Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

Peebles Other Course

Peebles Golf Club

Now on their second course at Kirkland Street, now a municipal course, however, the club's first course was at Morning Hill on the South side of town, however, earlier unsuccessful attempts at starting a club had been attempted as can be seen below.

Peebles Advertiser October 25th, 1884



Trying To Stir The Locals


A correspondent sends the subjoined as evidence of what can be done in securing the prosecution of the “ grand old game,” in districts not one whit better situated for the purpose than Peebles, with its Hydropathic not surely behind that of Moffat. The Moffat course only makes pretensions to a “ field ;” surely Peebles could at least come up to that. Who will take the initiative and set a club a-going ?. Any flattish hillside not too far off the town would suit admirably. He hopes soon to see so great a boon un fail accompli ; - A number of gentlemen residing in Moffat have formed a golf club. Some twenty gentlemen have already joined the club, to which Mr Mac Gibbon has agreed to act as secretary in the meantime. A field on the farm of Chapel has been secured, and play will begin early next month.

Peebles Advertiser November 1st, 1884

The Game Of Golf


Still Trying To Stir The Locals


Sir, - I was glad to see the paragraph in your issue of last week regarding the grand game of golf. I an quite sure, as your correspondent suggests, a hillside, or even the use of one or two fields could easily be procured near the town, a wall, or hedge, being little or no obstruction. I have played over most greens in Scotland, and I am sure a piece of ground could be obtained even less hilly than some parts of Gullane course. It would only require a beginning to establish a large and influential club in Peebleshire, and I know it would receive the utmost support from Lord Wemyss, Lord Elcho, Mr J. Wolfe Murray &c, who are most enthusiastic golfers. I trust the proposal will not be allowed to fall to the ground, and now is the time to take the matter up, as were such a club formed it would add much to the interests of business people in the town, as well as the healthful enjoyment through the many strangers who would visit it during summer for the sake of the golfing, let alone the many other atrractions such as, scenery, fishing, bowling, &c. I know it from experience that it is the golfing games at North Berwick, Dunbar, Musselburgh, Burntisland, that are the great attraction for gentlemen and their families in summer, and not the sea air altogether. I trust to hear more from parties interested in the sport, who I would recommend to call a meeting and discuss the matter ere long. – I am &c.


 Six Years Later !!

Southern Reporter March 5th, 1891



Strenuous efforts are being made by a party of golfers in Peebles to acquire a course on the farm of Edderton ; and a deputation has been appointed to treat with the tenant for a lease of the ground.

Edinburgh Evening News September 12th, 1892


There has been a clamour all summer on the part of visitors to Peebles for a golf course, and at a meeting of gentlemen in the Town Clerk’s office, a field on Mr Mathison’s farm was agreed upon as a site, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements.

Scotsman October 6th, 1892


New Golf Course At Peebles


For some considerable time past Peebles has been alive to the fact that she is behind nearly every other place, and especially every other place for summer resort, in that she possesses no golf course. About four years ago an endeavour was made to acquire a course on the farm of Edderston, about a mile to the South of the town, but owing to the committee in charge of the matter being unable to face the tennant’s claim for compensation, the attempt in the meantime was suspended. Unable to find any other suitable place, negotiations were recently renewed, and the committee have just come to terms with the tenant. The Earl Of Wemyss, the proprietor of the farm, has agreed to grant a lease to the golf club for a period of twenty one years on favourable terms, and a considerable sum of money has been subscribed to meet the tennant’s claims of compensation to lay off the course &c. A public meeting has been called by the Town Clerk for Tuesday next, in order that the matter may be publicly inaugurated, and there can be little doubt that the course will supply a want which has been much felt in Peebles since golf became popular, and especially during the past season when the number of visitors somewhat fell off owing, there can be little doubt, to this very want. The course when laid off, will be a very nice one, and being within a few minutes walk of the town, is sure to prove popular.

Edinburgh Evening News October 12th, 1892

The Peebles Course


The Formation


A most convenient and suitable site for a course has been secured on the Morning Hill, on the farm of Edderton, and last night a meeting of those favourable to the formation of a golf club was held in the Peebles Town Hall, Major Thorburn presided. It was agreed that Lord Wemyss should be the President seeing that he had given a lease of the ground for a number of years on very favourable terms. Mr Henry Ballantyne, of Millden, was appointed Captain of the club.

Peebles Advertiser March 4th 1893


Peebles Golf Club


We have much pleasure in recording that this club has made a capital start, and now has a large membership. At a meeting of the committee the other night, three beautiful medals were handed to the secretary, Mr Wm. Lyon, solicitor, to be competed for during the season. One of these is a large and most artistically designed silver medal, which will be competed for under handicap rules, but the precise terms of the competition for it have not as yet been determined. Another of these medals is of gold, and is intended for competition by the lady members of the club, the most successful competitor during the season being the holder.

Then there is a finely got-up silver cross, which will be competed for once a month by the boy members, under handicap rules, and will become the property of the most successful competitor for the season. These handsome medals should prove a great incentive to competitors to do their utmost in the competitions for the coming season.

We understand that arrangements are being made for the erection of a suitable pavilion on the course, which will prove a great boon to the members.

The original layout of the course in 1893

Scotsman April 10th, 1893


Opening Of Peebles New Golf Course.


The formal opening of the new golf course and club-house at Peebles took place on Saturday afternoon in beautiful weather. There was a large attendance of players and the general public and the Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council were also present. The Captain of the club, Mr Henry Ballantyne of Minden, said he was glad to see so many present, which he thought went to show that the latest editions to the attraction of Peebles was a great success. He called on Mr Walter Thorburn, M.P., to declare the course open. Mr Thorburn said he had to congratulate those who had been engaged in the formation of the club and the town of Peebles in at last being in possession of a ground which was second to none of any of the inland courses in Scotland. The club started under the happiest auspices. Already there are 21 life members, 95 ordinary members, 23 ladies, and 24 boys and girls, giving a total membership of 166. ( Applause )

As regards its financial position, the club would start practically free of debt, and he had no fear that it would ever get into a financial bunker ( Laughter )

He was glad to see that they had enlisted the ladies as members, for, if necessity arose, they would make most successful beggars – ( Laughter ) – and would be most essential in the case of a bazaar. He was pleased to see so many of the artisan classes were members, for in such games it was most healthful and satisfactory that members of all classes of the community were brought together. The popularity of golf had been phenomenal, and the golf fever had been even greater in England than it had been in Scotland. Peebles had long been known as a favourite resort of all classes in search of pleasure and he thought they had taken steps in procuring their golf course to enhance the pleasures of Peebles. Peebles had always shown enterprise. It was the first provincial town that had gas, and one of the first that had a railway into it, and if they were not first with their golf course they had one now which was one of the best inland ones in Scotland, and which he had great pleasure in now declaring open. ( Loud Applause )

The Captain, in name of the club, then presented Mr Thorburn with a beautiful silver mounted cleek, supplied by Messrs Goudie & co, Edinburgh, and bearing a suitable inscription, with which he asked him to drive off the first ball. Mr Thorburn having performed this ceremony, Provost Lossock, in a eulogistic speech, thanked Mr Thorburn for his attendance and services, after which a match was played by teams chosen by the Captain and Mr Lyon, the secretary. The course is a nine holed one, and two rounds were played. The match was witnessed by an interested crowd. The following is the result : -


                       Captain’s Team                                                   Secretary’s Team


H. Ballantyne Jnr ( Captain ) and

G.A.D. Ferguson ……………………….  0     Wm. Lynn and Alex. Yellowlees ..   1

J. Ramsay Smith & Wm. Thorburn  …..   1      Rev. J.L. Symington & John Paton  0

P. Masterton & Wm. Mitchell  ……….    0      John Ballantyne & J.R. Blackwood  2

R.S. Anderson & T. Rough  ………….    4      W. Gordon & W. Nicol  ………..     0

A. Caldwell & J.S. Kennedy ……….       0      M. Dyer & J. Ogilvie  ………….     7

T. Douglas & Robt. Black       ………..   0       J. Simpson & W. Johnstone  ……..  8

J. Clapperton & A.W. Hamilton  ……..   0       James E. Black & J.F. Herriot  …..  2

T. Gray & J.P. Dalrymple …………..      0       W. Lossock & James Hood  ……..  6

John Veitch & A. Brown  ……………..   6       Henry Kerr & Jas Keddie  ………. 0

R. Veitch & T. Davidson   …………….  0        W. McQueen & J. Inglis Jnr  …..   6

W.T. Simpson & T. Wilson  …………    2        J. Crichton & Jas. Young  ………  0

                                                                  13                                                              32

Peebles Golf Course ( Morning Hill ) 1893.


Southern Reporter, April 20th 1893.

Opening of New Golf Course.


The formal opening of the new golf course and club-house at Peebles took place on Saturday week in beautiful weather.

There was a large attendance of players and the general public, and the Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council were also present. The Captain of the club, Mr Henry Ballantyne of Minden, said he was glad to see so many present, which he thought went to show that this latest addition to the attractions of Peebles was a great success.

He called on Mr Walter Thorburn M.P. to declare the course open. Mr Thorburn said he had to congratulate those who had been engaged in the formation of the club and the town of Peebles in at last being in possession of a ground which was second to none of any of the inland courses of Scotland.

Scotsman October 31st 1907


Proposed New Golf Course For Peebles.

Kirkland Farm.


Last night a representative public meeting was held in Peebles – Provost Sir Henry Ballantyne presiding – to consider the formation of a new golf course for Peebles and the raising of funds. Sir Henry Ballantyne said that some time ago a committee had been formed of the present committee of the Peebles Golf Club and others interested, and that special committee had decided to take a lease of the Kirklands Farm from Lord Wemyss, and form it into a golf course. They had had expert advice, and were satisfied it would make an excellent eighteen hole golf course. There would be a good deal of initial expense, and altogether it was reckoned that £1,000 would be required to meet this, and to have a clubhouse erected and the course properly got agoing, and they would have to consider the best means of raising the money. Several of those present spoke in favour of having a new course which would so silly as the present one, and all were agreed that it would be a great attraction to visitors. It was unanimously agreed that a bazaar to be held in August next, in order to raise the necessary funds, and a large committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements.

The clubhouse At Kirklands

Sothern Reporter July 2nd, 1908


Opening Of A New Golf Course.


Yesterday afternoon the new eighteen hole golf course, which promises to be one of the attractions for visitors to the town, was opened by Provost John Ballantyne.

The Provost, Magistrates, and members of the Town Council, headed by the towns halberdiers, and the Peebles Silver Band, accompanied by a good number of golfers, marched in procession from the Council chambers to the new course at the Kirklands Farm. The town’s officials were received by the golf club committee. Mr Gordon, solicitor, Captain of the club, in presenting the Provost with a silver mounted cleek, referred to the hearty support they had received from the Town Council, Mr Theim, of the Hydropathic, and other parties in the town. The Provost thanked the committee for their kind invitation to be present at the opening, and he expressed the hope that the new golf course would be a great success, and be the means of bringing visitors to the ancient burgh. Remarks having been made by Sir Henry Ballantyne and others, the Provost declared the course open by driving the first ball.

Thereafter a match was played in foursomes, and taken part in by a good many well known golfers. Representatives from the neighbouring clubs were present at the opening, and all expressed their delight with the new course. A large marquee was erected on the ground, tea and other refreshments purveyed by Mr Theim being served to all.

Southern Reporter July 23rd 1908


New Club


The new golf course, opened two weeks ago at Kirklands, is now in full swing, and promises to be a great attraction to golfers from the city. Last week a new golf club was started under the name of “ Neidpath,” arrangements having been made with the committee of the Peebles club to get the use of the course at a reduced charge. Already nearly fifty members have enrolled.

Southern Reporter January 11th, 1917

Peebles Golf Club’s Financial Difficulties.


The Peebles golf club held their annual meeting last week, Sir Henry Ballantyne, presiding. The hon. Secretary’s report was not a very cheery one, the debtor balance at the close of the season being £154,1s.6d. The income from all sources being £268.6s. while the expenditure was £422.7s.6d. The rent of the course was £135. The amount received from the grazing tenant being £80. The Earl Of Wemyss had agreed to reduce the rent to £100.

Office bearers were appointed, the secretary, treasurer, and Captain all being re-elected. Mr T.H. Ballantyne was elected Vice Captain. A discussion took place on the question of carrying on the work. The secretary gave a detailed statement of the estimated cost and income from suggestions made by the members. The annual average cost of upkeep for the last six years was something like £443.17s.2d. By continuing the present 18 hole course the cost on the present arrangements would mean next year a deficit of £300. To discontinue the golf course would mean a deficit of £84. After a full discussion it was unanimously agreed that a small committee consisting of Mr R.E. Millar, Captain ; Mr T.H. Ballantyne, Vice Captain ; and Mr John Lyon, Hon. Secretary, be appointed to confer with the town council and Mr Thiem of the Hydro, and report to the members of the club.

A view looking South over the Kirklands course. The old Morning Hill course is away in the distance in the top right hand corner of this photo.

Southern Reporter June 13th, 1918


Golf Course To Be Closed


A meeting of the members of the Peebles golf club was held in the book club room, Chambers Institute on Saturday evening – Sir Henry Ballantyne presiding.

The interim secretary’s report showed that the membership for the season ending October 1917 was 66 males, and 37 lady members – total 103. The treasurer’s abstract of accounts showed an expenditure for the year of £382. 8s. 6d, a loss for the season of £82.16s. Added to the previous years debt balance of £154.1s.6d, this gives a debit balance due the bank of £236.17s.6d. After consideration it was agreed to dispense with the services of the greenkeeper, let the course out for grazing, and cease play until the end of the war.

Southern Reporter October 24th, 1918


A Municipal Golf Course


The Town Council have acquired the grounds of Kirklands and Jedderfield from the Earl of Wemyss. The grounds, which extend to over 180 acres include the present golf course, houses, and cottages, and Jedderfield Farm. The price of purchase was £5750.

The golf course will now be run as a municipal course, and arrangements are being made to put the course into condition for winter playing.

Southern Reporter April 3rd,1919

New Golf Club


A new golf club has been organised for the purpose of organising competitions amongst the players. Although the club will have no control over the course, which now belongs to the Town Council, the playing of competitions will introduce a social element amongst the players. The following officials have been appointed :- Captain, Dr Turnbull Smith ; Vice Captain, Mr John Lyon ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr D. Morrison ; with a small committee of management.

Southern Reporter June 22nd, 1922

Gift To The Golf Club


The cleek which Sir Walter Thorburn received when he opened the Morning Hill golf course on Edderston Farm, has been presented to the present Peebles golf club by the members of the family.

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