Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

Ross & Cromarty's Private Courses.

The following Private courses gave been identified in Ross & Cromarty:


Beaufort Castle, Beauly


Dalmore House, Alness


Flowerdale, Gairloch


RN Coastal Battery, Nortrh Sutor


RNAS Fearn

Beaufort Castle, Beauly

   "A match between seven of the Beaufort Castle players Captained by Lord Lovat, and a like number from Beauly, was played over the castle golf course on Saturday evening. The games were closely contested, and the result was in doubt until the last green, when Beauly won by one match.

The following were the teams :-


                    Beaufort Castle                                                     Beauly


Lord Lovat …………………   0                                Mr A Birnie …………………….    1

Captain Stirling …………… 0                                Mr J McKenzie …………………  1

Hon B.C. Maxwell ……….. 0                                Mr J.A. Campbell ……………...  1

Mr Jury ……………………     1                                 Mr G.B. Jamieson …………….. 0

Mr Hughes ………………..    1                                 Mr D. Macpherson ……………  0

Mr S. Vickers ………………   1                                 Mr R.W. Hepburn …………….  0

Mr A Robertson …………… 0                                Mr J.W. McRae ………………..   1


                                            3                                                                                  4



( NC 13.4.1910)


Noted Professionals at Beauly


   "The new course on Lord Lovat’s estate at Beaufort Castle, Beauly, was formally opened today. The course was constructed under the direction of Ben Sayers, Sen, of North Berwick, and is like many other private greens in the North of Scotland full of interesting golf.

   To celebrate the opening Alex. Herd ( Huddersfield ), ex open champion ; Tom Fernie, ( Troon ), and Ben Sayers, Sen, ( North Berwick ) – all of whom played for Scotland in the recent international match with England – took part in the competition."  

(GET 10.8.1910)  

Beaufort Castle. The golf course was located to the front of the castle grounds.

Dalmore House Private Golf Course


Ross-Shire estate in the market

   "In the Royal Hotel, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, the estate of Dalmore, Alness. Ross-Shire was put up for sale by Messrs Knight Frank & Rutley, auctioneers and land agents, Edinburgh, and London. The estate extends to 428 acres and is situated on the shores of the Cromarty Firth. The foreshore extends to about 209 acres in addition. Included in the estate are a farm, mansion house, and gardens ; while the value of the timber has been estimated at £1106.

   The salmon fishings include the exclusive rights of the salmon and sea trout fishing from both banks of the river Alness. There is a private golf course of nine holes. The upset price was £22,500, but there were no offers. The rental is £1230, or, minus public burdens £1030.17s.2d."   (AJ 21 11 1913)

Dalmore House in 2008.
Private golf course can be seen to the East of Dalmore House.

 Flowerdale, Gairloch

Flowerdale, Gairloch. A 9-hole course on the Airds, owned by Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Lord Lieutenant of Ross and Cromarty.

   “For some time back golf has been played here.  Recently Captain Burgess mentioned the matter to Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, who has kindly given permission for the use of a fairly good course the best available meantime. Preliminary steps have now been taken with the view of forming the Gairloch Golf Club, and Mr Alex. Burgess,jnr. has been appointed secretary pro tem” (RJ 29.6.1894). In 1904 more land was given to extend the course to 18  holes.

RN Coastal Battery, North Sutor

RN North Sutor Costal Battery, A small cliff-top course or the recreation of the officers during WW2.

RNAS Fearn

RNAS Fearn Golf Course. Although built by the RAF in 1941, the airfield did not come into use until taken over by the RN in 1942. The golf course was laid out for use of servicemen and closed when they moved out in 1946. Although the airfield closed in 1946, it remained an Air Ministry asset until 1954.

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