Muthill members in 1936
Proposed Golf Club
"R.T.N. Speir Esq. Of Culdees, has expressed his willingness to give the use of his grounds, situated in the vicinity of the Station Road, to form a golf course for the recreation of villagers, visitors, &c., provided a sufficient number of members are enrolled who will take the responsibilty of forming the same and keeping the course in playing condition – the club to be designated “ Muthill Golf Club.”
(PA 17.8.1904)
Formation Of First Golf Club.
"A meeting of those favourable to the formation of a golf clubwas held in the Masons Hall, when about 40 ladies and gentlemen attended. Rev. J.H. Shepherd was called to the chair, Mr R.T.N. Spier of Culdees has kindly offered ground for a course.
It was agreed to form a club, and the following office bearers were appointe :- Captain, Rev. Mr Shepherd; Vice Captain, Rev. Messrs Laidlaw; and Match Secretary and Tresurer, Mr William Wilkie, Post Office.
A committee was also chosen consisting of an equal number of ladies and gentlemen." (PA 28.9.1904)
Dundee Courier October 11th, 1907
Proposed golf course for
A meeting ( called by the Rev A. Mutch, minister of the parish ) of those interested in securing a golf course for Muthill was held in the library room of the Public Hall on Wednesday evening. The following were present :- Miss B. Anderson, Beachlea ; Miss Clark, Elmbank ; Miss Tory Ewing, Pitkellony ; Misses Irvine, Kirklea ; Misses Morrison, Underhill ; Mrs J.T. McRobbie, Elmbank ; Misses Robertson, Drummond Arms Hotel ; Miss Shepherd, Balquharrie ; The Rev. R.P.R. Anderson, M.A., U.F. Manse ; Mr James Haldane, Schoolhouse ; Mr W.M. Finlayson, Drummond Villa ; Mr James Morrison, Dunvegan ; Mr Morrison, Underhill ; Rev. A. Mutch, M.A. The Manse ; Mr Thomas Mc Whannel, Commercial Hotel ; Rev. J.H. Shepherd, M.A. ; And Mr Hampton Shepherd, Balquharrie.
On the motion of the Rev. Mr Mutch,the chair was taken by the Rev. Mr Shepherd.
The chairman made a statement with regard to the situation, dwelling especially on the cost of the upkeep of a course such as might possibly be secured in the district.
After some discussion a committee of six gentlemen was appointed to make full enquiry into the matter as to where ground could be secured, roughly estimate the probable cost of upkeep and other expenses, and to report to a future meeting.
Second Club and new course
Muthill Golf Club. Instituted 1911. A 9-hole at Drumlaken Park, on ground leased from he Earl of Ancaster’s estate. The club was slow to develop. When the course was turned over to agriculture on 1917, to aid the war effort, the club collapsed and was wound up on 28 March of that year. (Muthill GC History
New Course
Lord Ancaster when at Muthill on Thursday, in connection with the coronation celebrations, it is understood, privately stated that it was his intention to give the use of Drumlaken Park for a golf course. This is just what the village has been badly in need of, and Lord Ancaster’s action will be greatly appreciated by the community.
Dundee Courier July 12th 1911
Golf Course For Muthill
A public meeting of the inhabitants of Muthill was held in the Public Hall there on Monday evening, at which there was a large attendance to consider an offer by the Earl Of Ancaster to give the use of Drumlaken Park, adjoining the village, as a golf course.
Mr George T. Ewing, his Lordship’s factor, presided, and stated that during Lord Ancaster’s visit to the village on Coronation Day, his Lordship, in response to a request, was quite willing to grant the use of Drumlaken Park on certain conditions at a nominal rent of 2s 6d per annum. The announcement was received with loud applause.
Dr Irvine expressed the gratitude of the meeting of this announcement, and a resolution was unanimously adopted thanking Lord Ancaster for his generous offer, which the meeting cordially accepted.
Afterwards, the Rev. A. Mutch, parish minister, and Rev. Mr Anderson, U.F. Church, expressed gratification at Lord Ancaster’s kindness, and urged all to support the scheme for forming the park into a golf course. Promise of generous support has been received.
Dundee Courier March 15th, 1912
New Golf Club At Muthill
A general meeting of the new Muthill Golf Club was held in the public hall, when the Rev Andrew Mutch, M.A. presided over a fairly good attendance. Mr Mutch, as convenor of the committee appointed to carry out the preliminary arrangements, reported on the progress made with regard to the forming of the greens, &c., in Drumlaken Park, and Mr Stuart, Hon Secretary submitted a good financial report.
Office bearers for the ensuing season were then nominated as follows :- Hon President, The Earl Of Ancaster ; Hon Vice President, Mr R.T.N. Spier of Culdees ; President, The Rev R.P.R. Anderson, M.A. ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr George Stuart ; Captain, Mr James Muir ; Committee – Misses Morrison, Underhill ; C.V. Ewing, Pitklellony ; C. Irvine, Kirklea ; Messrs John Gow, Stewart Fearn and William Callander.
Mr John McCulloch, Lochgelly, has sent a medal for monthly competition among the members and it is understood that the first of these competitions will commence next month.
Present club reconstituted in 1934