Culross Golf Club. Founded 1 May 1893.Culross can boast of its cricket and football clubs, but in order to keep pace with the times, and also to make Culross more attractive to summer visitors, a new golf course has been laid out. The course, which lies about one mile due North of the burgh, is on the estate of West Grange – Mr J.J. Dalgleish’s. The new course is a nine hole one. The membership of the club as yet is not large, but there is every reason to believe that ere long the club will number many members."
(DP 1.7.1893)
"Intending visitors to Culross, and golfers in general, will be glad to learn that the above golf course, which was laid out two years ago, has this season been extended so as to include nine holes. A golf house has been erected, and the greens have been greatly improved. There is also a ladies course of nine holes. These courses are finely situated in a commanding position at Gallowridge, about a mile to the North of Culross. The Right Hon H. Campbell Bannerman M.P., has kindly consented to accept the office of Hon. President of the club." (DP 18.5.1895)
"The lady members of this club competed on Saturday for the handicap prizes, which was won by Miss Beveridge, Greenfield, with a score of 62 plus 14 – 76. The next best rounds wer : - Mrs Reddie, 88; Mrs Arnot, 9 ; Mrs Gentle, 93."
"A team from the Alloa golf club went to Culross, on Satuday afternoon, to meet a team of the local club. The latter were victorious by 3 holes. Scores :-
Culross Holes Alloa Holes
Mr J. Beveridge ……………. 0 Mr Blair ………………….. 1
Mr D. Gilmour …………….. 4 Mr Cuthbert ………………. 0
Mr W. Rennie ……………… 3 Mr Murie ………………… 0
Mr D. Beveridge ……………. 0 Mr A. Thomson ………….. 1
Mr J.G. Reddie …………….. 0 Mr Hills ……………………. 3
Mr J. Arnot ………………… 0 Mr Howie ………………….. 2
Mr T.W.R. Johnston ……….. 3 Mr Norval …………………. 0
Total …… 10 Total ……..7
(DP 28.8.1895)
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch May 21st 1896
"Although much has been written of the Royal Burgh of Culross – at one time a detatched portion of Perthshire, but now a part of Fife – it is as yet practically undiscovered as a health resort. It is called a burgh, but many villages might, in respect of a much larger population, lay better claims to the title.
Still there is something about Culross which even the casual observer cannot but regard with veneration. Almost everything about it is suggestive of a former age. Until a few years ago the hostelry was redolent of a previous century, and the alterations which have been affected upon the Dundonald Arms – famous far and near for high teas and the best of whiskey – have only added to the comfort of the visitor while detracting none from the pleasure of sojourning among historic associations. Most people know that Culross was once famed as the seat of the girdle-making trade, and some history books tell us of James the Sixth shouting “ Traitor” when he emerged from the shaft of a coal pit situated on a neighbouring island (where by the way, an effort is at present being made to revive the mining industry by developing the field which was proved in the sixteenth century.) Everybody knows, too, about Dunimarie, which is situated in the immediate vicinity. Hitherto, little has been done by the natives to attract summer visitors to the place, which is charmingly situated and admirably protected against Easterly and Northerly winds ; but of late a number of the more enterprising inhabitants have been setting their houses in order, and, if one is not too exacting in his demands, comfortable accommodation can be obtained at rates which no one will deny are reasonable.
The indispensable golf course has also been provided – thanks principally, to Dr Reddie, who has settled down to a practice in the district.
The course consists of two old pasture fields which have been secured from Mr Dalgleish on the estate of Braxton Grange. Like most inland courses, the one at Culross cannot compare with St Andrews Links, but it affords considerable scope for good play, natural hazards in the shape of high hedges, trees and ditches having been taken advantage of, and where long driving is not required the player will find some really good sporting holes. A Ladies course has likewise been provided, as may be seen from the accompanying sketch." (EED 21.5.1896)
“The course is situated about one mile north of Culross, on Gallowridge Farm, and is of nine holes. The hazards consist of walls, hedges, trees and nine ditches. There is a small club-house. The course is two miles distant from East Grange Station, or from Bogside Station (Dunfermline and Alloa line, N.B.R.) No conveyance runs to the course, but hiring is cheap. There are splendid hotels in the neighbourhood.
Pres. The Rev D W B Fleming; hon sec. The Rev John Gordon MA, The Manse, Culross; greenkeeper, Alexander Mitchell. Sub. gentlemen £1, 1s., ladies 10s. 6d. (GGA1898)