Crianlarich Golf Club. Opened 1910. A 9-hole course owned and operated by the Crianlarich Hotel. “The energetic proprietor of the Crianlarich Hotel was quick to respond to every opportunity, and by 1910 was already providing facilities for the motorist - his hotel was "Headquarters of Automobile Club", providing both garaging and petrol for its guests. Describing Crianlarich as the "Scottish Mountaineering Centre", Joseph Stewart offered excellent fishing for both brown trout and salmon and also a "Splendid” 9-hole Golf Course in connection with Hotel, laid out by Willie Fernie,Troon."
“The final tie for Taylor’s medal in connection with Crianlarich golf club was played yesterday afternoon, in delightful weather, between Messrs Peter McIntyre and John Rae. The course was very tricky, and high scoring was the rule.
As in all the former competitions, Mr McIntyre came out on top, being successful by 5 strokes. The scores were; Mr McIntyre 93 : Mr Rae 98. The winner has been successful in all the competitions of the club during the last year. Of course, being a new club, there were no handicap competitions.” (Scotsman 8.1.1911)
“The annual general meeting was held – parish councillor Christie presiding. The secretary’s report was exceedingly satisfactory, and the following prizes were presented; - Loch Dochart Cup, Mr Wm. Leslie Christie; Taylors Medal, Mr Peter McIntyre; McNiven’s Medal, Mr Andrew Connacher; Brown’s Inkstand , Mr Peter McIntyre. He also intimated that a medal for annual tournament competition had been presented by Mr Duncan and by Mr Virtue, of Stirling.
The treasurer, Mr Alastair Stewart, showed a balance of £19. The following office bearers were elected :- President, Mr William Christie, Loch Dochart ; Vice- President, Mr John Paterson ; Secretary, Mr R.G. Lambie ; Treasurer, Mr Alastair C. Stewart, Hotel, Crianlarich.” (Oban Times 19.1.1911)
“The final of the Scott medal was played off overCrianlarich course between Peter McKenzie (10) and Alex Morrison (6). After a most interesting and close game, Mr McKenzie won by 2 strokes. The match for the Loch Dochart trophy has been postponed so as to permit of the present holder, Mr Leslie Christie, son of the donor, being present to contest it. He is on holiday at present.” (Scotsman 4.9.1911)
Golf Club Concert.
"The annual concert in connection with the Crianlarich golf club was held last Friday evening in the hall. Rev. Mr Boyle, North Leith United Free Church presiding. There was an excellent attendance of visitors and residents. Mr David Dow, Auchreoch, opened the proceedings with a bagpipe selection which was played in Mr Dow’s usual capable style. Mr McLay, Comedian, Glasgow proved himself a splendid entertainer with songs mostly parodies on “ The Auld Hoose” “ Home Sweet Home” etc. Miss Cameron, Leadharry, favoured with a Gaelic selection, which showed a thorough knowledge of pronunciation and harmony. Mrs McLachlan, with admirable precision and sweetness, rendered a pianoforte selection, mostly scotch, and was much applauded ; while her daughter, who is possessed with a beautiful soprano voice, rendered, “ The Swallow” to perfection.
A most successful dance followed the concert." (Oban Times 30.9.1911)
“Mr Brown’s prize was won by Peter McIntyre ( Scratch ) 79. Mr McIntyre also won the Niven medal for the fourth time, Postmarked 1912thereby gaining it outright for the year.” (Scotsman 22.10.1912)
“A match for the Taylor medal was played for on Saturday, 28th ult. Owing to the presence of a strong wind the results were not up to the usual standard : - P. McIntyre 75 ( 7 ) ; H.M. McKenzie 76 ( Scratch ) ; R. McLaren 76 ( 16 ) ; J.L. Smith 81 ( Scratch ) ; P. McKenzie 80 ( 14 ) ; W. Young 82 ( 12 ).
During the present month a large number of visitors take advantage of the ideal weather to improve their merits on the course.” (Oban Times 12.7.1913)
This course has never been recorded in the golfing annuals, and no further references have been found so it is assumed that the club did not survive WW1.