Hilltarvit Golf Club. Founded 1892. A capital little nine-hole course on three fields on the farm of Hilltarvit, at the foot of Tarvit Hill, from the east end of Garlic Bank to the Cemetry and close to the railway station, It has some attractive hazards,but the amount of hilly country traversed, requiring more attention than there were funds for, at length brought the affairs of this club to a standstill. It amalgamated with Cupar GC in 1896.
Capt. David Osborne, solicitor, Cupar; vice-capt. Dr John McDonald; hon sec and treas. D H Brakenridge, 29 Crossgate, Cupar; greenkeeper, C B Henderson. Membership 60. Sub. 10s., Ladies 5s. Visitors' monthly tickets, 2s. 6d. (GGA 1898)
The Evening Dispatch October 24th, 189
Text with sketch
The above is a plan of the newly-laid course at Cupar. Some half-a-dozen years ago a club was started at Cupar under the name of the Hilltarvit Golf Club, and the ground was on three fields on the farm of Hilltarvit. The course comprised nine-holes, but the amount of hilly country traversed, and the fact that the grass was luxurious, requiring more attention than there were funds for, at length brought the affairs of this club to a standstill. The old established “ Cupar Golf Club” had been in the habit for several years of playing at Ladybank, sharing the course there with the local club ; but dissatisfaction was expressed, and last week the Cupar club and the Hilltarvit club amalgamated. The result of their conjoint deliberations has been the preparing of a practically new course at Hilltarvit, the feature of which is that all the holes are confined to the low lying parts of the fields, and thus good play is likely to be more common than formerly. Much has yet to be done in the way of keeping the course well cut, but in time there is no doubt that it will prove popular. Already there is a promise of eighty members. The first hole starts at the Ceres road. The long hole is 320 yards in length. Par play for the round of nine holes should be 40. Only two or three of the greens exist which the Hilltarvit club levelled and rolled, but the pavilion erected by the now defunct club, containing boxes, &c., will come in as an excellent legacy to the amalgamated club.