Forgotten Greens of Scotland
Forgotten Greens of Scotland

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Ardersier/Fort George Golf Clubs


Ardersier Golf Club. Instituted 1908. A nine-hole course within easy reach of Ardersier Station and Fort George.

   "The new golf course at Ardersier, near Fort George, was formally opened yesterday.

Although the weather was very unfavourable there was a representative attendance. Mr William Whielaw, chairman of the Highland Railway Company, presided at the ceremony. He said he had no doubt the course would be a great attraction to visitors and to officers who went to Fort George from time to time.

   Major Ritchie of the Seaforth depot, Fort George, then had an excellent drive from the first tee, and declared the course open. Dr Lindsay, Captain of the club, presented Major Ritchie with a handsome driver as a momento of the occasion and on the motion of Mr Macpherson, Mr Whitelaw was warmly thanked for presiding.

   After an opening round had been played, a Bazaar in aid of the funds of the club was opened in the public school, the opening ceremony being gracefully performed by Mrs Ritchie.

   Colonel Russell, President of the club, presented Chief Constable Machardy, Inverness with a driver as a token of appreciation of his services in designing the golf course. The course, which is one of nine holes, is adjacent to the common on which the soldiers are drilled. It has plenty of natural hazards, and offers sporting opportunities for play with the iron clubs." (S 18.7.1908)

   "The course, which is an undulating one, skirts the common at Fort George and overlooks the Firth at different points. It possesses quite a number of natural hazards, which add to it’s attractiveness from a golfer’s point of view. A few of the greens are somewhat small, but these can easily be extended. Several visitors, who played over the course on Friday, expressed themselves highly pleased with it’s varied, sporting character. The distance of the respective holes is as follows:- No 1 hole, 228 yards: 2, 165 yards; 3, 230 yards; 4, 180 yard ; 5, 190 yards; 6, 160 yard ; 7, 190 yards; 8, 140 yard ; 9, 290 yards – Total 1773 yards. The members of the club committee are :- Messrs Brooks, Johnstone, Macpherson, W. Mackintosh, Mackay, Smith, Young, Dr Lindsay, Colonel Russell, and Isaac Ash, M.A., Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.



The Opening Ceremony.



Major Ritchie, commanding the depot of the Seaforth Highlanders at Fort George, performed the opening ceremony. Unfortunately the weather proved very disagreeable, rain falling heavily, but, notwithstanding, a number of enthusiasts braved the elements, and the function was successfuly carried through. Mr William Whitelaw, chairman of the Highland Railway Company, genially discharged the duties of chairman. There were also present :- Mrs Ritchie, Mr and Mrs T.C. Stewart ; Colonel Russell, Treeton ; Mr W. Charles McBean, Soilcitor, Inverness, and Mrs McBean ; Councillor Duffy, Inverness, and the Misses Duffy ; Mr Gray, Retired Schoolmaster, Ardersier ; Mr Mackintosh, Rosevalley ; Rev. Mr Mackay, Free Church, Ardersier ; Rev. Mr Murray, Smyrna ; Mr William Mackintosh, High St, Ardersier ; Dr Lindasy, Ardersier; Mr Ash, Schoolmaster ; Mr Young, Contractor, Fort George ;Mr Lawson, Ardersier; Mr George Johnstone do ; Miss Leach, High St, do ; Miss Cowan, Miss Mackintosh, the Misses Cameron, the Alma Hotel ; Miss Martin, Vine Hotel ; Mr Macbean, Milton of Connage, and others.

   Mr Whitelaw expressed his regret that the weather had turned out so unfavourable for the opening ceremony. His friend Colonel Russell said that the highlands would never be in a satisfactory condition until there was a magnificent Hotel at Ardersier, and Ardersier became a popular seaside resort. All he could say was that the weather would have to change before they could look forward to that – (Laughter). Their duty that day was to open this course, and he trusted those of them who were golfers would find it in good condition. He had no doubt the course would be a great attraction to such of the officers as might come to Fort George from time to time.The people of Ardersier would have to work hard if they expected to hold their own with those from the Fort when they came to compete on the course. The Golf Club Committee had done extremely well in asking Major Ritchie to come and open the course. He was sure they would have every assistance and Sympathy from the Officers of the Fort – (Applause).

   Major Ritchie said he wished to thank the committee very much for their kindness in asking him to open the Ardersier Golf Course, and he had very great pleasure in aceeding to their desire. He was only sorry that the elements were so very bad. The course, as they all saw, was one of nine holes. It was, so to speak, more or less ready made to hand, but they must remember that all courses required improvement and this one also came under that category.The committee, as Mr Whitelaw pointed out, had done their duty well, and it only remained for them to endeavour to get as many friends as possible to join the club. The course was excellently situated. It was within easy access to Ardersier and Fort George. It commended on a good day an admirable view of of the surrounding country, comprising the Black Isle and also the hills beyond Inverness, which made a picture most pleasant for the eye to reat upon. He was perfectly certain the course would prove a great boon, not only to the inhabitants of Ardersier, but also to the residents within Fort George Barracks (Applause).The golf course was just the thing they wanted. Golf had sown it’s seed throughout the habitable part of the globe, and it was only fit and proper that it should sow it’s seed on the Ardersier Peninsula- (Applause). Proceeding to drive the first ball, Major Ritchie said :- I shall now proceed to try and strike this ball. I shall do my best to dispatch it on it’s journey, and if I make an indifferent shot, I hope you will forgive me. I am going to do my best – (Applause).

   Major Ritchie had an excellent drive from the first tee, and he was heartily applauded.

Major Ritchie thereafter said :- I have very much pleasure in declaring the Ardersier Golf Course Open, and I wish the Ardersier Golf Club long life and properity – ( Applause ).

   Dr Lindsay, Captain of the Ardersier Golf Club, said in name of the club he desired to thank Major Ritchie for performing the opening ceremony, and he had now to ask his acceptance of a driver, with silver mounted inscription, as a momento of that occasion – (Applause). It seemed to them very appropriate that the Officer in charge of the Seaforth Depot should open the course – (Applause). Three hearty cheers were accorded to Major Ritchie.

   Major Ritchie in reply, expressed his warm thanks for the presentation, and said he would keep the club as a pleasant momento of that interesting occasion. – (Applause).

   Mr Macpherson proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Whitelaw for presiding  

(Applause)Mr Whitelaw had come there that day at great trouble and inconvenience and they were very much indebted to him for his kindness – (Applause).

   Mr Whitelaw, in reply, said he had to return somewhat early that day, but he hoped to come back some other day when the elements were better. He was not a golfer, but nevertheless he thought he might well begin his golfing career at Ardersier, and he challenged Colonel Russell of Treeton to a match on the first suitable occasion –

(Laughter). He would be glad to do his best for the club at all times ( Applause ).

   The toast of success to the Ardersier Golf Course was subsequently cordially pledged.


The Bazaar.


A two-day’s Bazaar was opened at two o’clock, in the Public School, Ardersier, in aid of the funds of the golf club. There was a varied and attractive display. The stalls, which were prettily designed comprised a large number of useful and ornamentak exhibits. The opening ceremony was attended by a large gathering from Ardersier and the surrounding district. Mr Gray, retired Schoolmaster, who presided, said they all highly appreciated the diligence of those who had been working for months to make this attractive display. They all knew the object of the Bazaar. There was still a lot of work to be carried out to complete the course, and particularly the erection of a club-house for the players. The committee had been liberally backed up the local public and strangers from a distance. Every golfer who had seen the course had described it as a magnificent course, and capable of extension to be one of the best in Scotland (Applause). He had now the pleasure of calling upon Mrs Ritchie to open the Bazaar. Her husband, to whom he listened that day with great interest, did splendidly at the opening of the course. Mrs Ritchie was the better half, and she was bound to go two points better –

(Laughter and Applause).

   Mrs Ritchie said she had very great pleasure in coming there that day to open the Bazaar, which was really a splendid display. She had no idea that it was half so beautiful. She was sure they must all be proud of their work. She was sure the wet weather would have kept a good number of people from being present, so that those who attended would have to buy all the more. She had much pleasure in declaring the Bazaar open, and in wishing it every success – (Applause).

   Miss Edith Young presented Mrs Ritchie with a beautiful bouquet. Rev. Mr Mackay, Free Church, Ardersier, Proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Ritchie for performing the opening ceremony. Mrs Ritchie had place the village of Ardersier under a deep obligation by coming there that day to open the Bazaar – ( Applause ).

   The Rev Mr Mackay said that he did not speak as a member of the committee, or even as a member of the club, but as a member of the community. Their locality is favoured by nature- he might say that it had been rendered attractive by creation, but the additional attraction of golf would, he had no doubt, in time to come, make Ardersier still more attractive, with it’s clear air, fine scenery and the Royal and Ancient game of Golf –


   He went down to the golf course earlier in the day and was amply repaid for his labours  by catching a glimpse of that magnificent stroke by Major Ritchie. If the ball was not found exactly in the hole, as some said it was, it was found very near the neighbourhood of it – (Applause) Seeing that the golf course had been opened in such magnificent style, they were quite sure that the Bazaar had been opened in quite as pleasant and graceful a way by Mrs Ritchie- (Applause). The vote of thanks was warmly accorded.

   Colonel Russell, Treeton, said he had now a very pleasant duty to perform. He remarked that any town or village nowadays without a golf course was considered old fashioned and out of date. They desired to improve Ardersier, and to make it as attractive as possible for visitors. They had an excellent drainage system for the village, and they had also a good and ample supply of water by gravitation – (Applause).

They had long felt the want of a golf course, and they had that day taken part in the opening of a course which had won high praise from experienced golfers (Applause).

In carrying out the various improvements, their desire was to make Ardersier as attractive as possible for visitors – (Applause). People spoke about the bay of Naples being the finest in the world. He (Colonel Russell) had sailed in the Bay of Naples, and he could assure them that the Bay of Naples was not in it as compared with the Bay of Ardersier (Laughter and Applause). Colonel Russell then presented Chief Constable McHardy with a driver, with appropriate silver inscription, for his kindness in laying out the golf course, and said he trusted it would always remind him of the splendid sporting course he designed for them at Ardersier – (Applause).

   Chief Constable McHardy expressed his warm thanks for the gift. He could assure them he had been very pleased to lay out the course, and said he trusted it would prove all that they expected it to be – (Applause).

   Business was then actively proceeded with. On Saturday the Bazaar was opened by Mrs Haig, Gollanfield, in presence of a large gathering. Rev. Mr Robertson, in introducing Mrs Haig, alluded to the gratifying fact that nearly £105 had been realised on the previous day.

Mrs Haig thereafter declared the Bazaar open, and wished it every success. Mrs Haig was presented with a pretty bouquet by Miss Jessie Brooks. On the motion of Rev. Mr Murray, Smyrna, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs Haig and the other ladies who were assisiting in furthering the success of the Bazaar.

The following is a list of stall-holders and assistants :-

Mrs Cattell and Mrs Macpherson, assisted by Misses Cowan, Campbell ( Nairn ), Mackintosh, C. Mackintosh, M. Mackintosh, Macpherson, Cattell, Gunn.

Mrs Ash and Mrs Russell, assisted by Mrs Paterson, Mrs Falconer, Misses Maclennan, Mackenzie, Russell, W. Macdonald, M. Johnstone.

Mrs Lindasy and Mrs Young, assisted by Misses Young, C. Young, Gray, H. Gray, Macbean, N. Leach, M. Robertson, and Nurse Sinclair.

Dairy Stall – Mrs Mackintosh and Mrs Gunn, assisted by Misses M. Mackintosh, Clark, Macdonald, B. Young, J. Johnstone, B. Fraser, A. Mackintosh.

Refreshment Stall – Mrs Johnstone and Miss Johnstone, Assisted by Mrs H. Mackintosh, Mrs Joyce, Misses N. Cameron, B. Cattell, E. Martin, J. Johnstone, Macaskill, M. Johnstone, J. Mackintosh.

Shooting Gallery – Messrs Lawson and M. Morrison.

Gramaphone – Mr Leith.

At the close, Colonel Russell made the gratifying announcement that the total drawings amounted to £208. 5s. 10d, the amounts for the two days being just about equal."

(NC 22.7.1908)

  "Colonel Russell, V.D., J.P., Vice President of the Ardersier Club, has presented to the committee for competition among the members a handsome cup and three medals,  Gold, Silver and Bronze, the medals to be won outright- while the cup goes to the player who succeeds in winning the gold medal in three successive years. The gift is greatly prized, and will do much to stimulate greater interest in the game." (NC 19.8.1908)

   "A match was played on the Ardersier course on Wednesday afternoon between ten players from Fort George Depot and ten from the village. The match scores were :-


                  Depot                                                    Ardersier


Lieut. Lumsden ……       1                          R. Lawson …………            0

Capt. Campion …………  1                          Dr Macbean ……………….  0

Capt. Hay ………………    ½                        J. Russell ………………….. ½

Capt. Macfie ……………   0                         J. Macpherson ………………1

Lieut. Mackenzie ………  0                         J. Smith …………………….    1

Capt. Maclennan ………  1                         W. Lawson …………………  0

Lieut. Campbell ……… .  0                         J. Macrae …………………..  1

Lieut. Reid ………………   1                          J. Jones …………………….  . 0

Capt. Stockwell ……… .   0                         Dr Lindsay …………………   1

Sergt. Wilson ……………  1                           A. Mackintosh ……………..   0


                                     ------                                                               ------

                                       5 ½                                                               4 ½

(NC 30.3.1910)

   "The mercantile members of the Inverness club visited Ardersier on Wednesday afternoon, and had a friendly round with the Ardersier (Fort George) club, under pleasant conditions, though there was a stiffish wind. The match was closely contested, the local players coming out the winners by two points.

Scores :-


             Ardersier                                                Inverness


Capt. Campion ………… 0                         A. Shepherd ( Prof ) …….. 1

W. Mackintosh ………    1                          T. Baird …………………       0

Lieut. Hay …………… .   ½                         J. Ross ………………….       ½

Dr Macbean …………      1                          L. Macrae ……………….   .  0

T. Smith …………………   0                          J. Macpherson …………...  1

J. Russell ………………    1                           M. Christie ………………  .  0

Capt. Maclennan ………1                           G. Macdonald ……………   0

Lieut. Reid ……………     0                          J. Finlayson …………….. .   1

T. Macrae ………………    0                          W.R. Elliot ………………     1

Sergt. Badcock …………  0                          J.K. Ross ………………..     .1

M. Maclean ……………   ½                         J. Junor …………………..   ½

Dr Lindsay ………………   1                           C. Boyle ………………….    0

Sergt. Wilson …………     1                           T. Finlayson ……………..   0

W. Lawson ………………   1                           D. Maclachlan …………    0


                                     ------                                                               ------

                                        8                                                                     6

(NC 11.5.1910)

Last recorded 1927.


Fort George Golf Club. A golf club organised for the military stationed at Fort George. Played over the Ardersier links.  “A match was played on Wednesday on the Ardersier course between players from the Fort George Depot and the Ardersier club. “ (NC 30.3.1910)

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