Stockbridge Park Golf Course. Originally a 9 hole course in Stockbridge Public Park. Exact date of laying down unknown, but must have been in 1885 or, more likely, earlier
Stockbridge Golf Club
"A petition from the Stockbridge golf club, asking permission to play golf on the Stockbridge Park from six to eight in the morning, was sent to the parks committee."
(S 10.6.1885)
Entrance Fee, None ; Annual Subscription, Five Shillings ; Number of Members, 56. Captain William G. Munro. Committee Office Bearers and six others. Secretary P. Seton, 15, Leslie-place, Edinburgh. Greenkeeper, J. Rattray.
Club Prizes. Prizes to the value of 31. are played for annually, and a Charm is presented to the member who is most successful in the monthly competitions for the Wallace Medal. There is also a charm given to the best scratch scorer in the Medal competitions.
The best Scratch Scores in a club competition are 91, made by D. M. Jackson, G. Millar, and R. Robinson, at Leven, 26th April ; and 79 by W. G. Munro, jun., at Kinghorn, 29th October, 1888.
The club green, Stockbridge Public Park to the north of the city, is anything but a good golf course." (GA 1889-90)
The Club moved to a 9 hole course in Inverleith Park in the northern district of the town, and the short game is allowed on a portion of the ground daily till 10 am.”
(GGA 1898).
“Golfers in the northern part of Edinburgh are grumbling very much because the Corporation are neglecting to keep down the grass in Inverleith Park, so as to allow of their having a morning round there. Their grievance seems legitimate and easily remediable, and they ought to cry loud and shout until the grass disappears.”
(G(W) 10.7.1894)
Major trophies: Anderson Scratch Gold Medal, Wallace Handicap Silver Medal, Silver Cleek. Membership 60.
Latest mention 1909.