Garelochhead Golf Course. 1895.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times, March 20th 1895.
A golf course has been laid out near the railway and not far away from the station. It will be a very complete one, and from it’s situation will have a commanding view of the surrounding scenery.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times, March 27th 1895.
Golf Club.
A meeting was held in the schoolroom on Saturday evening for the purpose of forming a golf club for the district. Mr A. Vallance presided, and reported that ground for the golf course had been marked out by Mr A. Forgan, who described it as in every way excellent, both as regards the turf and the hazards. A committee was formed with Mr Vallance as Captain, and Mr D. Cameron of the Hotel as secretary and treasurer. Those desirous to become members should apply to the secretary. The subscriptions for gentlemen is 10s and for ladies 5s, and the course is expected to be opened in about a fortnight.
Helensburgh and Gairloch Times April 3rd 1895.
The golf course is getting rapidly into condition for play, and is expected to be open for the Glasgow Holidays. The following is a description of the course. : -
Starting Point below station to No 1 Hole.
There are two open ditches. Good hazards.
1 to 2 – Full cleek shot.
2 to 3 – Full cleek shot to edge of burn, then a difficult hazard across burn as it forks, with whins on banks, thereafter a good cleek and brassie shots. Two ditches, otherwise clear.
3 to 4 – Two risks, not difficult. Two good strokes to get on to green.
4 to 5 – Hill rising with bank in front of green.
5 to 6 – Two hazards. Quarry on each side.
6 to 7 – Quarry to the right, and in front of green.
7 to 8 – Two or three very dangerous hazards from ditches.
8 to 9 – Burn only difficulty to last hole.
The view from the rising bank between holes 3 and 4 is magnificent all round. Some trials have been made over the course with very gratifying results. Over 50 members have been already assured, and those intending to join should apply at once to Mr D. Cameron at the Hotel. The subscription at first will be 10s for gentlemen and 5s for Ladies.
Evening Times April 5th 1895
A new course is being laid out at Garelochead and will be opened on the Glasgow holiday. The ground is situated to the North East of Garelochead, and overlooks the Gareloch, Loch Goil, and Loch Long, so that the scenery is all that could be desired.
Helensburgh and Gareloh Times April 10th 1895.
The golf course will be opened on Monday first, when the first ball will be driven off at 10. 30am. The course is in a very forward state considering the time the committee have had at their disposal. Golfers and others interested are invited on the opening day. Mr Alexander Vallance is Captain.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times April 17th 1895.
The Opening
The golf course was opened on Monday, at 10.30 am, by Mr R. B. Browne, Bendarroch,under most favourable auspices. The weather was all that could be desired. The ground was in fine condition, and a large concourse of visitors and villagers witnessed the ceremony. The Captain, Mr A. Vallance ( having been presented with a golf club by Mr Browne in a very appropriate speech ), led off against Mr Dugald Thomson, of Glasgow, finishing with two holes up. This first pair were followed by an uninterrupted succession of pairs throughout the day till dusk.
Several hundreds of the villagers and lochside residents covered the course, following with the greatest interest the fortunes of the pairs and foursomes. Golf seemed as magical in peopling the hills with combatants in a peaceful contest as Roderich Dhu’s whistle did with warriors armed for deadly strife : and some remarkable records were made , notably one by Mr John Watson, who, in two strokes, holed his ball. All the players were delighted with the course, and many expressed surprise at it’s natural suitability for golf, and their delight in the variety and intricacy of the hazards. Some fine play was shown by Mr H. Browne, Bendarroch, and some who had never before handled a club gave promise of distinction in the near future.
The course was in splendid condition considering the rapidity with which it had to be prepared so as to be open for the Glasgow Spring Holiday, and has had nothing from experts who have examined it but the highest commendation.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times May 1st 1895.
A meeting of committee of the golf club was held in the Hotel on Saturday evening last. Reports as to the condition of the green were very favourable, and the membership has already almost reached the fifty anticipated at the opening.
No debt has as yet been incurred, as the course naturally required a comparatively small expenditure to form. Various improvements were , however, suggested and approved of, which, when carried out, will make the course as near perfection as pssible. Arrangements were also made for the issue of daily tickets for visitors to be had from Mr Hart, at the post Office, and for longer periods from the secretary, Mr D. Cameron, at the Hotel.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times May 22nd 1895.
The first prize competition in connection with the golf club will take place on Thursday first, when two prizes given by the Captain, Mr A. Vallance, the one for gentlemen and the other for ladies will be played for. The contest begins at 10.30am.
Golf. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times July 3rd 1895.
The prizes given by Professor Watson for competition on the golf course on Saturdaywere won by Mr Alexander Vallance and Miss Mary Campbell respectively with very good scores. There was a large number of competitors.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times July 10th 1895.
The golf club has reached a membership much beyond all anticipation, being at present over ninety, and the course is kept busy with players, experienced and inexperienced. A record was made on Saturday evening by the Captain, Mr A. Vallance, who went the round of the nine holes with another member, completing it with a score of 37, eight fours and one five. On a course with so many difficult hazards this is remarkably fine play.
A handicap tournament is to take place during this month for prizes to be given by Mr Duncan Cameron, the secretary of the association, and it is expected there will be a very large turnout of competitors.
Golf. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times September 11th 1895.
The golf club has been a most successful venture, and the course is now in a much improved condition. On Satuday a competition for three prizes for gentlemen and one for ladies took place under very favourable conditions of weather. About fifty competed, and the following were successful : Scratch Prize, R. Pryde Sen with a score of 89 ; Handicap Prizes 1st. R. Pryde Jun with a score of 89 less 3 – 86 ; 2nd James Pryde with 97 less 8 – 89. The ladies prize, a gold brooch, was won by Miss Margaret Browne.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times April 8th 1896.
The golf season began on Saturday in beautiful weather. The field has been further improved, and at a meeting the same evening the financial report was read, which was considered very satisfactory. It was proposed and agreed to that still further outlay should be incurred for desirable improvements, and the first tournament was fixed for Thursday, 21st May, so that players who desire to take part in it should make the acquaintance of the hazards to be encountered as soon and as often as possible.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times May 27th 1896.
The spring meeting of this club was held last Thursday. The first prize, a splendid oil painting ( Painted by Mr Arrol, and of local interest ) presented by Mr Jas. Arrol, painter, was won by the Captain, Mr Alexander Vallance, with a good score of 82, Mr J.S. Pryde coming in second with 91. The course is now in splendid condition.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times August 5th 1896.
On Saturday last, going round with a member, Mr Alex Vallance, Captain of the club, did the course in a good score of 38, this being only one stroke more than the record which Mr Vallance still holds. The course is in splendid condition ; a great many are daily playing, and the view from the course is much admired by the summer visitors.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times August 19th 1896.
The lady members of this club competed last Satuday for a very handsome gold bracelet, presented by Mr James Campbell, Queensland National Bank, Brisbane, a son of the late Captain John Campbell, Craigellan, and a member of a well known athletic family. The competition exited great interest, and there was a large turnout of members, the winner being D. Thomson, Broomhill Drive, Partick, with the good score of 75. Miss Campbell was second with 89, and Miss Jessie Brown third with 90. After the competition the competitors were entertained by the club to afternoon tea in the hotel. The course was in splendid condition, and the match was a great success.
Golf Club. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times March 3rd 1897.
The third annual general meeting of the Gairlochhead Golf Club was held on Saturday evening last, in Ross’s hall – the Rev. W.E. Ireland in the chair.Members turned out in very large numbers. The secretary and Treasurers annual report was read and adopted, and showed the club to be in a flourishing condition. For the purpose of erecting a clubhouse and enlarging and improving the greens, it was arranged to hold a sale of work in the Established Church Hall, Gairlochhead, on the 17th April. The following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year :Captain, Mr Alexander Vallance ; Vice Captain, Mr Arthur Paisley ; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Duncan Cameron ; Committee , Messrs A McPhun, James Hart, James Arrol, John Watson, Jas Watson, H. Brown, J. Connor, P. McFarlane and – Stark.
Golf Club- Bazaar. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times April 14th 1897.
All the arrangements for the Bazaar in connection with the golf club have now been completed, and it is expected that the object of the club will be fully obtained. The greens on the field have all been renewed, and a good deal of useful work has been done to make the game attractive. The sale of work takes place on Saturday, when all who wish to aid the club, or make a bargain, will have a very good opportunity of doing so. Every article will be ticketed at a very moderate price.
Golf. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times April 21st 1897.
The sale of work on behalf of the golf club, which took place on Saturday, was so well patronised that at the close Mr Vallance, in thanking the Ladies for their invaluable assistance in getting together so much beautiful and valuable work, and the purchasers who showed their appreciation by patronising the sale so enthusiastically, stated that the proceeds of the sale amounted to £111.00. The announcement was received with cheers.
Golf. Helensburgh and Gairloch Times July 7th 1897.
The golf season was formally opened on Saturday, and was specially interesting by the opening of a golf house which has been erected on an imposing site on the field. There was a large company of golfers present at the ceremony, and the Rev. W.E. Ireland declared the golf house open, and, in the course of his remarks, he had a word of praise for the energetic committee of the club and for the ladies who had done so much to provide a sum more than sufficient to meet the cost of the improvements to the course and the club-house. The house is of very pretty design, and will be a great convenience to players. It was used on this occasion for the distribution of tea and other refreshments, and it will no doubt prove a good shelter in unfavourable weather. Owing to the great attention given by the energetic Captain of the club ( Mr Vallance ) to the course, the greens are as near perfection as may be.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times April 6th 1898
At a general meeting of the golf club notice was taken of the loss they had sustained by the total destruction of their lately erected golf-house, which had been blown to pieces by a fierce gale. Some arrangements were made for the upkeep of the greens, which were declared to be in fine condition, but the matter of a golf-house was left over for a future meeting. Nearly all the old office bearers were re-appointed, and Mr John Watson was elected Vice Captain.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times March 30th 1910.
Golf Club – Cake and Candy Sale.
A cake and Candy sale was held in the Gibson Hall on Saturday on behalf of the funds of the golf club. The Rev. J. Paterson presided, and the hall was crammed at th ehour of opening. Miss Brooman White in a bright little address opened the sale, and on the motion of the Rev. W.E. Ireland, seconded by Mr Lindsay, the Captain of the club, Miss White was enthusiastically accorded a vote of thanks. The sale was carried on busily till the goods were disposed of, and the amount of over £50 was declared as the proceeds. This is considered as highly satisfactory and very creditable to the efforts of the committee.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times January 24th 1912.
Golf Club.
Whist Drive – A most successful whist drive was held in the Gibson Public Hall on Saturday evening, when there was a company of about one hundred present, including members and friends from Glasgow, Helensburgh, and Row. Whist was played until about 10 o’clock, when the prizes were presented by Mrs John Lindsay, Helensburgh, the winners being as follows :- Ladies, - first, Miss Gallacher ; second, Miss I. Hepburn ; consolation, Miss Stark. Gentlemen, First, Mr Donald Stewart ; Consolation, Mr Curry.
In the absence of the President, Dr McRitchie, the Rev, W.E. Ireland called for a vote of thanks to the secretary ( Miss M. Campbell ) and her assistants ( Miss L. Stark and Mrs Wiltshire ) for the most successful manner in which they had carried out the entire arrangements for the evening’s enjoyment, which was responded to with great enthusiasm, as was also proposed by Ballie Lindsay to the Captain, Mr A.E. Stevenson, who, in his usual efficient manner, acted as M.C. throughout the evening. A cordial vote of thanks being given to Mrs Lindsay for presenting the prizes, dancing was then engaged in till 11.30pm, music being supplied by some of the friends present. The general opinion was that this was the most enjoyable whist drive the club has yet held, and the wish was expressed that many more would take place in the future.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times May 1st 1912.
Garelochhead Club.
The annual meeting of the above club was held in the Parish Church Hall on Saturday. The treasurers report was considered very satisfactory, showing a balance in favour of the club of £52 12s 5p being an increase Of nearly £5 on last years balance. The following is an abstract from the report by the committee of management :- During the year just completed there has been an increase in both lady and gentlemen members, but a slight decrease in family and non playing members. The committee are looking forward to a still more prosperous year, as up to the present date only two resignations have been sent in. From the treasurers statement it will be seen that the club is in a very sound position financially. The committee were again fortunate in their choice of a greenkeeper last year, as all members and visitors alike said that the course was in excellent order, especially the greens, so we hope the same will be said at the end of this season. During the summer there were several mixed foursomes competitions, in which visitors were allowed to take part ; also pitching and putting competitions. Very handsome prizes were presented to the club by Mr Holm, of Giffnock, and Mr Gordon of Elmgrove ; also by the Captain, Mr A. Ewing Stevenson. To these gentlemen the committee tender their sincere thanks. During the year the committee arranged two dances and two whist drives, all of which were most successful. The summer dance is in aid of the funds of the club, and the club has many kind and generous friends who contribute so willingly towards defraying the expenses. To these ladies and gentlemen a deep debt of gratitude is due, and it is the hope of the committee that the dance in August will be well patronised by the members. The following office bearers were appointed for the ensuing year :- Hon. President, Mr R. Brooman White ; Hon Vice Presidents, Mr A.H. Holm, Mr W.R. Smith, and Dr P. McRitchie ; President, Ballie John Lindsay ; Vice President, Mr A. Ewing Stevenson ; Captain, Mr Arch. McLellan ; Vice Captain, Mr A.D. McCall ; Secretary, Miss M. Campbell ; Treasurer, Mr A.H. Wiltshire ; committee of management, Mr J. Alexander, Mr A.H. Edmiston, Rev. W.E. Ireland, Mr James Stark, Mr W. Wright, Miss M.O. Browne, Miss Fraser, Miss Mitchell, Miss L. Stark, and Mrs Wiltshire.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times July 10th 1912
Garelochhead Club.
The stroke competition for the Vallance cup was held on Saturday, when the winner was P. Hutchison ( 18 ) with a net score of 73. The ladies monthly medal competition also took place on Saturday, when the winner was Miss McFarquhar ( 12 ) with a net score of 61. Other scores :- Miss Fraser ( 10 ) 64 ; and Miss Park ( 10 ) 68. Winner for June – Miss Fraser ( 10 ) 49.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times July 17th 1912
Garelochhead Club.
Favoured with fine weather, the club had a good turn out of members and friends on Miss L. Stark and R. Marr ( 5 ½ ), 41 ½ ; 2nd, Miss Park and A.D McColl ( 8 ½ ) 45 ½ ; Pitching and Putting – Ladies – 1st, Miss L. Stark 10 ; 2nd, Miss Park and Miss A. Park ( tie ) 11. Gentlemen – 1st, A.E. Stevenson, 9 ; 2nd, A. D. McColl,9. Putting – Ladies, 1st, Miss Fraser, 20 ; 2nd, Miss Park 21. Gentlemen – 1st, A.D. McColl, 16 ; 2nd, A.E. Stevenson, 16. The above competitions have been so successful that it is the intention of the club to continue them on the remaining Saturday’s of the month.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times April 2nd 1913
Garelochhead Golf Club.
This club has every reason to congratulate itself upon the great success of the Fancy Dress Ball held in the Gibson Hall on Monday evening of last week. This being the first dance of the kind in connection with the club, a large number of members and friends took part. The spectators will not readily forget the gay scene that met their eyes as they gazed upon the youth and beauty decked out in their charming and grotesque costumes from the medieaval times up to the present rag time. Miss Jessie Melvin and Mr W. Connor were the winners of the prizes, which were gracefully presented by Miss McKnight, Laurelbank. So many members and friends coming from far and near to attend these functions bear witness how popular this club is becoming. Over one hundred attended the event, all dressed in fancy dress.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times April 30th 1913.
Garelochhead Club.
The annual general meeting of the above club was held in the Parish Church Hall on Saturday last. The treasurer’s report was considered very satisfactory showing a balance in favour of the club of £58. 7s, being an increase of £5 14s 6d on last years balance. The following is an abstract from the report of the committee of management :- The club has come to the close of another very successful and prosperous year as the treasurer’s statement will show. There is every reason for congratulation, and the work done by the committee during the year speaks for itself. The course last summer was in excellent order and was greatly taken advantage of by members and visitors, the increase in receipts from temporary members alone amounting to £9 5s. All were unanimous in praise of the course and improvements made. There were many keen competitions in which visitors took part, and everything was done by the committee to make their stay enjoyable, and their appreciation was shown by the great increase of temporary members. On Easter Monday there was a record turnout of members and friends, as from early morn till dewy eve the course presented a busy and brilliant spectacle, so much so that it made one wonder if it was really Garelochhead, or had one by chance come to St Andrews, Turnberry by mistake. This shows what an attraction a golf course is to a small village like ours, and the committee trust that the same support will be given to the club by the villagers and householders as in former years. Early in the summer the committee were very fortunate in securing a small club-house, which has been a great boon to the players.
At the close of the summer competitions a few of the lady members prepared tea, which was very acceptable after a hard fought game. One whist drive was held during the winter, which as usual was a great success, as also were the Easter and Autumn dances, the proceeds from which amounted to about £10. Last month a fancy dress ball was held in aid of the funds, it being the first of the kind in connection with the club, a great many members and friends took part, some coming a great distance to be present, another sign of the growing popularity of the club. The proceeds of this dance amounted to over £12. The committee feel much indebted to the ladies and gentlemen who gave donations towards defraying expenses in connection with the dance, as it is greatly owing to this help so freely and generously given that the funds are so satisfactory.
The following office bearers were appointed for the ensuing year :- Hon. President, Mr R.C. Brooman White, of Arddarroch ; Hon. Vice Presidents, Messrs A.H. Holm, W.R. Smith, A.E. Stevenson, and Bailie John Lindsay ; President, Rev. John Paterson ; Vice President, Mr A. McLellan ; Captain, Mr A.D. McCall ; Vice Captain, Mr A.H. Edmiston ; Joint Secretaries, Miss M. Campbell and Mrs Wiltshire ; Treasurer, Mr A.H. Wiltshire ; Committee of management – Rev. W.E. Ireland, Messrs James Stark, W.G. McDougall, J.T. Lyon, Misses M.O. Browne, Fraser, Mitchell, L. Stark, J. McPhun, and Mrs W.R. Smith.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times May 13th 1914.
Annual General Meeting.
The annual general meeting of the above club was held in the Parish Church Hall on Saturday evening – Rev. J. Paterson, President, in the chair. The Hon. Treasurer’s statement was considered satisfactory and was unanimously approve of. The following office bearers were elected :- President, Mr W. McCall, Rockville ; Vice President, Mr A.H. Edmiston ; Captain, Mr W.R. Smith ; Vice Captain, Mr R.J. O’Connor ; Hon. Secretaries, Miss M. Campbell and Mr A.H. Wiltshire ; Hon Reasurer, Mr A.H. Wiltshire ; Committee of management, Rev. W.E. Ireland, Messrs Lyon and McLatchie, Misses Brown, Fraser, Ireland, Mitchell, McPhun, stark, and Mrs W.R. Smith.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times February 16th 1921
Fancy Dress Dance
Another fancy dress dance was held in the Gibson Hall and was a great success. This dance was to become an annual event on the golf club calander.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times May 4th 1921
Golf Club
Saturday evening. The treasurer’s statement showed quite a satisfactory state of affairs. The income from all sources was £222. 4s 3d and the expenditure £132 17s 1d, leaving a balance at 31st March last of £89 7s 2d. The following increases were made in yearky subscriptions :- Family Ticket to 30s , entry fee 10s ; Gentlemen 10s entry fee 5s ; Ladies, 10s entry fee 2s 6d ; Householders non-playing ticket, 7s 6d ; The following are the office bearers and committee of management :- President, Mr W. McColl, Rockville ; Vice President, Rev. W.E. Ireland, M.A. ; captain, Rev. C.A. Robertson, B.D. ; Vice Captains, Messrs W.R. Smith and J. Devlin ; Joint Secretaries, Miss M. Campbell and Mrs A.H. Wiltshire ; tresurer, Mr A.H. Wiltshire ; Committee of management, Misses L. Stark, J. McPhun and Hendry, Messrs E. Ireland and Maclean.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times April 16th 1924
Golf Club Dance – The annual dance in aid of the funds of the golf club took place in Gibson Hall on Friday evening, when about 25 couples were present. The platform and tables were beautifully decorated by Mrs W. McCall and Mrs C. A. Robertson, and the exquisite Cineraria plants were kindly lent by Mr McCall and Mrs Stobo. The President of the club, Mr W.R. Smith, made a most efficient M.C. and dancing was carried on till 2 o’clock. During an interval for tea, the prizes for the year were presented by Mrs W.R. Smith, who also, in a graceful little speech, asked Mr E. Ireland – who was leaving for Japan the following morning – to accept a little momento from the members of the Dramatic Society with all good wishes for his success in his new sphere abroad. Mr Ireland, in a witty speech, thanked Mrs Smith and the other members of the society for the beautiful and useful electric lamp and fur and their kindness and good wishes. Rev. W.E. Ireland said some of those present thought he ought to make a speech, but he could only thank all for the kindness shown to his son, that it somewhat mitigated the pain and sorrow of parting to think of all the kindness shown to him ere leaving. He, Himself, had only one fault to find with his son, and that was that he would always ride his motor bicycle too quickly. Mr Richard Edmiston proposed a vote of thanks to the ladies committee who had taken such pains with the catering, to Mr Buchanan, Helensburgh, and the other members of his orchestra who had supplied such delightful music , and to Mrs W.R. Smith and Mr James Arrol who supplied the music for the extras. At the close the President made an appeal for a large attendance at the annual general meeting to be held in the church on 26th inst. The following are the prizewinners :- Miss H. McFarquhar, monthly medal and club prize ; John Arrol, Vallance Cup and Presidents Prize ; John Douglas, aggregate score and Mr Bensons Prize ; Alex Douglas, monthly medal and club prize.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times May 23rd 1928
Garelochhead Golf Club
A Satifactory Year
The annual general meeting of this club was held on Thursday evening, the Captain presiding. The treasuer’s statement showed the finances of the club to be in a healthy condition, the balance from the previous year being £80 9s 4d and the income from all sources amounted to £114 14s 8d. The expenditure amounted to £100 0s 3d leaving a balance carried forward £95 3s 9d. The following office bearers and committee of management were elected for the ensuing year :- President, John R. Watson ; Captain, Alex Douglas ; Vice Captain, Miss J.S. McKechnie ; Secretary, Miss J.S. McKechnie, Heather Bank ; and treasurer, Miss Hepburn, Stanley Cottage. Committee of management, Misses McPhun, Marshall, Vallance, and Wiltshire, and Messrs Benson, Wiltshire, Maclean, and McKellar. Mr Hugh McCallum was engaged as greenkeeper.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times October 3rd 1928
Whist Drive
The golf club will open it’s winter campaign with a “ Basket” whist drive on Friday, October 26th. Last yearthis method of raising funds was tried and caused much merriment and was a good source of revenue to the club. A campaign is being carried on also to raise money to enable the club to erect a new club-house, which is urgently required. An enthusiastic committee have on hand several schemes for the raising of funds, and we wish them the best of luck.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times August 13th 1930
Golf Match.
Garelochhead Ladies, 5 Matches ; Craigrownie Ladies, 4 Matches. Played at Garelochhead.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times March 18th 1931.
Golf Club.
On a recent evening this club held a whist drive,followed by a dance, and both were very successful. Thirteen tables were filled with players of the “ Silent” game, and the prizes went to the following :- 1st Lady, Mrs Ferguson ; 2nd Lady, Miss Gardener ; Consolation, Miss Jean Hamilton ; 1st Gentleman, Mr F. Irving ; 2nd Gentleman, Dr J.M. Thomson, who also won the travelling prize ; Consolation, Mr J. McIntyre ; Ladies travelling prize, Miss Moir. The prizes for the season’s play were also presented, and were as follows:- Vallance Cup and Presidents Prize ( Mr John R. Watson ), won by Mr John Lamont. Ladies Championship ( Club’s Prize), Miss Helen Dale. Medal Finals, Miss J. Douglas and Mr J. Lamont. Aggregate, Miss MacKechnie and Mr D. Gall. The prizes were gracefully presented by Miss Hendry, Captain of the club, and Mr A. Douglas made an efficient M.C. at both functions.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times November 21st 1934.
Garelochhead Golf Club.
A most successful whist drive and dance was held in the Gibson Hall, Garelochhead, on behalf of the local golf club, on Friday. Dr J.M. Thomson was in charge of the whist drive, and Mr John Halford successfully conducted the dance, at which the music was purveyed by Vale Oregon Band. At the conclusion of the whist drive, the golf prizes won on the course during the year were gracefully presented by Mrs Thomson, wife of the President. The winners were as follows :-
Vallance Cup and Presidents Prize won by Master Ian Gillespie ( Presented by Dr J.M. Thomson ). Ladies championship won by Miss M. Douglas ( Prize presented by Miss M. Hepburn ).
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times August 28th 1935
Garelochhead Club.
Garelochhead Ladies, 3 ½ Matches V Shandon Ladies 2 ½ Matches. Singles at Garelochhead.
Helensburgh and Gareloch Times April 24th 1946.
Golf Course Camp.
It is reported that the accommodation at this camp is being altered to suit civilian requirements and that when this work is completed it will house several hundred workmen for the Loch Sloy Hydro Electric Scheme.