Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland


Glenfarg Golf Club.  Founded 1904.  A 9-hole course laid out by Willie Auchterlonie on Easterdown Estate, half a mile from the village. 

   "Arrangements are being made in connection with the golf course laid out by Auchterlonie on Easterton Hills, and it is expected that the course will be ready for play by summer. As there are a number of fine houses to let in the village, the course is expected to help largely in the development of the place."  

(Perthshire Advertiser 21.3.1904)

The New Golf Course.


   "A short time ago a public meeting was held in the Corbett Memorial Institution for the formation of a Glenfarg Golf Club. The Rev. J.W. Jack was called to the chair, and explained the object of the meeting. It was unanimously agreed to proceed to the formation of a club, in the hope of making a course on Eastorton Estate, both the tenant of the farm, Mr James E. Bett, and the trustees of the late John Christie Esq. Of Easterton, being willing that a lease of about seventy acres of ground of a most suitable nature should be granted.

   The following office bearers were thereupon elected:- Viz, Mr R.R. Simpson, W.S., Edinburgh, Hon president; Mr Wm. Deas, J.P., presiden ; Mr Charles MacKarsie, Vice-President; Rev. James W. Black, M.A., Captain; with a secretary, treasurer, a committee of management, and a green committee. Rules and a constitution were adopted, and a lease of the ground was submitted and approved of generally.

   At a subsequent meeting of committee, it was agreed to spend £100 on the making of the course, and to advertise for a competent man to attend to the making of it, and act as greenkeeper during the summer months.

   The annual subsciption has been fixed at £1 for gentlemen ; 10s for Artisans ; 10s for Ladies ; and 7s 6d for youths under 18. Summer visitors can play over the course at a much smaller figure – Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.

    The course is to be round the Easterton Hills, the starting place being about 800 feet above sea level, and commanding a magnificent view. The entrance is to be along the old right of way, and thence by a footpath up to the top of the hill.

   The course has been laid out by Willie Auchterlonie of St Andrews, and will eventually make one of the best inland courses in Scotland. It has the great advantage of being hilly, instead of flat as too many are. With the combined assistance of residenters and visitors, the club bids fair to be a great success."  

(Perthshire Advertiser 16.4.1904)

  "A meeting of the committee of management of the Glenfarg golf club was held in the institute. The lease of the ground at Easterton between Mr James E. Bett, the farmer, and the club was read and signed by the trustees of the club, and it was resolved to proceed at once to the making of the course.

   Mr William Deas, J.P., was appointed treasurer of the club, Pro Tem. Messrs Bett and Alexander Deas were appointed to have stiles erected over the fences on the way up to the course, and to consider generally what should be done in the making of the pathway.

   The rules and constitution of the club are being printed and tickets of membership will be ready in a few days. The price has been fixed at £1 for annual members, 10s for ladies and Artisans, and 7s 6d for youths under eighteen. There are also tickets for visitors per Month, Week,or day at small charges.

   The ground taken contains 63 acres, and the pathway is to be straight up from the village, the total distance from the lodge gate being about half a mile"  

(Perthshire Advertiser 7.5.1904)

Opening Of the New Golf Course.


   "On Saturday afternoon a new golf course which has been laid out by W. Auchterlonie, the well known St Andrews professional, on the Easterton Estate, Glenfarg, was formally opened by Mr R.R. Simpson, W.S., Edinburgh. The course is one of nine holes, and is 2000 yards long. It is situated on high lying ground to the west of the village of Glenfarg, 800 feet above the level of the sea. As the course was only laid out four weeks ago, it is still in a rather spongy condition, and the greens were somewhat soft, but with plenty of rolling and cutting there is hope of it before long one of the best nine hole courses in Scotland.

   Mr William Deas, President of the Glenfarg club, introduced Mr Simpson, and in doing so said that the golf course had been opened for the benefit of visitors who came to the village in the summer time. In conclusion, he presented Mr Simpson with a silver cleek with which to drive off the first ball. Mr Simpson, in opening the course, said no summer resort was complete without a golf course, and he was glad Glenfarg that day had added a golf course to it’s already numerous attractions.

   After declaring the course open, Mr Simpson, amid loud cheers drove off the first ball from the tee. On the motion of the Rev. J.W. Jack, Captain of the Glenfarg club, Mr Simpson was awarded a hearty vote of thanks. Tea was then served, after which a number of ladies and gentlemen played over the course"  

(Perthshire Advertiser 11.6.1904).

This postcard, registered in 1905, shows the magnificent views from the course.

   "The course stands high, being 800 feet above sea level at the 1st tee.  A commanding view of the surrounding scenery is to be had.  The course has improved year by year and is now in first class order.  The greens are good and well kept. 

Length of Course 2640 yards – Bogey 36

Hole No                   1       2       3       4        5       6      7      8      9     

Length in yards    290   214    220   194   243    207  170  290   241.

Bogey                      4       5        6       3        5       3     3       5      5

 (Who's Who in Golf 1907)

   "The annual general meeting of the golf club was held on Monday night – the President, Mr William Deas in the chair.

   The treasurers report showed a balance in hand of £8 odd. The secretary, Mr Burnie, in giving in his report, stated that there had been an increase in the membership, which now stood at 92. The Capatin, in moving the adoption of the reports, said they were most satisfactory, and expressed the opinion that if golfers in the surrounding districts only knew the advantages of the Glenfarg course, they would be glad to join the club.

   The club had maintained itself with a good working balance for four years now, and the probability was that it would do much better in the future, as golf was so largely in the increase. The adoption of the report was seconded by the Vice-President Mr MacKarsie, who conveyed the thanks of the whole club to Mr Burnie for his able secretaryship, and to the ladies committee who attended to the teas.

   Office bearers were appointed for the ensuing year as follows; - Hon. President, Mr R.R, Simpson, W.S. Edinburgh; President, Mr William Deas, J.P. Glenfarg; Captain, Rev. J.W. Jack, Glenfarg; Secretary, Mr William Burnie, Glenfarg; Treasurer, Mr William Deas. The committee of management was re-appointed as it stood, consisting of eleven, seven of whom are trustees of the club. The green committee was was also appointed again, with Mr J.B. Bett, Easterton, Chairman."  

(Perthshire Advertiser 16.2.1908)

Glenfarg v Falkland

On Glenfarg course. Scores :-

                                 Glenfarg                                        Falkland


J.W.R. Mithchell ……………0       D. Bonthrone ……………1

J.E. Bett ………………………  1        J.O. Levack ………………0

And. Smith  ……………………1       F. Henderson  …………  0

W. Burnie   …………………… 1       Geo. Anderson  …………0

J.W. Jack  ……………………   1       D.H. Richardson……… 0

H. Deas  …………………………1        J. Cochrane ……………  0

Dr Gibson  ……………………  1        J. Peggie  …………………0

C. McKarsie  …………………  1        A. Anderson  ……………0

R.D. Falconer  ……………… ½       J. Methven ……………  ½

                                            7 ½                                         1 ½

(Perthshire Advertiser 1. 7. 1908)

Falkland v Glenfarg

Played at Falkland, Scores :-

                                 Falkland                                      Glenfarg


W. Peggie  ………………………1          W. Burnie  ………………0

D. Bonthrone ………………… 1          Rev. J.W. Black………  0

G. Robertson …………………  0         Duncan Wilson…………1

J. Cochrane …………………… 0         C. McKenzie …………… 1

Rev. C. Fraser  …………………0         W. Deas Jnr……………  1

D.A. Richardson  ……………  1          W. Deas…………………  0

                                              3                                               3

(Perthshire Advertiser 22.7.1908)

Postcard registered in 1928, taken near the high point of the course.

   "One of the most successful concerts ever held at Glenfarg took place last week. Mr J. Swan, Milnathort, occupied the chair. The proceeds were in aid of the golf club, and the programme was almost entirely supported by visitors. A bumper audience received a special treat, and heartily applauded the many items. Over £9 was taken at the door.

   The ladies and gentlemen who took part were :- Miss Fraser, The Misses Brough, Miss A. Wilson, Rev. A. Goodall, M.A. ; Mr J.R. Stephenson, and Mr J.G. Greig. The accompanist was Mr A. McClelland. A dance followed, the Glenfarg string band providing excellent music."   (Perthshire Advertiser 1.9.1909)


"Glenfarg golf club may close down." (Dundee Courier 22.10.1938)


Still to type up from files.


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