The Manse Glebe
Dalmellington Gofl Club. Instituted 1926. A 9-hole course on The Manse Glebe, the property of Craigengilby Estates, which charged £11 per annum rent. The course was opened on May 1926 by Mrs MacAdam of Craigengillan. The club thrived until 1940 when the land was requisitioned by the Government, the trees felled and a series of dormitories erected to house Bevan Boys, conscripted to work in the local collieries. The site now has a large private home for the elderly, and is surrounded by modern private bungalows. (Local resident, Mr Hugh Johnstone MBE, and Secretary of Doon Valley GC)
Dalmellington Golf Club, Opened In May 1926, By Lady MacAdam, Of Craigengillen Estates. Mrs McAdam’s last visible appearance in Dalmellington was at the opening of the Golf Course at the Manse Glebe, from 1929 she rarely if ever visited the village again. Mrs McAdam was renowned in noble circles as a socialite, entertaining hosts of V.I.P. guests (at Craigengillan). House guests in August 1931 were the distinguished stage actor and racehorse owner Mr Tom Walls. His racehorse ‘April the Fifth’ won the Derby in 1932. My older brother William, who at the time of writing, is 94 years old, was Tom Walls’s beater at the grouse shooting in August 1931. For five days beating Monday – Friday he gave my brother a crown (5/-) and told him to remember April the Fifth for the 1932 Derby.
Ayr Advertiser June 3rd 1926
Dalmellington Club
Everything is proceeding satisfactorily on the new course and play is expected to begin next week with the format opening on an early date. New members are now being enrolled at a fee of 15s and juniors, up to 16years at 7s 6d. The office-bearers appointed are President Mr J.W. Smith, M.A.; Vice-president, Mr James Napier; treasurer, Mr J.K. Rutherford, M.A. with a committee of nine ladies and gentlemen. Mr Robert McCreath has been appointed greenkeepers.
Ayr Advertiser July 1st 1926.
Opening of Dalmellington Course
Dalmellington is now in line with other popular holiday resorts in that it is in possession of a beautiful golf course. In the sheltered grounds of the Glebe and two adjoining fields, and occupying a most picturesque site, a nine holes course, extending to roughly 1900 yards, was formally declared open on Wednesday night by Mrs McAdam of Graigengillan, whose generosity towards and interest in the club have greatly contributed to the successful outcome of it’s efforts. Mr J.W. Smith, President, extended a cordial welcome to Mrs McAdam, and expressed the thanks of the committee and it’s members to her for her kindness. He sketched the origin and development of the club, and extended a hearty invitation to the public to become members. The membership was now 60, a very satisfactory figure considering the times, but he hoped for even more support.
Mrs McAdam, in declaring the course open, expressed her great delight at the formation of a golf course, and hoped it would be taken advantage of.
Thereafter, Mr J.K. Rutherford, Secretary, in presenting to Mrs McAdam a souvenir of the occasion, thanked her for her liberality and a gift of a pony mower for the course.A foursome exhibition match was then played by Mr John Wilson, Prestwick St Nicholas ; Mr Foggo, Ayr St Andrews ; Mr Lowdon, St Nicholas ; and Mr Hunter, St Nicholas, the large crowd present watching the match with keen interest. We are sure that visitors to Dalmellington will appreciate this new attraction, for the charges are very moderate. Mr Hourston and Mr Lowdon, Ayr, planned and lay off the course.
The Golf Course was a nine hole layout on land locally known as The Manse Glebe. A local beauty spot where Sunday school outing were held and local gala days took place. The land was the property of Craigengillen Estates and the Golf Club were charged £11 per annum for its use. The Golf Club functioned well from 1926 until 1940.
The government confiscated the land in 1940, cut down trees, ripped the place up and built a hostel and dormitory’s for Bevan Boys (In Picture ) Conscripted to works in local collieries.
From 1926 until 1940 the green keeper of the course was Mr Robert McCreath No.33, Broomknowe, Dalmellington.
The last captain of the golf club 1939-1940 was Mr Alec Glass, local District Office Manager who lived in the house called “Invergary” Castle Road, Dalmellington.
The Manse Glebe or the golf course we knew, now has a large private care home for the elderly which is surrounded by many modern private bungalow’s .
Local History
Hugh Johnstone M.B.E.
14, Park Crescent,
Ayr KA67RP
The Golf Course was a nine hole layout on land locally known as The Manse Glebe. A local beauty spot where Sunday school outing were held and local gala days took place. The land was the property of Craigengillen Estates and the Golf Club were charged £11 per annum for its use. The Golf Club functioned well from 1926 until 1940.
The government confiscated the land in 1940, cut down trees, ripped the place up and built a hostel and dormitory’s for Bevan Boys (In Picture ) Conscripted to works in local collieries.
From 1926 until 1940 the green keeper of the course was Mr Robert McCreath No.33, Broomknowe, Dalmellington.
The last captain of the golf club 1939-1940 was Mr Alec Glass, local District Office Manager who lived in the house called “Invergary” Castle Road, Dalmellington.
The Manse Glebe or the golf course we knew, now has a large private care home for the elderly which is surrounded by many modern private bungalow’s .
Local History
Hugh Johnstone M.B.E.
14, Park Crescent,
Ayr KA67RP