Formed April 11th, 1890. See Orkney Herald August 5th 1925.
Orkney Herald November 1st, 1893
Stromness Golf Club
At a meeting of the Stromness golf club held on the 19th October, the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year viz :- Hon. President, Sheriff Thoms ; President, Mr A.T. Dall ; Vice President, Dr Duncan ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr J.S. Copland ; Committee, D. Hepburn and D. Macpherson.
This map showing the original location of the links
The Stromness players had a fair walk over the hill to the course at Warbeth
Orkney Herald September 19th, 1894
The local players who follow this popular and highly interesting game on the fine natural links at the West shore just beyond the churchyard have recently improved the conditions of play by laying out a new course of nine holes. Formerly the holes were considered too short – some of them at any rate – and by long service the putting greens had become much worn. The new course affords ample scope for long driving, as nearly all the holes are over 200 yards in length, and two at least are upwards of 300 yards. In altering the course all the best of the hazards have been retained, and the other difficulties consist of sand bunkers, rabbit warrens, cart ruts, roads, stone dykes, low brushwood, and ploughed fields.
Were the greens round the holes only better, a more desirable course not be wished for, and this improvement could easily be affected by having the putting greens cut and rolled occasionally. The local club has had a considerable accession to its membership recently, and much more interest is being taken in the game. On Saturday last quite a number of couples were to be seen on the links, and some interesting play was witnessed.
The Orcadian October 6th, 1894
Again under the most favourable weather auspices a return match was played last Saturday between teams chosen by Mr D. Macpherson and Mr J.G. McPherson. Five couples took part in the game, which proved a victory for the latter gentlemen.
The Orcadian November 10th, 1894
An interesting match was played over the links here on Saturday last between teams representing Kirkwall and Stromness.
The course was in capital condition, and, favoured with good weather, the golfers had a splendid game. The teams numbered ten a side, and the game was keenly contested throughout. The match consisted of eighteen holes, or twice round the course, and lasted about three hours. When the scores were added, it was found that the home side had a majority of eight holes. Some grand play was shown by both sides, but particularly on the part of Messrs Buchanan, Dall, and McEwen, whose lengthy drives and well judged “ approaches” were much admired. Capital games were also played by Messrs Slater, Gold, and D. McPherson. The best of feeling characterised the game, and success and failure alike were borne with good grace. It is hoped the Kirkwall golfers will be induced to pay another and early visit to the Stromness links, so that the local players will have an opportunity of profiting by their exhibition of an exhilarating and charming game.
The Orcadian, December 8th, 1894
A match between teams of Kirkwall and local players, seven men a side, was played on the links last Saturday. The finish of a most enjoyable game showed the visitors victorious by nine holes.
The Orcadian February 24th, 1898
Over the golf links on Saturday a friendly match was played between teams chosen by Capt. Baillie and Mr D. Hepburn, resulting in a win for the latter team by 8 holes.
Orkney Herald October 12th,1898
Kirkwall golfers at Stromness
Extended Course
On Saturday, on the invitation of the Stromness golf club, a goodly number of golfers travelled from Kirkwall to be present at an informal opening of their newly extended course and engage in a friendly game. The links are charmingly situated a little to the West of the town, and, with a careful readjustment of the holes so as to preclude congestion, which was such a noticeable feature in Saturday’s play, bid fair to become one of the finest and most attractive golf courses in the islands. The day being beautifully fine, and the links in splendid condition, low scoring was the order of the day ; Messrs Hallard, McEwen, Brass, and Flett on the one hand, and the Messrs McPhersons, Captain Baillie, Mr Hepburn, and Dr Duncan on the other, showing exceptionally good form. After a most enjoyable series of singles and foursomes, the visitors were hospitably entertained in the pavilion by the home team. It is on the card, we believe, that a few members of the Stromness club will, weather permitting, test the merits of Pickaquoy on Saturday first.
The Warbeth course today, to the West of the cemetry
The Orcadian January 1st, 1899
Golf Club
Social Meeting
Last Friday evening the members of the golf club held a social evening in the Mason’s Arms Hotel. About 25 members sat down to a sumptuous supper, served in Mr McKay’s well-known elaborate style. After full justice had been done to the good things supplied, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed and responded to. The Army and Navy proposed by Capt. J. Linklater, Hopedale, and replied to by Dr F.L. Duncan. Trade of Stromness proposed by Mr John McKay, late of Hobbister, and replied to by Capt. Baillie. Stromness golf club proposed by Mr A.T. Dall. The ladies by Mr M.M. Charleson, replied to by Mr Dickson. Our host proposed by Mr Dall and replied to by Mr McKay.
Several songs were rendered by a number of the company. Before separating it was well understood that a most enjoyable evening had been spent, and a hope was expressed that this the first golf club supper would not be the last.
The Orcadian August 8th, 1899
The Stromness golf course was opened for the first time this season on Saturday, when the play was for the monthly challenge medal. Some difficulty and inconvenience was felt owing to the length of the grass, which occasioned the loss of not a few balls, but apart from this the game was a very sportive one and keenly contested, the medal being won by Mr J.G. Falconer, with a score of 100. The following are the other scores :- D. McPherson, 105 ; Capt. Baillie, 105 ; R. McPherson, 112 ; J. Corrigal, 128-9 = 119 ; J. Stove, 128 -18 = 10 ; Capt. Linklater, 119 less 12 – 107 ; J. Fiddler, 115 – 7 – 108.
Orkney Herald November 15th, 1899
Golf Club A.G.M.
New Club-House
The annual general meeting of the Stromness golf club was held in the Mason’s Arms Hotel on Friday evening, when there was a good turnout of the members. The office bearers for the ensuing year were elected as under :- Honorary Presidents, Sheriff C.N. Johnston, Sheriff of The County, and Mr James Spence, of Pow ; President, Mr D. Macpherson ; Vice President, Capt. Ewing ; Committee, Capt. Baillie, Messrs D. Hepburn, J.W. Stove, and W.S. Spence ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Jas. Corrigal. The names of seven gentlemen were proposed and admitted as members of the club. It was agreed to build a clubhouse on the links, and the secretary was instructed to get the necessary plans and specifications prepared, in order that the work may be carried through at once.
The Orcadian February 10th, 1900
A special meeting of the golf club was held on Monday evening, when there was a good attendance of members – Capt. Ewing, the President, in the chair. The meeting had been specially called to finally settle whether the proposed club-house should be erected, and when, after some discussion it was unanimously agreed to proceed with the building, which, when erected, would be a great boon to the members. The house, which is to be built of wood, with corrugated iron roof, will measure 14ft by 10ft., and is fitted up with boxes with the purpose of holding clubs, &c. The plans and specifications can now be seen with the secy., who will receive offers for the same.
At the golf links a new and very tricky course has lately been laid off, and on Saturday the competition for the monthly challenge medal took place over the same. Owing to the fine afternoon there was a large turnout of the members, and some good play was to be witnessed. The coveted trophy was won by Mr John McKay ( late of Hobister ), with a score of 97 less 18, 79.
The New Clubhouse
Orkney Herald June 19th, 1901
Stromness Golf Club
For some years past the members of the Stromness golf club have ben deprived of the use of their golf course during the summer months, which caused no little disappointment to the club. At a season of the year when they could best enjoy the game. Now, however, a new course has been laid off, where the members of the club can enjoy their favourite sport without fear of interruption. The new course is nearer the town and more accessible than the old one, and will ere long be as popular with the players as the old arrangement was disappointing ; and visitors to the town will appreciate the action of the club in securing a course for the summer, for golf is essentially a game for the summer months, and if it is to be thoroughly enjoyed, the club must have the privilege of play during the summer.
The Orcadian June 22nd, 1901
New Golf Course
Up to the present the arrangements on which the links is held by the golf club does not allow of its members being able to enjoy the game during the summer months. The club have found it to their advantage to rent another piece of ground in the near vicinity of the town where they will be enabled to enjoy the game all year round. This will prove a great boon, as there can be no doubt that the want of a round of their favourite game during the summer is a trial severely felt by golfers. Apart from the new course, which has been rented, we understand that a movement is on foot to try and rent the old one under terms which will enable the members to play all the year round on their old course, and we trust the club will be successful in obtaining the old course on these terms.
Orkney Herald June 26th, 1901
Stromness Golf Course
Sir, - I read with some interest a paragraph on this subject in last weeks herald, and would like to make a few remarks thereon. I have head men who have played over several famous courses say that the innertown links possessed very good natural advantages. On the other hand, practically nothing has been done by the club to make the links into a golf course. Why is that ?, One reason has been given that the club pays so much to the tenants for rent that it has no funds left to pay a geenkeeper or to spend on the improvement of the course.
Several of the greens are so cut up by carts and scraped by rabbits that they do not deserve the name. Then I never saw a course so intersected by fences. There are stone dykes, and an unusually high barbed wire fence has lately been erected right across the path of the players, as if the farmers were determined to make it impossible to golf there. To make matters worse, the holes are so placed that each player has to jump over this barbed wire fence at least six times in every round ( of 18 holes ) and also get over the dyke six or eight times.
It is thus, no course for ladies, and difficult and even dangerous for stout or elderly men. I inquired some time ago why hole No 3 was not placed on the South instead of the North side of the formidable fence, which would save jumping it at least four times every 18 holes, but no one could give any good reason for its being so placed. As to the so-called new course, I fear that little credit is due to the club in that connection. It is very kind, however, of Mr Wood to place his fields at the disposal of players, and At present, when no other place is available, lovers of the game are much indebted to him for the privilege. If golf is to be popular in Stromness, and if Stromness is to offer any inducement to golfers to come in summer, it must waken up to the necessity of a new or a much improved course. – I am.&c
The Orcadian March 28th, 1903
There was a large turnout at the golf links on Saturday last when the final tie for Mr Stove’s prizes was played between Capt. Linklater, and Mr J. Fiddler, the latter was the victor. On the same day the medal was gained by Mr D. Macpherson.
The Orcadian December 26th, 1903
Golf Club
A meting of the golf club was held on the evening of Thursday 17th inst., Captain Baillie in the chair. Mr James Corrigall tendered his resignation as secy., of the club, which was accepted. The members unanimously agreed to minute their regret that Mr Corrigal could not see his way to continue as secretary and their appreciation of his services he had rendered the club. The following office bearers for the ensuing year were appointed :- President, Mr Charles H. Ackroyd, London ; Vice President, Mr John Fiddler ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Jn. W. Stove, together with a committee of six members. A handicap committee was also appointed. It was intimated that the finances of the club were in a good condition, and that the improvements being carried out at the course were proceeding satisfactorily. It was also intimated that several prizes would be competed for on Christmas and New Year days.
The Orcadian July 16th, 1904
The course is now open for the season, and being largely taken advantage of by members and others. There can be no doubt that the course will serve as an attraction to visitors during the summer months, and will go far to popularise the town as a holiday resort. A good many improvements have been carried out during the past year, and nothing has been left undone to make the course a success.
The Orcadian July 23rd, 1904
Golf Club
A meeting of the Stromness golf club was held on the evening of Friday 15th inst., for the purpose of making arrangements for the formal opening of their new house at the golf links, and to discuss and make arrangements for the competition in connection with Sheriff Wilson’s challenge cup. The meeting, however, was unable to fix a date, but we understand the competition will take place in the end of August. Mr Charles Akroyd, intimated to the meeting his intention of presenting the club with a challenge cup ; the terms and rules under which it will be played for to be made known at a later date.
The Orcadian July 30th, 1904
Opening Of New Golf House
The new golf club house of the Stromness golf club was formally opened by Mrs Akroyd on Saturday last. The weather was fine and there was a large number of ladies and gentlemen present. Mr John Fiddler ( Vice President of the club ) having introduced Mrs Akroyd, and that lady having made a neat little speech, Captain Baillie presented her with a handsome golf club, in the shape of a patent aluminium putter. The members of the club subsequently played a friendly competition, which resulted in a victory for the secretary, Mr J.W. Stove.
The Orcadian September 17th, 1904
Bazaar At Stromness
( Held Over From Last Week )
A bazaar in aid of the hospital and golf club and organised by Mrs Akroyd was held in Captain Baillies store, North End, Stromness, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week. The building had undergone a transformation for the occasion, the walls and other woodwork being draped throughout and presenting an appearance artistic down to the smallest detail. Seldom indeed, has the building been treated so effectively. The bazaar was opened on Monday afternoon by Capt. Baillie, who said – Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a new experience for me to open a bazaar, but I do so today with the greatest pleasure. This bazaar and its decorations have been got up wholly by Mrs Akroyd for the benefit of the hospital and golf club. The members of the latter are deeply indebted to Mrs Akroyd for the kind way she has interested herself on their behalf. It seems an unkind thing to say, but it was a very fortunate day for the club when she took the golf fever - ( Laughter ) – otherwise, I am afraid you would not have had such a fine addition to your golf house. The course, before our President, Mr Akroyd took it in hand was rather a rough one full of cart ruts and rabbit holes, but now through his generosity it is one of the finest little golf courses in the North. Golf has become a very popular game, and every place that can get a course is getting one. It is a game that can be played by people of any age and on a cold day. Make that reservation – ( Laughter ) – it is the most fascinating and health-giving game in existence. In giving you liberal support to this bazaar, you are helping to develop the chest and muscles of the rising generation, and adding another attraction to your town. Now, with regard to the hospital I will not take up your time in dealing with this subject, nor will I state the necessity for its erection, but you will agree with me that an hospital is a necessity in any town. We got some handsome subscriptions from wealthy Orcadians and others at home and abroad. In its erection the architect, joiners, masons, plumbers, and painters, all gave their labour free, and I am happy to say the ground and building now stand with a debt of only £6. There are, however, a good many things required yet before the hospital can be said to be properly equipped, but we hope to have the work done shortly. This, I think, a good thing for the town to have such a hospital but it will be better still if it is never required. However, we must make provision for any contingency. I wish Mrs Akroyd every success with the bazaar, and I now have great pleasure in declaring it open ( Loud Applause )
Other speakers followed and then the work of the bazaar was proceeded with. After providing for the needs of the golf club, the balance of the proceeds will fall to the hospital.
Orcadian December 3rd, 1904
Golf Club
The annual meeting of the golf club was held in Mackay’s Hotel on the evening of Friday, 25th inst., when there was a good attendance of members – Captain Baillie presiding. The treasurer submitted an abstract of the accounts for the past year which was approved of. The following office bearers were appointed :- Hon. President, Mr James Spence of Pow ; President, Mr Charles H Akroyd ; Vice President, Captain G.G. Baillie ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr J.W. Stove ; Score Secretary, Mr N.S. Spence ; Committee, Messrs D. Macpherson, James Matches, D. Hepburn, and R.W. Clouston. The chairman presented the Akroyd Challenge cup to the winner, Mr R.W. Clouston, who, as the cup, which is a handsome one, was only given this year, is the first member to secure it – a distinction which ought to make the prize doubly attractive to the winner. The meeting expressed their great appreciation of Mr Akroyd’s gift, and tendered Mr Clouston their congratulations on winning it. On the conclusion of the business, the members spent to the evening together.
The Orcadian September 2nd, 1905
County Golf Competition
The annual golf competition for the Wilson challenge cup took place on the Stromness golf course on Thursday and Friday, 24th and 25th ult. Three teams were entered for Kirkwall, and three for Stromness, Caithness and Shetland being unrepresented. Kirkwall number three team, however, withdrew, leaving two teams for Kirkwall against the Stromness three. The weather on Thursday was most unpropitious, but the play was nevertheless good, and resulted in the survival for the final on Friday of Kirkwall and Stromness first teams. On Friday the weather had greatly improved, and accordingly the hopes on both sides ran high. Plat commenced at 11 o’clock, when Messrs Inkster and White for Kirkwall played Messrs Akroyd and Clouston for Stromness, while Messrs Russack and Macdonald for the former played Messrs Pryde and Crawford for the latter. On the first round of nine holes, Messrs Akroyd and Clouston were five up and nine to play. On the second round, to complete the eighteen holes, the Stromness team had it all their own way, and the contest was brought to a finish by the Stromness team increasing their former lead, Messrs Akroyd and Clouston defeating their opponents by eight holes, while Messrs Pryde and Crawford also defeated their opponents by six holes, thus giving Stromness a victory of fourteen holes. The play throughout was very good, and their was a number of spectators present during the contest.
Orcadian September 16th, 1905
Golf Club
On Saturday last the final for the Akroyd cup was played on the links here, those taking part being Mrs Akroyd and Mr J.W. Stove, the game ending in a win for Mr Stove, who was three up. The members of the club thereafter met in the clubhouse when Mr Akroyd presented the cup to the winner, who replied. Mr Akroyd also presented the Menell cup to Mr R.W. Clouston, who replied and moved that the club minute their appreciation of Mr Menell’s gift, and that the secretary be instructed to send an excerpt of the minute to Mr Minell. On Monday evening another meeting was held in the Stromness Hotel, under the Presidency of Captain G.G. Baillie, who stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of presenting Mr Akroyd with a small token of the club’s esteem.
Mr Hepburn then made the presentation, which took the form of a trinket – a golf ball supported by two golf clubs in gold, and in doing so referred to the respect which the members of the club entertained for Mrs Akroyd, and their appreciation of the sportsmanlike manner in which she had so successfully competed for the cup which had on Saturday been won by Mr Stove. Mrs Akroyd replied, and the company thereafter partook of cake and wine.
The Orcadian June 6th, 1906
Golf Course
The course is once more open to players, the kelp season being over. Play, however, cannot be indulged in very economically in the meantime, the number of flowers on the course making it very easy for balls to get lost.
The Orcadian September 1st, 1906
County Golf Competition
On Thursday, 21st inst, the annual competition for the cup presented by Sheriff Wilson was played for on the Stromness golf course. Only two clubs were represented, namely, Kirkwall and Stromness. The day was an ideal one for the game, which began at 11am. In the draw Stromness No 1 was drawn against Kirkwall No 2. The teams were as follows :- Stromness No 1 team, Messrs Akroyd and Storer Clouston ; Messrs Crawford and J. Hepburn. Stromness No 2 team :- Messrs Fiddler and Falconer, Capt. Baillie and Mr Mowat.
Kirkwall No 1 team, Messrs Inkster and White ; Messrs J, Flett and E. Russack. Kirkwall No 2 team, Messrs George Sutherland and W. MacLennan ; Messrs P. Brass and J.S Rutherford. There was a good many spectators. During the first part of the game play was of a “ Give and Take” nature rather than favour of the Kirkwall team, and at the close of the first round Kirkwall lead in both teams, and things looked black for Stromness. During the second round, however, the home team regained the lost position, and before the second part of the game was half through, Stromness had a safe lead. The first team to finish was Stromness No 2 against Kirkwall No 1. They ended on the whole game 2 up, Messrs Falconer and Fiddler level with their opponents, and Messrs Baillie and Mowat 2 up on thiers.
Messrs Akroyd and Clouston were the next to finish, and they ended up 2 up on their opponents, Messrs Hepburn and Crawford being level in theirs. Thus both the Stromness teams beat their opponents, and the game ended in a win for the home team by 5 points. This is the fourth annual competition for the cup which has been won each year by Stromness. It is regrettable that none of the other counties in the Sheriffdom have seen fit to put forward representatives. We trust, however, this will be remedied in future.
Golf Club
The final competition for the Akroyd Cup was played for on Tuesday evening, the finalists being Messrs F. Kellie and W. Melville. At the close of the game it was found that Melville was an easy winner. Along with the cup is presented a handsome pendant, which becomes the property of the winner. The Menell cup has been won by Mr John Hepburn, Schoolhouse, after a keen contest.
The Orcadian September 22nd, 1906
The annual general meeting of the Stromness golf club was held in Mackay’s Stromness Hotel on the evening of Thursday last, the President, Mr C.H. Akroyd in the chair. There was large attendance of members present. The tresurer’s balance sheet was submitted, and showed a substantial balance in credit to the club. The amount expended on the course during the year was the largest for any year in the club’s existence, but the improvements more than warranted the money spent. There has been a steady increase in the number of annual members, while the number of visitors playing on the course has been the largest in the club’s history. Considerable discussion took place over the proposed addition to the course, and eventually this was left in the hands of a committee who, we understand, have since arranged with Mr Spence of Dale for the renting of his ground adjoining, the use of which will greatly prevent “ Crossing.”
The following office bearers were then elected, viz :- President, Mr C.H. Akroyd ; Vice President, Captain Baillie ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr J. Stove ; General committee, Messrs Matches, Hepburn, Fiddler, Macpherson, and Mowat, Spence, and J. Clouston. The secretary read a letter from the Roeberry golf club inviting a deputation from the Stromness club to attend the opening of the St Margaret’s Hope course on Saturday. The secretary was instructed to write, thanking the Roeberry club for their kind invitation, and to state that they would endeavour to send a deputation of four or five members.
The Orcadian October 13th, 1906
The competition for the monthly medal took place on Saturday last, and was won by Mr James Matches with a score of 78 less 9 = 69, the next best being James Clouston with a score of 83 less 13 = 70. Saturday last also saw the conclusion of the competition among half-members ( Boys ) of the club for the handsome silver watch presented by Mr Keay of Glasgow. Under the conditions of this competition the player returning the best aggregate score, less handicap, for three consecutive Saturdays, of 18 holes each, was declared the winner. At the first round nine members entered, and after a fine game the three following were found to return the best scores – Wm. S. Spence, jnr., 92 less 16 = 76 ; George Fiddler, 106 less 25 = 81 ; Robert Guthrie, 109 less 19 = 90. On the second round the scores were – Wm. S. Spence, 95 less 16 = 79 ; R. Guthrie, 113 less 19 = 94 ; George Fiddler, 96 less 25 = 71. At the final round on Saturday last Wm. Spence was 93 less 16 = 77 ; George Fiddler, 116 less 25 = 91 ; R. Guthrie, 103 less 19 = 84, the aggregate scores for the three days, less handicaps being, Wm. Spence Jnr, 232 ; George Fiddler, 243 ; and R. Guthrie, 268. Great interest in the competition was taken by the several players, who on every opportunity visited the course and endeavoured by every means in their power to improve their play in order to win the prize, which has now fallen to Wm. Spence.
The Orcadian September 9th, 1907
Golf Club
The annual general meeting of the Stromness golf club was held in the Stromness Hotel on the evening of Friday 13th inst – Mr C.H. Akroyd, the Captain in the chair. There was a large attendance of members. Mr Akroyd laid before the meeting – the accounts for the club for the past year which showed a substantial balance at its credit. On the motion of Mr James Clouston Jnr., it was unanimously agreed to thank Mr and Mrs Akroyd for the interest they had always taken in the club, and for their many benefactions to it. The chairman submitted a new set of rules and bye laws for the club which were gone over and discussed seriatim and passed. It was unanimously agreed that Mr Akroyd should continue to hold his present position in the club, the other office bearers being :- Hon. Presidents, Mr James Spence of Pow, Mr W.G.T. Watt of Breckness, and Mr Z. Menell, London ; Captain, Mr C.H. Akroyd ; Vice Captain, Captain G.G. Baillie ; Secretary, Mr D. Hepburn ; Treasurer, Mr J.W. Stove. The members of committee are, Messrs J. Fiddler, D. Macpherson, W.S. Spence, and James Clouston, while those of the green committee are, Messrs J.W. Stove, D. Hepburn, and Captain Baillie. The handicap committee consists of Messrs W.S. Spence, James Clouston, and John Fiddler. Mrs Akroyd intimated that she intended giving a prize to be competed for by ladies and boys whose scores are under 110.
Orkney Herald November 21st, 1923
Stromness Golf Club
The annual general meeting of the Stromness golf club was held in the Stromness Hotel – Mr John Mackay in the chair. The secretary and treasurer, Mr T.R. Mowat, read the annual report and financial statement for the club, which was passed and considered highly satisfactory. The following were appointed office bearers for the ensuing year :- Honorary Presidents, Sir Robert Hamilton, Mr Charles Akroyd, Mr Martin, and Mr James Garson, W.S. ; Capt, John Sinclair, Colonel Scott, and Mr Thornley ; Captain of the club, Mr John Mackay, Hotel ; Vice Captain, Mr D.L. Drever ; Honorary secretary and treasurer, Mr T.R. Mowat ; General committee, Messrs F.C Kelly, John Gowans, John Spence, R.W. Corse, N. Anderson, A.S. Johnston, and Jas. Matches.
The question “ whether the lady members be granted the half-vote status” was turned down by a large majority. It was remitted to the general committee with full powers to interview Mr Clouston, Clook, as to obtaining the remainder of his part of the links.
The draft of the new constitution as drawn up was gone fully into, and it was decided that the draft be left with the secretary for a fortnight for inspection by any member.
Should no objection to any rule be made, the secretary was instructed to have same printed and distributed to each member. It was left with the committee to arrange for the annual social meeting. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded to Mr John Mackay for use of his room, Mr D.L. Drever for auditing the books, Mr F.C. Kelly for drafting new constitution, and to Mr T.R. Mowat, secretary, for his valuable services.
The following are extracts from the annual report as submitted to the meeting :- During the season 1922 – 23 the membership of Stromness golf club was 123, showing an increase of six over last year. In the ladies section there was a total of 61 members - an increase of ten over last year. The increase, especially in the ladies side, brings about the question, where are we to accommodate our lady members ?. There is every likelihood, with the new industry going ahead so rapidly, thatn in the near future we shall have a big increase in men’s sections as well, and I think it is now time that we set about a further extension of the club premises.
The monthly medal was won by Dr Kirkton ; Mr Fiddler’s vases were won by Mr Wm. Brough, jnr. The Orkney championship was played for the first time over our course, and we are all pleased that our players did so well. The competition was a great success, and I trust it may continue to be so. I take this opportunity of congratulating Mr Wilfred Sinclair on his triple victory by winning “ The ladies cup,” “ The Akroyd Cup,” and “ The Hamilton Cup” – the latter of which carries with it the Orkney Championship. I think it would be a great thing were a team from Orkney – if not from this club – sent to play in the Northern Counties Tournament.
The more play one can get against good players the better will become the standard of play all round. We must acknowledge a more friendly and sporting spirit among our former friends, and trust it may continue. It was a hard blow when our attempt to purchase the links was turned down, and I can only thank the committee in charge of the negotiations for their arduous labours which, through no fault of theirs, were unsuccessful ; also the guarantors who so willingly came forward. The treasurer’s report shows a balance of £7 8s 9d against the club.
Orkney Herald July 8th, 1925
New Putting Green
Despite the misty, raw evening on Wednesday last, a large crowd gathered at Ness for the opening of the new 18 hole putting green. A two hours competition for prizes was the first on the programme in which 110 took part.
The putting course lies between the farm-house of Ness and the sea, on what was once a stackyard, and with only a week’s treatment it has already a good surface. The ground is undulating, and several of the holes are very tricky, calling for unusual skill in putting, and for that reason the scoring was high. The winners in the various sections were :- Men golfers, Mr G.S Robertson 45 ; Women Golfers, Miss K. Linklater, 49 ; Men non golfers, Mr Arnot Norquoy, 51 ; Women non golfers, Mrs Isaacs, 51. Mr J. Mackay presented the prizes, and thereafter performed the opening ceremony. In the course of his speech he said that he had great pleasure in declaring the course open, and he hoped the public would patronise the putting, which would be beneficial to the club and players alike. On the call of Capt. Sinclair, three hearty cheers were given to Mr Mackay, and this terminated the proceedings.
Play continued briskly throughout the week, and over 500 persons have already patronised the putting course. Saturday night, at 11.30, saw the largest turnout at one period, no less than six deep sea captains being on the green when the last couples were still laying each other stymies, and we think it will not be the Stromness golf club that will agitate for the abolition of summer time. We are informed that the drawings on the putting course have already far exceeded expectations.
Orkney Herald July 29th, 1925
Stromness New Golf
To Be Opened For Play
On Thursday
Description Of Course
Tomorrow ( Thursday ) has been selected as the official opening day of the new 18 hole golf course at Ness, and, given good weather, it should prove a memorable event for the golfing community in any case, and it is thought, for all public spirited people as well.
Dr McNeish, of London, who takes a keen interest in the club, and is an annual visitor, has kindly consented to perform the opening ceremony at 2.30pm. The club is to be favoured with a good representation of golfers from Kirkwall. After declaring the course open, Dr McNeish will drive the first ball, and the boy who first recovers it and brings it back will be the richer by10s.
The race on the part of the boys will be the signal for Capt. Sinclair, situated at the flagstaff on the high ground above the clubhouse, to run the club’s flag to the mast head, and thereafter play between teams chosen by the Captain and Vice Captain will be indulged in, while a special competition on the putting course will run from 3 to 8pm.
Description Of Course
A general description of the course is as follows :- No 1 tee is situated between the house and the bungalow on what was once the drying green of the farm, and No 1 hole in the far corner of the rocky park next to Mr Knight’s property. A straight drive should land on the green, while a ball sliced would be “ Out Of Bounds” in Bob Knight’s ground, and a pull, if short, would be in difficulty amongst whins – the only whins on the course. The fairway only merits the name by courtesy, but a fair lie is got occasionally. The green, made of turf imported from the point of Ness, is good, and a four should see the player strike the tin.
No 2 tee is alongside the granite rocks at the opposite corner of the field, and the hole is due West, near Citadale’s dyke. A duffed shot brings the player up against a low dyke, and, if that is surmounted, into a veritable “ Slough Of Despond,” while a slice will put a player “ Out Of Bounds” in Skinners Meadow. The line to take is the true line, or to the left, which again should fetch a player on to the green. We use the word green, but no green will be found, only a portion of the lay ground closer cut than the rest indicating where the hole is. Four strokes is enough.
No 3 tee is alongside the dyke, and the green is the drying yard of the farmhouse. A good drive and a good brassie will cover the intervening 414 yards, but as the lies may not be of the choicest, resort may be had to iron clubs and 5 strokes required before holing out. The green, of natural grass and treated with sand, is in good order already, and is bounded on the far side with a mound running up to the level of the dyke.
No 4 hole runs, W.N.W. towards the quarry in field No 2. Though a blind hole for a start, it presents no obstacles on the way , but the green is like No 2. It has defied treatment, and will have to be re-turfed. Five strokes should suffice.
No 5 is short, and to drop nicely on the undulating turf, a quarry must be carried. A too strong shot will carry the ball into the fencing guarding the magazine entry, while a pull or a slice will be in trouble in bunkers on either side. This a possible two, but a probable three.
No 6 tee is on the roof of the magazine, and the hole at the shore near what was once called the “ Jumping Ower” dyke. 220 yards in length, it can be reached from the tee with a following wind. Anything short of a perfect drive will be punished in long grass or rough territory. The green itself is good, guarded as it is on the seaward side by a fairly high mound. It slopes away from the approach, but not being fast, as yet, it permits of an easy four.
No 7 tee lies East of the 6th green, and play is uphill for the first 200 yards in a N.E. Direction, and then E. to the hole, which is in field 3, immediately above the farmhouse. A short or sliced drive will be in bad ground or behind dykes, and play should be straight or to the left to clear the dyke, which protrudes about 200 yards from the tee. That negotiated, however, there are no obstacles between the player and the hole, which, unlike most of the others, is fairly flat and perfectly square – by way of change.
No 8 tee is raised to the level of the dyke, to permit of a player seeing the granite rock beyond the hole, which is in a line with the dockyard. A mashie is sufficient here, and a two possible. Over running is punished, and good lies are not guaranteed either to left or right. The green itself is a sort of natural saucer.
No 9 tee is towards the West, and on a level with the ground to be played over. The hole is about due West in the direction of the Hoy Head, and a slice spells trouble over the dyke running parallel. There are hazards either side of the fairway, but a well directed pitch following a straight drive should see the player on the green. This one is rather small, but tricky, and sound work with the irons should be rewarded with a four.
No 10 tee, as the notice nearby reminds us is “ over the style.” To reach the green, on the seaboard, a mashie suffices, but there is no room for foozling, as the gaping trenches of the batteries intervene. This should prove to be a three.
No 11 tee finds the player facing East, with hole on the high ground above the batteries – a dyke and the batteries have to be surmounted, but an iron should carry the green. Surrounded by a rampart on the far side, this is a pretty green and should yield an occasional three.
No 12 tee is on high ground, and play is towards the outer Holms, to the right of the flag staff. Beyond the unevenness of the ground, there is no trouble, and the green itself is a gift. It is shapeless, undulating, and surrounded by granite rocks. Four strokes should see the player out.
No 13 tee lies to the South West, and play is in the direction of the Kame. The ground is similar to that of number 9 and 12, and only the green itself presents a problem being saddle backed. In aneffort to beat bogey, the tendency is to go beyond, but a four should satisfy a steady player.
No 14 tee is alongside the dyke, slightly West of the Tender Tables, and the hole is near the old lifeboat house. The ground here occupied by the butments intervenes, and play should be to the left.The green may be fetched with a drive and a brassie, but as a green one would expect to find as the South African veldt !, smothered with sand, it has not developed and requires re-turfing. Five strokes may be necessary here.
No 15 tee requires some skilful play from the middle of the field over the road and to the left of the meadow. A dead straight stroke will simplify matters, but deviating from this will mean trouble, if landing near dyke, ditch, rushes, or bog.
No 16 starts from the dyke running parallel with the dock and the hole is at the “ Point”, inside the dyke. To sat the least, this hole is immature throughout, a wet ditch must be got over, while the fairway and the green is rough. By and by it will make quite a good hole and is value for a four.
The 17th starts at the dyke, and runs toward the lifeboat house. Two wet ditches must be driven, but the green is a gift, and should yield a four to a skilful player. The springing turf is in contrast to the hard going elsewhere, and there must be general regret that the course contains no more of the kind.
No 18 tee is over the road and beyond the lifeboat house. The line is on “ Oglaby”, since the ground has a hang towards the right. Bristling with rocky boulders on the top side, there is an element of luck about lies. The home hole remains unfinished, but skilful manipulation, coupled with a bit of luck, should yield a four.
Surface Hard and Uneven
Speaking of the course generally, it may be said that the surface is very hard and uneven, with too little bottom in the grass. The absence of bunkers and hazards make the course at present too easy, but no one will deny that it possesses great possibilities, and is beautifully situated and well laid out.
It is a very human sort of course, surrounded as it is a sea bearing craft of all sorts and having numerous fine walks in the vicinity. It also rewards the player with many charming views of a varying nature. Twelve months work will transform many of its weak features and the necessity now is for players in abundance.
The lengths of the holes are :- No1, 180 yds ; No 2, 152 yds ; No 3, 414 yds ; No 4, 308 yds ; No 5, 132 yds ; No 6, 220 yds ; No 7, 422 yds ; No 8, 113 yds ; No 9, 272 yds ; No 10, 132 yds ; No11, 144 yds ; No 12, 282 yds ; No 13, 254 yds ; No 14, 347 yds ; No 15, 156 yds ; No 16, 220 yds ; No 17, 184 yds ; No 18, 332 yds – Total Length, 4,264 yds.
Orkney Herald August 5th, 1925
“ Pearl Of The Orkney Islands”
Londoner’s Tribute To
Opening Of New Golf Course
It was a bold stroke on the part of Stromness golf club to face the task of providing the town with an 18 hole golf course. The old course, which had served the community well for 35 years, was not convenient in many respects, and therefore, when the question arose of procuring a more suitable site near the town the matter was taken up very enthusiastically.
Fortunately, the farm of Ness came on the market, and it being an ideal situation for a golf course, steps were at once instituted to make enquiries in regard to the possibility of purchasing the farm and the land adjoining. Negotiations were entered into with the proprietor, with the result that club is now the happy possessor of its own golf course. In order to carry through the purchase, which involved something like £1,500, a limited company was formed. The money did not simply pour in, but the club has obtained the objective, and with the opening on Thursday, a new era in the life of golf in Stromness has been entered upon.
The club took possession about eight months ago, and considering this short time, the committee in charge of the work have made very good progress indeed. The course is not up to the “ scratch” yet, a number of alterations having still to be carried through. The description of the course given in last week’s “ Orkney Herald” will give devotees of the royal and ancient game an excellent idea of it situation and nature of the ground. All the farm buildings have been taken over by the club, and what was once the barn is now a very comfortable club-house for gentlemen. The whole building has been thoroughly overhauled and the walls painted with light coloured varnish, which gives the interior a fresh and exceedingly smart appearance. The lockers are placed along the walls, while a dome just inside the door adds considerably to the amenities of the room. The ladies have by no means been forgotten, their quarters being situated across the passage, where ample accommodation is provided. The other buildings will also be utilised to the best advantage.
A popular feature of the new course is the putting green at the rear of the farm. Since it was laid down it has attracted large crowds. The green is open to the public, and non-golfers form a large portion of its patrons.
As already stated, the opening ceremony took place on Thursday, and was performed by Dr MacNish, London. A large number of members of the Orkney club, including Provost White, President, attended, and in the course of the day had a game over the course.
Mr Mackay, President of the club, presided at the opening ceremony, which took place at No 1 tee. He said that during the past 35 years Stromness had had a golf course, and a very good one too ( Applause ) The old course had a certain draw back, and that was that it was too far from the town. Another thing was that they were only tenants from year to year, and therefore could do very few improvements. The farm of Ness came into the market, and the club thought they had better buy, so they formed themselves into a limited company. It was only eight months since they took possession and theyn had a lot of work to do. He thought they had gathered about half a million stones off the ground. ( Laughter ).
It gave him great pleasure in calling upon Dr MacNish, London, to open the course and drive the first ball.
Golf A Necessity
Dr MacNish said he was said he was very pleased to be there that day to take part in the opening of Stromness new golf course. He had been a visitor to Stromness for many years, and he had always enjoyed a game on the old golf links. He might say, subject to correction, that golf started on the Firth Of Forth famous links, Musselburgh and St Andrews, and since then it has spread all over the world. It was on the 11th April, 1890, that a meeting was held in the town hall, when it was decide to form a Stromness Golf Club – 35 years ago. The minutes in the next year showed that a number of people from Kirkwall wanted to join. They did so, and paid their subscription. The subscription was 10/- per year. In 1894 it decide to admit ladies at the annual subscription of 2/6d, and a committee was appointed to lay out a course for them.
He did not need to remind them of the great value of a golf course to any town. It had been a phenomenal success in practically every country. It began as a luxury, but it had now become a necessity. The United States Of America had over htree million playing members. There was no other outdoor game which promoted good health, friendly, and social intercourse among its members. As a visitor to Stromness, he would like to pay his tribute to the town for their generosity and hospitality he and his family had received every time they had visited the town. It was a town quite unique – it was the Pearly of the Orkney Islands. It had a most romantic situation, and a wonderful atmosphere permiated a most salubricus climate, and its beautiful and picturesque position made it one of the most desirable health resorts in the North Of Scotland. ( Applause ).
The speaker then went on to pay a tribute to the hotel accommodation in the town.
Dr MacNish then proceeded to the first tee and amid much enthusiasm drove the first ball. It was a beautiful stroke, and augers well for the success of the club. The ball was retrieved by Master D. MacInnes, who on handing it to Dr MacNish, received the present of a 10s treasury note. Three cheers were accorded to the doctor, and the company was then entertained to tea in the pavilion.