Golf developes the body, and brings out what is best. There are some who say that golf encourages the use of language that is painful, but he did not believe that ; it is rather a game that has a moral effect upon those who play ; a game that evolves self-sacrifice and discipline, and brings out the best that is in a man --therefore it must be a moral game. The proposal must appeal to us as citizens of no mean city. (Laughter and applause). If we miss the chance we have to-night, he said, and fail to rise to the opportunity, the hands of the clock of progress will be put back for half a century. I do not put it before you as a commercial concern, but would like to convince you that it is a good thing, and what is sorely needed. Portsoy will be found to be a great source of attraction not only for its splendid site and beautiful surroundings and bracing air, but for its golf course and the men who play there. (Applause). You have it in your own hands. You can make or mar Portsoy as a summer resort. Bailie Gray seconded the motion, expressing his belief that a golf coarse would be a profitable investment for Portsoy even from a commercial point of view. He knew of no place where golf had been taken up that had not succeeded. At Lossiemouth and Cullen they are perhaps not booming, but they are progressing. A golf course will also bring success to Portsoy. Rev. Father Slorach heartily supported the motion._ Mr Wm. MacLean, M.A., said that anything that makes a man or a community better deserves our support straight off. A golf course would certainly be a great acquisition to the town. ( Applause). Councillor Macdonald said there is no doubt that golf would be the making of the town. That had been shown by those who had gone in for it. It will be a great source of amusement for ourselves and for those who may come to pay us a visit (Applause). Mr James Badenoch was in favour of a golf course for various reasons, one reason being that he had a huge family, and most of his sons engaged in the game. (laughter and applause). They should do everything in their power to get a golf course. He would be willing to work and do his utmost to advance the scheme. It would benefit the town greatly. (Applause). Rev. C. J. Davidson moved that a committee be appointed to investigate as to a site and probable cost of a golf course, and generally on the whole question, and report to a meeting to be called by the Provost. Mr Davidson said a golf course is a great necessity for Portsoy. It would prove a valuable investment. We have on all sides, he said, communities who are going ahead, and if we do not provide a golf course those who would otherwise come to us will pass us by. In regard to a site the committee will investigate as to that. We have a coast line which is peculiarly picturesque ; and there are places within easy reach of Portsoy which by being formed into a golf course would not only be useful as a pleasure ground for man, but in providing food for beast. Of course such a scheme will involve considerable expenditure, but it will be the most valuable asset that Portsoy can possess itself of. What is required is a playable course—not ambitious, but one that can be developed as the years go on. Bailie M'Connachie seconded, and the meeting heartily approved. The following gentlemen were then named to form the committee :—Provost Burgess, Rev. A. Perry, Rev. Father Slorach, Messrs George A. Scrimgeour, James Young. James Macdonald, G. G. McRobie, William MacLean, and William Maclennan, Bogton.  Rev. Father Slorach declined to accept office at first, giving as his reason that, while he had had sad' and bitter experiences of the souls of men , he had to confess that he was in complete ignorance as regards the soles of ground, and in consequence would be a useless member of committee. ( Laughter ) He was ultimately prevailed on to accept office.

Provost Burgess, on the motion of Rev. Mr Perry, seconded by the Rev. Mr Gibson, was appointed convenor of the committee.

On the motion of Mr Alexander Emslie, M.A., a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Provost Burgess for presiding. The proceedings throughout were of a very hearty and harmonious character, and augers well for the ultimate success of the scheme.


Banffshire Reporter, September 11th, 1907


What A Golf Course Means



We would ask the Portsoy public to read carefully the following paragraph.

The remarkable development within recent years of golf as a recreation has almost ceased to be a matter for comment, and one hears of the laying out of a new golf course without the least surprise – accepts it as a mere ordinary event in the routine of life, not calling for particular attention. No holiday resort is now regarded as complete without its golf course ; lacking that adjunct, it is voted “ slow” and uninteresting, and suffers in consequence. To that circumstance may partly be attributed the extraordinary increase in the number of golf courses, though, of course, in the long run, the increase is traceable to the growing popularity of the game and the largely augmented number of those who devote themselves to it. Golf, however, has this peculiarity about it – that it possesses the faculty of “ making a place.”

Establish a golf course anywhere – even in a remote and unpopulated region – and around it, or in its near neighbourhood, a small town will speedily arise. So that, while holiday resorts are providing golf courses in order to be abreast of the times and retain their prestige, a converse process is in operation – the laying out of a golf course almost inevitably leads to the creation of a holiday resort.


Portsoy – A golf course


The golf course committee met in the office of Mr Scrimgeour, solicitor, on Friday night, and advanced matters a stage.

Portsoy Park Golf Course,


 Banff Reporter, April 21st, 1909


The minutes of two meetings of the Property Committee were read. Permission had been given for the cutting down of some trees which stood in the line of the golf course at present under construction. In the formation of the course, a quantity of wire, posts, gates, etc., had been taken down, ant it wee agreed to sell the material by public auction.

Portsoy Public Park Golf Course


Banf Reporter Jan 4th, 1911


Portsoy Public Park. The Laying Out of the Golf Course is progressing with regard to the Public Park. A golf course has been laid out by Mr Andrew Simpson, the professional attached to the Duff House Golf Club, football and cricket pitches have been fixed, and spaces marked off for other games and amusements. The golf course consists of seven holes, and has been so arranged that when the appetite for golf has been created in the bosoms of the members of the community the course may be easily extended. The holes are for the most part short, but they are decidedly interesting, and will test the golfing powers of the expert. Few football pitches in the neighbourhood will rival that which has been put aside for behoof of the Portsoy players, and they will have every encouragement to fight hard in the championship struggles. At last we have signs of awakening. Move on, portsoy More power to the now progressive council.


Portsoy Recreation Ground Golf Course


Banffshire Reporter April 26th, 1911


The Public Park – We are informed that the Public Park or Recreation Grounds will be formally opened on Coronation Day, instead of on 3rd May, as formerly suggested. Official intimation of the interesting event will be made in due course.


Portsoy – Golf. It will be seen by advertisement that the golf course in connection with the Recreation Grounds is complete and ready for use. The public may now engage in the popular game at very moderate charges, the fee for a whole year being only 5s. For golf this is cheap and no mistake. Advantage may also be taken of the course by the month, the week, or the day – an arrangement which should be found very convenient for visitors, and for towns people too who may only have a day off now and again. The course ought to be taken advantage off by all those who indulge in the pastime, and before the summer closes their numbers are sure to be largely increased.

The Recreation Grounds or Park deserve to be well patronised as a whole, when one considers the great difficulties which have had to be surmounted by Provost Sutherland and his colleagues in starting and getting the movement brought to a successful issue.


Portsoy Recreation Grounds

Golf Course.



On or after 1st May 1911, the following

charges will be made for the use of the

golf course :-


Gentlemen  ..   ..  ..   5/- per annum

,,        ..    .. ..   2/6d per month

,,        ..    .. ..   1/6d per week

,,        ..    ..  ..     6d per day

Ladies, boys and apprentices 3/- per annum

,,                       2/- per month

,,    ..  ..   ..        1/- per week

,,    ..  ..   ..         6d per day

Tickets may be had from sergt. Reid, the

Keeper of the grounds, and must be obtained

Before play.

By order of the Town Council

James Young, Town Clerk

Portsoy 25th April, 1911


Aberdeen Journal July 27th, 1911


Portsoy as a holiday resort

Sale of Work


The committee all along had done their level best to make Portsoy attractive. What with the golf course, and other sources of amusement in the Sutherland Park, the sea breezes, and rock scenery. It was no wonder that many eminent men connected with science and art, found Portsoy a splendid place for a summer holiday. Sales were then proceeded with, concerts were held at different times during the afternoon.

Portsoy club formed


 Banff Reporter May 29th, 1912


Another Formation


Golf at Portsoy. Club Formed. Portsoy golfers are now a numerous body, and it has been deemed advisable to form themselves into a club. A meeting for this purpose was held in the Institute on Friday night.. Rev. Father Slorach presided and explained the object for which they had met. For long those engaging in the game have been recognised as members of what is popularly known as the Sutherland Park Golf Course Club, and it was thus only natural that the proposal to form a club should have been unanimously approved of. Office-bearers were appointed as follows : Hon. president, Provost Sutherland ; hon. vice presidents, Bailie Gray and Bailie, Macdonald ; captain, Rev. Father Slorach ; secretary and treasurer, Mr George Gillen, Mount Pleasant. The following committee were appointed—Messrs James Burr, James Cruickshank, George Ewing, John Irving, William Milne, along with the captain and secretary. There was submitted and read a statement of the income and expenditure in connection with the concert recently held to raise funds for the providing of medals for proposed monthly golf competitions. The statement showed that there was a credit balance of £5 7s 6d. It was agreed to secure a couple of medals —one for ladies and one for gentlemen—to be competed for monthly. The secretary was instructed to write to the Great North of Scotland Railway Company Informing them that a Golf Club had been formed, and asking them to give special travelling facilities to members of the Club. Mr John Mayor and Mr Robert Morrison were thanked for the services they had rendered in getting up the concert for the raising of funds to provide the medals



Aberdeen Journal May 5th, 1914



The Sutherland Park golf course was opened for the season on Friday. A match took place between the Rev. W. Browne ( Captain ) and the Rev. Father Slorach ( Ex Captain ) respectively, resulting in each securing 4 games.

Aberdeen Journal February 14th 1930


Golf Course Project.


A representative meeting of those in favour of forming a course at Portsoy was held in the council chambers. Councillor Ingram presided, and the committee reported that Mr Dornan, of the Duff House Royal Club, had inspected the various possible places and strongly recommended the Sutherland Park as the best. The meeting resolved to form a club provisionally, and a committee was appointed to meet the Town Council and discuss the project with them on Monday night.

Aberdeen Journal May 2nd 1931


Golf At Portsoy



Six-Hole Course To Be



At a meeting of Portsoy golf club and those interested in the game in Portsoy, held in the Town Council Chambers last night, it was decided to construct a six-hole course in the public park and to commence this season.

Mr P.L. Duncan, Bank Agent, who presided over quite a good attendance, stated that Mr R. Dornan, of Royal Tarlair golf club, Macduff, had given considerable assistance, and would be glad to advise further with the construction of the course.


Could Be Extended


Mr Dornan had drawn up a plan showing how six holes could be laid out on the ground meantime available in the public park. If the adjoining four acres were acquired, the course could be extended to nine holes. The total length meantime of the course would be 955 yards.

On the motion of Mr Jack Lyon, seconded by Mr A. Ingram, it was agreed that a six hole course be laid out in the public park, and this became the unanimous finding of the meeting. It was remitted to the executive committee to make the necessary preparations for getting the course laid out.

Aberdeen Journal May 30th 1931


Portsoy and Golf



Provost Declares New Course




In presence of a large company, Provost McLean opened the newly-made golf course in the public park at Portsoy.

At present it is a six hole course.

Mr J.C. Johnstone, Headmaster, Captain of the club, presided, and, introducing the Provost, referred to the difficulties the club had met in getting suitable ground for a golf course, and to their expectations of extension in a short time. The enthusiasm of the club was guarantee of ultimate success. ( Applause.)

Provost McLean agreed with all Mr Johnstone had said as to the value of golf to a community.

In these days of much greater leisure than formerly, it was the duty of all public bodies, and all influential individuals to make healthy recreation possible for everyone, and places to which city dwellers went for rest and change should be equipped with attractive forms of recreation.


Portsoy’s Charms


Portsoy had many charms, but nature had not given her good ground for golf. He congratulated the club in achieving so much, wished them every success in their worthy object to get ultimately a complete course, and declared the course open.

The Captain then drove off the first ball, which was declared by everyone to be “ A Beauty.”

In a four ball match, which the crowd followed with keen interest, Mr Johnstone and Father Bonnyman won by a narrow margin over Mr Davidson, North Of Scotland Bank, and Mr Eric Ross.

Aberdeen Journal March 10th 1936


Portsoy’s Golf




Important to Attract Visitors


The golf question was again before Portsoy Town Council last night.

Arising out of the question of grazing, councillor Leys said that the moment might be opportune to explain the position of the golf club.

The club he said, had made repeated efforts to obtain ground for a golf course, but had failed, but he believed that the burgh, without a golf course, would never attract visitors. He might say that the club had money for the acquisition of land, but the Seafield Trustees could not sell. He would like to know if the members had any thoughts or suggestions on the matter.

Provost McLean said it was a problem with which he had every sympathy, and he had tried to overcome it for the past thirty years. After discussion it was agreed to continue the question.

Aberdeen Journal September 14th 1937


Council to confer with golf club.


Ground for golf course


Baillie McDonald reported that he had been approached by a local gentleman as to the steps the Town Council had taken in regard to getting suitable ground for a golf course, in view of the reply given by Provost McLean to the question at the ratepayers meeting last December.

Provost McLean said that at the moment there was nothing he could submit. At the present the position seemed impossible, although he had every sympathy with the idea to get a golf course. Baillie McDonald said he understood that the Provost gave it as his answer at the ratepayers meeting that he would look into the matter provided the golf club paid all expenses.

Dean Of Guild Hay – Was it not a question of getting the Town Council to use their powers to acquire the land for a golf course and the club to bear the expense ?.

Councillor Wood – Can we not take the initiative if it is not going to cost the council anything ?.

He did not see any point in taking over the matter and then letting it drop. If any gentleman was public spirited enough to provide money, he thought they should all be agreed, and he suggested that the Council should appoint a committee to confer with the golf club.

Councillor Leys said it would be a great attraction if the scheme would mature.

Baillie McDonald said he understood the golf club had ample funds to meet any obligation.

Provost McLean said no one felt stronger than he did the need for a golf course, and he had held such views since he came to Portsoy. If the Town Council got a guarantee in writing that all legal expenses would be met he would not be against anything in the question.

After a general discussion it was agreed to have a meeting with the golf club on the whole question.

Aberdeen Journal August 16th 1938


State Of Portsoy

Public Park



Town Councillors Voice



Criticism of the state of Portsoy Public Park was voiced at a meeting of Portsoy Town Council held last night – Ballie Robertson in the chair. The question of the future of the Sutherland Park was debated at length, and it was agreed that until the lease expired little or nothing could be done in the matter.

The Treasurer, Mr R. Thow, submitted a statement of the parks finances, which showed that last year there was a debit balance of £45. The extent of the park was fifteen acres, he said, and the lease with the Seafield Trustees did not expire until 1944.

Councillor Wood said that there was too much ground, and asked if any part of it could be let. Baillie Robertson said they could not do that without asking the Seafield Trustees, and he doubted whether it was worth putting a part of it in crop. He was of the opinion that it should be left as it was.

Councillor Wood said extra ground had been taken in for the golf club, but that club had now left the park. He maintained that they should keep only part of the present park as a public park and not, as at present, like a wilderness. Dean of Guild Hay said the whole thing appeared to him at the moment to be at a deadlock. They had a lease, and until it expired, little could be done, but he thought if the rough grass was cut it would go a long way towards improving the place.

The Council agreed to take the course suggested by Dean Of Guild Hay.

Aberdeen Journal November 15th 1938


Portsoy Offer Of Ground


Council remit back on negotiations


The offer by Mr William Ewing, Durn Road, to acquire ground for recreation, including a golf course, was again before Portsoy Town Council at their greetin’ meeting held last night – Provost McLean in the chair.

It was reported that the tenant of part of the ground required after consideration could not see his way to give up from his farm the ground required.

The tenant’s agents wrote that their client, Mr Stevenson, had gone over his farm to see how he could alter the shifts to bring his farm into line with the proposals, but he could not see his way now to give the ground required for a golf course. The letter added that they were trying to arrange a meeting on the ground with Mr Ewing and their client.

A reply from Mr Ewing’s agent was read at the meeting, pointing out that Mr Ewing did not see any reason for such a meeting. The amount of ground, as shown on the plan submitted to Mr Stevenson, was the minimum required for the golf course. Mr Ewing thought it was for the Council to take the necessary steps to make the proposed gift effective.

After discussion it was agreed to remit the matter back to the committee for consideration and report.


Note : What happened next, we have no idea until we research more. The club appear to be still active but without a golf course ?

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