Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

This view is from the English side of the Tweed looking over to the course and Lennel House in the background.

Lennel House, overlooking the golf course.

Coldstream, Lennel.

Lennel Golf Club.


 Founded 1879.  A 9-hole course at Coldstream.  Membership 100.  Club reconstituted in 1909 with a new course of 9 holes on the estate of Captain Waring MP at Lennel.  It extends along the banks of the river Tweed and hard by is the old house where so many runaway marriages used to be celebrated                      (Golfing Annual 1909-10).  Did not survive WW2.

The old Marriage House.

Berwick News July 12th 1910


Lennel Club


  Play has commenced on Lennel course although it is not yet quite completed; and the game has every appearance of becoming popular in the district.  Office-bearers of the new Club are as follows :-   President, Capt. Waring,M.P.; captain, Lady Clementine Waring ; committee – Mr J. Black, Dr Wallace, the Rev. A.I. Pirie, Messrs. Alex. Welsh, and A.D. Macdonald; Hon. Treasurer, Mr D.C. Hardie; and Hon. Secretary, Mr D. L. Elder.

Looking back along the 1st fairway and the Coldstream Bridge.

Berwick News October 18th  1910




Lennel golf course appears to be well patronised, as during the last month quite a number of ladies and gentlemen could be seen almost daily wending their way to the Craw Green, armed with their golf clubs.

The Berwick Advertiser October 3rd  1913





  The general meeting of the members of the above club was held in the pavilion.  Lady Clementine Waring (captain) in the chair.  The hon. Treasurer read the financial statement, which showed £87 16s 6d standing to the credit of the Club.  The following office-bearers were appointed :- President, Captain Walter Waring, M.P.; captain, Lady Clementine Waring; committee, Mrs Calder, Mrs Geo. Henderson, Mr Alex Welsh, Dr Wallace, Mr R. Scott Aiton, and Mr Wm. McNay; hon. Treasurer, Mr D. Campbell Hardie; hon. Secretary, Mr D. L. Elder.  Handicap and match committees:- Ladies, Mrs G. Henderson and Mrs Calder; gentlemen, Dr Wallace, D.C. Hardie, and C.A. Robson.

Lennel members in 1921

Berwick News April 24th  1923


Lennel v. Berwick M.F.G.C.


Played at Berwick on Thursday, the homeside winning by 7 ½ matches to 4 ½ . Details :-


     Lennel.                                              M.F.G.C.


1       T. Gray                                        J. Crisp  0

0      W.Cairns                          P.W.Maclagan  1

1      D. Cairns                                R. Stewart   0

0      J.D. Cunningham                 J.P. Stewart   1

0     B.L. Turner                        J.C. Campbell   1

0     W. Murray                                 J. Brough   1

½    J.   Sloan                                 A. Hepburn  ½

0     J.M. Cameron                       Arch. Brown   1

1     J.     Proud                               J.J. Simmen  0

0     J.L.  Brown                                J. Gray       1

1     R.    Rule                                   T. Lilburn   0

0     J.    Palmer                                H. Brough   1


----                                                                      ----

4 ½                                                                      7 ½


A view of the course from the Coldstream Bridge

Berwick News June 5th 1923


Coldstream v Duns


  Played at Lennel on Saturday, May 19,   Result :-


Coldstream.                                           Duns.


 ½       Dr F. Henderson                        J.M. Scott            ½

1        D.I.S. Archibald                         J. B. Cow            0

1        W. R. Cairns Jnr.                       W. Moffat            0

1        J. Proud                                      T. Ormiston         0

0        James Sloan                               W. Eason             1

0        John Sloan                                 J. Bunyan             1

0        Roger Cairns                             W. Cowe               1

0        B.L. Turner                                J. McKechnie       1

 ½      A. Scott                                      J. Wood                 ½

 ½      A. Harle                                     T.J. Laidlaw          ½

0        J.F. Brown                                 A.N. McDougal    1  

0        W. Murray                                 J.C. Ritchie           1

0        J. Palmer                                    W. Laidlaw. sen.  1

1        J. Scott                                        C.S. Petrie            0

0        W. Margach                                A. Fleming           1

0         A. Coates                                    T. More               1

---                                                                                      ---- 

5 ½                                                                                    10 ½


How far can you hit a gutta percha, Answer, all the way from Scotland to England.


The entrance to the course is just to the right of this sign. The Lennel course represents our nearest defunct golf course to the English Border, being immediately on the Scottish side of the River Tweed. Phew !!, just made it !, Scots Wha Hae Wae Wallace Bled !.

The access gates and the old marriage house and my wee black car.
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