Kirkmichael Golf Course ( Perthshire ) 1906.
The Courier April 21st, 1906
New Golf Course At
Carnoustie Professional Inspects
The Ground
"The proposal to have a golf course at Kirkmichael ( equi-distant from Pitlochry and Blairgowrie ) is now coming into shape. The ground has been selected. It is on Whitefield, a part of the well known property of Kindrogan. The course will, it is expected, be in order for play early this summer.
Bob Simpson, of Carnoustie, the well-known professional, has been over the ground at Whitefield and it understood his opinion is that the site is very suitable, and should make one of the best inland courses he knows. The promoters of the scheme are to be congratulated on the fruition of their efforts, and no little thanks are due to Mr Balfour of Kindrogan, who, it is understood, has given the ground on most reasonable terms." (DC 21.4.1906)
Opening of new Golf Course.
"On Saturday afternoon a new golf course was formally declared open by Mrs Rutherford-Lindsay of Ashintully. The course is a nine hole one, on the estate of Whitefield, belonging to Mr Frank Balfour of Kindrogan, who has granted a lease of the ground on very favourable terms. There was a representative assemblage present at the opening ceremony. Mr Constable of Cally introduced Mrs Rutherford-Lindsay, remarking that it was one of the greatest tokens of friendship they could bestow upon her to ask her to perform the opening ceremony that day, and presented her with a beautiful aluminium putter, around the handle of which was a silver plate bearing suitable inscription. Mrs Rutherford-Lindsay acknowledged, and said it was hardly necessary that day to discuss the pleasures and charms of the Royal and Ancient Game, which was now so popular. It was once a Scottish game, but it was too good to keep for themselves, and golf courses had multiplied all over the world, and when Nansen or any of these polar people reached the North Pole they would find golf in full swing, played with red balls on the ice. ( Laughter ). She hoped the golf championship would one day come to Kirkmichael, and concluded by wishing the course now opened all success. Amid great applause, Mrs Rutherford-Lindsay drove off the first ball. Thanks to Mrs Rutherford-Lindsay were proposed by Mr Parkington of Merklands, and to Mr Constable for presiding, by Rev. Mr Mackay. The proceedings were somewhat marred by heavy hill showers." (PA 1 8 1906)
Open at least until 1910 but not 1914.