Larkhall Golf Course 1909.
Larkhall Golf Club. Instituted 1909. A nine-hole course at Burnhead.
The club thrived until 1918, when it closed and the assets sold off. A new club. using the old course, opened in 1920, operating until 1928 when, again, it closed. It reopened in 1933, but closed yet again with the onset of WW2.. It was almost dug up in 1944 for the coal.
The council took over the course in 1958 and reopened in 1960 it with an exhibition match John Panton and Eric Brown. It remains a municipal course.
"As will be seen from our advertisement columns, a meeting of the above club will be held on Friday first. We understand the club can only go on provided that by that evening a membership of about 100 gentlemen (not including ladies) can be guaranteed, and we trust the movement to inaugurate the club will be successful. In the event of the club going on,those joining now will,we understand,escape payement of an entrance fee. " (HA 20.11.1909)
"A general meeting of the club was held in the public hall committee room on Thursday evening last. There was a good attendance, presided over by Dr McNay. The draft constitution and by laws were gone over and subsequently approved of.
Thereafter the office bearers were appointed as follows viz: President, Mr James Barr: Vice president, Dr McNay: Captain Mr Wm Lowson: Vice captain, DR D.L.STEVENSON : Secretary, MR THOMAS JEFFREY : Treasurer, Mr W S McKenzie: Committee - Messrs Wm Watson, James Watson, Wm Paterson, Wm Cunningham, A B Mitchell, W.H.Cross, Chas Brooks, Wm Frame And Robert Nicol.
The chairman intimated that arrangements had been made to get immediate entry to the field, and play will begin very shortly. The secretary Mr Jeffrey will be pleased to have the names of ladies and gentlemen who propose joining,and we trust the new golf club will meet with great success.
The committee have placed no obstructions in the way of the ladies having equal facilities with the gentlemen for playing the game." (HA 11.12.1909)
"The season is now open for the ancient game,and the committee hope to se a large addition to the membership. The course is fairley situated on the outskirts of the town,and commands a splendid view of the surrounding district. The course has been receiving attention during the winter, and is now greatly improved."
(HW 4.2.1911)
"A special general meeting of the club was held in the public hall (committee room) on the evening of Tuesday last. There was a good attendance of members, presided over by Mr William Lawson, Vice president.
The meeting had been called for the purpose of considering the availability of erecting a pavillion, and after discussions among the members present it was agreed to proceed with same, and Messrs William Wilson and Sons, Joiners, the lowest bidders, were appointed to the work. It gave much for the success of the club that it is able on the second year of its existence to erect a pavillion,which will be a very desireable adjunct to the course,and should tend to the greater success of the club." (HA 13.5.1911)
"The handsome new pavillion which this club has erected on their course will be formally opened this afternoon. Dr McNey, the club president, will be " at home " from 3 till 6 o'clock, and members and friends are cordially invited. A mixed foursome competition will also be played." (HA 19.8.1911)
"The new pavilion was opened on saturday last in presence of a large company of ladies and gentlemen. The opening ceremony was performed by Dr McNay, President of the club,who referred to the success which had attended the club since it's inception,and expressed the hope that the addition of the pavilion would make for the greater prosperity of the club. Dr Stevenson, the captain of the club, proposed a vote of thanks to the president for the great interest he had taken in the club,to whom much of it's success was due.
A mixed foursomes competition was thereafter played between teams representing the president and captain. Victory after an enjoyable game resting with the captain. Prizes (3 golf balls each) were presented to Miss Templeton And Mr R B Stevenson, the lowest scores (50) for the captain's side,and two golf balls each for Miss Dewar And Mr James Watson (53), the lowest scores for the president's side. During the afternoon the president was " AT HOME " to members and friends from other clubs,who turned out in large numbers,and his hospitality was very much enjoyed.
The pavilion is of very artistic design from plans prepared by Mr Brown, Architect, Hamilton to whom a hearty vote of thanks were accorded for his gratuitous direction,and the constructors were Messrs W M Nelson & Sons, Joiners.
The club is looking forward to a prosperous year on it's EXTENDED course."
(HA 26.8.1911)
"A meeting of the club was held in the Public Hall Committee Room on Tues evening last. Dr McNay presided over a good attendance.
The meeting had been called to discuss the Management Committee's recommendation to extend the course by taking in the field adjoining the railway and the chairman reported that Mr D.Adams, of Glasgow, an expert in those matters, who had gone over the course and prepared a plan indicating how the extension could be carried out, had stated that the course when extended would be one of the best nine-hole courses in the country.
After some discussion dealing with the financial outlay required for extension and upkeep, the proposal to extend was carried by a substantial majority, and the extension will therefore shortly be proceeded with. This was all the business." (HA 28.9.1912)
"A special general meeting of this club was held on 18th inst, when the following was part of a resolution put to the meeting :- “ That the club be wound up as at Whitsunday, 1918 ; that the assets be realised forthwith, and that th eliabilities be discharged by a levy on the members if necessary.”
The resolution was carried without a dissenting voice, and a committee appointed to carry through the liquidation. From our advertisement column it will be seen that members are requested to remove their property from the pavilion." (HA 23.2.1918)
"The adjourned meeting was held in the Public Hall on 22nd inst. The report of the ground committee was read. The committee, after hearing same, decided to return to the old course at Burnhead. A splendid start is assured the club, as upwards of fifty gentlemen have already signified their intention to join. The Ladies also are very enthusiastic. Play is expected to start in March." (HA 24.1.1920)
"The golf club has been resuscitated, and up to date 130 members have enrolled. At a meeting the following were appointed office bearers :- President, Mr John Murphy ; Vice President, Mr Wm. Murray ; Secretary, Mr Joseph Dewar ; Treasurer, Mr W.S. McKenzie ; with a large and influential committee." (HA 14.2.1920)
"The course of the Larkhall Golf Club at Burnhead, Larkhall, was formally opened for the season at an “ At Home” held here on Saturday. The opening proceedings were favoured by pleasant weather conditions, unfortunately the rain fell heavily in the evening but the opening and competitions had concluded before the weather broke down.
The President, Mr Murphy, declared the course open in a neat speech, in which he referred to the assistance which had been given him in organising a golf club in Larkhall. Mr Murphy paid a special tribute to the work of the Ladies, who are deserving of much praise. In the close of his speech, the President was accorded a hearty cheer, all the members realising how much is due to his efforts.
Miss Bett opened the play by leading off in the mixed foursomes competition, her drive being greeted with applause. During the progress of the game tea was served in the pavilion, by the Ladies. The foursome competition resulted in a win for Miss Forrest and Mr H.J. Stewart, Miss Wilson and Mr J. Frame being second. A driving competition was held. Mr J. Thomson and Mr R. Hawthorn being first and second respectively.
Considering the preceeding wet weather, the course is in good condition and is rapidly improving. The green committee is confident that it will be in excellent playing order in a very short time." (HA 15.5.1920)
"The annual general meeting of the members of the Larkhall Golf Club was held in the Lesser Public Hall on Monday evening last. Mr Wm. Murray, President, occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance.
The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were submitted and considered very satisfactory, the finances of the club being in sound position. Both reports were adopted as well as the reporting of the green convenor and Match committee.
Office bearers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows:- President, Mr John Pate; Vice President, Miss M. Lang, Mayfield; Secretary, Mr J.F. Miller, Annfield; Treasurer, Mr John Sinclair, Union Bank; Captain, Mr R. Dick; Vice Captain, Mr George Cowan, Auditors, Messrs Robert F. Steele and Andrew Wilso ; Messrs Alex Craw, Donald McIntyre and Peter Burges, with Miss May Thomson were elected on the committee in place of retiring members.
The club had had a most successful season last year, and for this season it was agreed to have qualifying rounds in the various competitions.
It was also agreed to create a depreciation fund. This being all the business, Mr Murray, the retiring President, was heartily thanked for his past services."
(HA 3.2.1923)
"The annual dance of the members and friends of the golf club took place in the Public Hall on Friday evening last. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion by Mrs C. Angus, Renfield Street, Glasgow, while Mr Corrie of Motherwell, supplied the dancing cloth. Sixty couples took part, and the dance was a most enjoyable one. The Smith family supplied the music, which was, as usual of a first rate nature. The purvey arrangements were in the capable hands of Messrs Austin Ltd, Bellshill and Glasgow, and the Lesser hall was tastefully laid out with tempting dainties for the company. The arrangements for the dance were successfully carried through by Misses Train, Wilson, Paterson and Thomson : Messrs J.C. Pate, R.C. Dick, Geo. Cowan, D.L. McIntyre, Wm. McLaughlan, J.M. Sinclair with Mr J.M. Miller, Secretary and Convenor."
(HA 26.1.1924)
"The annual dance of the members of the Larkhall Golf Club and friends was held in the Public Hall on Friday evening last. Fully fifty couples were present, and to the stirring strains of Smith’s Orchestra dancing commenced and continued with great animation throughout the evening. The music was greatly appreciated, and the band generously responded to encores, Messrs George Cowan, William Blackley, John Pate, and Andrew Wilson made four very efficient M.C.s. The decorations were a fine show, and the hall was tastefully decorated for the ocassion by Messrs Bennet, Hamilton, who also supplied the dancing cloth. The catering arrangements were entrusted to Mr J. Lightbody, Hamilton, and the Lesser Hall, with it’s subdued light and the dainties so temptingly laid out, delighted everyone. Mr Andrew Wilson, Secretary, had charge of the arrangements for the dance, and was assisted by a small committee of Ladies and Gentlemen. Everything, thanks to the excellent arrangements made, passed off without a hitch." (HA 24.1.1925)
"The annual general meeting of the members of the Larkhall Golf Club was held in the Lesser Public Hall, on 28th ult. Mr John Pate presided over a large attendance.
The reports of the treasurer ( Mr Sinclair ) and that of the secretary ( Mr A. Wilson ) were submitted and considered very satisfactory.
The election of office bearers for the ensuing year was afterwards proceeded with as follows:- President, Mr R.C. Dick; Vice President, Mr Wm Murra ; Captain, Mr Alex Craw; Vice Captain, Mr William Blackley; Treasurer, Mr J.S. Sinclai ; Secretary, Mr Andrew Wilson, The Cross; with a large general committee of Ladies and Gentlemen."
(HA 7.2.1925)
"Now that the season is on again for this appealing pastime, the Larkhall course has undergone extensive alterations during the winter months. The holes have been lengthened and new tees made, so that the members will find that the green committee has added considerably to the pleasure of playing over the course.
The first competition is due on the 11th April, and the fixtures for the season are now being arranged." (HA 14.3.1925)
"The President's “ At Home Day.” Took place last Saturday, when splendid weather conditions helped to bring out a large number of members and friends. The President, Mr R.C. Dick, addressing those present, welcomed both members and friends in the name of the committee and himself. In the course of his speech, he remarked that it seemed to be the impression that they had lost a large number of members to adjoining clubs, and the inference seemed to be that the Larkhall Golf Club would go under. He wished to contradict this rumour. They meant to carry on for a long time yet. As a matter of fact, Larkhall Golf Club is in a very flourishing condition, having well over 200 members and a tidy balance in the bank. They had an obliging and hard working greenkeeper, and an enthusiastic committee, with whom the members were in complete accord. Among the members generally, when they met on the course or in the clubhouse, there was nothing but the utmost good feeling. Indeed, in the latter respect, they were the envy of many clubs. Mr Dick continued in a humorous vein, and said that although they did not claim that their course was “ One of the best inland courses in Britain.” And they had to admit that some of the holes were less than a mile in length and their bunkers did not run into hundreds or thousands; still, he maintained that it was a fine little course, and every year there was a further improvement.
The Ladies committee, had, as usual prepared a substantial tea, and he hoped that everyone would take advantage of the good things provided. Mr Dick brought his speech to a close by declaring the course open for play.
Mixed foursomes competitions were arranged by Mr Craw, the Captain, and the match committee, and the result was – Vice President, 7 matches; President 3 matches. The best score for the nine holes was 48 made by Miss M. Forrest and Mr John Scott."
(HA 23.5.1925)
"The sixth annual general meeting of the members of the Larkhall Golf Club was held in the Lesser Town Hall on Wednesday 27th ult. The treasurer’s report was adopted.
It was decided to have a whist drive in March with a view to bringing the members together in a social capacity before the commencement of the playing season.
The following office bearers were appointed:- President, Mr R.C. Dick ( Re- Elected ): Vice President – Rev. A.W. McClymont, M.A.: captain, Mr W. Blackley: Vice Captain, Mr R. Wilson: Hon. Treasurer, Mr D. Lewis Kirk, S.S.C: Hon. Secretary, Mr J. Mackie, 27 Mason Street: New members to management committee – Miss J. Simpson, Messrs R.F. Steele, A. Craw, W. Murray, A. Wilson C.A., and R. Ogram. Mr Peter Burns and Mr Thos. Wilson were appointed auditors for the ensuing season." (HA 6.2.1926)
"It will be noticed from our advertisement columns that the golf course is now open for play. The summer greens are looking well, and the general appearance of the course is very attractive. During last season many improvements were made, and considerable labour was put upon the fairways and tees, so that it compares very favourably with courses of a similar size. Golf has now become so generally recognised as a healthy and pleasant recreation for all ages that there must be many in the district who would like to support the clubinit’s laudable enterprise." (HA 26.4.1927)
"Larkhall Golf Club made an auspicious opening on Saturday last when the scene in front of the clubhouse presented a very happy and animated picture. A large number of members and friends took advantage of the magnificent weather to put in an appearance and give the season a good send off.
The President, Rev. A.W. McClymont, in his remarks said it was a happy omen for the future of the club, and they were not selfish, but they wished as many as possible to share in the benefits they had. He hoped new members would still roll up, and with more money in their coffers the various energetic committee’s would be able to do yet more for the club. The Ladies had undertaken to carry on the Saturday teas that had always been so much appreciated. The course was in splendid condition, and he would just conclude by giving them as a slogan, “ Keep Tramping.”
Thereafter a very interesting match took place between mixed foursomes representing President and Vice President, in which the victory fell to the former. The lowest score was returned by Miss M. Wilson and Mr R. Hawthorne." (HA 14.5.1927)
"Patrons of golf are reminded of the exhibition golf match over the Larkhall course this afternoon, in which Mr W.B. Torrance (1st equal amateur British Open Championship 1927) , Messrs W.C. White, D.M. More, and J.D. Lowrie, all of the Watsonian Golf Club, will be opposed by local players captained by Provost P.E. Soutter, Hamilton. Mr Torrance is reckoned as one of the leading amateurs in the country and well worth seeing in the game." (HA 31.3.1928)
"An exhibition golf match was held at the Burnhead course on Saturday last when Messrs W.B. Torrance (1st equal amateur British Open Championship 1927), W.C. White, D.M. More, and J.D. Lowrie – all of the Watsonian Golf Club were opposed by a team of local players under the captaincy of Provost P. Elliot Soutter, of the Hamilton Golf Club, the matches being decided as follows :- W.B. Torrance and W.C. White beat Provost P.E. Soutterand R. Hawthorn by 5 up and four to play. D.M. More and J.D. Lownie beat D.L. Kirk and J. Scott by 4 up and two to play. The course was in a very soft condition owing to the recent rains, and the visitors were more successful in adapting their game to the difficult conditions than their opponents.
Mr Torrance is a member of a number of the best known club in the East of Scotland, and is the leading golfer of the Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society, at whose meetings he has won many awards in medal play. His most notable achievement in recent years was his being 1st (Equal) amateur along with Mr Perkins, the English Champion in the British Open Championship of 1927 held at St Andrews. He has represented Great Britain in the International Walker Cup contest with America. Mr White is also an outstanding stroke player, having been medallist of the Mortonhall club, Edinburgh on many occasions. He has the unique distinction of having been a member of the winning team in the “ Edinburgh Evening Dispatch.” Trophy, played on the Braid Hills course, Edinburgh, on not less than five occasions. Messrs More and Lownie are also amongst the leading Edinburgh amateurs, and both have gained distinction in the Braid Hills Tournament mentioned as well as in the Glasgow “ Evening Times.” Tournament in which they have been frequent competitors for a good many years. Mr Torrance was in his best form, and gave a fine exhibition, his score, considering the unfavourable playing conditions, was a notable performance and it was ably seconded by the other players.
The visitors complimented the club on the fine sporting features of the Burnhead course, and it’s ideal situation, overlooking the valley of the Clyde and the beautiful surrounding country. The match aroused considerable interest locally, and the playing was followed by many spectators.
After the match, Mr Robert Wilson, President, presented the visitors with a souvenir of the exhibition game, in the shape of a stainless steel pocket knife, inscribed “ Larkhall 1928.”
The gifts were unique in the respect that they were of the first batch made in Scotland.
Mr Torrance, on behalf of his friends, thanked the President, and said that if the visitors had enjoyed themselves as they had, then everyone had had a pleasant afternoon. He said that it was unfortunate the course was so wet, but hoped that on the ocassion of their next visit that it would be drier.
Mr Kirk thanked Provost Soutter for Captaining the team when the Provost said that it had given him pleasure, and promised to pay another visit in the near future."
(HA 7.4.1928)
"Larkhall Golf Club held its annual spring whist drive in the Lesser Hall, Miners Welfare Institute, on Wednesday evening, when Mr D. Lewis Kirk, S.S.C., President of the club, welcomed members and friends to the function. At the interval, a splendid tea was served by Mr Wm. Menzies. After 24 whist hands, Mr Kirk presented prizes to the following winners :- Ladies – 1, Miss F.M. Craw ( 180 ) ; 2, Miss M.S. Parker ( 172 ). Gentlemen – 1, Captain J.A. Robb ( 175 ) ; 2, Mr John Steel ( 171 ). Mr J. Mackie acted as M.C.
Damage to Golf Course Greens
Complaints of damage done recently to the greens of Larkhall golf club led to the appearance of two youths of 16 and 17 at the J.P. Court on Saturday. The fiscal stated that the greenkeeper of the course had been pestered for some time back by boys and young men stamping on the greens and doing damage, but he had refrained from reporting them to the police, thinking a warning would suffice. On a recent Sunday, however, the 6th green had been considerably damaged and part of the turf torn, caused, it was subsequently learned, by the two accused playing football on the green. A fine of 10s was imposed on each." (HA 22.3.1930)
"An exhibition golf match by four well known Scottish amateur golfers will take place on the local course at Burnhead on Thursday evening 14th May. Messrs Wm. Campbell, Cambuslang; John Caven, Elderslie; Jack Lang, Erskine; and R.W. Peattie, St Andrews, who have all figured prominently in Scottish golf for a number of years, should provide a feast for those interested in golf. The course opens for the new season today."
(HA 2.5.1931)
"The Burnhead course was formally opened for play for the season on Saturday afternoon when there was a large attendance. Golf enthusiasts in the district are already aware that in this connection a most attractive fixture is being arranged to take place at Burnhead on Thursday evening 14th May, when four leading Scottish Amateurs will play an exhibition game. The visiting team will consist of Messrs W.M Campbell, Cambuslang: Jack Lang, Erskine: John Caven, Elderslie: and R.W. Peattie, St Andrews. Mr Campbell has been twice Glasgow champion and twice runner up. He has won the Mackinnon Wood cup four times, is a Scottish Internationalist and played for the British team against the Americans in the contest for the Walker Cup held last year at Sandwich. Mr Caven has been runner up in the British Amateur championship, he is also a winner of the Mackinnon Wood Cup and of the Eden tournament held at St Andrews. In addition he is a past holder of the Newlands Trophy. Mr Lang is also a Glasgow Champion and was runner up to Major Hezlet in the Irish Open Amateur Championship of 1929, and he is also a Scottish Internationalist. Mr R.W. Peattie is well known, having been boys champion on two occasions. He was winner of the Eden Tournament last year and has been runner up in the Edward trophy, an important amateur scratch competition which is competed for annually in the West.
The match is arousing a good deal of interest locally, and it is certain that, given good weather, the players will be followed by many spectators. It is hoped that members of all neighbouring clubs will afford themselves the unique opportunity of seeing the golfing prowess of four such distinguished players in our midst.
There is already some speculation in local circles as to whether the amateur record of the Burnhead course – held by Mr William Millar – which stands at 72, will be lowered on this ocassion. The committee and greenkeeping staff are working strenuousely in order that the course may be in ideal condition for the game. Mr Henry Reid, the club Captain, will act as referee. The match is timed to start at 6.45 prompt"
(HA 9.5.1931).
"The local team played an inter club match with Strathaven club at Burnhead course on Wednesday evening ans after some keen play secured a victory by the odd game in nine.
To-day is greenkeepers day and members and friends are invited to take part in the play. Tea will be served, and Driving, Pitching, and Putting competitions will be held. – See Advert." (HA 30.5.1931)
"The attention of members and friends is drawn to the notice in our advertisement columns of the official openeing of the Larkhall Golf Club for the season at Burnhead to-day, when the usual match between sides representing the President and Vice President will be played during the afternoon.
Since the introduction of summer time, the course has been fairly busy, and with the approach of warmer weather, the members are looking forward to many pleasant games. The greens are presently undergoing special treatment, and are already showing improvement. It is expected that in a few weeks they will be in splendid condition."
(HA 7.5.1932)
"The course at Burnhead was officially opened for the season on Saturday last. The weather was dull in the early afternoon and rain was falling when the President, Mr Henry Reid, addressed the company. In spite of the dull weather, however, there was a splendid turnout of members and friends.
The President, in his address, referred to the progress which the club had made during the past year, and judging by the numbers making use of the course, he said the prospects for the coming year were very good. He paid a special tribute to the green committee, under the convenorship of Mr A. Craw, for the manner in which they had tackled the problem of improving the course, and said he was pleased to notice a great improvement in the condition of the greens.
A match between sides representing President and Vice President resulted in a win for the Vice President. The weather improved during the progress of the match, and after tea, the members took part in friendly games, which were very much enjoyed. Much of the success of the day was due to the lady members, who very kindly provided the tea, which was served in the club-house.' (HA 14.5.1932)
"The course at Burnhead was officialy opened last Saturday by the President, Mr John S. Campbell before a large attendance of members. Mr Campbell thanked the greenkeeper for the good condition of the course, also referring to the proposal of the County Council to acquire the course as a building site. He was now in a position to say, however, that, fortunately, another site had been acquired and with this obstacle removed he hoped for an increased membership and a most successful season. The usual President V vice President matches were played which resulted in a win for the President by 6 matches to 4. The prize winners were :- Mixed Foursomes – Miss E. Stewart and Mr James Bell. Gent’s foursomes – Messrs R. Miller and A. Brown. Tea was served after the match by the ladies committee." (HA 8.5.1937)
It looks as if golfing enthusiasts in the Larkhall District are again going to have a course of their own in the preseeable future, negotiations are well in hand for the acquisition by the fourth district council, of an area of ground near the site of the old course. The Larkhall club, since the closure of the former course, has been kept alive by playing several competitions each year on visiting courses, always in the hope that a course would become available in the district."
(HA 9.8.1958)
Hamilton Advertiser August 16th 1958
Golf Course Ground Purchased.
Negotiations have been completed by the fourth district council for the takeover at Burnhead of ground for the laying out of a golf course. The course is to be laid out for nine holes and will take in the old course at Burnhead and new ground on the East side right up to Skellyton Road. The council have had professional advice on the best layout of the course and have had consultations with members of Larkhall Golf Club. Work is to start at an early date, and it is expected that the course will be available to the public for play early next year.
Hamilton Advertiser April 16th 1960
The Lanarkshire Golf Association will have an addition to their membership this year. An application has been received from the reconstituted Larkhall Golf Club, who will play on the new course recently constructed by the fourth district council at Burnhead. The official opening of the course has been provisionally arranged for the end of May with a special exhibition match. Well known Scottish professionals, Hamish Ballingall and Bill Miller are expected to take part with two leading amateurs.
Hamilton Advertiser June 4th 1960
Parks Chairman Opens
Burnhead Golf Course
Big Crowd Watch Exhibition Game
The fourth District Council’s public golf course at Burnhead – constructed at a cost of £11,000 – was formally opened by Mr Hugh Kilpatrick, chairman of the parks committee, before a large attendance last Saturday afternoon.
The opening ceremony, at which Mr John Ewing, Chairman of the council, presided, was followed by an exhibition game in which W.M. Miller ( Cardross ) and Jack Milligan ( Hamilton ) beat J.H. Ballingall ( Old Ranfurly ) and George Parker ( Hamilton ) by 2 and 1. A large crowd followed the players over the course.
Extending a welcome to the large company, which included a number of councillors and Mr J.S. Campbell, District Clerk, Mr Ewing said that this was a day which had long been looked forward to by local golfers. More leisure time was being demanded today by those engaged in industry and commerce, and it was the aim of the District Council to provide facilities for the people to enjoy their leisure time.
It was better to have recreational facilities for young people as an outlet for their unexpended energies than to have a lot of vandalism, which was so costly to the country. The challenge of vandalism had to be met and the District Council – Alert to this Problem – had embarked on a programme of providing healthy recreational facilities for young people.
A running and cycling track had been laid out at the Robert Smillie Memorial Park and now they were adding to the facilities for sport by opening a golf course.
He hoped that many people, particularly young folk would take advantage of the facilities provided at the golf course.
Club’s Approach To Council
Mr Kilpatrick recalled the opening by Larkhall Golf Club of a course at Burnhead in 1910. Taking a leading part in the opening ceremony in that year had been the late Dr T. McNay and the late Mr James Barr. The club had been very successful, but had experienced difficulties during the first world war, and had suspended activities in 1918. A revival had taken place two years later, and the club had carried on with great success until 1944, when Open – Cast Mining operations were carried out at Burnhead. In 1951 the club had found it impossible to continue and the golfers had made an approach to the Council to see if they would consider the construction of a public course. The council had “ Set Machinery in Motion.” For the construction of a course covering an area of 87 acres. There were many delays but ultimately they had been able to convert what had been a “ Blasted Heath.” Into what would one day be a first class course.
Golf was playing game, and he hoped that many people would take advantage of the facilities provided at this public course.
Miss Catherine Edgar, grand-daughter of Mr John Burns, President of Larkhall Golf Club, presented a lovely bouquet of flowers to Mrs Kilpatrick. District Councillor, William Speirs, in proposing a comprehensive vote of thanks, made special mention of the good work done by Mr James Lawson, professional at Riccarton course, in giving advice on the layout of the course. Mr Kilpatrick played the first ball and later introduced the players taking part in the exhibition game.