Gannochy Golf Club. First mention 1897. A 9-hole course laid out by Lord Ramsey at the bottom of Edzell village by the church. It was originally for 'gentlemen' but other villagers were allowed to play; they were known as the 'Five Bob' men. With the advent of gutties, play became dangerous and the course closed. Members moved to Edzell GC but the club remains a club within a club. Membership 38.
Gannochy Golf Club Formation
"A meeting was held on Friday to consider the advisability of forming a new club for the benefit of those residing in Edzell, as they are to be granted the use of the course at a fee of 5s a year. The Rev. T.C. Sturrock was called to the chair. The meeting agreed to the formation of a new club, to be called the Gannochy club, and elected office bearers as follows :- President, J. Davie ; Secretary and Treasurer, R. Hood ; Members of committee – D. Ferguson, J. Carr, J.G. Thomson. The committee were instructed to arrange some competitions for the ensuing season." (DA 17.5.1897)
"The Gannochy golf club succeeded in beating the Brechin Artisans club over the course here on Saturday by 39 holes to 21. Those who managed to outstrip their opponents were – D. Ferguson, ( 6 ), G. Smith ( 7 ), J. Ferrier ( 2 ), D. Kidd, ( 4 ), R. Imrie ( 1 ), D. Manson ( 3 ), J. Byers ( 3 ), and J. F Milne ( 13 )." (DC 11.10.1898)