Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

Hunton Farm, Stronsay

Orkney Herald August 8th 1928

The Hunton Farm Course

Recreation – Golf


Mr Dingwall, the champion of the fish trade, who holds the record for the Hunton course, took his departure on Friday. We wish him higher honours in the golfing world. The bailie says emphatically that the golf match between him and Joe will not take place unless they can get the course to themselves. “ He disnae want a lot o’ the lads after them.” It will be necessary for an umpire to be present and the banker to hold the stakes.

Orkney Herald July 16th 1930



A pleasant function took place on Thursday in the fish market before a representative gathering of the village and the fish trade, when the winner of the tournament, Mr Isaac Wallace, was presented with the Stronsay Golf Club Cup. Mr Thomas Thomson won golf balls as runner-up, and Mr Lewis J. Paterson golf balls for the best handicap score of the season. In the absence of the donor, Dr Mackay, Mr George Walker acted as chairmen, and in a happy congratulatory speech introduced Sir William Darnell, who formerly handed over the prizes, accompanied by sound advice and humorous comments. The winners briefly replied, and wished their thanks to be conveyed to the donors.

Orkney Herald August 6th 1930

Presentation to Mr and Mrs Robert Miller, Hunton.


A very interesting ceremony took place at Hunton Farm on the evening of Friday, 1st August, when the members of the Stronsay Golf Club called on Mr and Mrs Miller to hand over a few gifts. The Captain, Mr John Buchan, fishery officer, presided, and said that the members of the club had for long been thinking of acknowledging the kindness of Mr Miller in providing them the use of the ground, and he had pleasure in calling upon the Vice Captain, Mr L.G. Paterson, to hand over the gifts. Mr Paterson said that when the matter of subscription for this object was mooted amongst the members of the club, the response was readily forthcoming, with the result that they saw the lovely gifts before them now.

The gifts consisted with a pyrex casserole dish and stand, a gent’s dressing case, a pipe, and a mounted malacca walking stick. In handing these gifts over to Mr and Mrs Miller, Mr Paterson, on behalf of the club, wished them long life and health to use them.

Mr Miller, in reply, said he appreciated very much these tokens of the club’s gratitude and said that the club could continue to use his ground for their recreation. He appreciated very much the need of such a club in Stronsay, and was very glad to do anything he could to help. On behalf of Mrs Miller and himself, he thanked the club very much. The members were afterwards hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Miller.


Golf Club Match


Following the presentation to Mr and Mrs Miller on Friday night, the members of the golf club proceeded to the course, where a match, Captain V Vice Captain was held, resulting as follows :-


                                Captain                                                   Vice Captain

J. Buchan ……………………. 1                      J. Wallace ………………………..  0

G.B. Walker  ………………..  1                      L.G. Paterson  ……………………  0

R. Laurenson  ……………….  0                      G. Smith  …………………………  1

W. Campbell  ……………….  0                       E. Clements  …………………….   1

H. Flett  ……………………..  1                       J. Buchan Jnr  …………………..    0

D. Mowat  ………………….   1                       _   Dalziel  ……………………….   0

                                                 4                                                                                  2


At the close of the match the members were entertained to supper by Mr and Mrs Miller.

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